-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp | 13 |
1 files changed, 8 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp b/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp index 65f793c..6351c11 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp +++ b/kaddressbook/views/cardview.cpp @@ -595,128 +595,129 @@ void CardViewItem::showFullString( const QPoint &itempos, CardViewTip *tip ) // find a proper position int lx; lx = isLabel || !drawLabels ? mrg : lw + mrg + 2 /*-1*/; QPoint pnt(mView->contentsToViewport( QPoint(d->x, d->y) )); pnt += QPoint(lx, y); if ( pnt.x() < 0 ) pnt.setX( 0 ); if ( pnt.x() + tip->width() > mView->visibleWidth() ) pnt.setX( mView->visibleWidth() - tip->width() ); if ( pnt.y() + tip->height() > mView->visibleHeight() ) pnt.setY( QMAX( 0, mView->visibleHeight() - tip->height() ) ); // show tip->move( pnt ); tip->show(); } } CardViewItem::Field *CardViewItem::fieldAt( const QPoint & itempos ) const { int ypos = mView->d->mBFm->height() + 7 + mView->d->mItemMargin; int iy = itempos.y(); // skip below caption if ( iy <= ypos ) return 0; // try find a field bool showEmpty = mView->showEmptyFields(); int fh = mView->d->mFm->height(); int maxLines = mView->maxFieldLines(); Field *f; for ( f = d->mFieldList.first(); f; f = d->mFieldList.next() ) { if ( showEmpty || !f->second.isEmpty() ) ypos += ( QMIN( f->second.contains('\n')+1, maxLines ) *fh)+2; if ( iy <= ypos ) break; } return f ? f : 0; } //END CardViewItem //BEGIN CardView CardView::CardView(QWidget *parent, const char *name) : QScrollView(parent, name), d(new CardViewPrivate()) { d->mItemList.setAutoDelete(true); d->mSeparatorList.setAutoDelete(true); QFont f = font(); d->mFm = new QFontMetrics(f); f.setBold(true); d->mHeaderFont = f; d->mBFm = new QFontMetrics(f); d->mTip = ( new CardViewTip( viewport() ) ), d->mTip->hide(); d->mTimer = ( new QTimer(this, "mouseTimer") ), viewport()->setMouseTracking( true ); viewport()->setFocusProxy(this); viewport()->setFocusPolicy(WheelFocus); viewport()->setBackgroundMode(PaletteBase); connect( d->mTimer, SIGNAL(timeout()), this, SLOT(tryShowFullText()) ); + connect( this, SIGNAL(executed(CardViewItem *)), this, SIGNAL( doubleClicked(CardViewItem *)) ); //US setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground, PaletteBase); setBackgroundMode(PaletteBackground); // no reason for a vertical scrollbar setVScrollBarMode(AlwaysOff); } CardView::~CardView() { delete d->mFm; delete d->mBFm; delete d; d = 0; } void CardView::insertItem(CardViewItem *item) { d->mItemList.inSort(item); setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardView::takeItem(CardViewItem *item) { if ( d->mCurrentItem == item ) d->mCurrentItem = item->nextItem(); d->mItemList.take(d->mItemList.findRef(item)); setLayoutDirty(true); } void CardView::clear() { d->mItemList.clear(); setLayoutDirty(true); } CardViewItem *CardView::currentItem() { if ( ! d->mCurrentItem && d->mItemList.count() ) d->mCurrentItem = d->mItemList.first(); return d->mCurrentItem; } void CardView::setCurrentItem( CardViewItem *item ) { if ( !item ) return; else if ( item->cardView() != this ) { kdDebug(5720)<<"CardView::setCurrentItem: Item ("<<item<<") not owned! Backing out.."<<endl; return; } else if ( item == currentItem() ) { return; } if ( d->mSelectionMode == Single ) { setSelected( item, true ); } else @@ -1205,130 +1206,130 @@ void CardView::contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e) blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); item->setSelected(true); item->repaintCard(); emit selectionChanged(); } } } void CardView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QScrollView::contentsMouseReleaseEvent(e); if ( d->mResizeAnchor ) { // finish the resizing: unsetCursor(); // hide rubber bands int newiw = d->mItemWidth - ((d->mResizeAnchor - d->mRubberBandAnchor)/d->span); drawRubberBands( 0 ); // we should move to reflect the new position if we are scrolled. if ( contentsX() ) { int newX = QMAX( 0, ( d->pressed * ( newiw + d->colspace + d->mSepWidth ) ) - e->x() ); setContentsPos( newX, contentsY() ); } // set new item width setItemWidth( newiw ); // reset anchors d->mResizeAnchor = 0; d->mRubberBandAnchor = 0; return; } // If there are accel keys, we will not emit signals if ((e->state() & Qt::ShiftButton) || (e->state() & Qt::ControlButton)) return; // Get the item at this position CardViewItem *item = itemAt(e->pos()); if (item && KGlobalSettings::singleClick()) { emit executed(item); } } void CardView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e) { QScrollView::contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(e); CardViewItem *item = itemAt(e->pos()); if (item) { d->mCurrentItem = item; } if (item && !KGlobalSettings::singleClick()) { emit executed(item); - } - emit doubleClicked(item); + } else + emit doubleClicked(item); } void CardView::contentsMouseMoveEvent( QMouseEvent *e ) { // resizing if ( d->mResizeAnchor ) { int x = e->x(); if ( x != d->mRubberBandAnchor ) drawRubberBands( x ); return; } if (d->mLastClickOnItem && (e->state() & Qt::LeftButton) && ((e->pos() - d->mLastClickPos).manhattanLength() > 4)) { startDrag(); return; } d->mTimer->start( 500 ); // see if we are over a separator // only if we actually have them painted? if ( d->mDrawSeparators ) { int colcontentw = d->mItemWidth + (2*d->mItemSpacing); int colw = colcontentw + d->mSepWidth; int m = e->x()%colw; if ( m >= colcontentw && m > 0 ) { setCursor( SplitVCursor ); // Why does this fail sometimes? d->mOnSeparator = true; } else { setCursor( ArrowCursor ); d->mOnSeparator = false; } } } void CardView::enterEvent( QEvent * ) { d->mTimer->start( 500 ); } void CardView::leaveEvent( QEvent * ) { d->mTimer->stop(); if (d->mOnSeparator) { d->mOnSeparator = false; setCursor( ArrowCursor ); } } void CardView::focusInEvent( QFocusEvent * ) { if (!d->mCurrentItem && d->mItemList.count() ) { setCurrentItem( d->mItemList.first() ); } else if ( d->mCurrentItem ) @@ -1391,131 +1392,133 @@ void CardView::keyPressEvent( QKeyEvent *e ) break; case Key_Right: { // FIXME use nice calculated measures!!! QPoint aPoint( d->mCurrentItem->d->x + d->mItemWidth, d->mCurrentItem->d->y ); aPoint += QPoint( 30,(d->mCurrentItem->height()/2) ); aItem = itemAt( aPoint ); while ( !aItem && aPoint.y() > 27 ) { aPoint -= QPoint( 0, 16 ); aItem = itemAt( aPoint ); } if ( aItem ) setCurrentItem( aItem ); } break; case Key_Home: aItem = d->mItemList.first(); setCurrentItem( aItem ); break; case Key_End: aItem = d->mItemList.last(); setCurrentItem( aItem ); break; case Key_Prior: // PageUp { // QListView: "Make the item above the top visible and current" // TODO if contentsY(), pick the top item of the leftmost visible column if ( contentsX() <= 0 ) return; int cw = columnWidth(); int theCol = ( QMAX( 0, ( contentsX()/cw) * cw ) ) + d->mItemSpacing; aItem = itemAt( QPoint( theCol + 1, d->mItemSpacing + 1 ) ); if ( aItem ) setCurrentItem( aItem ); } break; case Key_Next: // PageDown { // QListView: "Make the item below the bottom visible and current" // find the first not fully visible column. // TODO: consider if a partly visible (or even hidden) item at the // bottom of the rightmost column exists int cw = columnWidth(); int theCol = ( (( contentsX() + visibleWidth() )/cw) * cw ) + d->mItemSpacing + 1; // if separators are on, we may need to we may be one column further right if only the spacing/sep is hidden if ( d->mDrawSeparators && cw - (( contentsX() + visibleWidth() )%cw) <= int( d->mItemSpacing + d->mSepWidth ) ) theCol += cw; // make sure this is not too far right while ( theCol > contentsWidth() ) theCol -= columnWidth(); aItem = itemAt( QPoint( theCol, d->mItemSpacing + 1 ) ); if ( aItem ) setCurrentItem( aItem ); } break; case Key_Space: setSelected( d->mCurrentItem, !d->mCurrentItem->isSelected() ); emit selectionChanged(); break; case Key_Return: - case Key_Enter: - emit returnPressed( d->mCurrentItem ); - emit executed( d->mCurrentItem ); + case Key_Enter: + { + emit returnPressed( d->mCurrentItem ); + emit executed( d->mCurrentItem ); + } break; default: if ( (e->state() & ControlButton) && e->key() == Key_A ) { // select all selectAll( true ); break; } // if we have a string, do autosearch else if ( ! e->text().isEmpty() && e->text()[0].isPrint() ) { } break; } // handle selection if ( aItem ) { if ( d->mSelectionMode == CardView::Extended ) { if ( (e->state() & ShiftButton) ) { // shift button: toggle range // if control button is pressed, leave all items // and toggle selection current->old current // otherwise, ?????? bool s = ! aItem->isSelected(); int from, to, a, b; a = d->mItemList.findRef( aItem ); b = d->mItemList.findRef( old ); from = a < b ? a : b; to = a > b ? a : b; if ( to - from > 1 ) { bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); } //kdDebug()<<"selecting items "<<from<<" - "<<to<<" ( "<<s<<" )"<<endl; CardViewItem *item; for ( ; from <= to; from++ ) { item = d->mItemList.at( from ); item->setSelected( s ); repaintItem( item ); } emit selectionChanged(); } else if ( (e->state() & ControlButton) ) { // control button: do nothing } else { // no button: move selection to this item bool b = signalsBlocked(); blockSignals(true); selectAll(false); blockSignals(b); setSelected( aItem, true ); |