Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 8 insertions, 4 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt
index 5941c2a..a47b123 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/pwmanager/germantranslation.txt
@@ -250,97 +250,97 @@
{ "Please enter the master-password:","Bitter Master-Passwort eingeben:" },
{ "Wrong master-password!\nPlease try again.","Falsches Master-Passwort!\nBitte erneut versuchen." },
{ "password error","Passwort Fehler" },
{ "Successfully opened file.","Datei erfolgreich geöffnet." },
{ "This file is DEEP-LOCKED!\nThat means all data has been encrypted\nand written out to the file. If you want\nto see the entries, please UNLOCK the file.\nWhile unlocking, you will be prompted for the\nmaster-password or the key-card.","This file is DEEP-LOCKED!\nThat means all data has been encrypted\nand written out to the file. If you want\nto see the entries, please UNLOCK the file.\nWhile unlocking, you will be prompted for the\nmaster-password or the key-card." },
{ "<LOCKED>","<GESPERRT>" },
{ "To unlock click the icon on the left.","Zum Entsperren klicke auf das linke Icon." },
{ "PwManager","PwManager" },
{ "Window-style:","Window-style:" },
{ "Category on top","Kategorien oben" },
{ "Category-list left/top","Kategorien links oben" },
{ "<b>Font for Password entries:</b>","<b>Schrift für Passwort Einträge:</b>" },
{ "Font:","Schriftart:" },
{ "Compression:","Kompression:" },
{ "gzip","gzip" },
{ "Encryption:","Verschlüsselung:" },
{ "Blowfish (128 bit)","Blowfish (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)","AES-128, Rijndael (128 bit)" },
{ "AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)","AES-192, Rijndael (192 bit)" },
{ "AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)","AES-256, Rijndael (256 bit)" },
{ "Triple-DES (168 bit)","Triple-DES (168 bit)" },
{ "Twofish (256 bit)","Twofish (256 bit)" },
{ "Twofish-128 (128 bit)","Twofish-128 (128 bit)" },
{ "Hashing:","Hashing:" },
{ "SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)","SHA-160, SHA1 (160 bit)" },
{ "SHA-256 (256 bit)","SHA-256 (256 bit)" },
{ "SHA-384 (384 bit)","SHA-384 (384 bit)" },
{ "SHA-512 (512 bit)","SHA-512 (512 bit)" },
{ "MD5 (128 bit)","MD5 (128 bit)" },
{ "RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)","RIPE-MD-160 (160 bit)" },
{ "Tiger (192 bit)","Tiger (192 bit)" },
{ "Permissions:","Zugriffsrechte:" },
{ "Make backup before saving","Mache Backup vor dem Speichern" },
{ "Password timeout\n(timeout to hold password in\nmemory,so you don't have to\nre-enter it,if you\nalready have entered it)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","Passwort Timeout\n(Timeout um das Passwort\nim Speicher zu halten,\nso dass es nicht noch mal\neingegeben werden muß.)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "Auto-lock timeout\n(auto lock document after this\namount of seconds)\n[set to 0 to disable]:","(Total-)Sperr-Timeout\n(Sperre Dokument total nach\ndieser Anzahl Sekunden)\n[Setze auf 0 zum deaktivieren]:" },
{ "deep-lock on autolock","Sperre total beim Sperr-Timeout" },
{ "open deeplocked","Öffne total gesperrt" },
{ "Favourite browser:","Bevorzugter Browser:" },
{ "Favourite x-terminal:","Bevorzugtes x-terminal:" },
{ "Open document with passwords unlocked","Öffne Dokument mit Passwort ungesperrt" },
{ "Look && feel","Aussehen" },
{ "File","Datei" },
{ "Timeout","Timeout" },
{ "Autostart","Autostart" },
{ "External apps","Externe Applik." },
{ "Miscellaneous","Verschiedenes" },
{ "+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)","+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)" },
-{ "edit category descriptions","Ändrere Kategoriebeschreibungen" },
+{ "edit category descriptions","Ändere Label für Kategorie" },
{ "Close","Schließen" },
{ "Category:","Category:" },
{ "Text1 (Description):","Text1 (Beschreibung):" },
{ "Text2 (Username):","Text2 (Benutzername):" },
{ "Text3 (Password):","Text3 (Passwort):" },
{ "edit/add a password entry","Ändere/hinzufüge Passwort Eintrag" },
{ "Description:","Beschreibung:" },
{ "Username:","Benutzername:" },
{ "Password:","Passwort:" },
{ "&Reveal","&Offen zeigen" },
{ "&Generate","&Generiere" },
{ "&Password","&Passwort" },
{ "&Comments","Kommentare" },
{ "Launcher:","Launcher:" },
{ "$d = Description","$d = Beschreibung" },
{ "$n = Username","$n = Benutzername" },
{ "$c = Comment","$c = Kommentar" },
{ "$u = URL","$u = URL" },
{ "$p = Password","$p = Passwort" },
{ "&Launcher","&Launcher" },
{ "Password generator","Passwort Generator" },
{ "Character set:","Buchstaben Set:" },
{ "Lowercase (abc)","Klein (abc)" },
{ "Uppercase (ABC)","Groß (ABC)" },
{ "Numbers (123)","Nummmern (123)" },
{ "Special characters:","Spezielle Buchstaben:" },
{ "Spaces (blank characters)","Leerzeichen" },
{ "User defined:","Benutzer definiert:" },
{ "Password Length:","Passwort Länge:" },
{ "Enable Filtering to get better passwords","Enable Filtering to get better passwords" },
{ "no password","Kein Passwort" },
{ "Sorry, you haven't set a password.","Sorry, Sie haben kein Passwort angegeben." },
{ "not saved, yet","not saved, yet" },
{ "Can't deep-lock, because the document\nhasn't been saved, yet. Please save\nto a file and try again.","Kann nicht tiefsperren, weil das\nDokument noch nicht gespeichert wurde.\nBitte speichern und noch einmal versuchen." },
{ "Find","Finde" },
{ "&Exact match","Genaue Übereinstimmung" },
{ "&Case sensitive","Großschrift abhängig" },
{ "Search in Column","Suche in Spalten" },
{ "&Description","Beschreibung" },
{ "C&omment","Kommentar" },
{ "&Username","Benutzername" },
{ "U&RL","URL" },
{ "delete?","Löschen?" },
{ "Do you really want to delete\nthe selected entry","Wollen Sie wirklich\nden Eintrag löschen:" },
{ "Save?","Speichern?" },
{ ""\nhas been modified.\nDo you want to save it?",""\nwurde geändert.\nMöchten Sie speichern?" },
{ "The list\n "","Die Liste\n "" },
{ "nothing to do","Nichts zu tun" },
diff --git a/kaddressbook/jumpbuttonbar.cpp b/kaddressbook/jumpbuttonbar.cpp
index ee5b44e..184d516 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/jumpbuttonbar.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/jumpbuttonbar.cpp
@@ -80,97 +80,98 @@ JumpButtonBar::JumpButtonBar( KABCore *core, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
QSizePolicy JumpButtonBar::sizePolicy() const
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Minimum,
QSizePolicy::Vertically );
return QSizePolicy( QSizePolicy::Maximum, QSizePolicy::Minimum);
void JumpButtonBar::letterClicked()
JumpButton *button = (JumpButton*)sender();
QString character = button->character();
if ( !character.isNull() )
emit jumpToLetter( character );
void JumpButtonBar::recreateButtons()
// the easiest way to remove all buttons ;)
//mButtons.setAutoDelete( true );
//mButtons.setAutoDelete( false );
QString character;
KABC::AddressBook *ab = mCore->addressBook();
KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it;
KABC::Field *field = mCore->currentSearchField();
if ( field ) {
setEnabled( true );
} else {
setEnabled( false );
for ( it = ab->begin(); it != ab->end(); ++it ) {
if ( !field->value( *it ).isEmpty() )
character = field->value( *it )[ 0 ].lower();
- if ( !character.isEmpty() && !mCharacters.contains( character ) )
+ if ( character != "!" )
+ if ( !character.isEmpty() && !mCharacters.contains( character ) )
mCharacters.append( character );
if ( mCharacters.count() == 0 ) {
setEnabled( false );
int maxRows = mCharacters.count() / 2; // we use 2 columns
if ( mCharacters.count() % 2 )
int fixwid = 20;
sortListLocaleAware( mCharacters );
bool skip2 = false;
int skipcount = 0;
int maxHei = 25;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 && mCharacters.count() > 13) {
skipcount = mCharacters.count()-13;
maxHei = (QApplication::desktop()->height()-65)/13;
else {
fixwid = 30;
if ( mCharacters.count() > 20 )
skipcount = mCharacters.count()- 20;
maxHei = (QApplication::desktop()->height()-120)/(mCharacters.count()-skipcount);
maxRows = 28;
bool skipcurrent = false;
bool state = isUpdatesEnabled();
setUpdatesEnabled( false );
//qDebug("cc %d ",mCharacters.count() );
JumpButton *button;
int row = 0, col = 0;
JumpButton* cur = mButtons.first();
for ( uint i = 0; i < mCharacters.count(); ++i ) {
if ( skipcount > 0 && skipcurrent ) {
} else {
if ( cur ) {
button = cur ;
cur =;
button->setCharacter(mCharacters[ i ]);
} else {
button = new JumpButton( mCharacters[ i ].upper(), this, mCharacters[ i ] );
button->setFixedWidth( fixwid );
mButtons.append( button );
connect( button, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( letterClicked() ) );
mButtonLayout->addWidget( button, row, col );
diff --git a/microkde/kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp b/microkde/kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp
index 248476f..4daa4ff 100644
--- a/microkde/kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kutils/kcmultidialog.cpp
@@ -7,98 +7,100 @@
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qhbox.h>
#include <qvbox.h>
#include <qcursor.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kiconloader.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
//US #include <klibloader.h>
#include <krun.h>
#include <kprocess.h>
#include "kcmultidialog.h"
//US #include "kcmultidialog.moc"
//US #include "kcmoduleloader.h"
KCMultiDialog::KCMultiDialog(const QString& baseGroup, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal)
: KDialogBase(IconList, i18n("Configure"), Default |Cancel | Apply | Ok, Ok,
parent, name, modal, true), d(0L)
enableButton(Apply, false);
//connect(this, SIGNAL(aboutToShowPage(QWidget *)), this, SLOT(slotAboutToShow(QWidget *)));
connect( this, SIGNAL( defaultClicked() ), SLOT( slotDefault() ) );
_baseGroup = baseGroup;
mMainWidget = new KJanusWidget( this, "JanusWidget", KJanusWidget::Tabbed );
setMainWidget(mMainWidget );
- resize(640,480);
- setMaximumSize( KMIN(KGlobal::getDesktopWidth()-5, 640), KMIN(KGlobal::getDesktopHeight()-20, 480));
+ //resize(640,480);
+ //setMaximumSize( KMIN(KGlobal::getDesktopWidth()-5, 640), KMIN(KGlobal::getDesktopHeight()-20, 480));
+ resize(800,800);
+ setMaximumSize( 800, 800 );
//US moduleDict.setAutoDelete(true);
void KCMultiDialog::slotDefault()
int curPageIndex = activePageIndex();
QPtrListIterator<KCModule> it(modules);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
if (pageIndex((QWidget *)(*it)->parent()) == curPageIndex)
void KCMultiDialog::accept()
void KCMultiDialog::slotApply()
QPtrListIterator<KCModule> it(modules);
for (; it.current(); ++it)
emit applyClicked();
void KCMultiDialog::slotOk()
qDebug("KCMultiDialog::slotOk clicked");
QPtrListIterator<KCModule> it(modules);
diff --git a/pwmanager/pwmanager/editcategory.cpp b/pwmanager/pwmanager/editcategory.cpp
index 4e55de8..4e2378c 100644
--- a/pwmanager/pwmanager/editcategory.cpp
+++ b/pwmanager/pwmanager/editcategory.cpp
@@ -100,89 +100,90 @@ editCategoryWnd::editCategoryWnd( PwMDoc* d, QWidget* parent, const char* name)
// PwMCategoryItem* getCategoryEntry(unsigned int index)
// { return &(dti.dta[index]); }
* Destroys the object and frees any allocated resources
// no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us
void editCategoryWnd::slotOk()
// qDebug( "addEntryWnd::slotOk(): Not implemented yet" );
void editCategoryWnd::slotApply()
QString cat = categoryComboBox->currentText();
unsigned int idx;
bool found = doc->findCategory(cat, &idx);
if (found == true)
PwMCategoryItem* catitem = doc->getCategoryEntry(idx);
catitem->desc_text = descLineEdit->text().latin1();
catitem->name_text = usernameLineEdit->text().latin1();
catitem->pw_text = pwLineEdit->text().latin1();
enableButton( KDialogBase::Apply, false );
void editCategoryWnd::cancel_slot()
QString cat = categoryComboBox->currentText();
categorySelected ( cat );
+ reject();
void editCategoryWnd::setCurrCategory(const QString &cat)
int i, count = categoryComboBox->count();
for (i = 0; i < count; ++i) {
if (categoryComboBox->text(i) == cat) {
categorySelected ( cat );
void editCategoryWnd::categorySelected ( const QString & string )
unsigned int idx;
bool found = doc->findCategory(string, &idx);
if (found == true)
PwMCategoryItem* catitem = doc->getCategoryEntry(idx);
enableButton( KDialogBase::Apply, false );
void editCategoryWnd::widgetModified(const QString &)
enableButton( KDialogBase::Apply, true );