-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/composemail.cpp | 14 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/opiemail.cpp | 33 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/opiemail.h | 5 |
3 files changed, 48 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/kmicromail/composemail.cpp b/kmicromail/composemail.cpp index ed8a2ee..3231b45 100644 --- a/kmicromail/composemail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/composemail.cpp @@ -1,412 +1,420 @@ // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qapplication.h> #include <kabc/addresseedialog.h> #include <kabc/stdaddressbook.h> #include <kabc/addressee.h> #else #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif //DESKTOP_VERSION #include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #include "koprefs.h" #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #ifdef MINIKDE_KDIALOG_H #undef MINIKDE_KDIALOG_H #endif #include "composemail.h" #include <libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h> #include <libmailwrapper/storemail.h> #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> /* OPIE */ //#include <opie2/ofiledialog.h> //#include <opie2/odebug.h> #include <kfiledialog.h> //#include <qpe/resource.h> #include <qpe/global.h> //#include <qpe/contact.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qiconset.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qmultilineedit.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qtabwidget.h> #include <qlistview.h> //using namespace Opie::Core; //using namespace Opie::Ui; ComposeMail::ComposeMail( Settings *sett, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal ) : ComposeMailUI( parent, name, modal ) { mPickLineEdit = 0; mEncoding = KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentCodeName; - connect(ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SIGNAL(receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), - this, SLOT(insertAttendees(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); + //managed from opiemail now + //connect(ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SIGNAL(receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), + // this, SLOT(insertAttendees(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); settings = sett; m_replyid = ""; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseKapi) { KConfig config( locateLocal("config", "kabcrc") ); config.setGroup( "General" ); QString whoami_uid = config.readEntry( "WhoAmI" ); if ( whoami_uid.isEmpty() ) { QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); fillSettings(); } else ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestDetailsFromKAPI("", "sendbacklist", whoami_uid); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION KABC::Addressee con = KABC::StdAddressBook::self()->whoAmI( ); QStringList mails = con.emails(); QString defmail = con.preferredEmail(); if ( mails.count() == 0) QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mails.begin(); for (;sit!=mails.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(con.formattedName()); #endif } else { fillSettings(); } checkBoxLater->setChecked( KOPrefs::instance()->mSendLater ); attList->addColumn( i18n( "Name" ) ); attList->addColumn( i18n( "Size" ) ); QList<Account> accounts = settings->getAccounts(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) smtpAccountBox->setMaximumWidth( 80 ); Account *it; for ( it = accounts.first(); it; it = accounts.next() ) { if ( it->getType()==MAILLIB::A_SMTP ) { SMTPaccount *smtp = static_cast<SMTPaccount *>(it); smtpAccountBox->insertItem( smtp->getAccountName() ); smtpAccounts.append( smtp ); } } connect( toButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressTo() ) ); connect( ccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressCC() ) ); connect( bccButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressBCC() ) ); connect( replyButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( pickAddressReply() ) ); connect( addButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( addAttachment() ) ); connect( deleteButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeAttachment() ) ); connect( SaveButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( saveAsDraft()) ); mMail = 0; warnAttach = true; QIconSet icon; //icon = SmallIcon("fileexport"); icon = SmallIcon("filesave"); SaveButton->setIconSet (icon ) ; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) { SaveButton->setText ("") ; SaveButton->setMaximumSize ( SaveButton->sizeHint().height(),SaveButton->sizeHint().height()) ; } else SaveButton->setText (i18n("Save")); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( message, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( senderNameEdit, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( subjectLine, QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif message->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mComposeFont ); message->setWordWrap (QMultiLineEdit::WidgetWidth); if ( smtpAccounts.count() > 0 ) { fillValues( smtpAccountBox->currentItem() ); } else { QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Problem" ), i18n( "Please create an\nSMTP account first.\nThe SMTP is needed\nfor sending mail.\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); return; } connect( smtpAccountBox, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( fillValues(int) ) ); connect( SaveSigButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( saveSig()) ); if ( smtpAccountBox->count()) fillValues(0); } void ComposeMail::fillSettings() { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 ) fromBox->setMaximumWidth( 100 ); QStringList mailList = QStringList::split(";",KOPrefs::instance()->mEmail); QStringList::ConstIterator sit = mailList.begin(); int pref = 0; for (;sit!=mailList.end();++sit) { fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(KOPrefs::instance()->mName); } void ComposeMail::saveSig() { if ( smtpAccountBox->count()) { int cur = smtpAccountBox->currentItem (); SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( cur ); if ( smtp ) smtp->setSignature( sigMultiLine->text()); } } void ComposeMail::saveAsDraft() { Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail> mail= new Mail(); mail->setMail(fromBox->currentText()); mail->setTo( toLine->text() ); mail->setName(senderNameEdit->text()); mail->setCC( ccLine->text() ); mail->setBCC( bccLine->text() ); mail->setReply( replyLine->text() ); mail->setSubject( subjectLine->text() ); if (!m_replyid.isEmpty()) { QStringList ids; ids.append(m_replyid); mail->setInreply(ids); } QString txt = message->text(); if ( !sigMultiLine->text().isEmpty() ) { txt.append( "\n--\n" ); txt.append( sigMultiLine->text() ); } mail->setMessage( txt ); mail->setCharset (mEncoding); /* only use the default drafts folder name! */ Storemail wrapper(AbstractMail::draftFolder()); wrapper.storeMail(mail); AttachViewItem *it = (AttachViewItem *) attList->firstChild(); /* attachments we will ignore! */ if ( it != 0 ) { if ( warnAttach ) QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Store message"), i18n("<center>Attachments will not be stored in \"Draft\" folder</center>")); warnAttach = false; } setStatus( i18n("Mail saved as draft!") ); } void ComposeMail::clearStatus() { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Compose mail") ); } void ComposeMail::setStatus( QString status ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption( status ); QTimer::singleShot ( 10000, this, SLOT( clearStatus() ) ) ; } void ComposeMail::pickAddress( ) { QLineEdit *line = mPickLineEdit; if ( line == 0 ) return; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION //qDebug(" ComposeMail::pickAddress "); QString names ;//= AddressPicker::getNames(); KABC::Addressee::List list = KABC::AddresseeDialog::getAddressees(this); uint i=0; for (i=0; i < list.count(); i++) { if ( !list[i].preferredEmail().isEmpty()) { if ( ! names.isEmpty() ) names+= ","; names+= "\""+list[i].realName() +"\"<" +list[i].preferredEmail() +">"; } } if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } #else bool res = ExternalAppHandler::instance()->requestNameEmailUidListFromKAPI("QPE/Application/ompi", this->name() /* name is here the unique uid*/); // the result should now arrive through method insertAttendees #endif } //the map includes name/email pairs, that comes from Ka/Pi void ComposeMail::insertAttendees(const QString& uid,const QStringList& nameList,const QStringList& emailList,const QStringList& uidList) { //qDebug("ComposeMail::insertAttendees "); raise(); + QString UID = uid; + if ( uid.left( 18 ) == (this->name() +QString("pick2")) ) { + mPickLineEdit = toLine; + UID = this->name(); + subjectLine->setText( uid.mid( 18 ) ); + } + //qDebug("ccc %s %s ", uid.latin1(), this->name()); if ( mPickLineEdit == 0 ) { //whoami received QString defmail = uidList[0]; if ( emailList.count() == 0 ) QMessageBox::information( 0, i18n( "Hint" ), i18n( "Please apply\n\"Set Who Am I\"\nin KA/Pi to get the from\nfield automatically filled out!\n" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); if (defmail.length()!=0) { fromBox->insertItem(defmail); } QStringList::ConstIterator sit = emailList.begin(); int pref = 0; for (;sit!=emailList.end();++sit) { if ( (*sit)==defmail) continue; fromBox->insertItem((*sit)); } senderNameEdit->setText(nameList[0]); return; } QString names ; QLineEdit *line = mPickLineEdit; - if (uid == this->name()) + if (UID == this->name()) { for ( int i = 0; i < nameList.count(); i++) { QString _name = nameList[i]; QString _email = emailList[i]; QString _uid = uidList[i]; if ( ! _email.isEmpty() ) { if ( ! names.isEmpty() ) names+= ","; names+= "\""+_name +"\"<" +_email +">"; } } } if ( line->text().isEmpty() ) { line->setText( names ); } else if ( !names.isEmpty() ) { line->setText( line->text() + ", " + names ); } } void ComposeMail::setTo( const QString & to ) { toLine->setText( to ); } void ComposeMail::setSubject( const QString & subject ) { subjectLine->setText( subject ); } void ComposeMail::setInReplyTo( const QString & messageId ) { m_replyid = messageId; } void ComposeMail::setMessage( const QString & text ) { message->setText( text ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressTo() { mPickLineEdit = toLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressCC() { mPickLineEdit = ccLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressBCC() { mPickLineEdit = bccLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::pickAddressReply() { mPickLineEdit = replyLine; pickAddress( ); } void ComposeMail::fillValues( int current ) { #if 0 SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( current ); ccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseCC() ) { ccLine->setText( smtp->getCC() ); } bccLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseBCC() ) { bccLine->setText( smtp->getBCC() ); } replyLine->clear(); if ( smtp->getUseReply() ) { replyLine->setText( smtp->getReply() ); } #endif SMTPaccount *smtp = smtpAccounts.at( current ); if ( smtp ) sigMultiLine->setText( smtp->getSignature() ); } void ComposeMail::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = tabWidget->currentPageIndex(); tabWidget->showPage( attachTab ); attList->setColumnWidth( 0, attList->visibleWidth() - 80 ); attList->setColumnWidth( 1, 80 ); tabWidget->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void ComposeMail::addAttachment() { QString lnk = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "", "Add Attachment", this ); if ( !lnk.isEmpty() ) { Attachment *att = new Attachment( lnk ); (void) new AttachViewItem( attList, att ); } } void ComposeMail::removeAttachment() { if ( !attList->currentItem() ) { QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n( "<p>Please select a File.</p>" ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); } else { attList->takeItem( attList->currentItem() ); } } void ComposeMail::accept() { if ( smtpAccountBox->count() == 0 ) { reject(); return; } if (! checkBoxLater->isChecked() ) { int yesno = QMessageBox::warning(0,i18n("Stop editing message"), diff --git a/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp b/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp index f56711d..e159b73 100644 --- a/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/opiemail.cpp @@ -1,434 +1,444 @@ // CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski // CHANGED 2004-08-06 Lutz Rogowski #define protected public #include <qwidget.h> #undef protected #include "koprefsdialog.h" #include <kapplication.h> #include <libkdepim/externalapphandler.h> #include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h> #ifdef MINIKDE_KDIALOG_H #undef MINIKDE_KDIALOG_H #endif #include "settingsdialog.h" #include "opiemail.h" #include "editaccounts.h" #include "composemail.h" #include "mailistviewitem.h" #include "viewmail.h" #include "selectstore.h" #include "selectsmtp.h" #include "accountitem.h" #include "accountview.h" #include "klocale.h" #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qcursor.h> #include <qtextbrowser.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qpe/global.h> #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qapplication.h> #else #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #endif #include <libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> #include <libmailwrapper/abstractmail.h> #include "koprefs.h" //using namespace Opie::Core; OpieMail::OpieMail( QWidget *parent, const char *name ) : MainWindow( parent, name) //, WStyle_ContextHelp ) { + mCurrentComposer = 0; settings = new Settings(); tb = 0; setIcon(SmallIcon( "kmicromail" ) ); folderView->populate( settings->getAccounts() ); - + connect(ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SIGNAL(receivedNameEmailUidListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)), + this, SLOT(insertAttendees(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&))); } OpieMail::~OpieMail() { if (settings) delete settings; if ( tb ) delete tb; } void OpieMail::appMessage(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { } #include <stdlib.h> void OpieMail::message(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data) { // copied from old mail2 static int ii = 0; //qDebug("QCOP CALL ############################# %d ", ii); //QString mess ( msg ); //qDebug("Message = %s ",mess.latin1()); ++ii; //qDebug("KM:appMessage %d *%s* %x", ii, msg.data(), this); mPendingEmail = QString::null; mPendingName = QString::null; if (msg == "writeMail(QString,QString)") { //qDebug("writeMail(QString,QString) "); QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly); stream >> mPendingName >> mPendingEmail; // removing the whitespaces at beginning and end is needed! QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); } else if (msg == "newMail()") { //qDebug("slotComposeMail() "); // we cannot call slotComposeMail(); directly, because may be executing a QCOP call // and a QCOP call does not like a processevents in his execution // with the Qtimer we call slotComposeMail() after we reached the main event loop QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); // slotComposeMail(); } else if (msg == "newMail(QString)") { //qDebug(" newMail(QString)"); QDataStream stream(data,IO_ReadOnly); stream >> mPendingName; // the format is // NAME <EMAIL>:SUBJECT QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotComposeMail() ) ); } else { mPendingData = data; mPendingMessage = msg; QTimer::singleShot ( 50, this, SLOT(slotExtAppHandler() ) ); } //qDebug("END OpieMail::message "); } void OpieMail::slotExtAppHandler() { ExternalAppHandler::instance()->appMessage ( mPendingMessage, mPendingData ); } void OpieMail::slotwriteMail2(const QString& namemail ) { //qDebug("OpieMail::slotwriteMail2 "); //qApp->processEvents(); ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); if ( !namemail.isEmpty() ) { QString to = namemail; if ( namemail.find( " <") > 1 ) { to = "\"" +to.replace( QRegExp( " <"), "\" <") ; } else if ( namemail.find( "<") > 1 ) { to = "\"" +to.replace( QRegExp( "<"), "\" <") ; } int sub = to.find( ">:"); if ( sub > 0 ) { compose.setTo( to.left(sub+1) ); compose.setSubject( to.mid(sub+2) ); } else compose.setTo( to ); } compose.slotAdjustColumns(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION compose.showMaximized(); #endif + mCurrentComposer = &compose; compose.exec(); + mCurrentComposer = 0; raise(); //qDebug("retttich "); } void OpieMail::slotwriteMail(const QString&name,const QString&email) { // qDebug("OpieMail::slotwriteMail "); ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); if (!email.isEmpty()) { if (!name.isEmpty()) { compose.setTo("\"" + name + "\"" + " " + "<"+ email + ">"); } else { compose.setTo(email); } } compose.slotAdjustColumns(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION compose.showMaximized(); #endif + + mCurrentComposer = &compose; compose.exec(); + mCurrentComposer = 0; raise(); } void OpieMail::slotComposeMail() { if ( mPendingEmail == QString::null && mPendingName == QString::null) slotwriteMail2( QString () ); else { if ( mPendingEmail == QString::null ) slotwriteMail2( mPendingName ); else slotwriteMail( mPendingName, mPendingEmail ); } //slotwriteMail(0l,0l); } void OpieMail::slotSendQueued() { SMTPaccount *smtp = 0; QList<Account> list = settings->getAccounts(); QList<SMTPaccount> smtpList; smtpList.setAutoDelete(false); Account *it; for ( it = list.first(); it; it = list.next() ) { if ( it->getType() == MAILLIB::A_SMTP ) { smtp = static_cast<SMTPaccount *>(it); smtpList.append(smtp); } } if (smtpList.count()==0) { QMessageBox::information(0,i18n("Info"),i18n("Define a smtp account first!\n")); return; } if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Sending all mails"), i18n("Do you really want to send\nall queued mails?" ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::No ) return; if (smtpList.count()==1) { smtp = smtpList.at(0); } else { smtp = 0; selectsmtp selsmtp; selsmtp.setSelectionlist(&smtpList); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION selsmtp.showMaximized(); #endif if ( selsmtp.exec() == QDialog::Accepted ) { smtp = selsmtp.selected_smtp(); } } if (smtp) { Global::statusMessage("Sending mails...!"); SMTPwrapper * wrap = new SMTPwrapper(smtp); if ( wrap->flushOutbox() ) { Global::statusMessage("Mails sent!"); } delete wrap; } // pending refresh list view, if outgoing is displayed } void OpieMail::slotSearchMails() { qDebug("OpieMail::slotSearchMails():not implemented "); } void OpieMail::slotEditSettings() { KOPrefsDialog settingsDialog( this, "koprefs", true ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION settingsDialog.showMaximized(); #endif settingsDialog.exec(); slotSetCodec( KOPrefs::instance()->mCurrentCodec ); // KApplication::execDialog(settingsDialog); } void OpieMail::slotEditAccounts() { EditAccounts eaDialog( settings, this, 0, true ); eaDialog.slotAdjustColumns(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION eaDialog.showMaximized(); #endif eaDialog.exec(); if ( settings ) delete settings; settings = new Settings(); folderView->populate( settings->getAccounts() ); } void OpieMail::replyMail() { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); RecBodyP body = folderView->fetchBody(mail); QString rtext; rtext += QString("* %1 wrote on %2:\n") // no i18n on purpose .arg( mail->getFrom()) .arg( mail->getDate()); QString text = body->Bodytext(); QStringList lines = QStringList::split(QRegExp("\\n"), text); QStringList::Iterator it; for (it = lines.begin(); it != lines.end(); it++) { rtext += "> " + *it + "\n"; } rtext += "\n"; QString prefix; if ( mail->getSubject().find(QRegExp("^Re: .*$")) != -1) prefix = ""; else prefix = "Re: "; // no i18n on purpose Settings *settings = new Settings(); ComposeMail composer( settings ,this, 0, true); if (mail->Replyto().isEmpty()) { composer.setTo( mail->getFrom()); } else { composer.setTo( mail->Replyto()); } composer.setSubject( prefix + mail->getSubject()); composer.setMessage( rtext ); composer.setInReplyTo( mail->Msgid()); composer.setCharset( body->getCharset() ); + + mCurrentComposer = &composer; if ( QDialog::Accepted == KApplication::execDialog( &composer ) ) { mail->Wrapper()->answeredMail(mail); } + mCurrentComposer = 0; delete settings; } void OpieMail::closeViewMail(ViewMail * vm) { vm->hide(); } void OpieMail::slotDownloadMail( ) { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item ) { Global::statusMessage("Error: No item slected!"); return; } RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); Account * acc = mail->Wrapper()->getAccount(); if ( !acc ) { Global::statusMessage("Mail is already stored locally!"); return; } QString lfName = acc->getLocalFolder(); //qDebug("local folder " + lfName ); if ( lfName.isEmpty() ) lfName = acc->getAccountName(); AbstractMail* targetMail = folderView->allAccounts()[0]->getWrapper(); //qDebug("target %d %d ",targetMail,mail->Wrapper() ); if ( targetMail == mail->Wrapper() ) { Global::statusMessage("Mail is already locally stored!"); return; } if ( !targetMail->createMbox(lfName)) { Global::statusMessage("Error creating folder!"); return; } Global::statusMessage("Fetching mail...please wait!"); qApp->processEvents(); encodedString*st = 0; st = mail->Wrapper()->fetchRawBody(mail); if ( st ) { targetMail->storeMessage(st->Content(),st->Length(),lfName); Global::statusMessage("Mail stored in "+ lfName); delete st; } else { Global::statusMessage("Error: Cannot fetch mail!"); } } void OpieMail::deleteAndDisplayNextMail(ViewMail * vm) { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item ) { closeViewMail(vm); return; } RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); mail->Wrapper()->deleteMail( mail ); item = item->itemBelow(); if (!item ) { closeViewMail(vm); return; } mailView->setCurrentItem(item); mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); RecBodyP body = folderView->fetchBody(mail); vm->setBody( body ); vm->setMail( mail ); } void OpieMail::displayNextMail(ViewMail * vm) { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item) return; ( (MailListViewItem*)item )->setPixmap( 0, QPixmap() ); item = item->itemBelow(); if (!item) { vm->setCaption(i18n("End of List" )); return; } mailView->setCurrentItem(item); RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); RecBodyP body = folderView->fetchBody(mail); vm->setBody( body ); vm->setMail( mail ); } void OpieMail::displayMail() { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (!item) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)item)->data(); RecBodyP body = folderView->fetchBody(mail); ViewMail readMail( this,"", Qt::WType_Modal ); readMail.setBody( body ); readMail.setMail( mail ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION readMail.showMaximized(); #else readMail.resize( 640, 480); #endif connect( &readMail,SIGNAL( showNextMail(ViewMail *) ), this, SLOT( displayNextMail(ViewMail *) ) ); connect( &readMail,SIGNAL( deleteAndDisplayNextMail(ViewMail *) ), this, SLOT(deleteAndDisplayNextMail(ViewMail *) ) ); connect( &readMail,SIGNAL( signalDownloadMail() ), this, SLOT( slotDownloadMail() ) ); readMail.exec(); if ( readMail.deleted ) { folderView->refreshCurrent(); } else { QListViewItem*item = mailView->currentItem(); if (item) ( (MailListViewItem*)item )->setPixmap( 0, QPixmap() ); } } void OpieMail::slotGetAllMail() { QListViewItem * item = folderView->firstChild(); while ( item ){ ((AccountViewItem *)item)->contextMenuSelected( 101 ); item = item->nextSibling (); } } void OpieMail::slotGetMail() { QListViewItem * item = folderView->currentItem(); if ( ! item ) return; @@ -512,130 +522,151 @@ void OpieMail::mailHold(int button, QListViewItem *item,const QPoint&,int ) } void OpieMail::slotShowFolders( bool show ) { if ( show && folderView->isHidden() ) { folderView->show(); } else if ( !show && !folderView->isHidden() ) { folderView->hide(); } } void OpieMail::refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&list) { MailListViewItem*item = 0; mailView->clear(); QValueList<RecMailP>::ConstIterator it; for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end();++it) { item = new MailListViewItem(mailView,item); item->storeData((*it)); item->showEntry(); } mailView->setSorting ( 4, false ); } void OpieMail::mailLeftClicked( QListViewItem *item ) { mailView->clearSelection(); /* just LEFT button - or tap with stylus on pda */ //if (button!=1) return; if (!item) return; if (folderView->currentisDraft()) { reEditMail(); } else { displayMail(); } } void OpieMail::slotMoveCopyMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; RecMailP mail = ((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->data(); AbstractMail*targetMail = 0; QString targetFolder = ""; Selectstore sels; folderView->setupFolderselect(&sels); if (!sels.exec()) return; targetMail = sels.currentMail(); targetFolder = sels.currentFolder(); if ( (mail->Wrapper()==targetMail && mail->getMbox()==targetFolder) || targetFolder.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sels.newFolder() && !targetMail->createMbox(targetFolder)) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error creating new Folder"), i18n("<center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center>")); return; } sels.hide(); qApp->processEvents(); // qDebug("hiding sels "); mail->Wrapper()->mvcpMail(mail,targetFolder,targetMail,sels.moveMails()); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } void OpieMail::slotMoveCopyAllMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; QValueList<RecMailP> t; // if ( QMessageBox::warning(this, i18n("Move/Copy all selected mails"), i18n("Do you really want to copy/move\nall selected mails?" ) , QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No ) == QMessageBox::Yes ) { MailListViewItem* item = (MailListViewItem*)mailView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { t.append( item->data() ); } item = (MailListViewItem*)item->nextSibling(); } } // else // return; if ( t.count() == 0 ) return; RecMailP mail = t.first(); AbstractMail*targetMail = 0; QString targetFolder = ""; Selectstore sels; folderView->setupFolderselect(&sels); if (!sels.exec()) return; targetMail = sels.currentMail(); targetFolder = sels.currentFolder(); if ( (mail->Wrapper()==targetMail && mail->getMbox()==targetFolder) || targetFolder.isEmpty()) { return; } if (sels.newFolder() && !targetMail->createMbox(targetFolder)) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error creating new Folder"), i18n("<center>Error while creating<br>new folder - breaking.</center>")); return; } sels.hide(); qApp->processEvents(); //qDebug("hiding sels "); mail->Wrapper()->mvcpMailList(t,targetFolder,targetMail,sels.moveMails()); folderView->refreshCurrent(); } void OpieMail::reEditMail() { if (!mailView->currentItem()) return; ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); compose.reEditMail(((MailListViewItem*)mailView->currentItem() )->data()); compose.slotAdjustColumns(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION compose.showMaximized(); #else compose.resize(640,480); #endif + mCurrentComposer = &compose; compose.exec(); + mCurrentComposer = 0; +} + +void OpieMail::insertAttendees(const QString& uid,const QStringList& nameList,const QStringList& emailList,const QStringList& uidList) +{ + + if ( mCurrentComposer ) { + mCurrentComposer->insertAttendees(uid,nameList,emailList,uidList); + } else { + ComposeMail compose( settings, this, 0, true ); + compose.slotAdjustColumns(); +#ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION + compose.showMaximized(); +#endif + mCurrentComposer = &compose; + mCurrentComposer->insertAttendees(uid,nameList,emailList,uidList); + compose.exec(); + mCurrentComposer = 0; + raise(); + } } diff --git a/kmicromail/opiemail.h b/kmicromail/opiemail.h index b8a527f..4f75b3f 100644 --- a/kmicromail/opiemail.h +++ b/kmicromail/opiemail.h @@ -1,61 +1,66 @@ // CHANGED 2004-09-31 Lutz Rogowski #ifndef OPIEMAIL_H #define OPIEMAIL_H #include "mainwindow.h" #include <libmailwrapper/settings.h> #include <opie2/osmartpointer.h> #include <libmailwrapper/mailtypes.h> #include <viewmail.h> +#include <qstringlist.h> + +class ComposeMail; class OpieMail : public MainWindow { Q_OBJECT public: OpieMail( QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); virtual ~OpieMail(); static QString appName() { return QString::fromLatin1("kopiemail"); } public slots: virtual void slotwriteMail(const QString&name,const QString&email); virtual void slotwriteMail2(const QString&nameemail); virtual void slotComposeMail(); virtual void slotExtAppHandler(); virtual void appMessage(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data); virtual void message(const QCString &msg, const QByteArray &data); + void insertAttendees(const QString&, const QStringList& namelist, const QStringList& emaillist, const QStringList& uidlist); protected slots: virtual void deleteAndDisplayNextMail(ViewMail * vm); virtual void displayNextMail(ViewMail * vm); virtual void slotSendQueued(); virtual void slotSearchMails(); virtual void slotEditSettings(); virtual void slotEditAccounts(); virtual void displayMail(); virtual void replyMail(); virtual void slotDeleteMail(); virtual void slotGetMail(); virtual void slotGetAllMail(); virtual void slotDeleteAllMail(); virtual void mailHold(int, QListViewItem *,const QPoint&,int); virtual void slotShowFolders( bool show ); virtual void refreshMailView(const QValueList<RecMailP>&); virtual void mailLeftClicked( QListViewItem * ); virtual void slotMoveCopyMail(); virtual void slotMoveCopyAllMail(); virtual void reEditMail(); void clearSelection(); void slotDownloadMail(); private: + ComposeMail* mCurrentComposer; void closeViewMail(ViewMail * vm); QString mPendingEmail; QString mPendingName; QByteArray mPendingData; QCString mPendingMessage; Settings *settings; QTextBrowser * tb; }; #endif |