-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.cpp | 10 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.h | 1 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.cpp | 35 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/komonthview.h | 6 |
4 files changed, 35 insertions, 17 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp index 1b4397f..db3f802 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp @@ -1,1150 +1,1160 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #include <qlistview.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qprogressbar.h> #include <qfileinfo.h> #include <qmessagebox.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qtextstream.h> #include <qdir.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #include <qregexp.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qpaintdevicemetrics.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kdebug.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h> #include <libkcal/calendar.h> #include <libkcal/calendarlocal.h> #include <libkcal/icalformat.h> #include <libkcal/vcalformat.h> #include <libkcal/recurrence.h> #include <libkcal/filestorage.h> #include <libkdepim/categoryselectdialog.h> #include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include "calprinter.h" #endif #include "koglobals.h" #include "koprefs.h" #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "kolistview.h" #include "koeventviewer.h" extern QPixmap* sgListViewCompletedPix[6]; class KOListViewWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis { public: KOListViewWhatsThis( QWidget *wid, KOListView* view ) : QWhatsThis( wid ), _wid(wid),_view (view) { }; protected: virtual QString text( const QPoint& p) { return _view->getWhatsThisText(p) ; } private: QWidget* _wid; KOListView * _view; }; ListItemVisitor::ListItemVisitor(KOListViewItem *item, QDate date ) { mItem = item; mDate = date; } ListItemVisitor::~ListItemVisitor() { } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Event *e) { bool ok = false; QString start, end; QDate ds, de; if ( e->doesRecur() ) { ds = e->getNextOccurence( QDateTime( mDate, QTime(0,0,0)), &ok ).date(); if ( ok ) { int days = e->dtStart().date().daysTo(e->dtEnd().date() ); start = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(ds,true); de = ds.addDays( days); end = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(de,true); } } if ( ! ok ) { start =e->dtStartDateStr(); end = e->dtEndDateStr(); ds = e->dtStart().date(); de = e->dtEnd().date(); } mItem->setText(0,e->summary()); mItem->setText(1,start); if ( e->doesFloat() ) mItem->setText(2,"---"); else mItem->setText(2,e->dtStartTimeStr()); mItem->setText(3,end); if ( e->doesFloat() ) mItem->setText(4,"---"); else mItem->setText(4,e->dtEndTimeStr()); if ( e->isAlarmEnabled() ) { mItem->setText(5,e->alarms().first()->offsetText() ); } else { mItem->setText(5, i18n("No")); } mItem->setText(6, e->recurrence()->recurrenceText()); if( ! e->doesRecur() ) mItem->setSortKey( 6, "-" ); mItem->setText(7,"---"); mItem->setText(8,"---"); mItem->setText(9, e->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); mItem->setText(10,e->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(11, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( e->calID() )); QString key; QTime t = e->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : e->dtStart().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",ds.year(),ds.month(),ds.day(),t.hour(),t.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); t = e->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : e->dtEnd().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",de.year(),de.month(),de.day(),t.hour(),t.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(3,key); return true; } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Todo *t) { mItem->setText(0,t->summary()); if ( t->isCompleted() ) { mItem->setSortKey(0,"99"+ t->summary().left(10)); } else mItem->setSortKey(0,QString::number( t->percentComplete() )+ t->summary().left(10)); mItem->setPixmap( 0, *(sgListViewCompletedPix[t->percentComplete()/20])); if (t->hasStartDate()) { mItem->setText(1,t->dtStartDateStr()); if (t->doesFloat()) { mItem->setText(2,"---"); } else { mItem->setText(2,t->dtStartTimeStr()); } } else { mItem->setText(1,"---"); mItem->setText(2,"---"); } mItem->setText(3,"---"); mItem->setText(4,"---"); if ( t->isAlarmEnabled() ) { mItem->setText(5,t->alarms().first()->offsetText() ); } else { mItem->setText(5, i18n("No")); } mItem->setText(6, t->recurrence()->recurrenceText()); if( ! t->doesRecur() ) mItem->setSortKey( 6, "-" ); if (t->hasDueDate()) { mItem->setText(7,t->dtDueDateStr()); if (t->doesFloat()) { mItem->setText(8,"---"); } else { mItem->setText(8,t->dtDueTimeStr()); } } else { mItem->setText(7,"---"); mItem->setText(8,"---"); } mItem->setText(9, t->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); mItem->setText(10,t->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(11, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( t->calID() )); QString key; QDate d; if (t->hasDueDate()) { d = t->dtDue().date(); QTime tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtDue().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(7,key); } if ( t->hasStartDate() ) { d = t->dtStart().date(); QTime tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtStart().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); } return true; } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Journal * j) { QString des; if ( !j->summary().isEmpty() ) { des = j->summary(); } else { des = j->description().left(30); des = des.simplifyWhiteSpace (); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\n"),"" ); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\r"),"" ); } mItem->setText(0,i18n("Journal: ")+des.left(25)); mItem->setText(1,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(2,"---"); mItem->setText(3,"---"); mItem->setText(4,"---"); mItem->setText(5,"---"); mItem->setText(6,"---"); mItem->setText(7,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(8,"---"); mItem->setText(9,"---"); mItem->setText(10,j->categoriesStr()); mItem->setText(11, KOPrefs::instance()->calName( j->calID() )); QString key; QDate d = j->dtStart().date(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); mItem->setSortKey(7,key); return true; } KOListView::KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView(calendar, parent, name) { mActiveItem = 0; mForceShowCompletedTodos = false; mListView = new KOListViewListView(this); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Summary")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Alarm")); // alarm set? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Recurs")); // recurs? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Cancelled")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Categories")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Calendar")); mListView->setColumnAlignment(0,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(1,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(2,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(3,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(5,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(6,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(7,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(8,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(9,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(10,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(11,AlignLeft); mKOListViewWhatsThis = new KOListViewWhatsThis(mListView->viewport(),this); int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii< 12 ; ++iii ) mListView->setColumnWidthMode( iii, QListView::Manual ); QBoxLayout *layoutTop = new QVBoxLayout(this); layoutTop->addWidget(mListView); mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); mPopupMenu = eventPopup(); QPopupMenu* selPopup = new QPopupMenu ( this ); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("All"),this, SLOT(allSelection())); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("None"),this, SLOT(clearSelection())); selPopup->insertItem(i18n("Delete selected..."),this, SLOT(deleteAll())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Selection"), selPopup ); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Hide all selected"),this, SLOT(hideAll()),true); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Print complete list"),this, SLOT(printList()),true); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); #endif mCalPopup = new QPopupMenu ( this ); mPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Set Calendar"), mCalPopup ); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set categories")+"...",this, SLOT(setCat()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set alarm..."),this, SLOT(setAlarm()),true); QObject::connect(mCalPopup,SIGNAL(aboutToShow()),this, SLOT( populateCalPopup() )); QObject::connect(mCalPopup,SIGNAL(activated( int )),this, SLOT( setCalendar( int ) )); + QObject::connect(mPopupMenu,SIGNAL(categoryChanged( Incidence * )),this, + SLOT( catChanged( Incidence * ) )); QPopupMenu * exportPO = new QPopupMenu ( this ); mPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Export"), exportPO ); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As iCal (ics) file..."),this, SLOT(saveToFile())); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As vCal (vcs) file..."),this, SLOT(saveToFileVCS())); exportPO->insertItem( i18n("Journal/Details..."),this, SLOT(saveDescriptionToFile())); // mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); // mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), // i18n("Add Categ. to selected..."),this, // SLOT(addCat()),true); //mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Beam via IR"),this, SLOT(beamSelected()),true); #endif /* mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu; mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit Event"), this, SLOT (editEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("delete"), i18n("Delete Event"), this, SLOT (deleteEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Dates"), this, SLOT(showDates())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Hide Dates"), this, SLOT(hideDates())); */ QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL( newEvent()), this,SIGNAL(signalNewEvent())); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this,SLOT(defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(rightButtonPressed( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )), this,SLOT(popupMenu(QListViewItem *,const QPoint &,int))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(showIncidence(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)) ); readSettings(KOGlobals::config(),"KOListView Layout"); } KOListView::~KOListView() { delete mPopupMenu; #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 #else delete mKOListViewWhatsThis; #endif } +void KOListView::catChanged( Incidence* inc) +{ + KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); + if (item) { + ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); + inc->accept(v); + } +} QString KOListView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { KOListViewItem* item = ( KOListViewItem* ) mListView->itemAt( p ); if ( item ) return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->data(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); return i18n("That is the list view" ); } void KOListView::setCalendar( int c ) { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Information!"), i18n("This adds the selected\nitems to the calendar\n%1\nand removes them from\ntheir current calendar!").arg( KOPrefs::instance()->calName( c ) ), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { incidence->setCalID( c ); KOListViewItem * item = getItemForEvent( incidence ); if ( item ) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); incidence->accept(v); } incidence = delSel.next(); } } QPtrList<KopiCalendarFile> calendars = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars; KopiCalendarFile * cal = calendars.first(); while ( cal ) { mCalendar->setCalendarEnabled( cal->mCalNumber,cal->isEnabled ); mCalendar->setAlarmEnabled( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isAlarmEnabled ); mCalendar->setReadOnly( cal->mCalNumber, cal->isReadOnly ); if ( cal->isStandard ) mCalendar->setDefaultCalendar( cal->mCalNumber ); cal = calendars.next(); } mCalendar->setSyncEventsReadOnly(); mCalendar->reInitAlarmSettings(); } void KOListView::populateCalPopup() { mCalPopup->clear(); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { int index = mCalPopup->insertItem( kkf->mName+"...", kkf->mCalNumber); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad || kkf->isReadOnly ) mCalPopup->setItemEnabled( index, false ); kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.next(); } } void KOListView::updateList() { // qDebug(" KOListView::updateList() "); } void KOListView::clearList() { clear (); } void KOListView::setCat() { bool set = true; int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("Do you want to <b>add</b> categories to the selected items or <b>reset</b> the list (i.e. remove current categories)?"), i18n("Set categories"), i18n("Add"), i18n("Reset")); if (result == KMessageBox::Cancel) return; if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) set = false; setCategories( set ); } void KOListView::setAlarm() { KOAlarmPrefs kap( this); if ( !kap.exec() ) return; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences( true, true, false, true ); // no journals, only due todos Incidence* inc = delSel.first(); int count = 0; while ( inc ) { ++count; if (kap.mAlarmButton->isChecked()) { if (inc->alarms().count() == 0) inc->newAlarm(); QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = inc->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next() ) { alarm->setEnabled(true); int j = kap.mAlarmTimeEdit->value()* -60; if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 1) j = j * 60; else if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 2) j = j * (60 * 24); alarm->setStartOffset( j ); if (!kap.mAlarmProgram.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { alarm->setProcedureAlarm(kap.mAlarmProgram); } else if (!kap.mAlarmSound.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) alarm->setAudioAlarm(kap.mAlarmSound); else alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); //alarm->setAudioAlarm("default"); // TODO: Deal with multiple alarms break; // For now, stop after the first alarm } } else { Alarm* alarm = inc->alarms().first(); if ( alarm ) { alarm->setEnabled(false); alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } } KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); } inc = delSel.next(); } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Changed alarm for %1 items").arg( count ) ); qDebug("KO: Set alarm for %d items", count); calendar()->reInitAlarmSettings(); QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::setCategories( bool removeOld ) { KPIM::CategorySelectDialog* csd = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), 0 ); csd->setColorEnabled(); if (! csd->exec()) { delete csd; return; } QStringList catList = csd->selectedCategories(); delete csd; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed; Incidence* inc = delSel.first(); while ( inc ) { if ( removeOld ) { inc->setCategories( catList, false ); } else { inc->addCategories( catList, false ); } KOListViewItem* item = getItemForEvent(inc); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); inc->accept(v); } inc = delSel.next(); } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::beamSelected() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; if ( delSel.count() ) emit beamIncidenceList( delSel ); } void KOListView::saveDescriptionToFile() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Information!"), i18n("This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file."), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences() ; int icount = delSel.count(); if ( icount ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { QString text = i18n("KO/Pi Description/Journal save file.\nSave date: ") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); icount = 0; while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( !incidence->summary().isEmpty() ) text += i18n("Journal: %1 from ").arg( incidence->summary() ) +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); else text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; text +="\n" + i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text +="\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n"+ incidence->description(); ++icount; } else { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) text += i18n("To-Do: "); text += incidence->summary(); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text +="\n(" + i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location()+ ")"; if ( incidence->hasStartDate() ) text +="\n"+ i18n("Start Date: ") + incidence->dtStartStr( false ); text +="\n"+ i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text += "\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n" + incidence->description(); ++icount; } } incidence = delSel.next(); } QFile file( fn ); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("File open error - nothing saved!") ); return; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("%s ", text.latin1()); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1 descriptions/journals").arg(icount ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } } void KOListView::saveToFileVCS() { writeToFile( false ); } void KOListView::saveToFile() { writeToFile( true ); } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::getSelectedIncidences( bool includeEvents, bool includeTodos, bool includeJournals, bool onlyDueTodos ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; bool addSubTodos = false; bool askSubTodos = true; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { Incidence* inc = ((KOListViewItem *)item)->data(); if ( ( addSubTodos && delSel.findRef( inc ) == -1) || !addSubTodos ) { if ( (inc->typeID() == todoID && includeTodos) || (inc->typeID() == eventID && includeEvents) || (inc->typeID() == journalID && includeJournals) ) { if ( inc->typeID() == todoID && onlyDueTodos ) { if ( ((Todo*)inc)->hasDueDate() ) delSel.append( inc ); } else delSel.append( inc ); } } if ( inc->typeID() == todoID ) { Todo * todo = (Todo*) inc; if ( todo->relations().count() ) { if ( askSubTodos ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningYesNoCancel(this, i18n("One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?"), i18n("Todo has subtodos"), i18n("Yes"), i18n("No")); if ( result == KMessageBox::Cancel ) { delSel.clear(); return delSel; } if (result == KMessageBox::Yes) addSubTodos = true; askSubTodos = false; } if ( addSubTodos ) { QPtrList<Incidence> tempSel ; inc->addRelationsToList( &tempSel ); Incidence* tempinc = tempSel.first(); while ( tempinc ) { if ( delSel.findRef( tempinc ) == -1 ) { if ( tempinc->typeID() == todoID && onlyDueTodos ) { if ( ((Todo*)tempinc)->hasDueDate() ) delSel.append( tempinc ); } else delSel.append( tempinc ); } tempinc = tempSel.next(); } } } } } item = item->nextSibling(); } return delSel; } void KOListView::writeToFile( bool iCal ) { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed; if ( !iCal ) { bool journal = false; Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->typeID() == journalID ) { journal = true; break; } incidence = delSel.next(); } if ( journal ) { int result = KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, i18n("The journal entries can not be\nexported to a vCalendar file."), i18n("Data Loss Warning"),i18n("Proceed"),i18n("Cancel"), true); if (result != KMessageBox::Continue) return; } } if ( delSel.count() ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; QString extension; if ( iCal ) { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".vcs" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "ics"; } } else { if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".ics" ) { fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "vcs"; } } fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { CalendarLocal cal; cal.setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { cal.addIncidence( incidence->clone() ); incidence = delSel.next(); } if ( iCal ) { ICalFormat format; format.save( &cal, fn ); } else { VCalFormat format; format.save( &cal, fn ); } mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( resetFocus() ) ); } void KOListView::hideAll() { QPtrList<QListViewItem> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(item); } item = item->nextSibling(); } item = delSel.first() ; while ( item ) { QListViewItem * del = item; item = delSel.next(); delete del; } } void KOListView::printList() { mListView->printList(); } void KOListView::deleteAll() { QPtrList<Incidence> delSel = getSelectedIncidences(); // all inc allowed;; if ( delSel.count() ) { int icount = delSel.count(); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); Incidence *toDelete; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool confirm = p->mConfirm; QString mess; mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("You have %d item(s) selected.\n"), icount ); if ( KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mess + i18n("All selected items will be\npermanently deleted.\n(Deleting items will take\nsome time on a PDA)\n"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete")) ) { p->mConfirm = false; int delCounter = 0; QDialog dia ( this, "p-dialog", true ); QLabel lab (i18n("Close dialog to abort deletion!"), &dia ); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.setMargin(7); lay.setSpacing(7); lay.addWidget( &lab); QProgressBar bar( icount, &dia ); lay.addWidget( &bar); int w = 220; int h = 50; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); dia.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); //dia.resize( 240,50 ); dia.show(); while ( incidence ) { bar.setProgress( delCounter ); mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("Deleting item %d ..."), ++delCounter ); dia.setCaption( mess ); qApp->processEvents(); toDelete = (incidence); incidence = delSel.next(); emit deleteIncidenceSignal(toDelete ); if ( dia.result() != 0 ) break; } mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("%d items remaining in list."), count() ); topLevelWidget ()->setCaption( mess ); p->mConfirm = confirm; } } } int KOListView::maxDatesHint() { return 0; } int KOListView::currentDateCount() { return 0; } QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> eventList; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); } item = item->nextSibling(); } // // QListViewItem *item = mListView->selectedItem(); //if (item) eventList.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); return eventList; } DateList KOListView::selectedDates() { DateList eventList; return eventList; } void KOListView::showDates(bool show) { // Shouldn't we set it to a value greater 0? When showDates is called with // show == true at first, then the columnwidths are set to zero. static int oldColWidth1 = 0; static int oldColWidth3 = 0; if (!show) { oldColWidth1 = mListView->columnWidth(1); oldColWidth3 = mListView->columnWidth(3); mListView->setColumnWidth(1, 0); mListView->setColumnWidth(3, 0); } else { mListView->setColumnWidth(1, oldColWidth1); mListView->setColumnWidth(3, oldColWidth3); } mListView->repaint(); } void KOListView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Day, fd, td); #endif } void KOListView::showDates() { showDates(true); } void KOListView::hideDates() { showDates(false); } void KOListView::resetFocus() { topLevelWidget()->setActiveWindow(); topLevelWidget()->raise(); mListView->setFocus(); } void KOListView::updateView() { mListView->setFocus(); if ( mListView->firstChild () ) mListView->setCurrentItem( mListView->firstChild () ); } void KOListView::updateConfig() { mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); updateView(); } void KOListView::setStartDate(const QDate &start) { mStartDate = start; } void KOListView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end) { clear(); mStartDate = start; QDate date = start; while( date <= end ) { addEvents(calendar()->events(date)); addTodos(calendar()->todos(date)); addJournals( calendar()->journals4Date(date) ); date = date.addDays( 1 ); } emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); updateView(); } void KOListView::addEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList) { Event *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::addTodos(QPtrList<Todo> eventList) { Todo *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::addJournals(QPtrList<Journal> eventList) { Journal *ev; for(ev = eventList.first(); ev; ev = eventList.next()) { addIncidence(ev); } if ( !mListView->currentItem() ){ updateView(); } } void KOListView::showCompletedTodos() { mForceShowCompletedTodos = true; } void KOListView::addIncidence(Incidence *incidence) { if ( mUidDict.find( incidence->uid() ) ) return; // mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); if ( incidence->typeID() == todoID ) { if ( ! mForceShowCompletedTodos ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && ((Todo*)incidence)->isCompleted() ) return; } } mUidDict.insert( incidence->uid(), incidence ); KOListViewItem *item = new KOListViewItem( incidence, mListView ); ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); if (incidence->accept(v)) { return; } else delete item; } void KOListView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList) { clear(); addEvents(eventList); // After new creation of list view no events are selected. emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } int KOListView::count() { return mListView->childCount(); } void KOListView::changeEventDisplay(Event *event, int action) { KOListViewItem *item; switch(action) { case KOGlobals::EVENTADDED: addIncidence( event ); break; case KOGlobals::EVENTEDITED: item = getItemForEvent(event); if (item) { ListItemVisitor v(item, mStartDate ); ((Incidence*)event)->accept(v); } break; case KOGlobals::EVENTDELETED: item = getItemForEvent(event); if (item) { mUidDict.remove( event->uid() ); delete item; } break; default: ; } } KOListViewItem *KOListView::getItemForEvent(Incidence *event) { KOListViewItem *item = (KOListViewItem *)mListView->firstChild(); while (item) { if (item->data() == event) return item; item = (KOListViewItem *)item->nextSibling(); } return 0; } void KOListView::defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *i) { KOListViewItem *item = static_cast<KOListViewItem *>( i ); if ( item ) defaultAction( item->data() ); } void KOListView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int) { mActiveItem = (KOListViewItem *)item; if (mActiveItem) { Incidence *incidence = mActiveItem->data(); mPopupMenu->enableDefault( !mListView->hasMultiSelection( item ) ); mPopupMenu->showIncidencePopup(incidence); /* if ( incidence && incidence->type() == "Event" ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>( incidence ); mPopupMenu->showEventPopup(event); } */ } } void KOListView::readSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting) { // qDebug("KOListView::readSettings "); mListView->restoreLayout(config,setting); } void KOListView::writeSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting) { // qDebug("KOListView::writeSettings "); mListView->saveLayout(config, setting); } void KOListView::processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *) { KOListViewItem *item = static_cast<KOListViewItem *>( mListView->currentItem() ); if ( !item ) { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); } else { emit incidenceSelected( item->data() ); } } void KOListView::clearSelection() { mListView->selectAll( false ); } void KOListView::allSelection() { mListView->selectAll( true ); } void KOListView::clear() { mListView->clear(); mUidDict.clear(); } Incidence* KOListView::currentItem() { if ( mListView->currentItem() ) return ((KOListViewItem*) mListView->currentItem())->data(); return 0; } void KOListView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) { if ( e->key() == Qt::Key_Delete || e->key() == Qt::Key_Backspace ) { deleteAll(); return; } diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.h b/korganizer/kolistview.h index a54b550..99d0561 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.h +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.h @@ -1,316 +1,317 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef _KOLISTVIEW_H #define _KOLISTVIEW_H #include <qlistview.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <klistview.h> #include <libkcal/incidence.h> #include "koeventview.h" #include "customlistviewitem.h" using namespace KCal; class KOListViewWhatsThis; #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "koprefs.h" class KOAlarmPrefs : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: KOAlarmPrefs( QWidget *par=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( par, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Alarm Options") ); QVBoxLayout* alarmLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); alarmLayout->setSpacing( 3 ); alarmLayout->setMargin( 3 ); QWidget *parent = this; mAlarmButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Set reminder ON with offset to:"),parent); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmButton); mAlarmTimeEdit = new QSpinBox ( 0, 9999, 1, parent, "mAlarmTimeEdit " ) ; mAlarmTimeEdit->setValue( 15 ); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmTimeEdit); mAlarmIncrCombo = new QComboBox(false, parent); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("minute(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("hour(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("day(s)")); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmIncrCombo); QHBox * hb = new QHBox ( parent ); alarmLayout->addWidget(hb); mAlarmSoundButton = new QPushButton(hb); mAlarmSoundButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("playsound")); mAlarmSoundButton->setToggleButton(true); connect(mAlarmSoundButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmSound())); mAlarmProgramButton = new QPushButton(hb); mAlarmProgramButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("run")); mAlarmProgramButton->setToggleButton(true); connect(mAlarmProgramButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmProgram())); mAlarmSoundButton->setMaximumWidth( mAlarmSoundButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); mAlarmProgramButton->setMaximumWidth(mAlarmProgramButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); mAlarmLabel = new QLabel( this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( mAlarmLabel ); mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile.right( 30 ) ); mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; mAlarmSoundButton->setOn( true ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Set Alarm!"), this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); resize( 200, 200 ); } QString mAlarmSound, mAlarmProgram ; QCheckBox* mAlarmButton; QSpinBox* mAlarmTimeEdit; QLabel* mAlarmLabel; QComboBox* mAlarmIncrCombo ; QPushButton* mAlarmSoundButton ,*mAlarmProgramButton; private slots: void pickAlarmSound() { //QString prefix = mAlarmSound; if (!mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) { //mAlarmSound = ""; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmSoundButton); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, i18n("No sound set")); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); } else { QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmSound, i18n("*.wav|Wav Files"), 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmSound = fileName; mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+fileName.right( 30 ) ); QToolTip::remove(mAlarmSoundButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Playing '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, dispStr); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); } } }; void pickAlarmProgram() { if (!mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { //mAlarmProgram = ""; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmProgramButton); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, i18n("No program set")); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } else { QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmProgram,i18n("Procedure Alarm.: ") , 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmProgram = fileName; mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+fileName.right( 30 ) ); QToolTip::remove(mAlarmProgramButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Running '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, dispStr); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } } }; }; typedef CustomListViewItem<Incidence *> KOListViewItem; /** This class provides the initialisation of a KOListViewItem for calendar components using the Incidence::Visitor. */ class ListItemVisitor : public Incidence::Visitor { public: ListItemVisitor(KOListViewItem *, QDate d); ~ListItemVisitor(); bool visit(Event *); bool visit(Todo *); bool visit(Journal *); private: KOListViewItem *mItem; QDate mDate; }; /** This class provides a multi-column list view of events. It can display events from one particular day or several days, it doesn't matter. To use a view that only handles one day at a time, use KODayListView. @short multi-column list view of various events. @author Preston Brown <pbrown@kde.org> @see KOBaseView, KODayListView */ class KOListView; class KOListViewListView : public KListView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListViewListView(KOListView * lv ); bool hasMultiSelection(QListViewItem*); void printList(); signals: void newEvent(); void showIncidence( Incidence* ); public slots: void popupMenu(); private: QPoint mEventPos; QPoint mEventGlobalPos; QTimer* mPopupTimer; int mYMousePos; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); bool mMouseDown; }; class KOListView : public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); ~KOListView(); virtual int maxDatesHint(); virtual int currentDateCount(); virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); virtual DateList selectedDates(); void showDates(bool show); Incidence* currentItem(); void addTodos(QPtrList<Todo> eventList); void addJournals(QPtrList<Journal> eventList); virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); void readSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void writeSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void updateList(); void clearList(); void setStartDate(const QDate &start); int count(); QString getWhatsThisText(QPoint p); QPtrList<Incidence> KOListView::getSelectedIncidences( bool includeEvents = true, bool includeTodos = true , bool includeJournals = true, bool onlyDueTodos = false ); void showCompletedTodos(); signals: void signalNewEvent(); void beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence>); public slots: void hideAll(); void printList(); void resetFocus(); virtual void updateView(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void clearSelection(); void allSelection(); void clear(); void showDates(); void hideDates(); void deleteAll(); void saveToFile(); void saveToFileVCS(); void saveDescriptionToFile(); void beamSelected(); void updateConfig(); void setCat(); void setAlarm(); void setCategories( bool removeOld ); void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int); void defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *item); void popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int); void setCalendar( int c ); void populateCalPopup(); protected slots: void processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *); + void catChanged( Incidence* ); protected: void writeToFile( bool iCal ); void addEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void addIncidence(Incidence *); KOListViewItem *getItemForEvent(Incidence *event); private: bool mForceShowCompletedTodos; QPopupMenu* mCalPopup; KOListViewWhatsThis *mKOListViewWhatsThis; KOListViewListView *mListView; KOEventPopupMenu *mPopupMenu; KOListViewItem *mActiveItem; QDict<Incidence> mUidDict; QDate mStartDate; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; }; #endif diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp index 4fc447e..2289977 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.cpp @@ -1,2250 +1,2255 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #include <qpopupmenu.h> #include <qfont.h> #include <qfontmetrics.h> #include <qkeycode.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qvbox.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qpainter.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qwhatsthis.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qpe/qpeapplication.h> #else #include <qapplication.h> #endif #include <kdebug.h> #include <klocale.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include <kcalendarsystem.h> #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER #include "calprinter.h" #endif #include "koprefs.h" #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS #include "kocore.h" #endif #include "koglobals.h" #include <libkcal/kincidenceformatter.h> #include "komonthview.h" #define PIXMAP_SIZE 5 #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::mToolTipGroup = 0; #endif class KNOWhatsThis :public QWhatsThis { public: KNOWhatsThis( KNoScrollListBox* sbox ) : QWhatsThis( sbox ), _wid( sbox) { }; //~KNOWhatsThis( ) {qDebug("~KNOWhatsThis( ) "); }; protected: virtual QString text( const QPoint& p) { return _wid->getWhatsThisText(p) ; }; private: KNoScrollListBox* _wid; }; KNoScrollListBox::KNoScrollListBox(QWidget *parent,const char *name) : QListBox(parent, name, WRepaintNoErase) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION QPEApplication::setStylusOperation( viewport(), QPEApplication::RightOnHold ); #endif mWT = new KNOWhatsThis(this); resetOnFocusIn = true; setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } KNoScrollListBox::~KNoScrollListBox() { #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 #else delete mWT; #endif } void KNoScrollListBox::focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) { QListBox::focusInEvent ( e ); if ( count() ){ int ci = currentItem(); if ( ci < 0 ) ci = 0; setCurrentItem( ci ); setSelected ( ci, true ); emit highlighted( item ( ci ) ); resetOnFocusIn = true; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) { QListBoxItem *fi = firstItem (); if (fi ) { int ihei = fi->height( this ); int hei = numRows () * ihei; if ( hei < height() - horizontalScrollBar()->height () ) { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); if ( ihei *3 > height() ) { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } } } void KNoScrollListBox::focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * e ) { int i = currentItem (); if ( i >= 0 ) { setSelected ( i, false ); } QListBox::focusOutEvent ( e ); setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); emit highlightIncidence( 0, (MonthViewCell*)this, 0 ); } QString KNoScrollListBox::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { QListBoxItem* item = itemAt ( p ); if ( ! item ) { return i18n("Click in the cell\nto add an event!"); } return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText(((MonthViewItem*) item)->incidence(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); } void KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { //qDebug("KNoScrollListBox::keyPressEvent "); switch(e->key()) { case Key_Right: if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { e->ignore(); return; } scrollBy(10,0); break; case Key_Left: if (e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton ) { e->ignore(); return; } scrollBy(-10,0); break; case Key_Up: if( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) { e->ignore(); break; } if ( count() ) { if ( currentItem() == 0 ) { emit prevCell(); } else { setCurrentItem((currentItem()+count()-1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if((unsigned int) currentItem() == (count()-1)) { setTopItem(currentItem()-numItemsVisible()+1); } else { setTopItem(topItem()-1); } } } } break; case Key_Down: if(e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton) { e->ignore(); break; } if ( count () ) { - if ( currentItem()+1 == count () ) { + if ( ((uint)currentItem()+1) == count () ) { emit nextCell(); } else { setCurrentItem((currentItem()+1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if(currentItem() == 0) { setTopItem(0); } else { setTopItem(topItem()+1); } } } } break; case Key_I: QTimer::singleShot( 1, this, SLOT ( oneDown() ) ); e->ignore(); break; case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { if ( currentItem() >= 0 ) { emit doubleClicked( item( currentItem() ) ); e->accept(); } else { e->ignore(); } } break; case Key_Shift: emit shiftDown(); break; default: e->ignore(); break; } } void KNoScrollListBox::oneDown() { if ( count () ) { - if ( currentItem()+1 == count () ) { + if ( ((uint)currentItem()+1) == count () ) { emit nextCell(); } else { resetOnFocusIn = false; setCurrentItem((currentItem()+1)%count()); if(!itemVisible(currentItem())) { if(currentItem() == 0) { setTopItem(0); } else { setTopItem(topItem()+1); } } } } } void KNoScrollListBox::keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *e) { switch(e->key()) { case Key_Shift: emit shiftUp(); break; default: break; } } void KNoScrollListBox::mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QListBox::mousePressEvent(e); if(e->button() == RightButton) { emit rightClick(); } } MonthViewItem::MonthViewItem( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s) : QListBoxItem() { mblockRepaint = true; isWeekItem = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek; recycle( incidence, s ); } void MonthViewItem::recycle( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s) { mDisplayHighlighted = false; setText( s ); mMultiday = 0; mIncidence = incidence; mRecur = false; mAlarm = false; mReply = false; mInfo = false; mdayPos = 0; } bool MonthViewItem::setHighlightedFalse() { if ( !mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = false; return true; } bool MonthViewItem::setHighlighted( Incidence * inc ) { if ( inc == mIncidence ) { if ( mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = true; return true; } else { if ( !mDisplayHighlighted ) return false; mDisplayHighlighted = false; return true; } return false; } void MonthViewItem::paint(QPainter *p) { if ( mblockRepaint || !mIncidence ) { return; } #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 bool sel = isSelected(); #else bool sel = selected(); #endif int heihei = height( listBox () ); int x = 1; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor || mDisplayHighlighted || sel ) { p->setBackgroundColor( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, \ sel ||mDisplayHighlighted ? QColorGroup::Highlight : QColorGroup::Background ) ); p->eraseRect( 0, 0, listBox()->maxItemWidth(), heihei ); } //int y = 3;//(height() - mRecurPixmap.height()) /2; int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; int y = (heihei - size -1 ) /2; if ( mIncidence->calID() > 1 ) { p->fillRect ( x, y-2,size,size+4, KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( mIncidence->calID() ) ); p->drawRect ( x, y-2,size,size+4); x += size + 1; } if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons ) { if ( mInfo ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::darkGreen ); x += size + 1; } if ( mRecur ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::blue ); x += size + 1; } if ( mAlarm ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::red ); x += size + 1; } if ( mReply ) { p->fillRect ( x, y,size,size, Qt::yellow ); x += size + 1; } } if ( sel ) p->setPen( Qt::white ); else p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Foreground ) ); #if 0 p->setPen( palette().color( QPalette::Normal, sel ? \ QColorGroup::HighlightedText : QColorGroup::Foreground ) ); #endif QColor textColor = p->pen().color(); if ( mMultiday ) { int yyy = y+(size/2); int sizeM = size+2; p->setBrush( QBrush( textColor ) ); p->drawLine ( x+1, yyy, x +sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy ) ; if ( mMultiday == 2 || mMultiday == 3 ) { QPointArray pa ( 3 ); pa.setPoint (0, x, yyy ); pa.setPoint (1, x+sizeM/2, yyy+sizeM/2 ); pa.setPoint (2, x+sizeM/2, yyy-sizeM/2 ); p->drawPolygon( pa ); } if ( mMultiday == 2 || mMultiday == 1 ) { QPointArray pa ( 3 ); pa.setPoint (0, x+sizeM +sizeM/2, yyy ); pa.setPoint (1, x+sizeM, yyy+sizeM/2 ); pa.setPoint (2, x+sizeM, yyy-sizeM/2 ); p->drawPolygon( pa ); } if ( mMultiday == 1 ) { // p->fillRect ( x, yyy-sizeM/2+1, sizeM/2, size, QBrush ( QBrush::SolidPattern ) ); p->drawLine ( x+1, yyy-sizeM/2, x+1, yyy+sizeM/2 ); } if ( mMultiday == 3 ) { // p->fillRect ( x+sizeM, yyy-sizeM/2+1, sizeM/2, size, QBrush ( QBrush::SolidPattern ) ); p->drawLine ( x+sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy-sizeM/2, x+sizeM +sizeM/2-1, yyy+sizeM/2 ); } x += sizeM/2 + 1; x += sizeM + 1; } if ( mIncidence->typeID() == todoID ){ Todo* td = ( Todo* ) mIncidence; if ( td->isCompleted() ) { int half = size/2; p->drawLine ( x, heihei/2, x +half , heihei/2 +half ) ; p->drawLine ( x +half , heihei/2 +half , x +half+half +2 , heihei/2 -2 ) ; x += half+half + 4; } else { int val = td->percentComplete()/20; p->fillRect ( x+1, y-2, val ,size+4,textColor ); p->drawRect ( x, y-2,7,size+4); x += size + 3; } } QFontMetrics fm = p->fontMetrics(); int yPos; int pmheight = size; if( pmheight < fm.height() ) yPos = fm.ascent() + fm.leading()/2; else yPos = pmheight/2 - fm.height()/2 + fm.ascent(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowTimes || isWeekItem) { p->drawText( x, yPos, text() ); if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) { int wid = fm.width( text() ); p->drawLine( x, heihei/2 ,x+wid, heihei/2 ); } } else { QString pText = text(); if( pText.mid(2,1) == ":" ) pText = pText.mid( 6 ); p->drawText( x, yPos, pText ); if ( mIncidence->cancelled() ) { int wid = fm.width( pText ); p->drawLine( x, heihei/2 ,x+wid, heihei/2 ); } } } int MonthViewItem::height(const QListBox *lb) const { int ret = 10; if ( lb ) ret = lb->fontMetrics().lineSpacing()+1; return ret; } int MonthViewItem::width(const QListBox *lb) const { if( KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableMonthScroll || isWeekItem ) { int size = PIXMAP_SIZE; if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 300 ) size = 3; int x = 1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowIcons ) { if ( mInfo ) { x += size + 1; } if( mRecur ) { x += size+1; } if( mAlarm ) { x += size+1; } if( mReply ) { x += size+1; } } if( mMultiday ) { x += size+1+2+size/2; } return( x + lb->fontMetrics().width( text() ) + 1 ); } if ( ! lb ) return 10; return lb->width(); } MonthViewCell::MonthViewCell( KOMonthView *parent,QWidget* par ) : KNoScrollListBox( par ), mMonthView( parent ) { //QVBoxLayout *topLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); currentPalette = 0; // mLabel = new QLabel( this );QPushButton mLabel = new QPushButton( this ); //mLabel->setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); //mLabel->setLineWidth( 1 ); //mLabel->setAlignment( AlignCenter ); mLabel->setFlat( true ); mLabel->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //mItemList = new KNoScrollListBox( this ); setMinimumSize( 10, 10 ); setFrameStyle( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); setLineWidth( 1 ); //topLayout->addWidget( mItemList ); mLabel->raise(); // QColor( 0,0,255 ) QColor( 160,1600,255 ) mStandardPalette = palette(); mStandardPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, mStandardPalette.color( QPalette::Normal, QColorGroup::Background ) ); enableScrollBars( false ); updateConfig(); //connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( newEvent() )); connect( mLabel, SIGNAL( clicked( )), SLOT( showDay() )); connect( this , SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( rightButtonPressed( QListBoxItem *, const QPoint &) ), SLOT( contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); connect( this, SIGNAL( highlighted( QListBoxItem *) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); /* connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked( QListBoxItem * ) ), SLOT( selection( QListBoxItem * ) ) ); */ } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTipGroup *MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup() { if (!mToolTipGroup) mToolTipGroup = new QToolTipGroup(0); return mToolTipGroup; } #endif void MonthViewCell::setDate( const QDate &date ) { // kdDebug() << "MonthViewCell::setDate(): " << date.toString() << endl; mDate = date; //resizeEvent( 0 ); } QDate MonthViewCell::date() const { return mDate; } void MonthViewCell::setPrimary( bool primary ) { mPrimary = primary; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setMyPalette() { if ( mHoliday) { if ( currentPalette == 1 ) return; mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mHolidayPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mHolidayPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); //mLabel->setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); currentPalette = 1; } else { if ( mPrimary ) { if ( currentPalette == 2 ) return; mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mPrimaryPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mPrimaryPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); //mLabel->setPalette( mPrimaryPalette ); setPalette( mPrimaryPalette ); currentPalette = 2; } else { if ( currentPalette == 3 ) return; setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette ); mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( mNonPrimaryPalette.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),mNonPrimaryPalette.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); //mLabel->setPalette( mNonPrimaryPalette );; currentPalette = 3; } } //QPalette pal = palette(); //mLabel->setPalette( QPalette ( pal.color( QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base),pal.color(QPalette::Normal,QColorGroup::Base ) )); } QPalette MonthViewCell::getPalette () { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) return mStandardPalette; if ( mHoliday) { return mHolidayPalette ; } else { if ( mPrimary ) { return mPrimaryPalette ; } } return mNonPrimaryPalette; } bool MonthViewCell::isPrimary() const { return mPrimary; } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( bool holiday ) { mHoliday = holiday; //setMyPalette(); } void MonthViewCell::setHoliday( const QString &holiday ) { mHolidayString = holiday; if ( !holiday.isEmpty() ) { setHoliday( true ); } } void MonthViewCell::startUpdateCell() { blockSignals( true ); mdayCount = 0; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { mitem->setBlockRepaint( true ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } if ( mAvailItemList.count() > 20 ) { mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( true ); mAvailItemList.clear(); mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( false ); clear(); } setPrimary( mDate.month()%2 ); setHoliday( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mDate) == KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayOfPray() || ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 6 ) && KOPrefs::instance()-> mExcludeSaturdays); if ( mDate == QDate::currentDate() ) { setLineWidth( 3 ); } else { setLineWidth( 1 ); } MonthViewItem* CurrentAvailItem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); //clear(); while ( CurrentAvailItem ) { MonthViewItem *item = CurrentAvailItem; //item->setHighlightedFalse(); item->recycle( 0, ""); CurrentAvailItem = (MonthViewItem *)item->next(); mAvailItemList.append( item ); takeItem ( item ); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION QToolTip::remove(this); #endif mToolTip.clear(); //qApp->processEvents(); #if 0 if ( !mHolidayString.isEmpty() ) { MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( 0, mDate, mHolidayString ); item->setPalette( mHolidayPalette ); insertItem( item ); mToolTip.append ( mHolidayString ); } #endif } int MonthViewCell::insertEvent(Event *event) { bool useToolTips = true; #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION useToolTips = false; #endif QString mToolTipText; setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); if ( !(event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rNone) ) { if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthDailyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rDaily ) return mdayCount; else if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthWeeklyRecur && event->doesRecur() == Recurrence::rWeekly ) return mdayCount; } if ( event->isHoliday()) { setHoliday( true ); if ( mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 ) setLineWidth( 3 ); } QString text; int multiday = 0;// 1 = start, 2 = midddle, 3 = end day if (event->isMultiDay()) { QString prefix = "<->";multiday = 2; QString time; if ( event->doesRecur() ) { if ( event->recursOn( mDate) ) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else { int days = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( event->recursOn( mDate.addDays( -days)) ) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } } else { if (mDate == event->dtStart().date()) { prefix ="->" ;multiday = 1; } else if (mDate == event->dtEnd().date()) { prefix ="<-" ;multiday = 3; } } if ( !event->doesFloat() ) { if ( mDate == event->dtStart().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time())+" "; else if ( mDate == event->dtEnd().date () ) time = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" "; } text = time + event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += prefix + text; } else { if (event->doesFloat()) { text = event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += text; } else { text = KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()); text += " " + event->summary(); if ( useToolTips ) mToolTipText += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtStart().time()) +"-"+KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(event->dtEnd().time())+" " + event->summary(); } } if ( useToolTips && ! event->location().isEmpty() ) { mToolTipText += " (" + event->location() +")"; } MonthViewItem *item ; if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) { item = mAvailItemList.first(); mAvailItemList.remove( item ); item->recycle( event, text ); } else { item = new MonthViewItem( event, text ); } QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = event->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() )); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal = QPalette( KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() ), KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( event->calID() )); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor); item->setPalette( pal ); item->setRecur( event->recurrence()->doesRecur() ); item->setAlarm( event->isAlarmEnabled() && multiday < 2 && event->alarmEnabled() ); item->setMoreInfo( event->description().length() > 0 ); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION Attendee *me = event->attendeeByMails(KOPrefs::instance()->mAdditionalMails, KOPrefs::instance()->email()); if ( me != 0 ) { if ( me->status() == Attendee::NeedsAction && me->RSVP()) item->setReply(true && multiday < 2); else item->setReply(false); } else item->setReply(false); #endif item->setMultiDay( multiday ); if ( multiday ) { insertItem( item ,mdayCount); ++mdayCount; } else { uint i = mdayCount; uint pos = mdayCount; uint itcount = count(); if ( itcount > 1000 ) { qDebug("KO: Bug in MonthViewCell::insertEvent %u ", itcount); itcount = 0; } for ( i = pos; i < itcount;++i ) { // qDebug("i %d mday %u count %d ",i,itcount,mdayCount ); QListBoxItem* it = this->item ( i ); if ( it && text < it->text() ) { pos = i; break; } ++pos; } insertItem( item ,pos); } if ( useToolTips ) { mToolTip.append( mToolTipText ); } return mdayCount; } void MonthViewCell::insertTodo(Todo *todo) { setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); QString text; if (todo->hasDueDate()) { if (!todo->doesFloat()) { text += KGlobal::locale()->formatTime(todo->dtDue().time()); text += " "; } } text += todo->summary(); MonthViewItem *item ; if ( mAvailItemList.count() ) { item = mAvailItemList.first(); mAvailItemList.remove( item ); item->recycle( todo, text ); } else { item = new MonthViewItem( todo, text ); } //MonthViewItem *item = new MonthViewItem( todo, mDate, text ); //item->setPalette( mStandardPalette ); QPalette pal; if (KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor) { QStringList categories = todo->categories(); QString cat = categories.first(); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesForegroundColor ) { pal = getPalette(); if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() )); } else { pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } else { if (cat.isEmpty()) { //pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor, KOPrefs::instance()->mEventColor); pal = QPalette(KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() ), KOPrefs::instance()->defaultColor( todo->calID() )); } else { pal = QPalette(*(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat)), *(KOPrefs::instance()->categoryColor(cat))); } } } else { pal = mStandardPalette ; } pal.setColor(QColorGroup::Highlight, KOPrefs::instance()->mHighlightColor); item->setPalette( pal ); item->setRecur( todo->recurrence()->doesRecur() ); item->setAlarm( todo->isAlarmEnabled() && todo->alarmEnabled() ); item->setMoreInfo( todo->description().length() > 0 ); insertItem( item , count()); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mToolTip.append( text ); #endif } void MonthViewCell::repaintfinishUpdateCell() { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { mitem->setBlockRepaint( false ); updateItem ( mitem ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } blockSignals( false ); } void MonthViewCell::finishUpdateCell() { #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION if (mToolTip.count() > 0 ) { mToolTip.sort(); QToolTip::add(this,mToolTip.join("\n"),toolTipGroup(),""); } #endif //sort(); //setMyPalette(); setMyPalette(); resizeEvent( 0 ); } void MonthViewCell::updateCell() { if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; startUpdateCell(); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); QPtrList<Event> events = mMonthView->calendar()->events( mDate, true ); Event *event; for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event insertEvent(event); } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = mMonthView->calendar()->todos( mDate ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { insertTodo( todo ); } finishUpdateCell(); // if ( isVisible()) //qApp->processEvents(); } void MonthViewCell::updateConfig( bool bigFont ) // = false { if ( bigFont ) { QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont; int ps = fo.pointSize() + 2; if ( ps < 18 ) ps += 2; fo.setPointSize( ps ); setFont( fo ); } else setFont( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewFont ); QFontMetrics fm( font() ); mLabelSize = fm.size( 0, "30" ) + QSize( 4, 2 ); mLabelBigSize = fm.size( 0, "Mag 30" ) + QSize( 2, 2 ); mHolidayPalette = mStandardPalette; mPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; mNonPrimaryPalette = mStandardPalette; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesDayColors ) { mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor ); mHolidayPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground, KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewHolidayColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor.dark()); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewOddColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Foreground,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor.dark()); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Base,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); mNonPrimaryPalette.setColor(QColorGroup::Background,KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewEvenColor); } //updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::enableScrollBars( bool enabled ) { return; if ( enabled ) { QListBoxItem *fi = firstItem (); if (fi ) { int ihei = fi->height( this ); int hei = numRows () * ihei; if ( hei < height() - horizontalScrollBar()->height () ) { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); if ( ihei *3 > height() ) { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } else { setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::Auto); } } else { setVScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); setHScrollBarMode(QScrollView::AlwaysOff); } } Incidence *MonthViewCell::selectedIncidence() { int index = currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return 0; MonthViewItem *mitem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item( index ) ); if ( !mitem ) return 0; return mitem->incidence(); } QDate MonthViewCell::selectedIncidenceDate() { QDate qd; int index = currentItem(); if ( index < 0 ) return qd; return mDate; } void MonthViewCell::deselect() { clearSelection(); enableScrollBars( false ); // updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::select() { ;// updateCell(); } void MonthViewCell::resizeEvent ( QResizeEvent * e ) { if ( !mMonthView->isUpdatePossible() ) return; //qDebug("++++++++++++++MonthViewCell::resizeEvent %d %d ", width(), height()); deselect(); mLabel->setMaximumHeight( height() - lineWidth()*2 ); QString text; //mLabel->setText( text ); bool smallDisplay = QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 && KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek || KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->day( mDate ) == 1 || (mDate.dayOfWeek() == 7 && !smallDisplay ) || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthShowShort) { text = KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->monthName( mDate, true ) + " " + QString::number( mDate.day() ); mLabel->resize( mLabelBigSize ); } else { mLabel->resize( mLabelSize ); text = QString::number( mDate.day() ); } mLabel->setText( text ); int size = height() - mLabel->height() - lineWidth()-1; //qDebug("LW %d ", lineWidth()); if ( size > 0 ) verticalScrollBar()->setMaximumHeight( size ); size = width() - mLabel->width() -lineWidth()-1; if ( size > 0 ) horizontalScrollBar()->setMaximumWidth( size ); mLabel->move( width()-lineWidth() - mLabel->width(), height()-lineWidth() - mLabel->height() ); //mLabel->setMaximumWidth( width() - mItemList->lineWidth()*2); // mItemList->resize ( width(), height () ); if ( e ) KNoScrollListBox::resizeEvent ( e ); } void MonthViewCell::defaultAction( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); return; } MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); if ( incidence ) mMonthView->defaultAction( incidence ); } void MonthViewCell::showDay() { emit showDaySignal( date() ); } void MonthViewCell::newEvent() { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); } void MonthViewCell::cellClicked( QListBoxItem *item ) { mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); if ( item == 0 ) { QDateTime dt( date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); return; } } void MonthViewCell::contextMenu( QListBoxItem *item ) { mMonthView->setPopupCell( this ); if ( !item ) { mMonthView->showContextMenu( 0 ); return; } MonthViewItem *eventItem = static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item ); Incidence *incidence = eventItem->incidence(); if ( incidence ) mMonthView->showContextMenu( incidence ); } void MonthViewCell::selection( QListBoxItem *item ) { if ( !item ) { emit highlightIncidence( 0 , this, 0 ); return; } MonthViewItem * it = (static_cast<MonthViewItem *>( item )); emit highlightIncidence( it->incidence(), this, it->multiDay() ); mMonthView->setSelectedCell( this ); } void MonthViewCell::deHighLight() { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { if ( mitem->setHighlightedFalse() ) updateItem ( mitem ); mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } } // returns true if no inc found bool MonthViewCell::doHighLight( Incidence * inc ) { MonthViewItem *mitem = (MonthViewItem*) firstItem (); while ( mitem ) { if ( mitem->incidence() == inc ) { if ( mitem->setHighlighted( inc ) ) updateItem ( mitem ); return false; } mitem = (MonthViewItem *)mitem->next(); } return true; } // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* // ******************************************************************************* KOMonthView::KOMonthView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView( calendar, parent, name ), mDaysPerWeek( 7 ), mNumWeeks( 6 ), mNumCells( mDaysPerWeek * mNumWeeks ), mWidthLongDayLabel( 0 ), mSelectedCell( 0 ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; mShortDayLabelsM = false; mShortDayLabelsW = false; skipResize = false; clPending = true; mPopupCell = 0; mNavigatorBar = new NavigatorBar( QDate::currentDate(), this, "useBigPixmaps" ); mWidStack = new QWidgetStack( this ); QVBoxLayout* hb = new QVBoxLayout( this ); mMonthView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); mWeekView = new QWidget( mWidStack ); #if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000 mWidStack->addWidget(mMonthView ); mWidStack->addWidget(mWeekView ); #else mWidStack->addWidget( mMonthView, 1 ); mWidStack->addWidget( mWeekView , 1 ); #endif hb->addWidget( mNavigatorBar ); hb->addWidget( mWidStack ); mShowWeekView = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek; updatePossible = false; //updatePossible = true; mCells.setAutoDelete( true ); mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ; mDayLabels.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); mDayLabelsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); QFont bfont = font(); if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 650 ) { bfont.setPointSize( bfont.pointSize() - 2 ); } bfont.setBold( true ); int i; for( i = 0; i < mDaysPerWeek; i++ ) { QLabel *label = new QLabel( mMonthView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabels.insert( i, label ); label = new QLabel( mWeekView ); label->setFont(bfont); label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); label->setLineWidth(1); label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mDayLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } bfont.setBold( false ); mWeekLabels.resize( mNumWeeks+1 ); mWeekLabelsW.resize( 2 ); for( i = 0; i < mNumWeeks+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mMonthView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabels.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); QWhatsThis::add(mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks],i18n("Click on this to\nselect week number")); for( i = 0; i < 1+1; i++ ) { KOWeekButton *label = new KOWeekButton( mWeekView ); label->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); label->setFont(bfont); connect( label, SIGNAL( selectWeekNum ( int )),this, SLOT( selectInternalWeekNum ( int )) ); label->setFlat(true); QWhatsThis::add(label,i18n("Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed")); //label->setFrameStyle(QFrame::Panel|QFrame::Raised); //label->setLineWidth(1); //label->setAlignment(AlignCenter); mWeekLabelsW.insert( i, label ); } mWeekLabelsW[1]->setText( i18n("W")); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); int row, col; mCells.resize( mNumCells ); for( row = 0; row < mNumWeeks; ++row ) { for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mMonthView ); mCells.insert( row * mDaysPerWeek + col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( nextCell() ), SLOT( nextCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( prevCell() ), SLOT( prevCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell *, int ) ), SLOT( incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell *, int ) )); } } mCellsW.resize( mDaysPerWeek ); for( col = 0; col < mDaysPerWeek; ++col ) { MonthViewCell *cell = new MonthViewCell( this, mWeekView ); mCellsW.insert( col, cell ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ), SLOT( defaultAction( Incidence * ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ), SIGNAL( newEventSignal( QDateTime ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ), SIGNAL( showDaySignal( QDate ) ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( nextCell() ), SLOT( nextCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( prevCell() ), SLOT( prevCell() ) ); connect( cell, SIGNAL( highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell *, int ) ), SLOT( incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell *, int ) )); cell->updateConfig(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont ); } //connect( mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks], SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( switchView() ) ); mContextMenu = eventPopup(); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("New Event..."),this, SLOT(slotNewEvent()),false); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("New Todo..."),this, SLOT(slotNewTodo()),false); mContextMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Journal"),this, SLOT(slotEditJournal()),false); + connect (mContextMenu ,SIGNAL(categoryChanged( Incidence * )),this, + SLOT( catChanged( Incidence * ) )); QString pathString = ""; if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mToolBarMiniIcons ) { if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) pathString += "icons16/"; } else pathString += "iconsmini/"; mNewItemMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"newevent" ), i18n("New Event..."),this, SLOT(slotNewEvent())); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"newtodo" ),i18n("New Todo..."),this,SLOT(slotNewTodo()),false); mNewItemMenu->insertItem( SmallIcon( pathString +"journal" ),i18n("Journal"),this,SLOT(slotEditJournal()),false); // updateConfig(); //useless here... // ... but we need mWidthLongDayLabel computed QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font()); mWidthLongDayLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1)); if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width; } //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); #if 0 if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); #endif emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); mComputeLayoutTimer = new QTimer( this ); connect (mComputeLayoutTimer ,SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT ( slotComputeLayout())); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION resize( QApplication::desktop()->size() ); #else resize(640, 480 ); updatePossible = true; #endif computeLayout(); if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); } KOMonthView::~KOMonthView() { delete mContextMenu; } +void KOMonthView::catChanged( Incidence * ) +{ + updateView(); +} void KOMonthView::incidenceHighlighted( Incidence * inc , MonthViewCell* mc, int mday ) { static Incidence * lastInc = 0; static MonthViewCell * lastCell = 0; if ( lastInc == inc && lastCell == mc ) return; lastInc = inc; lastCell = mc; //qDebug("KOMonthView::incidenceHighlighted %d %d %d", inc, mc, mday ); bool weekview = false; - int index = 0; + uint index = 0; for (uint i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { if ( mCellsW[i] == mc ) { weekview = true; index = i; break; } } QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; if ( weekview ) cells = &mCellsW; else { for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) { if ( mCells[i] == mc ) { index = i; break; } } cells = &mCells; } for (uint i = 0; i < (*cells).count(); ++i) { (*cells)[i]->deHighLight(); } if ( ! inc ) return; - int count = (*cells).count(); + uint count = (*cells).count(); bool goLeft = (mday > 1 && index > 0); bool goRight = (mday < 3 && mday > 0 && index < count -1); for (uint iii = 1; iii < count; ++iii) { if ( goLeft ) { int left = index - iii; if ( left >= 0 ) { if ( (*cells)[(uint)left]->doHighLight(inc) ) goLeft = false; } else goLeft = false; } if ( goRight ) { - int right = index + iii; + uint right = index + iii; if ( right < count ) { if ( (*cells)[right]->doHighLight(inc) ) goRight = false; } else goRight = false; } } #if 0 if ( mday > 1 && index > 0 ) for (int i = index-1; i >= 0; --i) { //qDebug("index %d iii %d ", index, i); if ( (*cells)[(uint)i]->doHighLight(inc) ) break; } if ( mday < 3 && mday > 0 && index < (*cells).count()-1) for (uint i = index+1; i < (*cells).count(); ++i) { if ( (*cells)[i]->doHighLight(inc) ) break; } #endif } void KOMonthView::selectInternalWeekNum ( int n ) { switchView(); if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) emit selectMonth (); else emit selectWeekNum ( n ); } int KOMonthView::currentWeek() { if ( mShowWeekView ) return mWeekLabelsW[0]->getWeekNum(); return mWeekLabels[0]->getWeekNum(); } void KOMonthView::switchView() { if ( selectedCell( ) ) selectedCell()->deselect(); mShowWeekView = !mShowWeekView; KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek = mShowWeekView; if ( clPending ) { computeLayout(); updateConfig(); } if ( mShowWeekView ) mWidStack->raiseWidget( mWeekView ); else mWidStack->raiseWidget( mMonthView ); clPending = false; } int KOMonthView::maxDatesHint() { return mNumCells; } int KOMonthView::currentDateCount() { return mNumCells; } QPtrList<Incidence> KOMonthView::selectedIncidences() { QPtrList<Incidence> selected; if ( mSelectedCell ) { Incidence *incidence = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence(); if ( incidence ) selected.append( incidence ); } return selected; } DateList KOMonthView::selectedDates() { DateList selected; if ( mSelectedCell ) { QDate qd = mSelectedCell->selectedIncidenceDate(); if ( qd.isValid() ) selected.append( qd ); } return selected; } - +#if 0 void KOMonthView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd, const QDate &td) { #ifndef KORG_NOPRINTER calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Month, fd, td); #endif } - +#endif void KOMonthView::updateConfig() { int mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday(); if ( mShowWeekView || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { mWeekStartsMonday = true; } QFontMetrics fontmetric(mDayLabels[0]->font()); mWidthLongDayLabel = 0; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { int width = fontmetric.width(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1)); if ( width > mWidthLongDayLabel ) mWidthLongDayLabel = width; } bool temp = mShowSatSunComp ; mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ; if ( ! mShowWeekView ) { if ( temp != KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) computeLayout(); } updateDayLabels(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::updateConfig() %d %d %d ",height(), mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height() ,mNumWeeks); //int cellHeight = (height() - mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height()) /mNumWeeks; //resizeEvent( 0 ); for (uint i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) { mCells[i]->updateConfig(); } for (uint i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { mCellsW[i]->updateConfig(KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewUsesBigFont); } #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION MonthViewCell::toolTipGroup()->setEnabled(KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableToolTips); #endif updateView(); } void KOMonthView::updateDayLabels() { QPtrVector<QLabel> *mDayLabelsT; mDayLabelsT = &mDayLabelsW; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { { bool show = mShortDayLabelsW; if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->width() ) show = true; (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1,show)); } } mDayLabelsT = &mDayLabels; for (int i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if (KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { bool show = mShortDayLabelsM; if ( i > 4 && mShowSatSunComp && mWidthLongDayLabel > (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->width() ) show = true; (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i+1,show)); } else { if (i==0) (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(7,mShortDayLabelsM)); else (*mDayLabelsT)[i]->setText(KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->weekDayName(i,mShortDayLabelsM)); } } } void KOMonthView::clearList() { unsigned int i; for( i = 0; i < mCells.size(); ++i ) { mCells[i]->clear(); } for( i = 0; i < mCellsW.size(); ++i ) { mCellsW[i]->clear(); } } void KOMonthView::showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &) { // kdDebug() << "KOMonthView::showDates(): " << start.toString() << endl; QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; QPtrVector<QLabel> *dayLabels; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> *weekLabels; - int weekNum = 6; + uint weekNum = 6; mStartDate = start; if ( mShowWeekView ) { weekNum = 1; cells = &mCellsW; dayLabels = &mDayLabelsW; weekLabels = &mWeekLabelsW; if ( !KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday() ) { mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( 1 ); } } else { cells = &mCells; dayLabels = &mDayLabels; weekLabels = &mWeekLabels; } int mWeekStartsMonday = KGlobal::locale()->weekStartsMonday(); if ( mShowWeekView || KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { mWeekStartsMonday = true; } int startWeekDay = mWeekStartsMonday ? 1 : 7; while( KOGlobals::self()->calendarSystem()->dayOfWeek(mStartDate) != startWeekDay ) { mStartDate = mStartDate.addDays( -1 ); } - bool primary = false; uint i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).size(); ++i ) { QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( i ); (*cells)[i]->setDate( date ); #ifndef KORG_NOPLUGINS // add holiday, if present QString hstring(KOCore::self()->holiday(date)); (*cells)[i]->setHoliday( hstring ); #endif } QDate date = mStartDate.addDays( mWeekStartsMonday ? 3 : 4 ); for( i = 0; i < weekNum; ++i ) { int wno; // remember, according to ISO 8601, the first week of the year is the // first week that contains a thursday. Thus we must subtract off 4, // not just 1. int dayOfYear = date.dayOfYear(); if (dayOfYear % 7 != 0) wno = dayOfYear / 7 + 1; else wno =dayOfYear / 7; (*weekLabels)[i]->setWeekNum( wno ); date = date.addDays( 7 ); } updateView(); } void KOMonthView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>) { qDebug("KOMonthView::selectEvents is not implemented yet. "); } void KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { // this should be re-written to be much more efficient, but this // quick-and-dirty-hack gets the job done for right now. //qDebug("KOMonthView::changeEventDisplay "); updateView(); } void KOMonthView::updateView() { if ( !updatePossible ) return; //qDebug("UUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU "); //QTime ti; //ti.start(); clearSelection(); QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> *cells; if ( mShowWeekView ) { cells = &mCellsW; } else { cells = &mCells; } #if 1 int i; int timeSpan = (*cells).size()-1; if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewWeek ) timeSpan = 6; for( i = 0; i < timeSpan + 1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->startUpdateCell(); } QPtrList<Event> events = calendar()->events(); Event *event; QDateTime dt; - bool ok; QDate endDate = mStartDate.addDays( timeSpan ); for( event = events.first(); event; event = events.next() ) { // for event if ( event->doesRecur() ) { bool last; QDateTime incidenceStart = event->recurrence()->getPreviousDateTime( QDateTime( mStartDate ) , &last ); QDateTime incidenceEnd; int eventlen = event->dtStart().date().daysTo ( event->dtEnd().date() ); bool invalid = false; while( true ) { if ( incidenceStart.isValid() ) { incidenceEnd = incidenceStart.addDays( eventlen ); int st = incidenceStart.date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( incidenceEnd.date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; //qDebug("found %s %d %d ",event->summary().latin1(), st, end ); for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } else { if ( invalid ) break; invalid = true; //qDebug("invalid %s", event->summary().latin1()); incidenceStart = QDateTime( mStartDate ).addSecs( -2 );; } if ( last ) break; bool ok; incidenceStart = event->getNextOccurence( incidenceStart.addSecs( 1 ) ,&ok ); if ( ! ok ) break; if ( incidenceStart.date() > endDate ) break; } } else { // no recur if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowSyncEvents && event->uid().left(2) == QString("la") ) if ( event->uid().left(15) == QString("last-syncEvent-") ) continue; int st = event->dtStart().date().daysTo( endDate ); if ( st >= 0 ) { // start before timeend int end = mStartDate.daysTo( event->dtEnd().date() ); if ( end >= 0 ) { // end after timestart --- got one! //normalize st = timeSpan - st; if ( st < 0 ) st = 0; if ( end > timeSpan ) end = timeSpan; int iii; for ( iii = st;iii<= end;++iii) (*cells)[iii]->insertEvent( event ); } } } } // insert due todos QPtrList<Todo> todos = calendar()->todos( ); Todo *todo; for(todo = todos.first(); todo; todo = todos.next()) { //insertTodo( todo ); if ( todo->hasDueDate() ) { int day = mStartDate.daysTo( todo->dtDue().date() ); if ( day >= 0 && day < timeSpan + 1) { (*cells)[day]->insertTodo( todo ); } } } for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->finishUpdateCell(); } processSelectionChange(); //qApp->processEvents(); for( i = 0; i < timeSpan+1; ++i ) { //(*cells)[i]->repaintfinishUpdateCell(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, (*cells)[i], SLOT ( repaintfinishUpdateCell() ) ); } setKeyBFocus(); #else // old code //qDebug("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ "); int i; for( i = 0; i < (*cells).count(); ++i ) { (*cells)[i]->updateCell(); } //qDebug("KOMonthView::updateView() "); processSelectionChange(); // qDebug("---------------------------------------------------------------------+ "); (*cells)[0]->setFocus(); #endif //qDebug("update time %d ", ti.elapsed()); } void KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBoardFocus() "); bool shootAgain = false; if ( mShowWeekView ) { shootAgain = !mWeekLabelsW[1]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setFocus(); } else { shootAgain = !mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->hasFocus(); mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setFocus(); } --mKBFcounter; if ( shootAgain && mKBFcounter > 0 ) { QTimer::singleShot( 50, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } } void KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setKeyBFocus() "); mKBFcounter = 10; QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( setKeyBoardFocus() ) ); } void KOMonthView::resizeEvent(QResizeEvent * e) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::resizeEvent %d %d -- %d %d ", e->size().width(), e->size().height(), e->oldSize().width(), e->oldSize().height()); if ( isVisible() ) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::isVisible "); slotComputeLayout(); } else mComputeLayoutTimer->start( 100 ); + KOEventView::resizeEvent( e ); } void KOMonthView::slotComputeLayout() { mComputeLayoutTimer->stop(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::Post - resizeEvent %d %d ", width(), height() ); computeLayout(); clPending = true; setKeyBFocus(); } void KOMonthView::computeLayoutWeek() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; int daysToShow; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) return; if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ) { //qDebug("KOListWeekView::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); if ( wid < hei ) daysToShow = 2; else daysToShow = 3; mShowSatSunComp = true; combinedSatSun = true; //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() WWW ------------------------------------ "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; - int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 ); int dayLabelHei = mDayLabelsW[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) /(5- daysToShow ); int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- (5- daysToShow )*dayLabelHei) % daysToShow-1; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i && !( i % daysToShow) && i < 6) { y += hei/(5-daysToShow); x = 0; w = colWid; } if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i >= 5 ) { int wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; if ( i == 5 ) { mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi/2+wi%2,h); } else { mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi,h); } x = x - w + wi - (wi/2 ); } else { int wi = w; if ( !(( i+1) % daysToShow)) { wi = width() - x - weeklabelwid; } mDayLabelsW[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,wi,h); } x += w; } x= 0; y= dayLabelHei; w = colWid; h = cellHei; int max = 0; - for ( i = 0; i < mCellsW.count(); ++i) { + int w_count = mCellsW.count(); + for ( i = 0; i < w_count; ++i) { if ( i > 6 ) { mCellsW[i]->hide(); continue; } w = colWid; if ( ((i) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i == (daysToShow-1-rowModulo)*7) ++h; if ( i >= 5 ) { if ( i ==5 ) { max = h/2; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); x -= w ;y += h/2; } else { if ( ((i-1) % daysToShow) >= daysToShow-colModulo ) { ++w; } max = h-h/2; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); y -= h/2; } } else { max = h; mCellsW[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h ); } x += w; if ( x + w/2 > wid ) { x = 0; y += h+dayLabelHei ; } //mCellsW[i]->dateLabel()->setMaximumHeight( max - mCellsW[i]->lineWidth()*2 ); } y= dayLabelHei; h = cellHei ; mWeekLabelsW[0]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,hei-dayLabelHei); mWeekLabelsW[1]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei); // qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height()); //qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height()); mShortDayLabelsW = mDayLabelsW[0]->width()-2 < mWidthLongDayLabel ; updateDayLabels(); //bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible; updatePossible = true; //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("M")); //if ( forceUpdate ) // updateView(); } void KOMonthView::computeLayout() { static int lastWid = 0; static int lastHei = 0; if ( mShowWeekView ){ computeLayoutWeek(); return; } int daysToShow = 7; bool combinedSatSun = false; if (mShowSatSunComp = KOPrefs::instance()->mMonthViewSatSunTog ) { daysToShow = 6; combinedSatSun = true; } int tWid = topLevelWidget()->size().width(); int tHei = topLevelWidget()->size().height(); int wid = width();//e int hei = height()-1-mNavigatorBar->height(); if ( ((wid *3)/2) < tWid && (( hei *3) /2) < tHei ) { return; } if ( lastWid == width() && lastHei == height() ){ //qDebug("KOMonthview::No compute layout needed "); return; } lastWid = width(); lastHei = height(); //qDebug("KOMonthView::computeLayout() MMM ------------------- "); QFontMetrics fm ( mWeekLabels[0]->font() ); int weeklabelwid = fm.width( "888" ); wid -= weeklabelwid; int colWid = wid / daysToShow; - int lastCol = wid - ( colWid*6 ); int dayLabelHei = mDayLabels[0]->sizeHint().height(); int cellHei = (hei - dayLabelHei) /6; int colModulo = wid % daysToShow; int rowModulo = (hei- dayLabelHei) % 6; //qDebug("rowmod %d ", rowModulo); int i; int x,y,w,h; x= 0; y= 0; w = colWid; h = dayLabelHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 7; i++) { if ( i == daysToShow-colModulo ) ++w; if ( combinedSatSun ) { if ( i >= daysToShow-1 ) { if ( i == 6 ) mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,width()-x-weeklabelwid,h); else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w/2,h); x -= w/2 ; } else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h); } else mDayLabels[i]->setGeometry( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h); x += w; } x= 0; y= dayLabelHei; w = colWid; h = cellHei ; int max = 0; - for ( i = 0; i < mCells.count(); ++i) { + int mc_count = mCells.count(); + for ( i = 0; i < mc_count; ++i) { //qDebug("iii %d ", i); w = colWid; if ( ((i) % 7) >= 7-colModulo ) { ++w; } if ( i == (6-rowModulo)*7) ++h; if ( combinedSatSun ) { if ( (i)%7 >= daysToShow-1 ) { if ( (i)%7 == daysToShow-1 ) { w = width()-x-weeklabelwid; max = h/2; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); x -= w ;y += h/2; } else { w = width()-x-weeklabelwid; max = h-h/2; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,max ); y -= h/2; } } else { max = h; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h ); } } else { max = h; mCells[i]->setGeometry ( x+weeklabelwid,y,w,h ); } x += w; if ( x + w/2 > wid ) { x = 0; y += h; } //mCells[i]->dateLabel()->setMaximumHeight( max- mCells[i]->lineWidth()*2 ); } y= dayLabelHei; h = cellHei ; for ( i = 0; i < 6; i++) { if ( i == (6-rowModulo)) ++h; mWeekLabels[i]->setGeometry( 0,y,weeklabelwid,h); y += h; } mWeekLabels[6]->setGeometry( 0,0,weeklabelwid,dayLabelHei); // qDebug("RRRRRRRRRRRRR %d %d old %d %d", e->size().width(),e->size().height() , e->oldSize().width(),e->oldSize().height()); //qDebug("parent %d %d ", topLevelWidget()->size().width(), topLevelWidget()->size().height()); mShortDayLabelsM = mDayLabels[0]->width()-2 < mWidthLongDayLabel ; updateDayLabels(); //bool forceUpdate = !updatePossible; updatePossible = true; //mWeekLabels[mNumWeeks]->setText( i18n("W")); } void KOMonthView::showContextMenu( Incidence *incidence ) { if( incidence ) mContextMenu->showIncidencePopup(incidence); else { //qDebug("KOMonthView::showContextMenu "); mNewItemMenu->popup(QCursor::pos()); } /* if( incidence && incidence->typeID() == eventID ) { Event *event = static_cast<Event *>(incidence); mContextMenu->showEventPopup(event); } else { kdDebug() << "MonthView::showContextMenu(): cast failed." << endl; } */ } MonthViewCell * KOMonthView::selectedCell( ) { return mSelectedCell; } void KOMonthView::setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell *cell ) { //qDebug("KOMonthView::setSelectedCell %d", cell); if ( mSelectedCell && mSelectedCell != cell ) { MonthViewCell * mvc = mSelectedCell; mSelectedCell = cell; mvc->deselect(); } else mSelectedCell = cell; // if ( mSelectedCell ) // mSelectedCell->select(); if ( !mSelectedCell ) emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); else emit incidenceSelected( mSelectedCell->selectedIncidence() ); } void KOMonthView::processSelectionChange() { QPtrList<Incidence> incidences = selectedIncidences(); if (incidences.count() > 0) { emit incidenceSelected( incidences.first() ); } else { emit incidenceSelected( 0 ); clearSelection(); } } void KOMonthView::clearSelection() { if ( mSelectedCell ) { mSelectedCell->deselect(); mSelectedCell = 0; } } void KOMonthView::keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * e) { if ( !e->isAutoRepeat() ) { mFlagKeyPressed = false; } } void KOMonthView::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { qApp->processEvents(); if ( e->isAutoRepeat() && !mFlagKeyPressed ) { //e->ignore(); e->accept(); return; } if (! e->isAutoRepeat() ) mFlagKeyPressed = true; switch(e->key()) { case Key_Up: { if ( mShowWeekView ) { emit selectWeekNum ( currentWeek() - 1 ); } else { emit prevMonth(); } } e->accept(); break; case Key_Down: { if ( mShowWeekView ) { emit selectWeekNum ( currentWeek() +1); } else { emit nextMonth(); } } e->accept(); break; case Key_Return: case Key_Enter: { selectInternalWeekNum ( currentWeek() ); } e->accept(); break; case Key_D: if ( mSelectedCell ) { mSelectedCell->showDay(); e->accept(); } else { e->ignore(); } break; default: e->ignore(); break; } } void KOMonthView::nextCell() { - bool res = focusNextPrevChild ( true ); + focusNextPrevChild ( true ); } void KOMonthView::prevCell() { focusNextPrevChild ( false ); } void KOMonthView::slotNewTodo() { //qDebug("KOMonthView::slotNewTodo() "); if ( mPopupCell ){ QDateTime dt( mPopupCell->date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newTodoSignal(dt,true); } mPopupCell = 0; } void KOMonthView::slotNewEvent() { if ( mPopupCell ) { QDateTime dt( mPopupCell->date(), QTime( KOPrefs::instance()->mStartTime, 0 ) ); emit newEventSignal( dt ); } //qDebug("KOMonthView::slotNewEvent() "); mPopupCell = 0; } void KOMonthView::slotEditJournal() { if ( mPopupCell ) emit showJournalSignal( 7, mPopupCell->date() ); //qDebug("KOMonthView::slotEditJournal() "); mPopupCell = 0; } void KOMonthView::setPopupCell( MonthViewCell * c) { mPopupCell = c; } diff --git a/korganizer/komonthview.h b/korganizer/komonthview.h index a41eb54..4d62e9b 100644 --- a/korganizer/komonthview.h +++ b/korganizer/komonthview.h @@ -1,346 +1,348 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ #ifndef _KOMONTHVIEW_H #define _KOMONTHVIEW_H #include <qlabel.h> #include <qframe.h> #include <qdatetime.h> #include <qlistbox.h> #include <qpoint.h> #include <qwidgetstack.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qtimer.h> #include <qintdict.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qvaluelist.h> #include <qptrvector.h> #include <libkcal/calendar.h> #include <libkcal/event.h> #include "koeventview.h" #include "navigatorbar.h" #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION class QToolTipGroup; #endif class KNOWhatsThis; class MonthViewCell; class KOWeekButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: KOWeekButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QPushButton( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( bottonClicked() )); mNumber = -1; } void setWeekNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; setText( QString::number ( num ));} int getWeekNum() { return mNumber;} signals: void selectWeekNum ( int ); private: void focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * ){;} int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked() { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectWeekNum ( mNumber ); } }; class KNoScrollListBox: public QListBox { Q_OBJECT public: KNoScrollListBox(QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0); ~KNoScrollListBox(); QString getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) ; signals: void shiftDown(); void shiftUp(); void rightClick(); void nextCell(); void prevCell(); void highlightIncidence( Incidence * , MonthViewCell*, int ); protected slots: void oneDown(); void keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *); void keyReleaseEvent(QKeyEvent *); void mousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *); void focusInEvent ( QFocusEvent * ); void focusOutEvent ( QFocusEvent * ); private: bool resetOnFocusIn; KNOWhatsThis * mWT; }; class MonthViewItem: public QListBoxItem { public: MonthViewItem( Incidence *,const QString & title ); void recycle( Incidence *incidence, const QString & s); void setRecur(bool on) { mRecur = on; } void setAlarm(bool on) { mAlarm = on; } void setReply(bool on) { mReply = on; } void setMoreInfo(bool on) { mInfo = on; } void setMultiDay(int type) { mMultiday = type; } int multiDay() { return mMultiday; } void setMultiDayPos(int type) { mdayPos = type; } int gettMultiDayPos() { return mdayPos; } void setBlockRepaint(bool on) { mblockRepaint = on; } bool setHighlighted( Incidence * ); void setPalette(const QPalette &p) { mPalette = p; } QPalette palette() const { return mPalette; } bool setHighlightedFalse(); Incidence *incidence() const { return mIncidence; } protected: virtual void paint(QPainter *); virtual int height(const QListBox *) const; virtual int width(const QListBox *) const; private: int mdayPos; bool isWeekItem; bool mblockRepaint; int mMultiday; bool mRecur; bool mAlarm; bool mReply; bool mInfo; bool mDisplayHighlighted; QPalette mPalette; QDate mDate; Incidence *mIncidence; }; class KOMonthView; class MonthViewCell : public KNoScrollListBox { Q_OBJECT public: MonthViewCell(KOMonthView *,QWidget* ); ~MonthViewCell() {mAvailItemList.setAutoDelete( true );} void setDate( const QDate & ); QDate date() const; void setPrimary( bool ); bool isPrimary() const; void setHoliday( bool ); void setHoliday( const QString & ); void updateCell(); void startUpdateCell(); void finishUpdateCell(); int insertEvent(Event *); void insertTodo(Todo *); void updateConfig( bool bigFont = false ); void enableScrollBars( bool ); Incidence *selectedIncidence(); QDate selectedIncidenceDate(); QPushButton * dateLabel() { return mLabel; } bool doHighLight( Incidence *); void deselect(); void select(); #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION static QToolTipGroup *toolTipGroup(); #endif signals: void defaultAction( Incidence * ); void newEventSignal( QDateTime ); void showDaySignal( QDate ); protected: QStringList mToolTip; void resizeEvent( QResizeEvent * ); public slots: void showDay(); void deHighLight(); void repaintfinishUpdateCell(); - protected slots: + protected slots: void defaultAction( QListBoxItem * ); void contextMenu( QListBoxItem * ); void selection( QListBoxItem * ); void cellClicked( QListBoxItem * ); void newEvent(); private: int mdayCount; QPtrList <MonthViewItem> mAvailItemList; KOMonthView *mMonthView; int currentPalette; QDate mDate; bool mPrimary; bool mHoliday; QString mHolidayString; //QLabel *mLabel; QPushButton *mLabel; //QListBox *mItemList; #ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION static QToolTipGroup *mToolTipGroup; #endif QSize mLabelSize; QSize mLabelBigSize; QPalette mHolidayPalette; QPalette mStandardPalette; QPalette mPrimaryPalette; QPalette mNonPrimaryPalette; void setMyPalette(); QPalette getPalette (); }; class KOMonthView: public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOMonthView(Calendar *cal, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0 ); ~KOMonthView(); /** Returns maximum number of days supported by the komonthview */ virtual int maxDatesHint(); /** Returns number of currently shown dates. */ virtual int currentDateCount(); /** returns the currently selected events */ virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); /** returns dates of the currently selected events */ virtual DateList selectedDates(); - +#if 0 virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); +#endif bool isMonthView() { return !mShowWeekView; } bool isUpdatePossible() { return updatePossible; } MonthViewCell * selectedCell(); bool skipResize; NavigatorBar* navigatorBar() { return mNavigatorBar ;} void clearList(); public slots: void incidenceHighlighted( Incidence *, MonthViewCell*, int ); void nextCell(); void prevCell(); virtual void updateView(); virtual void updateConfig(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int); void clearSelection(); void showContextMenu( Incidence * ); void setSelectedCell( MonthViewCell * ); void setPopupCell( MonthViewCell * ); void switchView(); void setKeyBFocus(); protected slots: + void catChanged( Incidence * ); void setKeyBoardFocus(); void slotNewTodo(); void slotNewEvent(); void slotEditJournal(); void slotComputeLayout(); void selectInternalWeekNum ( int ); void processSelectionChange(); signals: void nextMonth(); void prevMonth(); void selectWeekNum ( int ); void selectMonth (); void showDaySignal( QDate ); void newTodoSignal( QDateTime, bool ); void showJournalSignal( int,QDate ); protected: void resizeEvent(QResizeEvent *); void viewChanged(); void updateDayLabels(); private: int mKBFcounter; QTimer* mComputeLayoutTimer; NavigatorBar* mNavigatorBar; int currentWeek(); bool clPending; QWidgetStack * mWidStack; QWidget* mMonthView; QWidget* mWeekView; bool mShowWeekView; bool updatePossible; int mDaysPerWeek; int mNumWeeks; int mNumCells; //bool mWeekStartsMonday; bool mShowSatSunComp; void computeLayout(); void computeLayoutWeek(); QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> mCells; QPtrVector<QLabel> mDayLabels; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> mWeekLabels; QPtrVector<MonthViewCell> mCellsW; QPtrVector<QLabel> mDayLabelsW; QPtrVector<KOWeekButton> mWeekLabelsW; bool mShortDayLabelsM; bool mShortDayLabelsW; int mWidthLongDayLabel; QDate mStartDate; MonthViewCell *mSelectedCell; MonthViewCell *mPopupCell; bool mFlagKeyPressed; KOEventPopupMenu *mContextMenu; QPopupMenu *mNewItemMenu; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void keyReleaseEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; }; #endif |