Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
5 files changed, 77 insertions, 34 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
index 12af655..f9af769 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
@@ -140,632 +140,637 @@ extern int globalFlagBlockStartup;
class KOBeamPrefs : public QDialog
KOBeamPrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) :
QDialog( parent, name, true )
setCaption( i18n("Beam Options") );
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this );
lay->setSpacing( 3 );
lay->setMargin( 3 );
QButtonGroup* format = new QButtonGroup( 1, Horizontal, i18n("File format"), this );
lay->addWidget( format );
format->setExclusive ( true ) ;
QButtonGroup* time = new QButtonGroup(1, Horizontal, i18n("Time format"), this );
lay->addWidget( time ); time->setExclusive ( true ) ;
vcal = new QRadioButton(" vCalendar ", format );
ical = new QRadioButton(" iCalendar ", format );
vcal->setChecked( true );
tz = new QRadioButton(i18n(" With timezone "), time );
local = new QRadioButton(i18n(" Local time "), time );
tz->setChecked( true );
QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Beam via IR!"), this );
lay->addWidget( ok );
QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this );
lay->addWidget( cancel );
connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) );
connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) );
resize( 200, 200 );
bool beamVcal() { return vcal->isChecked(); }
bool beamLocal() { return local->isChecked(); }
QRadioButton* vcal, *ical, *local, *tz;
class KOCatPrefs : public QDialog
KOCatPrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) :
QDialog( parent, name, true )
setCaption( i18n("Manage new Categories") );
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this );
lay->setSpacing( 3 );
lay->setMargin( 3 );
QLabel * lab = new QLabel( i18n("After importing/loading/syncing\nthere may be new categories in\nevents or todos\nwhich are not in the category list.\nPlease choose what to do:\n "), this );
lay->addWidget( lab );
QButtonGroup* format = new QButtonGroup( 1, Horizontal, i18n("New categories not in list:"), this );
lay->addWidget( format );
format->setExclusive ( true ) ;
addCatBut = new QRadioButton(i18n("Add to category list"), format );
new QRadioButton(i18n("Remove from Events/Todos"), format );
addCatBut->setChecked( true );
QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("OK"), this );
lay->addWidget( ok );
QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this );
lay->addWidget( cancel );
connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) );
connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) );
resize( 200, 200 );
bool addCat() { return addCatBut->isChecked(); }
QRadioButton* addCatBut;
CalendarView::CalendarView( CalendarResources *calendar,
QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: CalendarViewBase( parent, name ),
mCalendar( calendar ),
mResourceManager( calendar->resourceManager() )
mEventEditor = 0;
mTodoEditor = 0;
CalendarView::CalendarView( Calendar *calendar,
QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: CalendarViewBase( parent, name ),
mCalendar( calendar ),
mResourceManager( 0 )
mEventEditor = 0;
mTodoEditor = 0;
void CalendarView::init()
+ mBlockShowDates = false;
beamDialog = new KOBeamPrefs();
mDatePickerMode = 0;
mCurrentSyncDevice = "";
mViewManager = new KOViewManager( this );
mDialogManager = new KODialogManager( this );
mEventViewerDialog = 0;
mModified = false;
mReadOnly = false;
mSelectedIncidence = 0;
mCalPrinter = 0;
mCalendar->registerObserver( this );
// TODO: Make sure that view is updated, when calendar is changed.
mStorage = new FileStorage( mCalendar );
mNavigator = new DateNavigator( this, "datevav", mViewManager );
QBoxLayout *topLayout = (QBoxLayout*)layout();
// create the main layout frames.
mPanner = new QSplitter(QSplitter::Horizontal,this,"CalendarView::Panner");
mLeftSplitter = new QSplitter(QSplitter::Vertical,mPanner,
mDateNavigator = new KDateNavigator(mLeftSplitter, mCalendar, TRUE,
"CalendarView::DateNavigator", QDate::currentDate() );
mTodoList = new KOTodoView(mCalendar, mLeftSplitter, "todolist_small2");
mTodoList->setNavigator( mNavigator );
mFilterView = new KOFilterView(&mFilters,mLeftSplitter,"CalendarView::FilterView");
mResourceView = 0;
if ( mResourceManager ) {
mResourceView = new ResourceView( mResourceManager, mLeftSplitter );
connect( mResourceView, SIGNAL( resourcesChanged() ),
SLOT( updateView() ) );
} else {
mResourceView = 0;
QWidget *rightBox = new QWidget( mPanner );
QBoxLayout *rightLayout = new QVBoxLayout( rightBox );
mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( QDate::currentDate(), rightBox, "useBigPixmaps" );
rightLayout->addWidget( mNavigatorBar );
mRightFrame = new QWidgetStack( rightBox );
rightLayout->addWidget( mRightFrame, 1 );
mLeftFrame = mLeftSplitter;
QWidget *mainBox = new QWidget( this );
QWidget *leftFrame = new QWidget( mainBox );
QBoxLayout * mainBoxLayout;
QBoxLayout * leftFrameLayout;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) {
mainBoxLayout = new QVBoxLayout(mainBox);
leftFrameLayout = new QHBoxLayout(leftFrame );
} else {
mainBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mainBox);
leftFrameLayout = new QVBoxLayout(leftFrame );
topLayout->addWidget( mainBox );
mainBoxLayout->addWidget (leftFrame);
mDateNavigator = new KDateNavigator(leftFrame, mCalendar, TRUE,
"CalendarView::DateNavigator", QDate::currentDate());
// mDateNavigator->blockSignals( true );
leftFrameLayout->addWidget( mDateNavigator );
mFilterView = new KOFilterView(&mFilters,leftFrame,"CalendarView::FilterView");
mTodoList = new KOTodoView(mCalendar, leftFrame, "todolistsmall");
mTodoList->setNavigator( mNavigator );
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) {
leftFrameLayout->addWidget(mTodoList, 2 );
} else {
leftFrameLayout->addWidget(mTodoList,2 );
leftFrameLayout->addWidget(mFilterView );
QWidget *rightBox = new QWidget( mainBox );
mainBoxLayout->addWidget ( rightBox, 10 );
QBoxLayout *rightLayout = new QVBoxLayout( rightBox );
mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( QDate::currentDate(), rightBox, "useBigPixmaps" );
mRightFrame = new QWidgetStack( rightBox );
rightLayout->addWidget( mNavigatorBar );
rightLayout->addWidget( mRightFrame, 10 );
mLeftFrame = leftFrame;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) {
mTodoList->setFixedHeight( mDateNavigator->sizeHint().height() );
leftFrame->setFixedHeight( mDateNavigator->sizeHint().height() );
} else {
mTodoList->setFixedWidth( mDateNavigator->sizeHint().width() );
leftFrame->setFixedWidth( mDateNavigator->sizeHint().width() );
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowDateNavigator)
//qDebug("Calendarview Size %d %d ", width(), height());
connect( mNavigator, SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ),
SLOT( showDates( const KCal::DateList & ) ) );
connect( mNavigator, SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ),
mDateNavigator, SLOT( selectDates( const KCal::DateList & ) ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectPreviousYear() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextYear() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectNextYear() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectPreviousMonth() ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectNextMonth() ) );
connect( mNavigator, SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ),
mNavigatorBar, SLOT( selectDates( const KCal::DateList & ) ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( weekClicked( const QDate & ) ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectWeek( const QDate & ) ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goPrevYear() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectPreviousYear() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goNextYear() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectNextYear() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goPrevMonth() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectPreviousMonth() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goNextMonth() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectNextMonth() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goPrevious() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectPrevious() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( goNext() ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectNext() ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( monthSelected ( int ) ),
mNavigator, SLOT( slotMonthSelect( int ) ) );
connect( mNavigatorBar, SIGNAL( monthSelected ( int ) ),
mNavigator, SLOT( slotMonthSelect( int ) ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( datesSelected( const KCal::DateList & ) ),
mNavigator, SLOT( selectDates( const KCal::DateList & ) ) );
connect( mDateNavigator, SIGNAL( eventDropped( Event * ) ),
SLOT( eventAdded( Event *) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( configChanged() ),
mDateNavigator, SLOT( updateConfig() ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( newTodoSignal() ),
SLOT( newTodo() ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( newSubTodoSignal( Todo *) ),
SLOT( newSubTodo( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( editTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
SLOT( editTodo( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( showTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
SLOT( showTodo( Todo *) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( deleteTodoSignal( Todo *) ),
SLOT( deleteTodo( Todo *) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( configChanged()), mTodoList, SLOT( updateConfig() ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( purgeCompletedSignal() ),
SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( todoModifiedSignal( Todo *, int ) ),
SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( cloneTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
this, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( cancelTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
this, SLOT (cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( moveTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
this, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( beamTodoSignal( Incidence * ) ),
this, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( unparentTodoSignal( Todo * ) ),
this, SLOT ( todo_unsub( Todo * ) ) );
connect( mTodoList, SIGNAL( reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ),
this, SLOT ( todo_resub( Todo *,Todo * ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mTodoList,
SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), this,
SLOT( changeTodoDisplay( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mFilterView, SIGNAL( filterChanged() ), SLOT( updateFilter() ) );
connect( mFilterView, SIGNAL( editFilters() ), SLOT( editFilters() ) );
connect( mCalendar, SIGNAL( addAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ), SLOT( addAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ) );
connect( mCalendar, SIGNAL( removeAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ), SLOT( removeAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ) );
connect( mTodoList,SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
SLOT( processTodoListSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
// kdDebug() << "CalendarView::CalendarView() done" << endl;
mDateFrame = new QVBox(0,0,WType_Popup);
//mDateFrame->setFrameStyle(QFrame::PopupPanel | QFrame::Raised);
mDateFrame->setFrameStyle( QFrame::WinPanel |QFrame::Raised );
mDateFrame->setCaption( i18n( "Pick a date to display"));
mDatePicker = new KDatePicker ( mDateFrame , QDate::currentDate() );
mEventEditor = mDialogManager->getEventEditor();
mTodoEditor = mDialogManager->getTodoEditor();
mFlagEditDescription = false;
mSuspendTimer = new QTimer( this );
mAlarmTimer = new QTimer( this );
mRecheckAlarmTimer = new QTimer( this );
connect( mRecheckAlarmTimer, SIGNAL( timeout () ), SLOT( recheckTimerAlarm() ) );
connect( mSuspendTimer, SIGNAL( timeout () ), SLOT( suspendAlarm() ) );
connect( mAlarmTimer, SIGNAL( timeout () ), SLOT( timerAlarm() ) );
mAlarmDialog = new AlarmDialog( this );
connect( mAlarmDialog, SIGNAL( addAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ), SLOT( addSuspendAlarm(const QDateTime &, const QString & ) ) );
mAlarmDialog->setServerNotification( false );
mAlarmDialog->setSuspendTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmSuspendTime );
//US listen for arriving address resultsets
connect(ExternalAppHandler::instance(), SIGNAL(receivedBirthdayListEvent(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)),
this, SLOT(insertBirthdays(const QString&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&, const QStringList&)));
// kdDebug() << "~CalendarView()" << endl;
//qDebug("CalendarView::~CalendarView() ");
delete mDialogManager;
delete mViewManager;
delete mStorage;
delete mDateFrame ;
delete beamDialog;
//kdDebug() << "~CalendarView() done" << endl;
void CalendarView::showDay( QDate d )
+ dateNavigator()->blockSignals( true );
dateNavigator()->selectDate( d );
+ dateNavigator()->blockSignals( false );
dateNavigator()->selectDate( d );
void CalendarView::timerAlarm()
//qDebug("CalendarView::timerAlarm() ");
computeAlarm(mAlarmNotification );
void CalendarView::suspendAlarm()
//qDebug(" CalendarView::suspendAlarm() ");
computeAlarm(mSuspendAlarmNotification );
void CalendarView::startAlarm( QString mess , QString filename)
mAlarmDialog->eventNotification( mess, KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmPlayBeeps, filename, true,KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmBeepInterval ,KOPrefs::instance()->mAlarmSuspendCount );
QTimer::singleShot( 3000, this, SLOT( checkNextTimerAlarm() ) );
void CalendarView::checkNextTimerAlarm()
mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true );
void CalendarView::computeAlarm( QString msg )
QString mess = msg;
QString mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 9 );
QString filename = MainWindow::resourcePath();
filename += "koalarm.wav";
QString tempfilename;
if ( mess.left( 13 ) == "suspend_alarm") {
bool error = false;
int len = mess.mid( 13 ).find("+++");
if ( len < 2 )
error = true;
else {
tempfilename = mess.mid( 13, len );
if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) )
error = true;
if ( ! error ) {
filename = tempfilename;
mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 13+len+3 );
//qDebug("suspend file %s ",tempfilename.latin1() );
startAlarm( mAlarmMessage, filename);
if ( mess.left( 11 ) == "timer_alarm") {
//mTimerTime = 0;
startAlarm( mess.mid( 11 ), filename );
if ( mess.left( 10 ) == "proc_alarm") {
bool error = false;
int len = mess.mid( 10 ).find("+++");
if ( len < 2 )
error = true;
else {
tempfilename = mess.mid( 10, len );
if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) )
error = true;
if ( error ) {
mAlarmMessage = "Procedure Alarm\nError - File not found\n";
mAlarmMessage += mess.mid( 10+len+3+9 );
} else {
//QCopEnvelope e("QPE/Application/kopi", "-writeFileSilent");
//qDebug("-----system command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() );
#ifndef _WIN32_
if ( vfork () == 0 ) {
execl ( tempfilename.latin1(), 0 );
QProcess* p = new QProcess();
p->addArgument( tempfilename.latin1() );
//qDebug("+++++++system command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() );
if ( mess.left( 11 ) == "audio_alarm") {
bool error = false;
int len = mess.mid( 11 ).find("+++");
if ( len < 2 )
error = true;
else {
tempfilename = mess.mid( 11, len );
if ( !QFile::exists( tempfilename ) )
error = true;
if ( ! error ) {
filename = tempfilename;
mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 11+len+3+9 );
//qDebug("audio file command %s ",tempfilename.latin1() );
if ( mess.left( 9 ) == "cal_alarm") {
mAlarmMessage = mess.mid( 9 ) ;
startAlarm( mAlarmMessage, filename );
void CalendarView::addSuspendAlarm(const QDateTime &qdt, const QString &noti )
//qDebug("+++++addSUSPENDAlarm %s %s ", qdt.toString().latin1() , noti.latin1() );
mSuspendAlarmNotification = noti;
int ms = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo( qdt )*1000;
//qDebug("Suspend Alarm timer started with secs: %d ", ms/1000);
mSuspendTimer->start( ms , true );
void CalendarView::addAlarm(const QDateTime &qdt, const QString &noti )
//qDebug("+++++addAlarm %s %s ", qdt.toString().latin1() , noti.latin1() );
if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mUseInternalAlarmNotification ) {
AlarmServer::addAlarm ( qdt,"koalarm", noti.latin1() );
int maxSec;
//maxSec = 5; //testing only
maxSec = 86400+3600; // one day+1hour
mAlarmNotification = noti;
int sec = QDateTime::currentDateTime().secsTo( qdt );
if ( sec > maxSec ) {
mRecheckAlarmTimer->start( maxSec * 1000 );
// qDebug("recheck Alarm timer started with secs: %d next alarm in sec:%d", maxSec,sec );
} else {
//qDebug("Alarm timer started with secs: %d ", sec);
mAlarmTimer->start( sec *1000 , true );
// called by mRecheckAlarmTimer to get next alarm
// we need this, because a QTimer has only a max range of 25 days
void CalendarView::recheckTimerAlarm()
mCalendar->checkAlarmForIncidence( 0, true );
void CalendarView::removeAlarm(const QDateTime &qdt, const QString &noti )
//qDebug("-----removeAlarm %s %s ", qdt.toString().latin1() , noti.latin1() );
if ( ! KOPrefs::instance()->mUseInternalAlarmNotification ) {
AlarmServer::deleteAlarm (qdt ,"koalarm" ,noti.latin1() );
void CalendarView::selectWeekNum ( int num )
+ dateNavigator()->blockSignals( true );
dateNavigator()->selectWeek( num );
+ dateNavigator()->blockSignals( false );
KOViewManager *CalendarView::viewManager()
return mViewManager;
KODialogManager *CalendarView::dialogManager()
return mDialogManager;
QDate CalendarView::startDate()
DateList dates = mNavigator->selectedDates();
return dates.first();
QDate CalendarView::endDate()
DateList dates = mNavigator->selectedDates();
return dates.last();
void CalendarView::createPrinter()
if (!mCalPrinter) {
mCalPrinter = new CalPrinter(this, mCalendar);
connect(this, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mCalPrinter, SLOT(updateConfig()));
// 0 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take local entry on conflict"));
// 1 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take remote entry on conflict"));
// 2 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Take newest entry on conflict"));
// 3 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Ask for every entry on conflict"));
// 4 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Force take local entry always"));
// 5 syncPrefsGroup->addRadio(i18n("Force take remote entry always"));
int CalendarView::takeEvent( Incidence* local, Incidence* remote, int mode , bool full )
// 0 equal
// 1 take local
// 2 take remote
// 3 cancel
QDateTime lastSync = mLastCalendarSync;
QDateTime localMod = local->lastModified();
QDateTime remoteMod = remote->lastModified();
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
bool remCh, locCh;
remCh = ( remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) != local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
//if ( remCh )
//qDebug("loc %s rem %s", local->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1(), remote->getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice).latin1() );
locCh = ( localMod > mLastCalendarSync );
if ( !remCh && ! locCh ) {
//qDebug("both not changed ");
lastSync = localMod.addDays(1);
if ( mode <= SYNC_PREF_ASK )
return 0;
} else {
if ( locCh ) {
//qDebug("loc changed %d %s %s", local->revision() , localMod.toString().latin1(), mLastCalendarSync.toString().latin1());
lastSync = localMod.addDays( -1 );
if ( !remCh )
remoteMod = ( lastSync.addDays( -1 ) );
} else {
//qDebug(" not loc changed ");
lastSync = localMod.addDays( 1 );
if ( remCh )
remoteMod =( lastSync.addDays( 1 ) );
full = true;
if ( mode < SYNC_PREF_ASK )
} else {
if ( localMod == remoteMod )
// if ( local->revision() == remote->revision() )
return 0;
// qDebug(" %d %d conflict on %s %s ", mode, full, local->summary().latin1(), remote->summary().latin1() );
//qDebug("%s %d %s %d", localMod.toString().latin1() , local->revision(), remoteMod.toString().latin1(), remote->revision());
//qDebug("%d %d %d %d ", localMod.time().second(), localMod.time().msec(), remoteMod.time().second(), remoteMod.time().msec() );
@@ -3372,197 +3377,200 @@ void CalendarView::adaptNavigationUnits()
if (mViewManager->currentView()->isEventView()) {
int days = mViewManager->currentView()->currentDateCount();
if (days == 1) {
emit changeNavStringPrev(i18n("&Previous Day"));
emit changeNavStringNext(i18n("&Next Day"));
} else {
emit changeNavStringPrev(i18n("&Previous Week"));
emit changeNavStringNext(i18n("&Next Week"));
void CalendarView::processMainViewSelection( Incidence *incidence )
if ( incidence ) mTodoList->clearSelection();
processIncidenceSelection( incidence );
void CalendarView::processTodoListSelection( Incidence *incidence )
if ( incidence && mViewManager->currentView() ) {
processIncidenceSelection( incidence );
void CalendarView::processIncidenceSelection( Incidence *incidence )
if ( incidence == mSelectedIncidence ) return;
mSelectedIncidence = incidence;
emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedIncidence );
if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) {
Event *event = static_cast<Event *>( incidence );
if ( event->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) {
emit organizerEventsSelected( true );
} else {
emit organizerEventsSelected(false);
if (event->attendeeByMails( KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,
KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) ) {
emit groupEventsSelected( true );
} else {
emit groupEventsSelected(false);
} else {
if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
emit todoSelected( true );
Todo *event = static_cast<Todo *>( incidence );
if ( event->organizer() == KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) {
emit organizerEventsSelected( true );
} else {
emit organizerEventsSelected(false);
if (event->attendeeByMails( KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,
KOPrefs::instance()->email() ) ) {
emit groupEventsSelected( true );
} else {
emit groupEventsSelected(false);
} else {
emit todoSelected( false );
emit organizerEventsSelected(false);
emit groupEventsSelected(false);
/* if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
emit todoSelected( true );
} else {
emit todoSelected( false );
void CalendarView::checkClipboard()
#ifndef KORG_NODND
if (ICalDrag::canDecode(QApplication::clipboard()->data())) {
emit pasteEnabled(true);
} else {
emit pasteEnabled(false);
void CalendarView::showDates(const DateList &selectedDates)
// kdDebug() << "CalendarView::selectDates()" << endl;
+ if ( !mBlockShowDates ) {
if ( mViewManager->currentView() ) {
updateView( selectedDates.first(), selectedDates.last() );
} else {
+ }
QString selDates;
selDates = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( selectedDates.first(), true);
if (selectedDates.first() < selectedDates.last() )
selDates += " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( selectedDates.last(),true);
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Dates: ") + selDates );
QPtrList<CalFilter> CalendarView::filters()
return mFilters;
void CalendarView::editFilters()
// kdDebug() << "CalendarView::editFilters()" << endl;
CalFilter *filter = mFilters.first();
while(filter) {
kdDebug() << " Filter: " << filter->name() << endl;
filter =;
void CalendarView::toggleFilter()
showFilter(! mFilterView->isVisible());
KOFilterView *CalendarView::filterView()
return mFilterView;
void CalendarView::selectFilter( int fil )
mFilterView->setSelectedFilter( fil );
void CalendarView::showFilter(bool visible)
if (visible) mFilterView->show();
else mFilterView->hide();
void CalendarView::toggleFilerEnabled( )
mFilterView->setFiltersEnabled ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() );
if ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() )
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Filter disabled ") );
void CalendarView::updateFilter()
CalFilter *filter = mFilterView->selectedFilter();
if (filter) {
if (mFilterView->filtersEnabled()) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Filter selected: ")+filter->name() );
else filter->setEnabled(false);
void CalendarView::filterEdited()
void CalendarView::takeOverEvent()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if (!incidence) return;
void CalendarView::takeOverCalendar()
// TODO: Create Calendar::allIncidences() function and use it here
QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->events();
for(uint i=0; i<events.count(); ++i) {>setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email());>recreate();>setReadOnly(false);
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.h b/korganizer/calendarview.h
index 646973d..e27da9a 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.h
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.h
@@ -387,203 +387,205 @@ class CalendarView : public KOrg::CalendarViewBase, public KCal::Calendar::Obser
void schedule_publish_freebusy(int daysToPublish = 30);
void openAddressbook();
void editFilters();
void toggleFilerEnabled();
QPtrList<CalFilter> filters();
void toggleFilter();
void showFilter(bool visible);
void updateFilter();
void filterEdited();
void selectFilter( int );
KOFilterView *filterView();
void showIntro();
/** Move the curdatepient view date to today */
void goToday();
/** Move to the next date(s) in the current view */
void goNext();
/** Move to the previous date(s) in the current view */
void goPrevious();
/** Move to the next date(s) in the current view */
void goNextMonth();
/** Move to the previous date(s) in the current view */
void goPreviousMonth();
void toggleExpand();
void toggleDateNavigatorWidget();
void toggleAllDaySize();
void dialogClosing(Incidence *);
/** Look for new messages in the inbox */
void lookForIncomingMessages();
/** Look for new messages in the outbox */
void lookForOutgoingMessages();
void processMainViewSelection( Incidence * );
void processTodoListSelection( Incidence * );
void processIncidenceSelection( Incidence * );
void purgeCompleted();
bool removeCompletedSubTodos( Todo* );
void slotCalendarChanged();
bool importBday();
bool addAnniversary( QDate data, QString name, KCal::Attendee* a , bool birthday );
bool importQtopia( const QString &categoriesFile,
const QString &datebookFile,
const QString &tasklistFile );
void syncExternal( int mode );
void slotSelectPickerDate( QDate ) ;
void showDatePicker( ) ;
void moveIncidence(Incidence *) ;
void beamIncidence(Incidence *) ;
void beamCalendar() ;
void beamFilteredCalendar() ;
void beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence>) ;
void manageCategories();
int addCategories();
void removeCategories();
void setSyncDevice( QString );
void setSyncName( QString );
void showDay( QDate );
void undo_delete();
protected slots:
void timerAlarm();
void suspendAlarm();
void beamDone( Ir *ir );
/** Select a view or adapt the current view to display the specified dates. */
void showDates( const KCal::DateList & );
void selectWeekNum ( int );
// show a standard warning
// returns KMsgBox::yesNoCancel()
int msgCalModified();
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource);
virtual void removeSyncInfo( QString syncProfile);
void setSyncManager(KSyncManager* manager);
void setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime);
bool checkFileVersion(QString fn);
bool checkFileChanged(QString fn);
Event* getLastSyncEvent();
/** Adapt navigation units correpsonding to step size of navigation of the
* current view.
void adaptNavigationUnits();
bool synchronizeCalendar( Calendar* local, Calendar* remote, int mode );
int takeEvent( Incidence* local, Incidence* remote, int mode, bool full = false );
//Attendee* getYourAttendee(Event *event);
+ void setBlockShowDates( bool b ) { mBlockShowDates = b ;}
void schedule(Scheduler::Method, Incidence *incidence = 0);
// returns KMsgBox::OKCandel()
int msgItemDelete();
void showEventEditor();
void showTodoEditor();
void writeLocale();
Todo *selectedTodo();
+ bool mBlockShowDates;
KSyncManager* mSyncManager;
AlarmDialog * mAlarmDialog;
QString mAlarmNotification;
QString mSuspendAlarmNotification;
QTimer* mSuspendTimer;
QTimer* mAlarmTimer;
QTimer* mRecheckAlarmTimer;
void computeAlarm( QString );
void startAlarm( QString, QString );
void setSyncEventsReadOnly();
QDateTime loadedFileVersion;
void checkExternSyncEvent( QPtrList<Event> lastSync , Incidence* toDelete );
void checkExternalId( Incidence * inc );
int mGlobalSyncMode;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice;
QString mCurrentSyncName;
KOBeamPrefs* beamDialog;
void init();
int mDatePickerMode;
bool mFlagEditDescription;
QDateTime mLastCalendarSync;
void createPrinter();
void calendarModified( bool, Calendar * );
CalPrinter *mCalPrinter;
QSplitter *mPanner;
QSplitter *mLeftSplitter;
QWidget *mLeftFrame;
QWidgetStack *mRightFrame;
KDatePicker* mDatePicker;
QVBox* mDateFrame;
NavigatorBar *mNavigatorBar;
KDateNavigator *mDateNavigator; // widget showing small month view.
KOFilterView *mFilterView;
ResourceView *mResourceView;
// calendar object for this viewing instance
Calendar *mCalendar;
CalendarResourceManager *mResourceManager;
FileStorage *mStorage;
DateNavigator *mNavigator;
KOViewManager *mViewManager;
KODialogManager *mDialogManager;
// Calendar filters
QPtrList<CalFilter> mFilters;
// various housekeeping variables.
bool mModified; // flag indicating if calendar is modified
bool mReadOnly; // flag indicating if calendar is read-only
QDate mSaveSingleDate;
Incidence *mSelectedIncidence;
Incidence *mMoveIncidence;
QDate mMoveIncidenceOldDate;
KOTodoView *mTodoList;
KOEventEditor * mEventEditor;
KOTodoEditor * mTodoEditor;
KOEventViewerDialog * mEventViewerDialog;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) ;
//QMap<Incidence*,KOIncidenceEditor*> mDialogList;
class CalendarViewVisitor : public Incidence::Visitor
CalendarViewVisitor() : mView( 0 ) {}
bool act( Incidence *incidence, CalendarView *view )
mView = view;
return incidence->accept( *this );
CalendarView *mView;
class ShowIncidenceVisitor : public CalendarViewVisitor
bool visit( Event *event ) { mView->showEvent( event ); return true; }
bool visit( Todo *todo ) { mView->showTodo( todo ); return true; }
bool visit( Journal * j ) { mView->showJournal( j );return true; }
diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
index 9344567..842f6eb 100644
--- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp
@@ -1,180 +1,183 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qfontmetrics.h>
#include <qkeycode.h>
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qtooltip.h>
#include <qpainter.h>
#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kcalendarsystem.h>
#include "calprinter.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "kocore.h"
#include "koglobals.h"
#include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h>
#include "komonthview.h"
#define PIXMAP_SIZE 5
QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::mToolTipGroup = 0;
class KNOWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis
KNOWhatsThis( KNoScrollListBox* sbox ) : QWhatsThis( sbox ), _wid( sbox) { };
virtual QString text( const QPoint& p)
return _wid->getWhatsThisText(p) ;
KNoScrollListBox* _wid;
KNoScrollListBox::KNoScrollListBox(QWidget *parent,const char *name)
: QListBox(parent, name)
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
- new KNOWhatsThis(this);
+ mWT = new KNOWhatsThis(this);
+ delete mWT;
QString KNoScrollListBox::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p)
QListBoxItem* item = itemAt ( p );
if ( ! item ) {
return i18n("Click in the cell\nto add an event!");
return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText(((MonthViewItem*) item)->incidence());
void KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
switch(e->key()) {
case Key_Right:
// if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton )
case Key_Left:
// if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton )
case Key_Up:
if(!count()) break;
if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) {
if((unsigned int) currentItem() == (count()-1)) {
} else {
case Key_Down:
if(!count()) break;
if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) {
if(currentItem() == 0) {
} else {
case Key_Shift:
emit shiftDown();
void KNoScrollListBox::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e)
switch(e->key()) {
case Key_Shift:
emit shiftUp();
void KNoScrollListBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e)
if(e->button() == RightButton) {
emit rightClick();
MonthViewItem::MonthViewItem( Incidence *incidence, QDate qd, const QString & s)
: QListBoxItem()
setText( s );
mIncidence = incidence;
mDate = qd;
// QWhatsThis::add(this,KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( mIncidence ));
mRecur = false;
mAlarm = false;
mReply = false;
mInfo = false;
void MonthViewItem::paint(QPainter *p)
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
@@ -215,597 +218,610 @@ void MonthViewItem::paint(QPainter *p)
QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics();
int yPos;
int pmheight = size;
if( pmheight < fm.height() )
yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2;
yPos = pmheight/2 - fm.height()/2 + fm.ascent();
p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, sel ? \
QColorGroup::HighlightedText : QColorGroup::Foreground ) );
p->drawText( x, yPos, text() );
if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) {
int wid = fm.width( text() );
p->drawLine( x, yPos- fm.height()/2+2,x+wid, yPos- fm.height()/2 +2);
int MonthViewItem::height(const QListBox *lb) const
return lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+1;
int MonthViewItem::width(const QListBox *lb) const
int size = PIXMAP_SIZE;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 )
size = 3;
int x = 1;
if ( mInfo ) {
x += size + 1;
if( mRecur ) {
x += size+1;
if( mAlarm ) {
x += size+1;
if( mReply ) {
x += size+1;
return( x + lb->fontMetrics().width( text() ) + 1 );
MonthViewCell::MonthViewCell( KOMonthView *parent)
: QWidget( parent ),
mMonthView( parent )
QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this );
// mLabel = new QLabel( this );QPushButton
mLabel = new QPushButton( this );
//mLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain );
//mLabel->setLineWidth( 1 );
//mLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter );
mLabel->setFlat( true );
mItemList = new KNoScrollListBox( this );
mItemList->setMinimumSize( 10, 10 );
mItemList->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain );
mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 );
topLayout->addWidget( mItemList );
// QColor( 0,0,255 ) QColor( 160,1600,255 )
mStandardPalette = palette();
mStandardPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, mStandardPalette.color( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Background ) );
enableScrollBars( false );
//connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( newEvent() ));
connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( showDay() ));
connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListBoxItem *) ),
SLOT( defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ) ) );
connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListBoxItem *,
const QPoint &) ),
SLOT( contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ) ) );
connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( highlighted( QListBoxItem *) ),
SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) );
connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ),
SLOT( cellClicked( QListBoxItem * ) ) );
connect( mItemList, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ),
SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) );
QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup()
if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0);
return mToolTipGroup;
void MonthViewCell::setDate( const QDate &date )
// kdDebug() << "MonthViewCell::setDate(): " << date.toString() << endl;
mDate = date;
- QString text;
- bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog;
- if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( date ) == 1 || (date.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) {
- text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( date, true ) + " ";
- mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize );
- text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
- } else {
- mLabel->resize( mLabelSize );
- text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
- }
- mLabel->setText( text );
//resizeEvent( 0 );
QDate MonthViewCell::date() const
return mDate;
void MonthViewCell::setPrimary( bool primary )
mPrimary = primary;
void MonthViewCell::setMyPalette()
if ( mHoliday) {
setPalette( mHolidayPalette );
} else {
if ( mPrimary ) {
setPalette( mPrimaryPalette );
} else {
setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette );
QPalette pal = palette();
mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( pal.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),pal.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) ));
QPalette MonthViewCell::getPalette ()
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors )
return mStandardPalette;
if ( mHoliday) {
return mHolidayPalette ;
} else {
if ( mPrimary ) {
return mPrimaryPalette ;
return mNonPrimaryPalette;
bool MonthViewCell::isPrimary() const
return mPrimary;
void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( bool holiday )
mHoliday = holiday;
void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( const QString &holiday )
mHolidayString = holiday;
if ( !holiday.isEmpty() ) {
setHoliday( true );
void MonthViewCell::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
void MonthViewCell::updateCell()
+ if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() )
+ return;
+ if ( !isVisible() ){
+ return;
+ }
setPrimary( mDate.month()%2 );
setHoliday( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mDate) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray() || ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 6 ) && KOPrefs::instance()-> mExcludeSaturdays);
if ( mDate == QDate::currentDate() ) {
mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 );
} else {
mItemList->setLineWidth( 1 );
QString tipText("");
if ( !mHolidayString.isEmpty() ) {
MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( 0, mDate, mHolidayString );
item->setPalette( mHolidayPalette );
mItemList->insertItem( item );
tipText += mHolidayString+"\n";
//mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2);
QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true );
Event *event;
- for( event = events.first(); event; event = ) {
+ for( event = events.first(); event; event = ) { // for event
+ if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) {
+ if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily )
+ continue;
+ else
+ if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly )
+ continue;
+ }
if ( event->categories().contains("Holiday") ||
event->categories().contains(i18n("Holiday"))) {
setHoliday( true );
if ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 )
mItemList->setLineWidth( 3 );
QString text;
if (event->isMultiDay()) {
QString prefix = "<->";
if ( event->doesRecur() ) {
if ( event->recursOn( mDate) )
prefix ="->" ;
else {
int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() );
if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) )
prefix ="<-" ;
} else {
if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) {
prefix ="->" ;
} else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) {
prefix ="<-" ;
text = prefix + event->summary();
tipText += text;
} else {
if (event->doesFloat()) {
text = event->summary();
tipText += text;
else {
text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time());
text += " " + event->summary();
tipText += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary();
MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( event, mDate, text );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = event->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
item->setRecur( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() );
item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() );
item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 );
Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails,
if ( me != 0 ) {
if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP())
} else
- bool insert = true;
- if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) {
- if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily )
- insert = false;
- else
- if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly )
- insert = false;
- }
- if ( insert ) {
mItemList->insertItem( item );
tipText += "\n";
- } else
- tipText = "";
// insert due todos
QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate );
Todo *todo;
for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = {
QString text;
if (todo->hasDueDate()) {
if (!todo->doesFloat()) {
text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time());
text += " ";
text += i18n("To-Do: %1").arg(todo->summary());
MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text );
//item->setPalette( mStandardPalette );
QPalette pal;
if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) {
QStringList categories = todo->categories();
QString cat = categories.first();
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) {
pal = getPalette();
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
} else {
pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
if (cat.isEmpty()) {
pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor);
} else {
pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)));
} else {
pal = mStandardPalette ;
item->setPalette( pal );
mItemList->insertItem( item );
tipText += text+"\n";
if (tipText != "")
+ QString text;
+ bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog;
+ if ( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( mDate ) == 1 || (mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) {
+ text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mDate, true ) + " ";
+ mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize );
+ text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
+ } else {
+ mLabel->resize( mLabelSize );
+ text += QString::number( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day(mDate) );
+ }
+ mLabel->setText( text );
resizeEvent( 0 );
// if ( isVisible())
- // qApp->processEvents();
+ qApp->processEvents();
void MonthViewCell::updateConfig()
setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont );
QFontMetrics fm( font() );
mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) + QSize( 4, 2 );
mLabelBigSize = fm.size( 0, "Mag 30" ) + QSize( 2, 2 );
mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette;
mPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette;
mNonPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) {
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor );
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor );
mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor.dark());
void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled )
if ( enabled ) {
} else {
Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence()
int index = mItemList->currentItem();
if ( index < 0 ) return 0;
MonthViewItem *item =
static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );
if ( !item ) return 0;
return item->incidence();
QDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate()
QDate qd;
int index = mItemList->currentItem();
if ( index < 0 ) return qd;
MonthViewItem *item =
static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( mItemList->item( index ) );
if ( !item ) return qd;
return item->incidenceDate();
void MonthViewCell::deselect()
enableScrollBars( false );
// updateCell();
void MonthViewCell::select()
;// updateCell();
void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * )
+ if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() )
+ return;
+ if ( !isVisible() ){
+ return;
+ }
int size = height() - mLabel->height();
if ( size > 0 )
mItemList->verticalScrollBar()->setMaximumHeight( size );
size = width() - mLabel->width();
if ( size > 0 )
mItemList->horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximumWidth( size );
mLabel->move( width()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->width(), height()-mItemList->lineWidth() - mLabel->height() );
//mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2);
void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence );
void MonthViewCell::showDay()
emit showDaySignal( date() );
void MonthViewCell::newEvent()
QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) );
emit newEventSignal( dt );
void MonthViewCell::cellClicked( QListBoxItem *item )
static QListBoxItem * lastClicked = 0;
if ( item == 0 ) {
QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) );
emit newEventSignal( dt );
if ( lastClicked )
if ( ! item ) {
if ( lastClicked->listBox() != item->listBox() )
mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this );
if( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll ) enableScrollBars( true );
void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item );
Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence();
if ( incidence ) mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence );
void MonthViewCell::selection( QListBoxItem *item )
if ( !item ) return;
mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this );
// *******************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************
// *******************************************************************************
KOMonthView::KOMonthView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name)
: KOEventView( calendar, parent, name ),
mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ),
mShortDayLabels( false ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 )
+ updatePossible = false;
mCells.setAutoDelete( true );
mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ;
// mDayLayout = new QGridLayout( this );
// create the day of the week labels (Sun, Mon, etc) and add them to
// the layout.
mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek );
QFont bfont = font();
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) {
bfont.setPointSize( bfont.pointSize() - 2 );
bfont.setBold( true );
int i;
for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) {
QLabel *label = new QLabel( this );
mDayLabels.insert( i, label );
bfont.setBold( false );
mWeekLabels.resize( mNumWeeks+1 );
for( i = 0; i < mNumWeeks+1; i++ ) {
KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( this );
connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )) );
QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week in agenda view"));
mWeekLabels.insert( i, label );
mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W"));
int row, col;
mCells.resize( mNumCells );
for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) {
for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) {
MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this );
mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ),
SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ),
SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) );
connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ),
SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) );
mContextMenu = eventPopup();
// updateConfig(); //useless here
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
delete mContextMenu;
int KOMonthView::maxDatesHint()
return mNumCells;
int KOMonthView::currentDateCount()
return mNumCells;
QPtrList<Incidence> KOMonthView::selectedIncidences()
QPtrList<Incidence> selected;
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
Incidence *incidence = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence();
if ( incidence ) selected.append( incidence );
return selected;
DateList KOMonthView::selectedDates()
DateList selected;
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
QDate qd = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidenceDate();
if ( qd.isValid() ) selected.append( qd );
return selected;
@@ -827,266 +843,273 @@ void KOMonthView::updateConfig()
mWidthLongDayLabel = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1));
if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width;
bool temp = mShowSatSunComp ;
mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ;
if ( temp != KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog )
//qDebug("KOMonthView::updateConfig() %d %d %d ",height(), mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height() ,mNumWeeks);
int cellHeight = (height() - mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height()) /mNumWeeks;
//resizeEvent( 0 );
for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) {
void KOMonthView::updateDayLabels()
for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if (mWeekStartsMonday) {
bool show = mShortDayLabels;
if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > mDayLabels[i]->width() )
show = true;
} else {
if (i==0) mDayLabels[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(7,mShortDayLabels));
else mDayLabels[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i,mShortDayLabels));
void KOMonthView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &)
// kdDebug() << "KOMonthView::showDates(): " << start.toString() << endl;
mStartDate = start;
int startWeekDay = mWeekStartsMonday ? 1 : 7;
while( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mStartDate) != startWeekDay ) {
mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -1 );
bool primary = false;
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < mCells.size(); ++i ) {
QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i );
mCells[i]->setDate( date );
// add holiday, if present
QString hstring(KOCore::self()->holiday(date));
mCells[i]->setHoliday( hstring );
QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( mWeekStartsMonday ? 3 : 4 );
for( i = 0; i < 6; ++i ) {
int wno;
// remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the
// first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4,
// not just 1.
int dayOfYear = date.dayOfYear();
if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0)
wno = dayOfYear / 7 + 1;
wno =dayOfYear / 7;
mWeekLabels[i]->setWeekNum( wno );
date = date.addDays( 7 );
void KOMonthView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>)
qDebug("KOMonthView::selectEvents is not implemented yet. ");
void KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int)
// this should be re-written to be much more efficient, but this
// quick-and-dirty-hack gets the job done for right now.
void KOMonthView::updateView()
+ static int iii = 0;
+ ++iii;
+ if ( !updatePossible )
+ return;
uint i;
for( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i ) {
//qDebug("KOMonthView::updateView() ");
void KOMonthView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e)
void KOMonthView::computeLayout()
// select the appropriate heading string size. E.g. "Wednesday" or "Wed".
// note this only changes the text if the requested size crosses the
// threshold between big enough to support the full name and not big
// enough.
int daysToShow = 7;
bool combinedSatSun = false;
if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) {
daysToShow = 6;
combinedSatSun = true;
int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width();
int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height();
int wid = size().width();//e
int hei = size().height()-1;
if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei )
+ //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout()------------------------------------ ");
QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() );
int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" );
wid -= weeklabelwid;
int colWid = wid / daysToShow;
int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 );
int dayLabelHei = mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height();
int cellHei = (hei - dayLabelHei) /6;
int colModulo = wid % daysToShow;
int rowModulo = (hei- dayLabelHei) % 6;
//qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo);
int i;
int x,y,w,h;
x= 0;
y= 0;
w = colWid;
h = dayLabelHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) {
if ( i == daysToShow-colModulo )
if ( combinedSatSun ) {
if ( i >= daysToShow-1 ) {
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w/2,h);
x -= w/2 ;
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h);
} else
mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h);
x += w;
x= 0;
y= dayLabelHei;
w = colWid;
h = cellHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) {
w = colWid;
if ( ((i) % 7) >= 7-colModulo ) {
if ( i == (6-rowModulo)*7)
if ( combinedSatSun ) {
if ( (i)%7 >= daysToShow-1 ) {
if ( (i)%7 == daysToShow-1 ) {
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h/2 );
x -= w ;y += h/2;
} else {
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h-h/2 );
y -= h/2;
} else
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h );
mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h );
x += w;
if ( x + w/2 > wid ) {
x = 0;
y += h;
y= dayLabelHei;
h = cellHei ;
for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++) {
if ( i == (6-rowModulo))
mWeekLabels[i]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,h);
y += h;
mWeekLabels[6]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei);
// qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height());
//qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height());
mShortDayLabels = mDayLabels[0]->width() < mWidthLongDayLabel ;
+ bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible;
+ updatePossible = true;
+ if ( forceUpdate )
+ updateView();
void KOMonthView::showContextMenu( Incidence *incidence )
if( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) {
Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence);
} else {
kdDebug() << "MonthView::showContextMenu(): cast failed." << endl;
MonthViewCell * KOMonthView::selectedCell( )
return mSelectedCell;
void KOMonthView::setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell *cell )
// qDebug("KOMonthView::setSelectedCell ");
if ( mSelectedCell && mSelectedCell != cell ) {
MonthViewCell * mvc = mSelectedCell;
mSelectedCell = cell;
} else
mSelectedCell = cell;
// if ( mSelectedCell )
// mSelectedCell->select();
if ( !mSelectedCell )
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence() );
void KOMonthView::processSelectionChange()
QPtrList<Incidence> incidences = selectedIncidences();
if (incidences.count() > 0) {
emit incidenceSelected( incidences.first() );
} else {
emit incidenceSelected( 0 );
void KOMonthView::clearSelection()
if ( mSelectedCell ) {
mSelectedCell = 0;
void KOMonthView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.h b/korganizer/komonthview.h
index 4c1567c..727f511 100644
--- a/korganizer/komonthview.h
+++ b/korganizer/komonthview.h
@@ -1,265 +1,271 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <qframe.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qlistbox.h>
#include <qpoint.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qintdict.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qptrvector.h>
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include <libkcal/event.h>
#include "koeventview.h"
class QToolTipGroup;
+class KNOWhatsThis;
class KOWeekButton : public QPushButton
KOWeekButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) :
QPushButton( parent, name)
connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ),
SLOT( bottonClicked() ));
mNumber = -1;
void setWeekNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; setText( QString::number ( num ));}
void selectWeekNum ( int );
int mNumber;
private slots :
void bottonClicked() { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectWeekNum ( mNumber ); }
class KNoScrollListBox: public QListBox
KNoScrollListBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0);
- ~KNoScrollListBox() {}
+ ~KNoScrollListBox();
QString getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) ;
void shiftDown();
void shiftUp();
void rightClick();
protected slots:
void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *);
void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *);
void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *);
+ private:
+ KNOWhatsThis * mWT;
class MonthViewItem: public QListBoxItem
MonthViewItem( Incidence *, QDate qd, const QString & title );
void setRecur(bool on) { mRecur = on; }
void setAlarm(bool on) { mAlarm = on; }
void setReply(bool on) { mReply = on; }
void setMoreInfo(bool on) { mInfo = on; }
void setPalette(const QPalette &p) { mPalette = p; }
QPalette palette() const { return mPalette; }
Incidence *incidence() const { return mIncidence; }
QDate incidenceDate() { return mDate; }
virtual void paint(QPainter *);
virtual int height(const QListBox *) const;
virtual int width(const QListBox *) const;
bool mRecur;
bool mAlarm;
bool mReply;
bool mInfo;
QPalette mPalette;
QDate mDate;
Incidence *mIncidence;
class KOMonthView;
class MonthViewCell : public QWidget
MonthViewCell( KOMonthView * );
void setDate( const QDate & );
QDate date() const;
void setPrimary( bool );
bool isPrimary() const;
void setHoliday( bool );
void setHoliday( const QString & );
void updateCell();
void updateConfig();
void enableScrollBars( bool );
Incidence *selectedIncidence();
QDate selectedIncidenceDate();
void deselect();
void select();
static QToolTipGroup *toolTipGroup();
void defaultAction( Incidence * );
void newEventSignal( QDateTime );
void showDaySignal( QDate );
void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * );
protected slots:
void defaultAction( QListBoxItem * );
void contextMenu( QListBoxItem * );
void selection( QListBoxItem * );
void cellClicked( QListBoxItem * );
void newEvent();
void showDay();
KOMonthView *mMonthView;
QDate mDate;
bool mPrimary;
bool mHoliday;
QString mHolidayString;
//QLabel *mLabel;
QPushButton *mLabel;
QListBox *mItemList;
static QToolTipGroup *mToolTipGroup;
QSize mLabelSize;
QSize mLabelBigSize;
QPalette mHolidayPalette;
QPalette mStandardPalette;
QPalette mPrimaryPalette;
QPalette mNonPrimaryPalette;
void setMyPalette();
QPalette getPalette ();
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ;
class KOMonthView: public KOEventView
KOMonthView(Calendar *cal, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 );
/** Returns maximum number of days supported by the komonthview */
virtual int maxDatesHint();
/** Returns number of currently shown dates. */
virtual int currentDateCount();
/** returns the currently selected events */
virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences();
/** returns dates of the currently selected events */
virtual DateList selectedDates();
virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter,
const QDate &, const QDate &);
bool isMonthView() { return true; }
+ bool isUpdatePossible() { return updatePossible; }
MonthViewCell * selectedCell();
public slots:
virtual void updateView();
virtual void updateConfig();
virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end);
virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList);
void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int);
void clearSelection();
void showContextMenu( Incidence * );
void setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell * );
protected slots:
void processSelectionChange();
void selectWeekNum ( int );
void showDaySignal( QDate );
void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *);
void viewChanged();
void updateDayLabels();
+ bool updatePossible;
int mDaysPerWeek;
int mNumWeeks;
int mNumCells;
bool mWeekStartsMonday;
bool mShowSatSunComp;
void computeLayout();
QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> mCells;
QPtrVector<QLabel> mDayLabels;
QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> mWeekLabels;
bool mShortDayLabels;
int mWidthLongDayLabel;
QDate mStartDate;
MonthViewCell *mSelectedCell;
KOEventPopupMenu *mContextMenu;
void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ;
diff --git a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
index cf56fcf..00a5842 100644
--- a/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koviewmanager.cpp
@@ -1,143 +1,144 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 2001
Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qwidgetstack.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <qpe/qpeapplication.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include "calendarview.h"
#include "datenavigator.h"
#include "kotodoview.h"
#include "koagendaview.h"
#include "kodialogmanager.h"
#include "komonthview.h"
#include "kolistview.h"
#include "kowhatsnextview.h"
#include "kojournalview.h"
#include "kotimespanview.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "navigatorbar.h"
+#include "kdatenavigator.h"
#include "koviewmanager.h"
//extern bool externFlagMonthviewBlockPainting;
//bool globalFlagBlockPainting = false;
int globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0;
int globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1;
int globalFlagBlockAgendaItemUpdate = 1;
KOViewManager::KOViewManager( CalendarView *mainView ) :
QObject(), mMainView( mainView )
mCurrentView = 0;
mWhatsNextView = 0;
mTodoView = 0;
mAgendaView = 0;
mMonthView = 0;
mListView = 0;
mJournalView = 0;
mTimeSpanView = 0;
mCurrentAgendaView = 0 ;
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
KOrg::BaseView *KOViewManager::currentView()
return mCurrentView;
void KOViewManager::readSettings(KConfig *config)
QString view = config->readEntry("Current View");
if (view == "WhatsNext") showWhatsNextView();
else if (view == "Month") showMonthView();
else if (view == "List") showListView();
else if (view == "Journal") showJournalView();
else if (view == "TimeSpan") showTimeSpanView();
else if (view == "Todo") showTodoView();
else {
void KOViewManager::writeSettings(KConfig *config)
QString view;
if (mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView) view = "WhatsNext";
else if (mCurrentView == mMonthView) view = "Month";
else if (mCurrentView == mListView) view = "List";
else if (mCurrentView == mJournalView) view = "Journal";
else if (mCurrentView == mTimeSpanView) view = "TimeSpan";
else if (mCurrentView == mTodoView) view = "Todo";
else view = "Agenda";
config->writeEntry("Current View",view);
if (mAgendaView) {
if (mTimeSpanView) {
if (mListView) {
if (mTodoView) {
mTodoView->saveLayout(config,"Todo View");
void KOViewManager::showView(KOrg::BaseView *view, bool fullScreen )
//mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
//if(view == mCurrentView) return;
if ( view == 0 ) {
view = mCurrentView;
if ( view == 0 )
bool full = fullScreen;
if(view == mCurrentView && view != mWhatsNextView ) {
if ( mCurrentAgendaView < 0 )
full = mMainView->leftFrame()->isVisible();
@@ -183,194 +184,197 @@ void KOViewManager::raiseCurrentView( bool fullScreen )
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 5 ) {
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 4;
globalFlagBlockAgendaItemPaint = 1;
if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda == 4 ) {
if ( mCurrentView == mAgendaView ) {
//globalFlagBlockAgenda =1 ;
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mSetTimeToDayStartAt )
mAgendaView->setStartHour( KOPrefs::instance()->mDayBegins );
else if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCenterOnCurrentTime )
mAgendaView->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() );
//qDebug("qApp->processEvents() ");
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 0;
//qDebug("raiseCurrentView ende ");
void KOViewManager::updateView()
// qDebug("KOViewManager::updateView() ");
// if we are updating mTodoView, we get endless recursion
if ( mTodoView == mCurrentView )
if ( mCurrentView ) mCurrentView->updateView();
void KOViewManager::updateView(const QDate &start, const QDate &end)
// kdDebug() << "KOViewManager::updateView()" << endl;
if (mCurrentView) mCurrentView->showDates(start, end);
if (mTodoView) mTodoView->updateView();
void KOViewManager::updateWNview()
if ( mCurrentView == mWhatsNextView && mWhatsNextView )
void KOViewManager::showWhatsNextView()
if (!mWhatsNextView) {
mWhatsNextView = new KOWhatsNextView(mMainView->calendar(),mMainView->viewStack(),
mWhatsNextView->setEventViewer( mMainView->getEventViewerDialog());
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mWhatsNextView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect(this, SIGNAL( printWNV() ),
mWhatsNextView, SLOT( printMe() ) );
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
showView(mWhatsNextView, true );
void KOViewManager::showListView()
if (!mListView) {
mListView = new KOListView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::ListView");
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mListView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( signalNewEvent() ),
mMainView, SLOT( newEvent() ) );
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mListView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cloneIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( cancelIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mListView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
// bool temp = mFlagShowNextxDays;
//globalFlagBlockPainting = true;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
- if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan )
+ if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewMonthTimespan ) {
+ mMainView->setBlockShowDates( true );
+ mMainView->setBlockShowDates( false );
+ }
showView(mListView, KOPrefs::instance()->mFullViewTodo);
//mFlagShowNextxDays = temp;
void KOViewManager::showAgendaView( bool fullScreen )
// qDebug("KOViewManager::showAgendaView ");
bool full;
full = fullScreen;
if (!mAgendaView) {
full = false;
mAgendaView = new KOAgendaView(mMainView->calendar(), mMainView->viewStack(), "KOViewManager::AgendaView");
QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( mAgendaView, QPEApplication::RightOnHold );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceChanged(Incidence *, int )),
mMainView, SLOT( changeIncidenceDisplay( Incidence *, int ) ));
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime)));
// connect(mAgendaView,SIGNAL(newEventSignal(QDateTime,QDateTime)),
// mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDateTime,QDateTime)));
mMainView, SLOT(newEvent(QDate)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(editIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(editIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(showIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL(deleteIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)),
mMainView, SLOT(deleteIncidence(Incidence *)));
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( incidenceSelected( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT( processMainViewSelection( Incidence * ) ) );
connect(mAgendaView, SIGNAL( toggleExpand() ),
mMainView, SLOT( toggleExpand() ) );
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL( calendarViewExpanded( bool ) ),
mAgendaView, SLOT( setExpandedButton( bool ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cloneIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ),
mMainView, SLOT(cloneIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ;
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( cancelIncidenceSignal(Incidence *) ),
mMainView, SLOT(cancelIncidence(Incidence *) ) ) ;
connect(mMainView, SIGNAL(configChanged()), mAgendaView, SLOT(updateConfig()));
connect( mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )), mAgendaView,
SLOT( updateTodo( Todo *, int ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView,SIGNAL( todoMoved( Todo *, int )),
mMainView, SIGNAL( todoModified( Todo *, int )));
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( moveIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( moveIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
connect( mAgendaView, SIGNAL( beamIncidenceSignal( Incidence * ) ),
mMainView, SLOT ( beamIncidence( Incidence * ) ) );
showView( mAgendaView, full);
void KOViewManager::showDayView()
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 1 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
mMainView->dateNavigator()->selectDates( 1 );
mCurrentAgendaView = 1 ;
void KOViewManager::showWorkWeekView()
mFlagShowNextxDays = false;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 1;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 1;
if ( mCurrentAgendaView != 5 )
mCurrentAgendaView = -1;
globalFlagBlockAgenda = 2;
globalFlagBlockLabel = 0;
mCurrentAgendaView = 5 ;