-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/calendarview.cpp | 20 |
1 files changed, 10 insertions, 10 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp index fab4540..5150455 100644 --- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp @@ -666,610 +666,610 @@ QDate CalendarView::startDate() } QDate CalendarView::endDate() { DateList dates = mNavigator->selectedDates(); return dates.last(); } void CalendarView::createPrinter() { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER if (!mCalPrinter) { mCalPrinter = new CalPrinter(this, mCalendar); connect(this, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mCalPrinter, SLOT(updateConfig())); } #endif } void CalendarView::confSync() { static KSyncPrefsDialog* sp = 0; if ( ! sp ) { sp = new KSyncPrefsDialog( this, "syncprefs", true ); } sp->usrReadConfig(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION sp->showMaximized(); #else sp->show(); #endif sp->exec(); KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncProfileNames = sp->getSyncProfileNames(); KOPrefs::instance()->mLocalMachineName = sp->getLocalMachineName (); } //KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile //KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly // 0 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take local entry on conflict")); // 1 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take remote entry on conflict")); // 2 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take newest entry on conflict")); // 3 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Ask for every entry on conflict")); // 4 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Force take local entry always")); // 5 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Force take remote entry always")); int CalendarView::takeEvent( Incidence* local, Incidence* remote, int mode , bool full ) { //void setZaurusId(int id); // int zaurusId() const; // void setZaurusUid(int id); // int zaurusUid() const; // void setZaurusStat(int id); // int zaurusStat() const; // 0 equal // 1 take local // 2 take remote // 3 cancel QDateTime lastSync = mLastCalendarSync; if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { bool remCh, locCh; - remCh = ( remote->zaurusUid() != local->zaurusUid() ); + remCh = ( remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) != local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); locCh = ( local->lastModified() > mLastCalendarSync ); //qDebug("locCh %d remCh %d locuid %d remuid %d", locCh, remCh,local->zaurusUid(), remote->zaurusUid() ); if ( !remCh && ! locCh ) { //qDebug("both not changed "); lastSync = local->lastModified().addDays(1); } else { if ( locCh ) { //qDebug("loc changed %d %d", local->zaurusStat(), local->revision() ); lastSync = local->lastModified().addDays( -1 ); if ( !remCh ) remote->setLastModified( lastSync.addDays( -1 ) ); } else { //qDebug(" not loc changed "); lastSync = local->lastModified().addDays( 1 ); if ( remCh ) remote->setLastModified( lastSync.addDays( 1 ) ); } } full = true; if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_ASK ) mode = SYNC_PREF_ASK; } else { if ( local->lastModified() == remote->lastModified() ) if ( local->revision() == remote->revision() ) return 0; } // qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1() ); //qDebug("%s %d %s %d", local->lastModified().toString().latin1() , local->revision(), remote->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remote->revision()); //qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", local->lastModified().time().second(), local->lastModified().time().msec(), remote->lastModified().time().second(), remote->lastModified().time().msec() ); //full = true; //debug only if ( full ) { bool equ = false; if ( local->type() == "Event" ) { equ = (*((Event*) local) == *((Event*) remote)); } else if ( local->type() =="Todo" ) equ = (*((Todo*) local) == (*(Todo*) remote)); else if ( local->type() =="Journal" ) equ = (*((Journal*) local) == *((Journal*) remote)); if ( equ ) { //qDebug("equal "); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { - local->setZaurusUid( remote->zaurusUid() ); + local->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); } if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_FORCE_LOCAL ) return 0; }//else //debug only //qDebug("not equal %s %s ", local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1()); } int result; bool localIsNew; if ( full && mode < SYNC_PREF_NEWEST ) mode = SYNC_PREF_ASK; switch( mode ) { case SYNC_PREF_LOCAL: if ( lastSync > remote->lastModified() ) return 1; if ( lastSync > local->lastModified() ) return 2; return 1; break; case SYNC_PREF_REMOTE: if ( lastSync > remote->lastModified() ) return 1; if ( lastSync > local->lastModified() ) return 2; return 2; break; case SYNC_PREF_NEWEST: if ( local->lastModified() > remote->lastModified() ) return 1; else return 2; break; case SYNC_PREF_ASK: //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), local->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() ); if ( lastSync > remote->lastModified() ) return 1; if ( lastSync > local->lastModified() ) return 2; //qDebug("lsy %s --- lo %s --- re %s ", lastSync.toString().latin1(), local->lastModified().toString().latin1(), remote->lastModified().toString().latin1() ); localIsNew = local->lastModified() > remote->lastModified(); if ( localIsNew ) getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 ); else getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 ); getEventViewerDialog()->setIncidence(local); if ( localIsNew ) getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 2 ); else getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 1 ); getEventViewerDialog()->addIncidence(remote); getEventViewerDialog()->setColorMode( 0 ); //qDebug("local %d remote %d ",local->relatedTo(),remote->relatedTo() ); getEventViewerDialog()->setCaption( mCurrentSyncDevice +i18n(" : Conflict! Please choose entry!")); getEventViewerDialog()->showMe(); result = getEventViewerDialog()->executeS( localIsNew ); return result; break; case SYNC_PREF_FORCE_LOCAL: return 1; break; case SYNC_PREF_FORCE_REMOTE: return 2; break; default: // SYNC_PREF_TAKE_BOTH not implemented break; } return 0; } Event* CalendarView::getLastSyncEvent() { Event* lse; //qDebug("CurrentSyncDevice %s ",mCurrentSyncDevice .latin1() ); lse = mCalendar->event( "last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncDevice ); if (!lse) { lse = new Event(); lse->setUid( "last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncDevice ); QString sum = ""; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles.contains( mCurrentSyncDevice ) ) sum = "E: "; lse->setSummary(sum+mCurrentSyncDevice + i18n(" - sync event")); lse->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); lse->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 7200 ) ); lse->setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") ); lse->setReadOnly( true ); mCalendar->addEvent( lse ); } return lse; } // probaly useless void CalendarView::setupExternSyncProfiles() { Event* lse; mExternLastSyncEvent.clear(); int i; for ( i = 0; i < KOPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles.count(); ++i ) { lse = mCalendar->event( "last-syncEvent-"+ KOPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles[i] ); if ( lse ) mExternLastSyncEvent.append( lse ); else qDebug("Last Sync event not found for %s ", KOPrefs::instance()->mExternSyncProfiles[i].latin1()); } } // we check, if the to delete event has a id for a profile // if yes, we set this id in the profile to delete void CalendarView::checkExternSyncEvent( QPtrList<Event> lastSync , Incidence* toDelete ) { if ( ! lastSync.count() == 0 ) return; if ( toDelete->type() == "Journal" ) return; Event* eve = lastSync.first(); while ( eve ) { - int id = toDelete->getID( eve->uid().mid( 15 ) ); // this is the sync profile name - if ( id >= 0 ) { + QString id = toDelete->getID( eve->uid().mid( 15 ) ); // this is the sync profile name + if ( !id.isEmpty() ) { QString des = eve->description(); QString pref = "e"; if ( toDelete->type() == "Todo" ) pref = "t"; - des += pref+ QString::number ( id ) + ","; + des += pref+ id + ","; eve->setReadOnly( false ); eve->setDescription( des ); eve->setReadOnly( true ); } eve = lastSync.next(); } } void CalendarView::checkExternalId( Incidence * inc ) { QPtrList<Event> lastSync = mCalendar->getExternLastSyncEvents() ; checkExternSyncEvent( lastSync, inc ); } bool CalendarView::synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int mode ) { bool syncOK = true; int addedEvent = 0; int addedEventR = 0; int deletedEventR = 0; int deletedEventL = 0; int changedLocal = 0; int changedRemote = 0; //QPtrList<Event> el = local->rawEvents(); Event* eventR; QString uid; int take; Event* eventL; Event* eventRSync; Event* eventLSync; QPtrList<Event> eventRSyncSharp = remote->getExternLastSyncEvents(); QPtrList<Event> eventLSyncSharp = local->getExternLastSyncEvents(); bool fullDateRange = false; mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime(); QDateTime modifiedCalendar = mLastCalendarSync;; eventR = remote->event("last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncName ); if ( eventR ) { eventRSync = (Event*) eventR->clone(); remote->deleteEvent(eventR ); } else { fullDateRange = true; eventRSync = new Event(); eventRSync->setSummary(mCurrentSyncName + i18n(" - sync event")); eventRSync->setUid("last-syncEvent-"+mCurrentSyncName ); eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 7200 ) ); eventRSync->setCategories( i18n("SyncEvent") ); } eventLSync = getLastSyncEvent(); if ( eventLSync->dtStart() == mLastCalendarSync ) fullDateRange = true; if ( ! fullDateRange ) { if ( eventLSync->dtStart() != eventRSync->dtStart() ) { // qDebug("set fulldate to true %s %s" ,eventLSync->dtStart().toString().latin1(), eventRSync->dtStart().toString().latin1() ); //qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", eventLSync->dtStart().time().second(), eventLSync->dtStart().time().msec() , eventRSync->dtStart().time().second(), eventRSync->dtStart().time().msec()); fullDateRange = true; } } if ( fullDateRange ) mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -100*365); else mLastCalendarSync = eventLSync->dtStart(); // for resyncing if own file has changed if ( mCurrentSyncDevice == "deleteaftersync" ) { mLastCalendarSync = loadedFileVersion; qDebug("setting mLastCalendarSync "); } //qDebug("*************************** "); qDebug("mLastCalendarSync %s ",mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1() ); QPtrList<Incidence> er = remote->rawIncidences(); Incidence* inR = er.first(); Incidence* inL; QProgressBar bar( er.count(),0 ); bar.setCaption (i18n("Syncing - close to abort!") ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); int modulo = (er.count()/10)+1; int incCounter = 0; while ( inR ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return false; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) bar.setProgress( incCounter ); ++incCounter; uid = inR->uid(); bool skipIncidence = false; if ( uid.left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) skipIncidence = true; qApp->processEvents(); if ( !skipIncidence ) { inL = local->incidence( uid ); if ( inL ) { // maybe conflict - same uid in both calendars int maxrev = inL->revision(); if ( maxrev < inR->revision() ) maxrev = inR->revision(); if ( (take = takeEvent( inL, inR, mode, fullDateRange )) > 0 ) { //qDebug("take %d %s ", take, inL->summary().latin1()); if ( take == 3 ) return false; if ( take == 1 ) {// take local - inL->setZaurusUid( inR->zaurusUid() ); + inL->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); remote->deleteIncidence( inR ); if ( inL->revision() < maxrev ) inL->setRevision( maxrev ); remote->addIncidence( inL->clone() ); ++changedRemote; } else { if ( inR->revision() < maxrev ) inR->setRevision( maxrev ); local->deleteIncidence( inL ); local->addIncidence( inR->clone() ); ++changedLocal; } } } else { // no conflict if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { QString des = eventLSync->description(); QString pref = "e"; if ( inR->type() == "Todo" ) pref = "t"; - if ( des.find(pref+QString::number( inR->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) ) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it + if ( des.find(pref+ inR->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it inR->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_DELETE ); //remote->deleteIncidence( inR ); ++deletedEventR; } else { inR->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); local->addIncidence( inR->clone() ); ++addedEvent; } } else { if ( inR->lastModified() > mLastCalendarSync || mode == 5 ) { inR->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); local->addIncidence( inR->clone() ); ++addedEvent; } else { checkExternSyncEvent(eventRSyncSharp, inR); remote->deleteIncidence( inR ); ++deletedEventR; } } } } inR = er.next(); } QPtrList<Incidence> el = local->rawIncidences(); inL = el.first(); modulo = (el.count()/10)+1; bar.setCaption (i18n("Add / remove events") ); bar.setTotalSteps ( el.count() ) ; bar.show(); incCounter = 0; while ( inL ) { qApp->processEvents(); if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return false; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) bar.setProgress( incCounter ); ++incCounter; uid = inL->uid(); bool skipIncidence = false; if ( uid.left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) skipIncidence = true; if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL && inL->type() == "Journal" ) skipIncidence = true; if ( !skipIncidence ) { inR = remote->incidence( uid ); if ( ! inR ) { if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) { - if ( inL->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) >= 0 && mode != 4 ) { + if ( !inL->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) { local->deleteIncidence( inL ); ++deletedEventL; } else { if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { - inL->setID(mCurrentSyncDevice, -1 ); + inL->removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice ); ++addedEventR; inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); remote->addIncidence( inL->clone() ); } } } else { if ( inL->lastModified() < mLastCalendarSync && mode != 4 ) { checkExternSyncEvent(eventLSyncSharp, inL); local->deleteIncidence( inL ); ++deletedEventL; } else { if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) { ++addedEventR; inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar ); remote->addIncidence( inL->clone() ); } } } } } inL = el.next(); } bar.hide(); mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( false ); eventLSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync ); eventLSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) ); eventRSync->setLocation( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ; eventLSync->setLocation(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName ); eventLSync->setReadOnly( true ); if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL) remote->addEvent( eventRSync ); QString mes; mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedEvent, addedEventR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedEventL, deletedEventR ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncSummary ) { KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization") ); } qDebug( mes ); mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true ); return syncOK; } void CalendarView::setSyncDevice( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncDevice= s; } void CalendarView::setSyncName( QString s ) { mCurrentSyncName= s; } bool CalendarView::syncCalendar(QString filename, int mode) { mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL; CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); FileStorage* storage = new FileStorage( calendar ); bool syncOK = false; storage->setFileName( filename ); // qDebug("loading ... "); if ( storage->load(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); if ( syncOK ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile ) { storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) ); storage->save(); } } setModified( true ); } delete storage; delete calendar; if ( syncOK ) updateView(); return syncOK; } void CalendarView::syncSharp() { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL; //mCurrentSyncDevice = "sharp-DTM"; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mAskForPreferences ) edit_sync_options(); qApp->processEvents(); CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal(); calendar->setTimeZoneId(KOPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); bool syncOK = false; SharpFormat sharpFormat; if ( sharpFormat.load( calendar, mCalendar ) ) { getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true ); syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, KOPrefs::instance()->mSyncAlgoPrefs ); getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false ); qApp->processEvents(); if ( syncOK ) { if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile ) { QPtrList<Incidence> iL = mCalendar->rawIncidences(); Incidence* inc = iL.first(); /* obsolete while ( inc ) { inc->setZaurusStat( inc->revision () ); inc = iL.next(); } */ // pending: clean last sync event description sharpFormat.save(calendar); iL = calendar->rawIncidences(); inc = iL.first(); Incidence* loc; while ( inc ) { if ( inc->tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ) { loc = mCalendar->incidence(inc->uid() ); if ( loc ) { loc->setID(mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); - loc->setZaurusUid( inc->zaurusUid() ); + loc->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) ); } } inc = iL.next(); } Incidence* lse = getLastSyncEvent(); if ( lse ) { lse->setReadOnly( false ); lse->setDescription( "" ); lse->setReadOnly( true ); } } } setModified( true ); } else { QString question = i18n("Sorry, the database access\ncommand failed!\n\nNothing synced!\n") ; QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("KO/Pi Import - ERROR"), question, i18n("Ok")) ; } delete calendar; updateView(); return ;//syncOK; #endif } #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> bool CalendarView::importBday() { KABC::StdAddressBook* AddressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true ); KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it; int count = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { ++count; } QProgressBar bar(count,0 ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); bar.setCaption (i18n("Reading addressbook - close to abort!") ); qApp->processEvents(); count = 0; int addCount = 0; KCal::Attendee* a = 0; for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return false; bar.setProgress( count++ ); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("add BDay %s %s", (*it).realName().latin1(),(*it).birthday().date().toString().latin1() ); if ( (*it).birthday().date().isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( (*it).birthday().date(), (*it).assembledName(), a, true ) ) ++addCount; } QDate anni = KGlobal::locale()->readDate( (*it).custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary" ), "%Y-%m-%d"); if ( anni.isValid() ){ a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ; if ( addAnniversary( anni, (*it).assembledName(), a, false ) ) |