path: root/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (limited to 'korganizer/calendarview.cpp') (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 16 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
index 31e103d..8965d3b 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
@@ -1725,513 +1725,512 @@ bool CalendarView::synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int
idS = inR->IDStr();
int calID = inR->calID();
remote->deleteIncidence( inR );
inR = inL->clone();
inR->setCalID( calID );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode != SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL )
inR->setIDStr( idS );
remote->addIncidence( inR );
if ( mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() )
inR->setPilotId( 2 );
} else {// take remote **********************
if ( !inL->isReadOnly() ) {
idS = inL->IDStr();
int pid = inL->pilotId();
int calID = inL->calID();
local->deleteIncidence( inL );
inL = inR->clone();
inL->setCalID( calID );
if ( mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() )
inL->setPilotId( pid );
inL->setIDStr( idS );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inL->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL->setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
local->addIncidence( inL );
} else { // no conflict ********** add or delete remote
if ( !filterIN || filterIN->filterCalendarItem( inR ) ){
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
QString des = eventLSync->description();
QString pref = "e";
if ( inR->typeID() == todoID )
pref = "t";
if ( des.find(pref+ inR->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it
inR->setTempSyncStat( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_DELETE );
//remote->deleteIncidence( inR );
} else {
inR->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar );
inL = inR->clone();
inL->setIDStr( ":" );
inL->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL->setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL->setCalID( 0 );// add to default cal
local->addIncidence( inL );
} else {
if ( inR->lastModified() > mLastCalendarSync || mode == 5 ) {
inR->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar );
inL = inR->clone();
inL->setIDStr( ":" );
inL->setCalID( 0 );// add to default cal
local->addIncidence( inL );
} else {
checkExternSyncEvent(eventRSyncSharp, inR);
remote->deleteIncidence( inR );
} else {
inR =;
QPtrList<Incidence> el = local->rawIncidences();
inL = el.first();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
bar.setCaption (i18n("Add / remove events") );
bar.setTotalSteps ( el.count() ) ;;
incCounter = 0;
while ( inL ) {
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
bar.setProgress( incCounter );
uid = inL->uid();
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL && inL->typeID() == journalID )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inR = remote->incidenceForUid( uid , true );
if ( ! inR ) {
if ( !filterOUT || filterOUT->filterCalendarItem( inL ) ){
// no conflict ********** add or delete local
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
if ( !inL->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) {
checkExternSyncEvent(eventLSyncSharp, inL);
local->deleteIncidence( inL );
} else {
if ( ! mSyncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL->removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice );
//qDebug("remote added Incidence %s ", inL->summary().latin1());
inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar );
inR = inL->clone();
inR->setIDStr( ":" );
inR->setCalID( 0 );// add to default cal
remote->addIncidence( inR );
} else {
if ( inL->lastModified() < mLastCalendarSync && mode != 4 ) {
checkExternSyncEvent(eventLSyncSharp, inL);
local->deleteIncidence( inL );
} else {
if ( ! mSyncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL->setLastModified( modifiedCalendar );
inR = inL->clone();
inR->setIDStr( ":" );
inR->setCalID( 0 );// add to default cal
remote->addIncidence( inR );
} else {
inL =;
int delFut = 0;
int remRem = 0;
if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture ) {
er = remote->rawIncidences();
remRem = er.count();
inR = er.first();
QDateTime dt;
QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -(mSyncManager->mWriteBackInPast * 7) );
QDateTime end = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( (mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture ) *7 );
while ( inR ) {
if ( inR->typeID() == todoID ) {
Todo * t = (Todo*)inR;
if ( t->hasDueDate() )
dt = t->dtDue();
dt = cur.addSecs( 62 );
else if (inR->typeID() == eventID ) {
bool ok;
dt = inR->getNextOccurence( cur, &ok );
if ( !ok )
dt = cur.addSecs( -62 );
dt = inR->dtStart();
if ( dt < cur || dt > end ) {
remote->deleteIncidence( inR );
inR =;
mLastCalendarSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
eventLSync->setReadOnly( false );
eventLSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync );
eventRSync->setDtStart( mLastCalendarSync );
eventLSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) );
eventRSync->setDtEnd( mLastCalendarSync.addSecs( 3600 ) );
eventRSync->setLocation( i18n("Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
eventLSync->setLocation(i18n("Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
eventLSync->setReadOnly( true );
qDebug("KO: Normal sync: %d ",mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL && !mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop()) // kde is abnormal...
remote->addEvent( eventRSync );
delete eventRSync;
qDebug("KO: Sync with desktop %d ",mSyncManager->syncWithDesktop() );
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n"),addedEvent, addedEventR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedEventL, deletedEventR, filteredIN, filteredOUT );
QString delmess;
if ( delFut ) {
delmess.sprintf( i18n("%d items skipped on remote,\nbecause they are more\nthan %d weeks in the past or\nmore than %d weeks in the future.\nAfter skipping, remote has\n%d calendar/todo items."), delFut,mSyncManager->mWriteBackInPast,mSyncManager->mWriteBackInFuture, remRem-delFut);
mes += delmess;
mes = i18n("Local calendar changed!\n") +mes;
mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true );
qDebug( mes );
if ( mSyncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) {
if ( KMessageBox::Cancel == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mes,
i18n("KO/Pi Synchronization"),i18n("Write back"))) {
qDebug("KO: WB cancelled ");
mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile = false;
return syncOK;
return syncOK;
void CalendarView::setSyncDevice( QString s )
mCurrentSyncDevice= s;
void CalendarView::setSyncName( QString s )
mCurrentSyncName= s;
bool CalendarView::syncCalendar(QString filename, int mode)
//qDebug("syncCalendar %s ", filename.latin1());
mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL;
CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal();
FileStorage* storage = new FileStorage( calendar );
bool syncOK = false;
storage->setFileName( filename );
// qDebug("loading ... ");
if ( storage->load() ) {
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true );
syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode );
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile )
storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat() );
setModified( true );
delete storage;
delete calendar;
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
void CalendarView::syncExternal( int mode )
CalendarLocal* calendar = new CalendarLocal();
bool syncOK = false;
bool loadSuccess = false;
PhoneFormat* phoneFormat = 0;
emit tempDisableBR(true);
SharpFormat* sharpFormat = 0;
if ( mode == 0 ) { // sharp
sharpFormat = new SharpFormat () ;
loadSuccess = sharpFormat->load( calendar, mCalendar );
} else
if ( mode == 1 ) { // phone
phoneFormat = new PhoneFormat (mCurrentSyncDevice,
loadSuccess = phoneFormat->load( calendar,mCalendar);
} else {
emit tempDisableBR(false);
if ( loadSuccess ) {
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true );
syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mSyncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs );
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( mSyncManager->mWriteBackFile )
QPtrList<Incidence> iL = mCalendar->rawIncidences();
Incidence* inc = iL.first();
if ( phoneFormat ) {
while ( inc ) {
inc =;
if ( sharpFormat )
if ( phoneFormat )
iL = calendar->rawIncidences();
inc = iL.first();
Incidence* loc;
while ( inc ) {
if ( inc->tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ) {
loc = mCalendar->incidence(inc->uid() );
if ( loc ) {
loc->setID(mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
loc->setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inc->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inc =;
Incidence* lse = getLastSyncEvent();
if ( lse ) {
lse->setReadOnly( false );
lse->setDescription( "" );
lse->setReadOnly( true );
} else {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed.") );
setModified( true );
} else {
QString question = i18n("Sorry, the database access\ncommand failed!\n\nNothing synced!\n") ;
QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("KO/Pi Import - ERROR"),
question, i18n("Ok")) ;
delete calendar;
emit tempDisableBR(false);
return ;//syncOK;
bool CalendarView::importBday()
int curCal = mCalendar->defaultCalendar();
int bd = mCalEditView->getBirtdayID();
if ( bd == 0 )
return false;
mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( bd );
KABC::StdAddressBook* AddressBook = KABC::StdAddressBook::self( true );
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it;
int count = 0;
for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) {
QProgressBar bar(count,0 );
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );;
bar.setCaption (i18n("Reading addressbook - close to abort!") );
count = 0;
int addCount = 0;
KCal::Attendee* a = 0;
for( it = AddressBook->begin(); it != AddressBook->end(); ++it ) {
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
return false;
bar.setProgress( count++ );
//qDebug("add BDay %s %s", (*it).realName().latin1(),(*it).birthday().date().toString().latin1() );
if ( (*it).birthday().date().isValid() ){
a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ;
if ( addAnniversary( (*it).birthday().date(), (*it).assembledName(), a, true ) )
QDate anni = KGlobal::locale()->readDate( (*it).custom("KADDRESSBOOK", "X-Anniversary" ), "%Y-%m-%d");
if ( anni.isValid() ){
a = new KCal::Attendee( (*it).realName(), (*it).preferredEmail(),false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,(*it).uid()) ;
if ( addAnniversary( anni, (*it).assembledName(), a, false ) )
mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( curCal );
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( addCount )+ i18n(" birthdays/anniversaries added!"));
ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestBirthdayListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/kopi", this->name() /* name is here the unique uid*/);
// the result should now arrive through method insertBirthdays
#endif //KORG_NOKABC
return true;
// This method will be called from Ka/Pi as a response to requestBirthdayListFromKAPI
void CalendarView::insertBirthdays(const QString& uid, const QStringList& birthdayList,
const QStringList& anniversaryList, const QStringList& realNameList,
const QStringList& emailList, const QStringList& assembledNameList,
const QStringList& uidList)
if (uid == this->name())
int curCal = mCalendar->defaultCalendar();
int bd = mCalEditView->getBirtdayID();
if ( bd == 0 )
mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( bd );
int count = birthdayList.count();
int addCount = 0;
KCal::Attendee* a = 0;
//qDebug("CalView 1 %i", count);
QProgressBar bar(count,0 );
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );;
bar.setCaption (i18n("inserting birthdays - close to abort!") );
QDate birthday;
QDate anniversary;
QString realName;
QString email;
QString assembledName;
QString uid;
bool ok = true;
for ( int i = 0; i < count; i++)
if ( ! bar.isVisible() )
bar.setProgress( i );
birthday = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(birthdayList[i], KLocale::ISODate, &ok);
if (!ok) {
;//qDebug("CalendarView::insertBirthdays found invalid birthday: %s",birthdayList[i].latin1());
anniversary = KGlobal::locale()->readDate(anniversaryList[i], KLocale::ISODate, &ok);
if (!ok) {
;//qDebug("CalendarView::insertBirthdays found invalid anniversary: %s",anniversaryList[i].latin1());
realName = realNameList[i];
email = emailList[i];
assembledName = assembledNameList[i];
uid = uidList[i];
//qDebug("insert birthday in KO/Pi: %s,%s,%s,%s: %s, %s", realName.latin1(), email.latin1(), assembledName.latin1(), uid.latin1(), birthdayList[i].latin1(), anniversaryList[i].latin1() );
if ( birthday.isValid() ){
a = new KCal::Attendee( realName, email,false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,
KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,uid) ;
if ( addAnniversary( birthday, assembledName, a, true ) )
if ( anniversary.isValid() ){
a = new KCal::Attendee( realName, email,false,KCal::Attendee::NeedsAction,
KCal::Attendee::ReqParticipant,uid) ;
if ( addAnniversary( anniversary, assembledName, a, false ) )
mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( curCal );
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(QString::number( addCount )+ i18n(" birthdays/anniversaries added!"));
bool CalendarView::addAnniversary( QDate date, QString name, KCal::Attendee* a, bool birthday)
//qDebug("addAnni ");
Event * ev = new Event();
if ( a ) {
ev->addAttendee( a );
QString kind;
if ( birthday ) {
kind = i18n( "Birthday" );
ev->setSummary( name + " (" + QString::number(date.year()) +")");
else {
kind = i18n( "Anniversary" );
ev->setSummary( name + " (" + QString::number(date.year()) +") " + kind );
ev->setCategories( kind );
@@ -4781,396 +4780,410 @@ void CalendarView::takeOverCalendar()
QPtrList<Journal> journals = mCalendar->journals();
for(uint i=0; i<journals.count(); ++i) {>setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email());>recreate();>setReadOnly(false);
void CalendarView::showIntro()
kdDebug() << "To be implemented." << endl;
QWidgetStack *CalendarView::viewStack()
return mRightFrame;
QWidget *CalendarView::leftFrame()
return ( QWidget *)mLeftFrame;
DateNavigator *CalendarView::dateNavigator()
return mNavigator;
KDateNavigator* CalendarView::dateNavigatorWidget()
return mDateNavigator->navigatorView();
void CalendarView::toggleDateNavigatorWidget()
KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator = !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator ;
if (!KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator )
void CalendarView::addView(KOrg::BaseView *view)
void CalendarView::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view)
mViewManager->showView(view, mLeftFrame->isVisible());
Incidence *CalendarView::currentSelection()
return mViewManager->currentSelection();
void CalendarView::toggleAllDaySize()
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize > 47 )
KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize /2;
KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize = KOPrefs::instance()->mAllDaySize *2;
void CalendarView::toggleExpand()
// if ( mLeftFrame->isHidden() ) {
// mLeftFrame->show();
// emit calendarViewExpanded( false );
// } else {
// mLeftFrame->hide();
// emit calendarViewExpanded( true );
// }
//qDebug(" CalendarView::toggleExpand()");
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
emit calendarViewExpanded( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 5;
mViewManager->raiseCurrentView( !mLeftFrame->isHidden() );
//mViewManager->showView( 0, true );
void CalendarView::calendarModified( bool modified, Calendar * )
setModified( modified );
Todo *CalendarView::selectedTodo()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( incidence && incidence->typeID() == todoID ) {
return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence && incidence->typeID() == todoID ) {
return static_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
return 0;
void CalendarView::showIncidence()
mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog = false;
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
ShowIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::editIncidenceDescription()
mFlagEditDescription = true;
mFlagEditDescription = false;
void CalendarView::editIncidence()
// qDebug("editIncidence() ");
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
EditIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::deleteIncidence()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if ( !incidence ) incidence = mTodoList->selectedIncidences().first();
if ( incidence ) {
void CalendarView::showIncidence(QString uid)
Incidence *inc = mCalendar->incidence( uid );
if ( inc )
showIncidence( inc );
void CalendarView::showIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog = false;
//qDebug("%x %x ",sender (), mDialogManager->getSearchDialog() );
if ( sender() && mDialogManager->getSearchDialog() ) {
if ( sender () == mDialogManager->getSearchDialog()->listview() ) {
mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog = true;
if ( incidence ) {
ShowIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::editIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
if ( incidence ) {
EditIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::deleteIncidence(Incidence *incidence)
//qDebug(" CalendarView::deleteIncidence ");
if ( incidence == 0 ) {
emit updateSearchDialog();
if ( incidence ) {
DeleteIncidenceVisitor v;
v.act( incidence, this );
void CalendarView::lookForOutgoingMessages()
OutgoingDialog *ogd = mDialogManager->outgoingDialog();
void CalendarView::lookForIncomingMessages()
IncomingDialog *icd = mDialogManager->incomingDialog();
bool CalendarView::removeCompletedSubTodos( Todo* t )
bool deleteTodo = true;
QPtrList<Incidence> subTodos;
Incidence *aTodo;
subTodos = t->relations();
for (aTodo = subTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
if (! removeCompletedSubTodos( (Todo*) aTodo ))
deleteTodo = false;
if ( deleteTodo ) {
if ( t->isCompleted() && !t->doesRecur()) {
checkExternalId( t );
mCalendar->deleteTodo( t );
changeTodoDisplay( t,KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED );
deleteTodo = false;
return deleteTodo;
void CalendarView::purgeCompleted()
int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,
i18n("Delete all completed todos?\n(Completed recurring todos\nwill not be deleted!)"),i18n("Purge Todos"),i18n("Purge"));
if (result == KMessageBox::Continue) {
QPtrList<Todo> todoCal;
QPtrList<Todo> rootTodos;
//QPtrList<Incidence> rel;
Todo *aTodo;
todoCal = calendar()->todos();
for (aTodo = todoCal.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
if ( !aTodo->relatedTo() )
rootTodos.append( aTodo );
for (aTodo = rootTodos.first(); aTodo; aTodo = {
removeCompletedSubTodos( aTodo );
void CalendarView::slotCalendarChanged()
void CalendarView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e)
//qDebug("CalendarView::keyPressEvent ");
-bool CalendarView::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
+bool CalendarView::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode,QString resource)
if ( manager != mSyncManager)
qDebug("KO: Internal error-1. SyncManager mismatch ");
if ( filename == QDir::homeDirPath ()+"/.kdecalendardump.ics" ) {
qDebug("KO: SyncKDE request detected!");
mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName();
- return syncCalendar( filename, mode );
+ if ( !resource.isEmpty() ) {
+ int exclusiveSyncResource = KOPrefs::instance()->getFuzzyCalendarID( resource );
+ qDebug( "KO: Sync request for resource: %s", resource.latin1() );
+ if ( !exclusiveSyncResource ) {
+ qDebug( "KO: Requested sync resource not found: %s", resource.latin1() );
+ return false;
+ }
+ mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( exclusiveSyncResource );
+ mCalendar->setDefaultCalendarEnabledOnly();
+ }
+ bool result = syncCalendar( filename, mode );
+ if ( !resource.isEmpty() )
+ restoreCalendarSettings();
+ return result;
bool CalendarView::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
//mSyncManager = manager;
if ( manager != mSyncManager)
qDebug("KO: Internal error-2. SyncManager mismatch ");
mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
mCurrentSyncName = mSyncManager->getCurrentSyncName();
if ( resource == "sharp" )
syncExternal( 0 );
if ( resource == "phone" )
syncExternal( 1 );
// pending setmodified
return true;
void CalendarView::setSyncManager(KSyncManager* manager)
mSyncManager = manager;
void CalendarView::removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile)
qDebug("KO: removeSyncInfo for profile %s ", syncProfile.latin1());
mCalendar->removeSyncInfo( syncProfile );
void CalendarView::undo_delete()
//qDebug("undo_delete() ");
Incidence* undo = mCalendar->undoIncidence();
if ( !undo ) {
KMessageBox::sorry(this,i18n("There is nothing to undo!"),
if ( KMessageBox::Continue ==KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this,KGlobal::formatMessage ( undo->summary(),0 ) +
i18n("\nAre you sure you want\nto restore this?"),
i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Restore"))) {
void CalendarView::slotViewerClosed()
QTimer::singleShot( 50, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) );
void CalendarView::resetFocus()
if ( mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog ) {
if ( mDialogManager->getSearchDialog()->isVisible() ){
} else
mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog = false;
if ( !mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog ) {
//qDebug("sssssssssssssssset focus ");
mViewerCallerIsSearchDialog = false;
void CalendarView::showNextAlarms()
QString message;
QDateTime nextAl = mCalendar->nextAlarmEventDateTime();
if ( nextAl.isValid() && mNextAlarmDateTime > QDateTime::currentDateTime() ) {
QString sum = mCalendar->nextSummary();
QDateTime nextA = mNextAlarmDateTime;
QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
int secs = cur.secsTo( nextA );
int min = secs /60;
int hours = min /60;
min = min % 60;
int days = hours /24;
hours = hours % 24;
//message = i18n("The next alarm is in:\n");
if ( days > 1 )
message += i18n("%1 days\n").arg( days );
else if ( days == 1 )
message += i18n("1 day\n");
if ( hours > 1 )
message += i18n("%1 hours\n").arg( hours );
else if ( hours == 1 )
message += i18n("1 hour\n");
if ( min > 1 )
message += i18n("%1 minutes\n").arg( min );
else if ( min == 1 )
message += i18n("1 minute\n");
if ( message.isEmpty() )
message = i18n("The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!");
message = i18n("The next alarm is in:\n") + message;
message += i18n("\n(%1)\n\n%2\n(%3)\n").arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(nextA , false)).arg(sum ).arg( KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(nextAl , false)) ;
} else {
message = i18n("There is no next alarm.");
if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mUseInternalAlarmNotification ) {
message += i18n("\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n");
message += i18n("Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.");
KMessageBox::information( this, message);
void CalendarView::displayCalendarInfo( int id )
int e, t,j;
KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id );
QString name = kkf->mName;
mCalendar->getIncidenceCount( id, e, t, j );
QString file = KGlobal::formatMessage ( kkf->mFileName ,0 );
QString mess = i18n("The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>").arg(name).arg(file);
mess += i18n("<br>The calendar contains<br><b>%1 events<br>%2 todos<br>%3 journals</b>").arg( e ).arg( t ).arg( j );
KMessageBox::information( this, mess );