-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/abstractmail.cpp | 2 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.cpp | 20 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/main.cpp | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp | 2 |
5 files changed, 17 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop b/kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop index a23420a..e3efcc6 100644 --- a/kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop +++ b/kmicromail/kmicromail.desktop @@ -1,15 +1,15 @@ [Desktop Entry] CanFastload=1 Comment=OM/PI Comment[de]=KM/PI Display=640x480/144dpi,480x640/144dpi Exec=ompi GenericName= GenericName[de]= -Icon=kdepim/kmicromail/kmicromail +Icon=kdepim/kopiemail/kmicromail MimeType= Name=OM/Pi StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/abstractmail.cpp b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/abstractmail.cpp index 3b0ca1f..cef4e97 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/abstractmail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/abstractmail.cpp @@ -33,193 +33,193 @@ AbstractMail* AbstractMail::getWrapper(NNTPaccount *a) return new NNTPwrapper(a); } AbstractMail* AbstractMail::getWrapper(const QString&a,const QString&name) { return new MHwrapper(a,name); } AbstractMail* AbstractMail::getWrapper(Account*a) { if (!a) return 0; switch (a->getType()) { case MAILLIB::A_IMAP: return new IMAPwrapper((IMAPaccount*)a); break; case MAILLIB::A_POP3: return new POP3wrapper((POP3account*)a); break; case MAILLIB::A_NNTP: return new NNTPwrapper((NNTPaccount*)a); break; default: return 0; } } encodedString* AbstractMail::decode_String(const encodedString*text,const QString&enc) { // odebug << "Decode string start" << oendl; char*result_text; size_t index = 0; /* reset for recursive use! */ size_t target_length = 0; result_text = 0; int mimetype = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_7BIT; if (enc.lower()=="quoted-printable") { mimetype = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_QUOTED_PRINTABLE; } else if (enc.lower()=="base64") { mimetype = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_BASE64; } else if (enc.lower()=="8bit") { mimetype = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_8BIT; } else if (enc.lower()=="binary") { mimetype = MAILMIME_MECHANISM_BINARY; } int err = mailmime_part_parse(text->Content(),text->Length(),&index,mimetype, &result_text,&target_length); encodedString* result = new encodedString(); if (err == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { result->setContent(result_text,target_length); } //odebug << "Decode string finished" << oendl; return result; } QString AbstractMail::convert_String(const char*text) { //size_t index = 0; char*res = 0; int err = MAILIMF_NO_ERROR; QString result(text); /* due a bug in libetpan it isn't usable this moment */ /* int err = mailmime_encoded_phrase_parse("iso-8859-1", text, strlen(text),&index, "iso-8859-1",&res);*/ //odebug << "Input: " << text << "" << oendl; if (err == MAILIMF_NO_ERROR && res && strlen(res)) { // result = QString(res); // odebug << "Res: " << res << ", length: " << strlen(res) << "" << oendl; } if (res) free(res); return result; } /* cp & paste from launcher */ QString AbstractMail::gen_attachment_id() { QFile file( "/proc/sys/kernel/random/uuid" ); if (!file.open(IO_ReadOnly ) ) return QString::null; QTextStream stream(&file); return "{" + stream.read().stripWhiteSpace() + "}"; } int AbstractMail::createMbox(const QString&,const FolderP&,const QString& ,bool) { return 0; } QString AbstractMail::defaultLocalfolder() { // QString f = getenv( "HOME" ); - QString f = locateLocal( "data", "kmicromail/localmail"); + QString f = locateLocal( "data", "kopiemail/localmail"); // f += "/Applications/opiemail/localmail"; return f; } QString AbstractMail::draftFolder() { return QString("Drafts"); } /* temporary - will be removed when implemented in all classes */ void AbstractMail::deleteMails(const QString &,const QValueList<Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<RecMail> > &) { } void AbstractMail::deleteMailList(const QValueList<RecMailP>&target) { //qDebug("AbstractMail::deleteMailList:: Please reimplement! "); // this is currently re-implemented in pop3wrapper and imapwrapper int iii = 0; int count = target.count(); QProgressBar bar( count,0 ); bar.setCaption (("Removing mails - close to abort!") ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); int modulo = (count/10)+1; int incCounter = 0; while (iii < count ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return ; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) bar.setProgress( incCounter ); ++incCounter; qApp->processEvents(); RecMailP mail = (*target.at( iii )); deleteMail(mail); ++iii; } } void AbstractMail::mvcpAllMails(const FolderP&fromFolder, const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit, int maxSizeInKb) { QValueList<RecMailP> t; listMessages(fromFolder->getName(),t, maxSizeInKb); mvcpMailList( t,targetFolder,targetWrapper,moveit); } void AbstractMail::mvcpMailList(const QValueList<RecMailP>& t, const QString&targetFolder,AbstractMail*targetWrapper,bool moveit) { encodedString*st = 0; int iii = 0; int count = t.count(); if ( count == 0 ) return; QProgressBar bar( count,0 ); bar.setCaption (("Copying mails - close to abort!") ); int w = 300; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) w = 220; int h = bar.sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); bar.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); bar.show(); int modulo = (count/10)+1; int incCounter = 0; while (iii < count ) { if ( ! bar.isVisible() ) return ; if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 ) bar.setProgress( incCounter ); ++incCounter; bar.raise(); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("copy "); RecMailP r = (*t.at( iii )); st = fetchRawBody(r); if (st) { targetWrapper->storeMessage(st->Content(),st->Length(),targetFolder); delete st; } ++iii; } bar.hide(); if (moveit) { deleteMailList( t ); //deleteAllMail(fromFolder); } } diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.cpp b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.cpp index bdb2a25..b0a539e 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/settings.cpp @@ -1,440 +1,440 @@ #include <stdlib.h> #include <qdir.h> //#include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <qpe/config.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include "settings.h" //#include "defines.h" #define IMAP_PORT "143" #define IMAP_SSL_PORT "993" #define SMTP_PORT "25" #define SMTP_SSL_PORT "465" #define POP3_PORT "110" #define POP3_SSL_PORT "995" #define NNTP_PORT "119" #define NNTP_SSL_PORT "563" Settings::Settings() : QObject() { updateAccounts(); } void Settings::checkDirectory() { qDebug("Settings::checkDirectory() "); return; - locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ); + locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ); /* if ( !QDir( (QString) getenv( "HOME" ) + "/Applications/opiemail/" ).exists() ) { system( "mkdir -p $HOME/Applications/opiemail" ); qDebug("$HOME/Applications/opiemail created "); } */ } QList<Account> Settings::getAccounts() { return accounts; } void Settings::addAccount( Account *account ) { accounts.append( account ); } void Settings::delAccount( Account *account ) { accounts.remove( account ); account->remove(); } void Settings::updateAccounts() { accounts.clear(); - QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) ); + QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) ); QStringList::Iterator it; QStringList imap = dir.entryList( "imap-*" ); for ( it = imap.begin(); it != imap.end(); it++ ) { IMAPaccount *account = new IMAPaccount( (*it).replace(0, 5, "") ); accounts.append( account ); } QStringList pop3 = dir.entryList( "pop3-*" ); for ( it = pop3.begin(); it != pop3.end(); it++ ) { POP3account *account = new POP3account( (*it).replace(0, 5, "") ); accounts.append( account ); } QStringList smtp = dir.entryList( "smtp-*" ); for ( it = smtp.begin(); it != smtp.end(); it++ ) { SMTPaccount *account = new SMTPaccount( (*it).replace(0, 5, "") ); accounts.append( account ); } QStringList nntp = dir.entryList( "nntp-*" ); for ( it = nntp.begin(); it != nntp.end(); it++ ) { NNTPaccount *account = new NNTPaccount( (*it).replace(0, 5, "") ); accounts.append( account ); } readAccounts(); } void Settings::saveAccounts() { checkDirectory(); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { it->save(); } } void Settings::readAccounts() { checkDirectory(); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { it->read(); } } Account::Account() { accountName = "changeMe"; type = MAILLIB::A_UNDEFINED; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; offline = false; } void Account::remove() { QFile file( getFileName() ); file.remove(); } IMAPaccount::IMAPaccount() : Account() { file = IMAPaccount::getUniqueFileName(); accountName = "New IMAP Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; type = MAILLIB::A_IMAP; port = IMAP_PORT; } IMAPaccount::IMAPaccount( QString filename ) : Account() { file = filename; accountName = "New IMAP Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; type = MAILLIB::A_IMAP; port = IMAP_PORT; } QString IMAPaccount::getUniqueFileName() { int num = 0; QString unique; - QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) ); + QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) ); QStringList imap = dir.entryList( "imap-*" ); do { unique.setNum( num++ ); } while ( imap.contains( "imap-" + unique ) > 0 ); return unique; } void IMAPaccount::read() { Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "IMAP Account" ); accountName = conf->readEntry( "Account","" ); if (accountName.isNull()) accountName = ""; server = conf->readEntry( "Server","" ); if (server.isNull()) server=""; port = conf->readEntry( "Port","" ); if (port.isNull()) port="143"; connectionType = conf->readNumEntry( "ConnectionType" ); ssl = conf->readBoolEntry( "SSL",false ); user = conf->readEntry( "User","" ); if (user.isNull()) user = ""; password = conf->readEntryCrypt( "Password","" ); if (password.isNull()) password = ""; prefix = conf->readEntry("MailPrefix",""); if (prefix.isNull()) prefix = ""; offline = conf->readBoolEntry("Offline",false); delete conf; } void IMAPaccount::save() { qDebug("saving %s ",getFileName().latin1() ); Settings::checkDirectory(); Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "IMAP Account" ); conf->writeEntry( "Account", accountName ); conf->writeEntry( "Server", server ); conf->writeEntry( "Port", port ); conf->writeEntry( "SSL", ssl ); conf->writeEntry( "ConnectionType", connectionType ); conf->writeEntry( "User", user ); conf->writeEntryCrypt( "Password", password ); conf->writeEntry( "MailPrefix",prefix); conf->writeEntry( "Offline",offline); conf->write(); delete conf; } QString IMAPaccount::getFileName() { - return locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) +"/imap-" + file; + return locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) +"/imap-" + file; } POP3account::POP3account() : Account() { file = POP3account::getUniqueFileName(); accountName = "New POP3 Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; type = MAILLIB::A_POP3; port = POP3_PORT; } POP3account::POP3account( QString filename ) : Account() { file = filename; accountName = "New POP3 Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; type = MAILLIB::A_POP3; port = POP3_PORT; } QString POP3account::getUniqueFileName() { int num = 0; QString unique; - QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) ); + QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) ); QStringList imap = dir.entryList( "pop3-*" ); do { unique.setNum( num++ ); } while ( imap.contains( "pop3-" + unique ) > 0 ); return unique; } void POP3account::read() { Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "POP3 Account" ); accountName = conf->readEntry( "Account" ); server = conf->readEntry( "Server" ); port = conf->readEntry( "Port" ); ssl = conf->readBoolEntry( "SSL" ); connectionType = conf->readNumEntry( "ConnectionType" ); user = conf->readEntry( "User" ); password = conf->readEntryCrypt( "Password" ); offline = conf->readBoolEntry("Offline",false); delete conf; } void POP3account::save() { Settings::checkDirectory(); Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "POP3 Account" ); conf->writeEntry( "Account", accountName ); conf->writeEntry( "Server", server ); conf->writeEntry( "Port", port ); conf->writeEntry( "SSL", ssl ); conf->writeEntry( "ConnectionType", connectionType ); conf->writeEntry( "User", user ); conf->writeEntryCrypt( "Password", password ); conf->writeEntry( "Offline",offline); conf->write(); delete conf; } QString POP3account::getFileName() { - return locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) +"/pop3-" + file; + return locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) +"/pop3-" + file; } SMTPaccount::SMTPaccount() : Account() { file = SMTPaccount::getUniqueFileName(); accountName = "New SMTP Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; login = false; useCC = false; useBCC = false; useReply = false; type = MAILLIB::A_SMTP; port = SMTP_PORT; } SMTPaccount::SMTPaccount( QString filename ) : Account() { file = filename; accountName = "New SMTP Account"; ssl = false; connectionType = 1; login = false; type = MAILLIB::A_SMTP; port = SMTP_PORT; } QString SMTPaccount::getUniqueFileName() { int num = 0; QString unique; - QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) ); + QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) ); QStringList imap = dir.entryList( "smtp-*" ); do { unique.setNum( num++ ); } while ( imap.contains( "smtp-" + unique ) > 0 ); return unique; } void SMTPaccount::read() { Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "SMTP Account" ); accountName = conf->readEntry( "Account" ); server = conf->readEntry( "Server" ); port = conf->readEntry( "Port" ); ssl = conf->readBoolEntry( "SSL" ); connectionType = conf->readNumEntry( "ConnectionType" ); login = conf->readBoolEntry( "Login" ); user = conf->readEntry( "User" ); password = conf->readEntryCrypt( "Password" ); delete conf; } void SMTPaccount::save() { Settings::checkDirectory(); Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "SMTP Account" ); conf->writeEntry( "Account", accountName ); conf->writeEntry( "Server", server ); conf->writeEntry( "Port", port ); conf->writeEntry( "SSL", ssl ); conf->writeEntry( "ConnectionType", connectionType ); conf->writeEntry( "Login", login ); conf->writeEntry( "User", user ); conf->writeEntryCrypt( "Password", password ); conf->write(); delete conf; } QString SMTPaccount::getFileName() { - return locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) +"/smtp-" + file; + return locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) +"/smtp-" + file; } NNTPaccount::NNTPaccount() : Account() { file = NNTPaccount::getUniqueFileName(); accountName = "New NNTP Account"; ssl = false; login = false; type = MAILLIB::A_NNTP; port = NNTP_PORT; } NNTPaccount::NNTPaccount( QString filename ) : Account() { file = filename; accountName = "New NNTP Account"; ssl = false; login = false; type = MAILLIB::A_NNTP; port = NNTP_PORT; } QString NNTPaccount::getUniqueFileName() { int num = 0; QString unique; - QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) ); + QDir dir( locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) ); QStringList imap = dir.entryList( "nntp-*" ); do { unique.setNum( num++ ); } while ( imap.contains( "nntp-" + unique ) > 0 ); return unique; } void NNTPaccount::read() { Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "NNTP Account" ); accountName = conf->readEntry( "Account" ); server = conf->readEntry( "Server" ); port = conf->readEntry( "Port" ); ssl = conf->readBoolEntry( "SSL" ); login = conf->readBoolEntry( "Login" ); user = conf->readEntry( "User" ); password = conf->readEntryCrypt( "Password" ); subscribedGroups = conf->readListEntry( "Subscribed", ',' ); delete conf; } void NNTPaccount::save() { Settings::checkDirectory(); Config *conf = new Config( getFileName(), Config::File ); conf->setGroup( "NNTP Account" ); conf->writeEntry( "Account", accountName ); conf->writeEntry( "Server", server ); conf->writeEntry( "Port", port ); conf->writeEntry( "SSL", ssl ); conf->writeEntry( "Login", login ); conf->writeEntry( "User", user ); conf->writeEntryCrypt( "Password", password ); conf->writeEntry( "Subscribed" , subscribedGroups, ',' ); conf->write(); delete conf; } QString NNTPaccount::getFileName() { - return locateLocal("data", "kmicromail" ) +"/nntp-" + file; + return locateLocal("data", "kopiemail" ) +"/nntp-" + file; } diff --git a/kmicromail/main.cpp b/kmicromail/main.cpp index 30637e2..db29ff3 100644 --- a/kmicromail/main.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/main.cpp @@ -1,61 +1,61 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #include <stdlib.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #include <qstring.h> #include <qwindowsstyle.h> #include <qplatinumstyle.h> #include <qsgistyle.h> #endif #include "opiemail.h" #include <qdir.h> #include <kstandarddirs.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <stdio.h> #include "mainwindow.h" //using namespace Opie::Core; int main( int argc, char **argv ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication a( argc, argv ); a.setKeepRunning (); #else QApplication a( argc, argv ); QApplication::setStyle( new QPlatinumStyle ()); #endif - KGlobal::setAppName( "kmicromail" ); + KGlobal::setAppName( "kopiemail" ); QString fileName ; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION fileName = getenv("QPEDIR"); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) - KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath( fileName +"/pics/kdepim/kmicromail/icons22/"); + KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath( fileName +"/pics/kdepim/kopiemail/icons22/"); else - KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath( fileName +"/pics/kdepim/kmicromail/"); + KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath( fileName +"/pics/kdepim/kopiemail/"); #else - fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/kmicromail/"; + fileName = qApp->applicationDirPath () + "/kdepim/kopiemail/"; KGlobal::iconLoader()->setIconPath(QDir::convertSeparators(fileName)); #endif KStandardDirs::setAppDir( QDir::convertSeparators(locateLocal("data", "kopiemail"))); OpieMail mw; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION //qDebug("CONNECT "); QObject::connect( &a, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )),&mw, SLOT(message( const QCString&, const QByteArray& ))); // QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & )), ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SLOT (appMessage ( const QCString &, const QByteArray & ))); a.showMainWidget(&mw ); #else a.setMainWidget(&mw ); mw.show(); //m.resize( 800, 600 ); QObject::connect(&a, SIGNAL(lastWindowClosed()), &a, SLOT(quit())); #endif int rv = a.exec(); return rv; } diff --git a/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp b/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp index 5793a58..21edfd2 100644 --- a/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/mainwindow.cpp @@ -114,179 +114,179 @@ MainWindow::MainWindow( QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags flags ) statusWidget->hide(); //layout->addWidget( mailView ); //layout->setStretchFactor( folderView, 1 ); //layout->setStretchFactor( mailView, 2 ); slotAdjustLayout(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mailView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( folderView->viewport(),QPEApplication::RightOnHold); #endif connect( mailView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked (QListViewItem* )),this, SLOT( mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( mailView, SIGNAL( returnPressed (QListViewItem* )),this, SLOT( mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem*) ) ); connect( mailView, SIGNAL( mouseButtonPressed(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ),this, SLOT( mailHold(int,QListViewItem*,const QPoint&,int) ) ); connect(folderView, SIGNAL(refreshMailview(const QValueList<RecMailP>&)), this,SLOT(refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&))); connect( composeMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotComposeMail() ) ); connect( sendQueued, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotSendQueued() ) ); // connect( searchMails, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotSearchMails() ) ); connect( editAccounts, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( slotEditAccounts() ) ); //mailView->setMultiSelection ( true ); mailView->setSelectionMode( QListView::Extended ); QValueList<int> list; int fw = 100; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) fw = 50; list.append( fw ); list.append( 100 ); split->setSizes( list ); QTimer::singleShot( 1000, this, SLOT( slotAdjustColumns() ) ); mailView->setShowSortIndicator ( true ); QLabel *spacer = new QLabel( toolBar ); spacer->setBackgroundMode( QWidget::PaletteButton ); toolBar->setStretchableWidget( spacer ); QAction* closeMail = new QAction(tr("Close"),SmallIcon("exit"), 0, 0, this); connect( closeMail, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( close() ) ); closeMail->addTo(toolBar); closeMail->addTo(mailMenu); QPopupMenu* helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( menuBar ); menuBar->insertItem( tr( "Help" ), helpMenu ); QAction* li = new QAction(tr("About"), QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showAbout()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); li = new QAction(tr("Licence"),QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showLicence()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); li = new QAction(tr("LibEtPan Licence"), QPixmap(), 0, 0, this); connect( li, SIGNAL( activated() ), SLOT( showEtpanLicence()) ); li->addTo(helpMenu); } MainWindow::~MainWindow() { } void MainWindow::showLicence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void MainWindow::showAbout() { QString version; #include <../version> QString cap = "About KOpieMail/Pi"; QString text = i18n("KOpieMail/Platform-independent\n") + "(OM/Pi) " + version + " - " #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION "Desktop Edition\n" #else "PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n" #endif "www.pi-sync.net\n\n" "Copyright (c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski <lutz@pi-sync.net>\n" "KOpieMail/Pi is based on Opie Mail\n" "Copyright (c) Rajko Albrecht and the Opie team\n" "KOpieMail/Pi is licensed under the GPL\n" "\n" "KOpieMail/Pi uses LibEtPan - a mail stuff library\n" "Copyright (C) 2001, 2002 - DINH Viet Hoa\n" "libEtPan has its own licence - see LibEtPan licence\n"; KApplication::showText( cap, text ); } void MainWindow::showEtpanLicence() { - KApplication::showFile( "LibEtPan licence", "kdepim/kmicromail/COPYRIGHTlibetpan" ); + KApplication::showFile( "LibEtPan licence", "kdepim/kopiemail/COPYRIGHTlibetpan" ); } void MainWindow::appMessage(const QCString &, const QByteArray &) { qDebug("appMessage implemented by subclass"); } void MainWindow::slotAdjustLayout() { /* QWidget *d = QApplication::desktop(); if ( d->width() < d->height() ) { layout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::TopToBottom ); } else { layout->setDirection( QBoxLayout::LeftToRight ); } */ } void MainWindow::slotAdjustColumns() { bool hidden = folderView->isHidden(); if ( hidden ) folderView->show(); folderView->setColumnWidth( 0, folderView->visibleWidth() ); if ( hidden ) folderView->hide(); mailView->setColumnWidth( 0, 10 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 1, 100 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 2, 100 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 3, 50 ); mailView->setColumnWidth( 4, 120 ); } void MainWindow::slotEditSettings() { } void MainWindow::slotShowFolders( bool ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::mailLeftClicked(QListViewItem * ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::displayMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotDeleteMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::mailHold(int, QListViewItem *,const QPoint&,int ) { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotSendQueued() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotEditAccounts() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } void MainWindow::slotComposeMail() { qDebug("not implemented: "); } |