Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 74 insertions, 13 deletions
diff --git a/microkde/kconfig.cpp b/microkde/kconfig.cpp
index 4cbec94..ba41f6c 100644
--- a/microkde/kconfig.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kconfig.cpp
@@ -48,241 +48,267 @@ void KConfig::setGroup( const QString &group )
QString KConfig::group() const {
return mGroup;
//US added method
QValueList<int> KConfig::readIntListEntry( const QString & key)
// qDebug("KConfig::readIntListEntry key=%s:", key.latin1());
QValueList<int> result;
QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator mit = mStringMap.find( mGroup + key );
if ( mit == mStringMap.end() ) {
return result;
QStringList valuesAsStrings = QStringList::split(":", *mit );
bool ok = false;
bool ok2 = true;
int val;
for ( QStringList::Iterator sit = valuesAsStrings.begin(); sit != valuesAsStrings.end(); ++sit ) {
val = (*sit).toInt(&ok);
result << val;
if (ok == false) {
qDebug("KConfig::readIntListEntry str=%s , int=%n:", (*sit).latin1(), &val);
ok2 = false;
if (ok2 == false)
qDebug("KConfig::readIntListEntry: error while reading one of the intvalues.");
return result;
int KConfig::readNumEntry( const QString & key, int def )
QString res = readEntry(key, QString::number(def ) );
bool ok = false;
int result = res.toInt(&ok);
if ( ok )
return result;
return def;
QString KConfig::readEntry( const QString &key, const QString &def )
QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it = mStringMap.find( mGroup + key );
if ( it == mStringMap.end() ) {
return def;
return *it;
+QSize KConfig::readSizeEntry( const QString &key, QSize* def )
+ QValueList<int> intlist = readIntListEntry(key);
+ if (intlist.count() < 2)
+ {
+ if (def)
+ return *def;
+ else
+ return QSize();
+ }
+ QSize ret;
+ ret.setWidth(intlist[0]);
+ ret.setHeight(intlist[1]);
+ return ret;
QStringList KConfig::readListEntry( const QString &key )
QMap<QString,QString>::ConstIterator it = mStringMap.find( mGroup + key );
if ( it == mStringMap.end() ) {
return QStringList();
return QStringList::split(":", *it );
bool KConfig::readBoolEntry( const QString &key, bool def )
QMap<QString,bool>::ConstIterator it = mBoolMap.find( mGroup + key );
if ( it == mBoolMap.end() ) {
return def;
return *it;
QColor KConfig::readColorEntry( const QString & e, QColor *def )
QStringList l;
l = readListEntry( e );
if (l.count() != 3 ) {
if ( def )
return *def;
return QColor();
QColor c ( l[0].toInt(), l[1].toInt(), l[2].toInt() );
return c;
QFont KConfig::readFontEntry( const QString & e, QFont *def )
QStringList font = readListEntry( e );
if ( font.isEmpty() )
return *def;
QFont f;
f.setFamily( font[0]);
f.setBold ( font[1] == "bold");
f.setPointSize ( font[2].toInt());
f.setItalic( font[3] == "italic" );
return f;
QDateTime KConfig::readDateTimeEntry( const QString &key, const QDateTime *def )
QMap<QString,QDateTime>::ConstIterator it = mDateTimeMap.find( mGroup + key );
if ( it == mDateTimeMap.end() ) {
if ( def ) return *def;
else return QDateTime();
return *it;
//US added method
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString &key, const QValueList<int> &value)
QStringList valuesAsStrings;
QValueList<int>::ConstIterator it;
for( it = value.begin(); it != value.end(); ++it )
valuesAsStrings << QString::number(*it);
mStringMap.insert( mGroup + key, valuesAsStrings.join(":") );
mDirty = true;
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString & key , int num )
writeEntry( key, QString::number ( num ) );
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString &key, const QString &value )
mStringMap.insert( mGroup + key, value );
mDirty = true;
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString &key, const QStringList &value )
mStringMap.insert( mGroup + key, value.join(":") );
mDirty = true;
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString &key, bool value)
mBoolMap.insert( mGroup + key, value );
mDirty = true;
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString & e, const QColor & c )
QStringList l;
l.append( QString::number ( ) );
l.append( QString::number ( ) );
l.append( QString::number ( ) );
writeEntry( e, l );
+void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString & e, const QSize & s )
+ QValueList<int> intlist;
+ intlist << s.width() << s.height();
+ writeEntry( e, intlist );
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString & e , const QFont & f )
QStringList font;
font.append( (!f.bold ()?"nonbold":"bold") );
font.append( QString::number ( f.pointSize () ) );
font.append( !f.italic ()?"nonitalic":"italic" );
writeEntry( e, font );
void KConfig::writeEntry( const QString &key, const QDateTime &dt )
mDateTimeMap.insert( mGroup + key, dt );
void KConfig::load()
QFile f( mFileName );
if ( ! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
qDebug("KConfig: could not open file %s ",mFileName.latin1() );
QTextStream t( &f );
QString line = t.readLine();
while ( !line.isNull() ) {
QStringList tokens = QStringList::split( ",", line );
if ( tokens[0] == "bool" ) {
bool value = false;
if ( tokens[2] == "1" ) value = true;
mBoolMap.insert( tokens[1], value );
} else if ( tokens[0] == "QString" ) {
QString value = tokens[2];
mStringMap.insert( tokens[1], value );
} else if ( tokens[0] == "QDateTime" ) {
#if 0
int year = tokens[2].toInt();
QDateTime dt( QDate( year,
tokens[4].toInt() ),
QTime( tokens[5].toInt(), tokens[6].toInt(),
tokens[7].toInt() ) );
mDateTimeMap.insert( tokens[1], dt );
line = t.readLine();
void KConfig::sync()
if ( !mDirty ) return;
//qDebug("KConfig::sync() %s ",mFileName.latin1() );
//kdDebug() << "KConfig::sync(): " << mFileName << endl;
diff --git a/microkde/kconfig.h b/microkde/kconfig.h
index a01b1a5..1a1038f 100644
--- a/microkde/kconfig.h
+++ b/microkde/kconfig.h
@@ -5,100 +5,101 @@
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qvaluelist.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qmap.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
class KConfig
KConfig( const QString & );
void setTempGroup( const QString &group );
QString tempGroup() const;
void setGroup( const QString & );
* Returns the name of the group in which we are
* searching for keys and from which we are retrieving entries.
* @return The current group.
QString group() const;
//US I took the following deleteGroup method from a newer version from KDE.
* Deletes a configuration entry group
* If the group is not empty and bDeep is false, nothing gets
* deleted and false is returned.
* If this group is the current group and it is deleted, the
* current group is undefined and should be set with setGroup()
* before the next operation on the configuration object.
* @param group The name of the group
* returns true if we deleted at least one entry.
bool deleteGroup( const QString& group);
//US I took the following hasGroup method from a newer version from KDE.
* Returns true if the specified group is known about.
* @param group The group to search for.
* @return Whether the group exists.
bool hasGroup(const QString &group) const;
QString getFileName();
//US added method readIntListEntry
QValueList<int> readIntListEntry( const QString &);
int readNumEntry( const QString &, int def=0 );
QString readEntry( const QString &, const QString &def=QString::null );
QStringList readListEntry( const QString & );
bool readBoolEntry( const QString &, bool def=false );
QColor readColorEntry( const QString &, QColor * );
QFont readFontEntry( const QString &, QFont * );
QDateTime readDateTimeEntry( const QString &, const QDateTime *pDefault = 0 );
+ QSize readSizeEntry(const QString &, QSize* );
bool hasKey( const QString &);
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QValueList<int>& );
void writeEntry( const QString &, int );
void writeEntry( const QString &key , unsigned int value) { writeEntry( key, int( value ) ); }
void writeEntry( const char *key , unsigned int value) { writeEntry( QString( key ), value ); }
void writeEntry( const char *key, int value ) { writeEntry( QString( key ), value ); }
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QString & );
void writeEntry( const char *key, const QString &value ) { writeEntry( QString( key ), value ); }
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QStringList & );
void writeEntry( const QString &, bool );
void writeEntry( const char *key, bool value ) { writeEntry( QString( key ), value ); }
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QColor & );
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QFont & );
void writeEntry( const QString &, const QDateTime & );
+ void writeEntry( const QString &, const QSize & );
void deleteEntry( const QString &);
void load();
void sync();
static QString mGroup;
QString mTempGroup;
QString mFileName;
QMap<QString,bool> mBoolMap;
QMap<QString,QString> mStringMap;
QMap<QString,QDateTime> mDateTimeMap;
bool mDirty;
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
index 9d7e60b..4960b9a 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
@@ -26,206 +26,218 @@ QString i18n(const char *text)
if ( (*ret).isEmpty() )
return QString( text );
return (*ret);
QString i18n(const char *,const char *text)
return i18n( text );
QString i18n(const char *text1, const char *textn, int num)
if ( num == 1 ) return i18n( text1 );
else {
QString text = i18n( textn );
int pos = text.find( "%n" );
if ( pos >= 0 ) text.replace( pos, 2, QString::number( num ) );
return text;
inline void put_it_in( QChar *buffer, uint& index, const QString &s )
for ( uint l = 0; l < s.length(); l++ )
buffer[index++] = l );
inline void put_it_in( QChar *buffer, uint& index, int number )
buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';
static int readInt(const QString &str, uint &pos)
if (! return -1;
int result = 0;
for (; str.length() > pos &&; pos++)
result *= 10;
result +=;
return result;
KLocale::KLocale() : mCalendarSystem( 0 )
m_decimalSymbol = ".";
m_positiveSign = "";
m_negativeSign = "-";
m_thousandsSeparator = ",";
mWeekStartsMonday = true;
mHourF24Format = true;
mIntDateFormat = Default;
+ mIntTimeFormat = Default;
mLanguage = 0;
mDateFormat = "%a %Y %b %d";
mDateFormatShort = "%Y-%m-%d";
mTimeZoneList << i18n ("-11:00 US/Samoa")
<< i18n ("-10:00 US/Hawaii")
<< i18n ("-09:00 US/Alaska")
<< i18n ("-08:00 US/Pacific")
<< i18n ("-07:00 US/Mountain")
<< i18n ("-06:00 US/Central")
<< i18n ("-05:00 US/Eastern")
<< i18n ("-04:00 Brazil/West")
<< i18n ("-03:00 Brazil/East")
<< i18n ("-02:00 Brazil/DeNoronha")
<< i18n ("-01:00 Atlantic/Azores")
<< i18n (" 00:00 Europe/London(UTC)")
<< i18n ("+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)")
<< i18n ("+02:00 Europe/Helsinki")
<< i18n ("+03:00 Europe/Moscow")
<< i18n ("+04:00 Indian/Mauritius")
<< i18n ("+05:00 Indian/Maldives")
<< i18n ("+06:00 Indian/Chagos")
<< i18n ("+07:00 Asia/Bangkok")
<< i18n ("+08:00 Asia/Hongkong")
<< i18n ("+09:00 Asia/Tokyo")
<< i18n ("+10:00 Asia/Vladivostok")
<< i18n ("+11:00 Asia/Magadan")
<< i18n ("+12:00 Asia/Kamchatka")
// << i18n (" xx:xx User defined offset")
<< i18n (" Local Time");
mSouthDaylight = false;
mTimeZoneOffset = 0;
daylightEnabled = false;
void KLocale::setDateFormat( QString s )
mDateFormat = s;
void KLocale::setDateFormatShort( QString s )
mDateFormatShort = s;
void KLocale::setHore24Format ( bool b )
mHourF24Format = b;
void KLocale::setWeekStartMonday( bool b )
mWeekStartsMonday = b;
KLocale::IntDateFormat KLocale::getIntDateFormat( )
return mIntDateFormat;
void KLocale::setIntDateFormat( KLocale::IntDateFormat i )
mIntDateFormat = i;
+KLocale::IntDateFormat KLocale::getIntTimeFormat( )
+ return mIntTimeFormat;
+void KLocale::setIntTimeFormat( KLocale::IntDateFormat i )
+ mIntTimeFormat = i;
void KLocale::setLanguage( int i )
mLanguage = i;
QString KLocale::translate( const char *index ) const
return i18n( index );
QString KLocale::translate( const char *, const char *fallback) const
return i18n( fallback );
-QString KLocale::formatTime(const QTime &pTime, bool includeSecs) const
+QString KLocale::formatTime(const QTime &pTime, bool includeSecs, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat) const
- const QString rst = timeFormat();
+ const QString rst = timeFormat(intIntDateFormat);
// only "pm/am" here can grow, the rest shrinks, but
// I'm rather safe than sorry
QChar *buffer = new QChar[rst.length() * 3 / 2 + 30];
uint index = 0;
bool escape = false;
int number = 0;
for ( uint format_index = 0; format_index < rst.length(); format_index++ )
if ( !escape )
if ( format_index ).unicode() == '%' )
escape = true;
buffer[index++] = format_index );
switch ( format_index ).unicode() )
case '%':
buffer[index++] = '%';
case 'H':
put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.hour() );
case 'I':
put_it_in( buffer, index, ( pTime.hour() + 11) % 12 + 1 );
case 'M':
put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.minute() );
case 'S':
if (includeSecs)
put_it_in( buffer, index, pTime.second() );
// we remove the seperator sign before the seconds and
// assume that works everywhere
case 'k':
number = pTime.hour();
case 'l':
// to share the code
if ( format_index ).unicode() == 'l' )
number = (pTime.hour() + 11) % 12 + 1;
if ( number / 10 )
buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';
case 'p':
QString s;
if ( pTime.hour() >= 12 )
put_it_in( buffer, index, i18n("pm") );
put_it_in( buffer, index, i18n("am") );
@@ -254,138 +266,139 @@ QString KLocale::formatDate(const QDate &pDate, bool shortFormat, IntDateFormat
for ( uint format_index = 0; format_index < rst.length(); ++format_index )
if ( !escape )
if ( format_index ).unicode() == '%' )
escape = true;
buffer[index++] = format_index );
switch ( format_index ).unicode() )
case '%':
buffer[index++] = '%';
case 'Y':
put_it_in( buffer, index, pDate.year() / 100 );
case 'y':
put_it_in( buffer, index, pDate.year() % 100 );
case 'n':
number = pDate.month();
case 'e':
// to share the code
if ( format_index ).unicode() == 'e' )
number =;
if ( number / 10 )
buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';
case 'm':
put_it_in( buffer, index, pDate.month() );
case 'b':
put_it_in( buffer, index, monthName(pDate.month(), true) );
case 'B':
put_it_in( buffer, index, monthName(pDate.month(), false) );
case 'd':
put_it_in( buffer, index, );
case 'a':
put_it_in( buffer, index, weekDayName(pDate.dayOfWeek(), true) );
case 'A':
put_it_in( buffer, index, weekDayName(pDate.dayOfWeek(), false) );
buffer[index++] = format_index );
escape = false;
QString ret( buffer, index );
delete [] buffer;
return ret;
QString KLocale::formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime,
bool shortFormat,
- bool includeSeconds) const
+ bool includeSeconds,
+ IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat) const
return QString( "%1 %2")
- .arg( formatDate(, shortFormat ) )
- .arg( formatTime( pDateTime.time(), includeSeconds ) );
+ .arg( formatDate(, shortFormat, intIntDateFormat ) )
+ .arg( formatTime( pDateTime.time(), includeSeconds , intIntDateFormat ) );
-QString KLocale::formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime) const
+QString KLocale::formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat) const
- return formatDateTime(pDateTime, true);
+ return formatDateTime(pDateTime, true, intIntDateFormat);
QDate KLocale::readDate(const QString &intstr, bool* ok) const
QDate date;
date = readDate(intstr, true, ok);
if (date.isValid()) return date;
return readDate(intstr, false, ok);
QDate KLocale::readDate(const QString &intstr, bool shortFormat, bool* ok) const
QString fmt = (shortFormat ? dateFormatShort() : dateFormat()).simplifyWhiteSpace();
return readDate( intstr, fmt, ok );
QDate KLocale::readDate(const QString &intstr, const QString &fmt, bool* ok) const
//kdDebug(173) << "KLocale::readDate intstr=" << intstr << " fmt=" << fmt << endl;
QString str = intstr.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower();
int day = -1, month = -1;
// allow the year to be omitted if not in the format
int year = QDate::currentDate().year();
uint strpos = 0;
uint fmtpos = 0;
while (fmt.length() > fmtpos || str.length() > strpos)
if ( !(fmt.length() > fmtpos && str.length() > strpos) )
goto error;
QChar c =;
if (c != '%') {
if (c.isSpace())
else if (c !=
goto error;
// remove space at the begining
if (str.length() > strpos &&
c =;
switch (c)
case 'a':
case 'A':
// this will just be ignored
{ // Cristian Tache: porting to Win: Block added because of "j" redefinition
for (int j = 1; j < 8; j++) {
QString s = weekDayName(j, c == 'a').lower();
int len = s.length();
if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s)
strpos += len;
case 'b':
case 'B':
{ // Cristian Tache: porting to Win: Block added because of "j" redefinition
for (int j = 1; j < 13; j++) {
@@ -395,128 +408,129 @@ QDate KLocale::readDate(const QString &intstr, const QString &fmt, bool* ok) con
month = j;
strpos += len;
case 'd':
case 'e':
day = readInt(str, strpos);
if (day < 1 || day > 31)
goto error;
case 'n':
case 'm':
month = readInt(str, strpos);
if (month < 1 || month > 12)
goto error;
case 'Y':
case 'y':
year = readInt(str, strpos);
if (year < 0)
goto error;
// Qt treats a year in the range 0-100 as 1900-1999.
// It is nicer for the user if we treat 0-68 as 2000-2068
if (year < 69)
year += 2000;
else if (c == 'y')
year += 1900;
//kdDebug(173) << "KLocale::readDate day=" << day << " month=" << month << " year=" << year << endl;
if ( year != -1 && month != -1 && day != -1 )
if (ok) *ok = true;
return QDate(year, month, day);
if (ok) *ok = false;
return QDate(); // invalid date
QTime KLocale::readTime(const QString &intstr, bool *ok) const
QTime _time;
_time = readTime(intstr, true, ok);
if (_time.isValid()) return _time;
return readTime(intstr, false, ok);
QTime KLocale::readTime(const QString &intstr, bool seconds, bool *ok) const
QString str = intstr.simplifyWhiteSpace().lower();
QString Format = timeFormat().simplifyWhiteSpace();
if (!seconds)
Format.replace(QRegExp(QString::fromLatin1(".%S")), QString::null);
int hour = -1, minute = -1, second = seconds ? -1 : 0; // don't require seconds
bool g_12h = false;
bool pm = false;
uint strpos = 0;
uint Formatpos = 0;
while (Format.length() > Formatpos || str.length() > strpos)
if ( !(Format.length() > Formatpos && str.length() > strpos) ) goto error;
QChar c =;
if (c != '%')
if (c.isSpace())
else if (c !=
goto error;
// remove space at the begining
if (str.length() > strpos &&
c =;
switch (c)
case 'p':
QString s;
s = i18n("pm").lower();
int len = s.length();
if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s)
pm = true;
strpos += len;
s = i18n("am").lower();
len = s.length();
if (str.mid(strpos, len) == s) {
pm = false;
strpos += len;
goto error;
case 'k':
case 'H':
g_12h = false;
hour = readInt(str, strpos);
if (hour < 0 || hour > 23)
goto error;
case 'l':
case 'I':
g_12h = true;
hour = readInt(str, strpos);
@@ -621,133 +635,150 @@ QString KLocale::monthName(int i,bool shortName) const
switch (i)
case 1: return i18n("January");
case 2: return i18n("February");
case 3: return i18n("March");
case 4: return i18n("April");
case 5: return i18n("May long", "May");
case 6: return i18n("June");
case 7: return i18n("July");
case 8: return i18n("August");
case 9: return i18n("September");
case 10: return i18n("October");
case 11: return i18n("November");
case 12: return i18n("December");
return QString::null;
QString KLocale::country() const
return QString::null;
QString KLocale::dateFormat(IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat) const
const IntDateFormat dformat = (intIntDateFormat == Undefined)?mIntDateFormat:intIntDateFormat;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) {
if ( dformat == Default )
return "%a %d %b %Y";
else if ( dformat == Format1 )
return "%a %b %d %Y";
else if ( dformat == ISODate )
return "%a %Y %b %d";
} else {
if ( dformat == Default )
return "%A %d %B %Y";
else if ( dformat == Format1 )
return "%A %B %d %Y";
else if ( dformat == ISODate )
return "%A %Y %B %d";
return mDateFormat ;
QString KLocale::dateFormatShort(IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat) const
const IntDateFormat dformat = (intIntDateFormat == Undefined)?mIntDateFormat:intIntDateFormat;
if ( dformat == Default )
return "%d.%m.%Y";
else if ( dformat == Format1 )
return "%m.%d.%Y";
else if ( dformat == ISODate ) // = Qt::ISODate
return "%Y-%m-%d";
return mDateFormatShort ;
-QString KLocale::timeFormat() const
+QString KLocale::timeFormat(IntDateFormat intIntTimeFormat) const
+ const IntDateFormat tformat = (intIntTimeFormat == Undefined)?mIntTimeFormat:intIntTimeFormat;
+ if ( tformat == Default )
if ( mHourF24Format)
return "%H:%M:%S";
+ else
return "%I:%M:%S%p";
+ else if ( tformat == Format1 )
+ if ( mHourF24Format)
+ return "%H:%M:%S";
+ else
+ return "%I:%M:%S%p";
+ else if ( tformat == ISODate ) // = Qt::ISODate
+ if ( mHourF24Format)
+ return "%H:%M:%S";
+ else
+ return "%I:%M:%S%p";
void KLocale::insertCatalogue ( const QString & )
KCalendarSystem *KLocale::calendar()
if ( !mCalendarSystem ) {
mCalendarSystem = new KCalendarSystemGregorian;
return mCalendarSystem;
int KLocale::timezoneOffset( QString timeZone )
int ret = 1001;
int index = mTimeZoneList.findIndex( timeZone );
if ( index < 24 )
ret = ( index-11 ) * 60 ;
return ret;
QStringList KLocale::timeZoneList() const
return mTimeZoneList;
void KLocale::setTimezone( const QString &timeZone )
mTimeZoneOffset = timezoneOffset( timeZone );
void KLocale::setDaylightSaving( bool b, int start , int end )
daylightEnabled = b;
daylightStart = start;
daylightEnd = end;
mSouthDaylight = (end < start);
// qDebug("klocale daylight %d %d %d ", b, start , end );
int KLocale::localTimeOffset( const QDateTime &dt )
bool addDaylight = false;
if ( daylightEnabled ) {
int d_end, d_start;
int dayofyear =;
int year =;
int add = 0;
if ( QDate::leapYear(year) )
add = 1;
QDate date ( year,1,1 );
if ( daylightEnd > 59 )
d_end = daylightEnd +add;
d_end = daylightEnd;
if ( daylightStart > 59 )
d_start = daylightStart +add;
d_start = daylightStart;
QDate s_date = date.addDays( d_start -1 );
QDate e_date = date.addDays( d_end -1 );
int dof = s_date.dayOfWeek();
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.h b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.h
index f6c0253..153b12a 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.h
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.h
@@ -1,112 +1,115 @@
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qdict.h>
#ifndef I18N_NOOP
#define I18N_NOOP(x) (x)
class KCalendarSystem;
void setLocaleDict( QDict<QString> * dict );
QString i18n(const char *text);
QString i18n(const char *hint, const char *text);
QString i18n(const char *text1, const char *textn, int num);
// Qt3's uic generates i18n( "msg", "comment" ) calls which conflict
// with our i18n method. we use uic -tr tr2i18n to redirect
// to the right i18n() function
inline QString tr2i18n(const char* message, const char* =0) {
return i18n( message);
class KLocale
QString formatNumber(double num, int precision = -1) const;
QString formatNumber(const QString &numStr) const;
double readNumber(const QString &numStr, bool * ok = 0) const;
QString decimalSymbol() const;
QString thousandsSeparator() const;
QString positiveSign() const;
QString negativeSign() const;
QString translate( const char *index ) const;
QString translate( const char *index, const char *fallback) const;
enum IntDateFormat { Undefined=-1, Default=0, Format1=1, ISODate=2, Userdefined=3 };
QString formatDate(const QDate &pDate, bool shortFormat = false, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
- QString formatTime(const QTime &pTime, bool includeSecs = false) const;
- QString formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime) const;
+ QString formatTime(const QTime &pTime, bool includeSecs = false, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
+ QString formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
QString formatDateTime(const QDateTime &pDateTime,
bool shortFormat,
- bool includeSecs = false) const;
+ bool includeSecs = false, IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
QDate readDate(const QString &str, bool* ok = 0) const;
QDate readDate( const QString &intstr, const QString &fmt, bool* ok = 0) const;
QTime readTime(const QString &str, bool* ok = 0) const;
bool use12Clock() const;
bool weekStartsMonday() const;
int weekStartDay() const;
QString weekDayName(int,bool=false) const;
QString monthName(int,bool=false) const;
QString country() const;
QString dateFormat(IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
QString dateFormatShort(IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
- QString timeFormat() const;
+ QString timeFormat(IntDateFormat intIntDateFormat = Undefined) const;
void insertCatalogue ( const QString & );
KCalendarSystem *calendar();
void setHore24Format ( bool );
void setWeekStartMonday( bool );
void setIntDateFormat( IntDateFormat );
+ void setIntTimeFormat( IntDateFormat );
IntDateFormat getIntDateFormat( );
+ IntDateFormat getIntTimeFormat( );
void setLanguage( int );
void setDateFormat( QString );
void setDateFormatShort( QString );
QString m_decimalSymbol;
QString m_thousandsSeparator;
QString m_currencySymbol;
QString m_monetaryDecimalSymbol;
QString m_monetaryThousandsSeparator;
QString m_positiveSign;
QString m_negativeSign;
int timezoneOffset( QString );
QStringList timeZoneList() const;
void setDaylightSaving( bool, int , int );
int localTimeOffset(const QDateTime &);
void setTimezone( const QString &timeZone );
QTime readTime(const QString &str, bool seconds, bool *ok) const;
QDate readDate(const QString &str, bool shortFormat, bool *ok) const;
KCalendarSystem *mCalendarSystem;
bool mWeekStartsMonday;
bool mHourF24Format;
IntDateFormat mIntDateFormat;
+ IntDateFormat mIntTimeFormat;
int mLanguage;
QString mDateFormat;
QString mDateFormatShort;
QStringList mTimeZoneList;
bool daylightEnabled;
int mDaylightTZoffset;
int mNondaylightTZoffset;
bool mSouthDaylight;
int daylightStart, daylightEnd, mTimeZoneOffset;