Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 14 insertions, 2 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addresseedialog.cpp b/kabc/addresseedialog.cpp
index 9ea9d04..34f4160 100644
--- a/kabc/addresseedialog.cpp
+++ b/kabc/addresseedialog.cpp
@@ -1,293 +1,293 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include "stdaddressbook.h"
#include "addresseedialog.h"
//#include "addresseedialog.moc"
using namespace KABC;
AddresseeItem::AddresseeItem( QListView *parent, const Addressee &addressee ) :
QListViewItem( parent ),
mAddressee( addressee )
QString name = addressee.familyName()+", "+ addressee.givenName();
if ( name.length() == 2 )
name = addressee.organization();
setText( Name,name);
setText( Email, addressee.preferredEmail() );
QString AddresseeItem::key( int column, bool ) const
if (column == Email) {
QString value = text(Email);
int val = value.findRev("@");
return value.mid( val) + value.left( val );
return text(column).lower();
AddresseeDialog::AddresseeDialog( QWidget *parent, bool multiple ) :
KDialogBase( KDialogBase::Plain, i18n("Select Addressee"),
Ok|Cancel, Ok, parent ), mMultiple( multiple )
QWidget *topWidget = plainPage();
QBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( topWidget );
QBoxLayout *listLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
topLayout->addLayout( listLayout );
mAddresseeList = new KListView( topWidget );
mAddresseeList->addColumn( i18n("Name") );
mAddresseeList->addColumn( i18n("Email") );
mAddresseeList->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
mAddresseeList->setFullWidth( true );
listLayout->addWidget( mAddresseeList );
connect( mAddresseeList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( slotOk() ) );
mAddresseeEdit = new QLineEdit( topWidget );
connect( mAddresseeEdit, SIGNAL( returnPressed() ),
SLOT( loadAddressBook() ) );
listLayout->addWidget( mAddresseeEdit );
if ( mMultiple ) {
QBoxLayout *selectedLayout = new QVBoxLayout;
topLayout->addLayout( selectedLayout );
topLayout->setSpacing( spacingHint() );
QGroupBox *selectedGroup = new QGroupBox( 1, Horizontal, i18n("Selected"),
topWidget );
selectedLayout->addWidget( selectedGroup );
mSelectedList = new KListView( selectedGroup );
mSelectedList->addColumn( i18n("Name") );
mSelectedList->addColumn( i18n("Email") );
mSelectedList->setAllColumnsShowFocus( true );
mSelectedList->setFullWidth( true );
connect( mSelectedList, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( removeSelected() ) );
QPushButton *unselectButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Unselect"), selectedGroup );
connect ( unselectButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( removeSelected() ) );
connect( mAddresseeList, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( addSelected( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mAddresseeList, SIGNAL( returnPressed( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( selectNextItem( QListViewItem * ) ) );
mAddressBook = StdAddressBook::self( true );
connect( mAddressBook, SIGNAL( addressBookChanged( AddressBook* ) ),
SLOT( addressBookChanged() ) );
connect( mAddressBook, SIGNAL( loadingFinished( Resource* ) ),
SLOT( addressBookChanged() ) );
void AddresseeDialog::loadAddressBook()
if ( mAddresseeEdit->text().isEmpty() ) {
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for( it = mAddressBook->begin(); it != mAddressBook->end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).uid().left(2) == "la" && (*it).uid().left(19) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
new AddresseeItem( mAddresseeList, (*it) );
QRegExp re;
re.setWildcard(true); // most people understand these better.
re.setPattern( "*"+ mAddresseeEdit->text() + "*");
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for( it = mAddressBook->begin(); it != mAddressBook->end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).uid().left(2) == "la" && (*it).uid().left(19) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
QString name = (*it).familyName()+", "+ (*it).givenName();
if ( name.length() == 2 )
name = (*it).realName();
name += (*it).preferredEmail();
-#if QT_VERSION >= 300
+#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
if ( != -1)
if (re.match(name) != -1)
AddresseeItem *item = new AddresseeItem( mAddresseeList, (*it) );
void AddresseeDialog::addCompletionItem( const QString &str, QListViewItem *item )
if ( str.isEmpty() ) return;
mItemDict.insert( str, item );
//mAddresseeEdit->completionObject()->addItem( str );
void AddresseeDialog::selectItem( const QString &str )
if ( str.isEmpty() ) return;
QListViewItem *item = mItemDict.find( str );
if ( item ) {
mAddresseeList->blockSignals( true );
mAddresseeList->setSelected( item, true );
mAddresseeList->ensureItemVisible( item );
mAddresseeList->blockSignals( false );
void AddresseeDialog::updateEdit( QListViewItem *item )
mAddresseeEdit->setText( item->text( 0 ) );
mAddresseeEdit->setSelection( 0, item->text( 0 ).length() );
void AddresseeDialog::selectNextItem( QListViewItem *item )
addSelected( item );
QListViewItem *next = item->nextSibling();
if ( next ) {
next->setSelected( true );
item->setSelected( false );
mAddresseeList->setCurrentItem( next );
void AddresseeDialog::addSelected( QListViewItem *item )
AddresseeItem *addrItem = (AddresseeItem *)( item );
if ( !addrItem ) return;
Addressee a = addrItem->addressee();
QListViewItem *selectedItem = mSelectedDict.find( a.uid() );
if ( !selectedItem ) {
selectedItem = new AddresseeItem( mSelectedList, a );
mSelectedDict.insert( a.uid(), selectedItem );
void AddresseeDialog::removeSelected()
QListViewItem *item = mSelectedList->selectedItem();
AddresseeItem *addrItem = (AddresseeItem *)( item );
if ( !addrItem ) return;
QListViewItem *next = item->nextSibling();
mSelectedDict.remove( addrItem->addressee().uid() );
delete addrItem;
if ( next )
next->setSelected( true );
Addressee AddresseeDialog::addressee()
AddresseeItem *aItem = 0;
if ( mMultiple )
aItem = (AddresseeItem *)( mSelectedList->firstChild() );
aItem = (AddresseeItem *)( mAddresseeList->selectedItem() );
if (aItem) return aItem->addressee();
return Addressee();
Addressee::List AddresseeDialog::addressees()
Addressee::List al;
AddresseeItem *aItem = 0;
if ( mMultiple ) {
QListViewItem *item = mSelectedList->firstChild();
while( item ) {
aItem = (AddresseeItem *)( item );
if ( aItem ) al.append( aItem->addressee() );
item = item->nextSibling();
aItem = (AddresseeItem *)( mAddresseeList->selectedItem() );
if (aItem) al.append( aItem->addressee() );
return al;
Addressee AddresseeDialog::getAddressee( QWidget *parent )
AddresseeDialog *dlg = new AddresseeDialog( parent );
Addressee addressee;
int result = dlg->exec();
if ( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {
addressee = dlg->addressee();
delete dlg;
return addressee;
Addressee::List AddresseeDialog::getAddressees( QWidget *parent )
AddresseeDialog *dlg = new AddresseeDialog( parent, true );
Addressee::List addressees;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 640 )
int result = dlg->exec();
if ( result == QDialog::Accepted ) {
addressees = dlg->addressees();
delete dlg;
return addressees;
void AddresseeDialog::addressBookChanged()
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp b/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
index f3584d7..cf0d1ee 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/kstandarddirs.cpp
@@ -902,763 +902,775 @@ int KStandardDirs::findAllExe( QStringList& list, const QString& appname,
tokenize( tokens, p, ":\b" );
for ( unsigned i = 0; i < tokens.count(); i++ ) {
p = tokens[ i ];
p += "/";
p += appname;
info.setFile( p );
if( info.exists() && (ignore || info.isExecutable())
&& info.isFile() ) {
list.append( p );
return list.count();
static int tokenize( QStringList& tokens, const QString& str,
const QString& delim )
int len = str.length();
QString token = "";
for( int index = 0; index < len; index++)
if ( delim.find( str[ index ] ) >= 0 )
tokens.append( token );
token = "";
token += str[ index ];
if ( token.length() > 0 )
tokens.append( token );
return tokens.count();
QString KStandardDirs::kde_default(const char *type) {
if (!strcmp(type, "data"))
return "apps/";
if (!strcmp(type, "html"))
return "share/doc/HTML/";
if (!strcmp(type, "icon"))
return "share/icons/";
if (!strcmp(type, "config"))
return "config/";
if (!strcmp(type, "pixmap"))
return "share/pixmaps/";
if (!strcmp(type, "apps"))
return "share/applnk/";
if (!strcmp(type, "sound"))
return "share/sounds/";
if (!strcmp(type, "locale"))
return "share/locale/";
if (!strcmp(type, "services"))
return "share/services/";
if (!strcmp(type, "servicetypes"))
return "share/servicetypes/";
if (!strcmp(type, "mime"))
return "share/mimelnk/";
if (!strcmp(type, "cgi"))
return "cgi-bin/";
if (!strcmp(type, "wallpaper"))
return "share/wallpapers/";
if (!strcmp(type, "templates"))
return "share/templates/";
if (!strcmp(type, "exe"))
return "bin/";
if (!strcmp(type, "lib"))
return "lib/";
if (!strcmp(type, "module"))
return "lib/kde3/";
if (!strcmp(type, "qtplugins"))
return "lib/kde3/plugins";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgdata-apps"))
return "applications/";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgdata-dirs"))
return "desktop-directories/";
if (!strcmp(type, "xdgconf-menu"))
return "menus/";
if (!strcmp(type, "tmp"))
return "tmp/";
qFatal("unknown resource type %s", type);
return QString::null;
QString KStandardDirs::saveLocation(const char *type,
const QString& suffix,
bool create) const
//qDebug("KStandardDirs::saveLocation called %s %s", type,suffix.latin1() );
//return "";
QString *pPath = savelocations.find(type);
if (!pPath)
QStringList *dirs = relatives.find(type);
if (!dirs && (
(strcmp(type, "socket") == 0) ||
(strcmp(type, "tmp") == 0) ||
(strcmp(type, "cache") == 0) ))
(void) resourceDirs(type); // Generate socket|tmp|cache resource.
dirs = relatives.find(type); // Search again.
if (dirs)
// Check for existance of typed directory + suffix
if (strncmp(type, "xdgdata-", 8) == 0)
pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgdatadir() + dirs->last()));
else if (strncmp(type, "xdgconf-", 8) == 0)
pPath = new QString(realPath(localxdgconfdir() + dirs->last()));
pPath = new QString(realPath(localkdedir() + dirs->last()));
else {
dirs = absolutes.find(type);
if (!dirs)
qFatal("KStandardDirs: The resource type %s is not registered", type);
pPath = new QString(realPath(dirs->last()));
savelocations.insert(type, pPath);
QString fullPath = *pPath + suffix;
//US struct stat st;
//US if (stat(QFile::encodeName(fullPath), &st) != 0 || !(S_ISDIR(st.st_mode)))
QFileInfo fullPathInfo(QFile::encodeName(fullPath));
if (fullPathInfo.isReadable() || !fullPathInfo.isDir())
if(!create) {
#ifndef NDEBUG
qDebug("save location %s doesn't exist", fullPath.latin1());
return fullPath;
if(!makeDir(fullPath, 0700)) {
qWarning("failed to create %s", fullPath.latin1());
return fullPath;
return fullPath;
QString KStandardDirs::relativeLocation(const char *type, const QString &absPath)
QString fullPath = absPath;
int i = absPath.findRev('/');
if (i != -1)
fullPath = realPath(absPath.left(i+1))+absPath.mid(i+1); // Normalize
QStringList candidates = resourceDirs(type);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = candidates.begin();
it != candidates.end(); it++)
if (fullPath.startsWith(*it))
return fullPath.mid((*it).length());
return absPath;
bool KStandardDirs::makeDir(const QString& dir2, int mode)
QString dir = QDir::convertSeparators( dir2 );
#if 0
// we want an absolute path
if ( != '/')
return false;
QString target = dir;
uint len = target.length();
// append trailing slash if missing
if ( - 1) != '/')
target += '/';
QString base("");
uint i = 1;
while( i < len )
//US struct stat st;
int pos = target.find('/', i);
base += target.mid(i - 1, pos - i + 1);
QCString baseEncoded = QFile::encodeName(base);
// bail out if we encountered a problem
//US if (stat(baseEncoded, &st) != 0)
QFileInfo baseEncodedInfo(baseEncoded);
if (!baseEncodedInfo.exists())
// Directory does not exist....
// Or maybe a dangling symlink ?
//US if (lstat(baseEncoded, &st) == 0)
if (baseEncodedInfo.isSymLink()) {
//US (void)unlink(baseEncoded); // try removing
//US if ( mkdir(baseEncoded, (mode_t) mode) != 0)
QDir dirObj;
if ( dirObj.mkdir(baseEncoded) != true )
//US perror("trying to create local folder");
return false; // Couldn't create it :-(
i = pos + 1;
return true;
// ********************************************
// new code for WIN32
QDir dirObj;
// we want an absolute path
#ifndef _WIN32_
if ( != '/')
return false;
QString target = dir;
uint len = target.length();
#ifndef _WIN32_
// append trailing slash if missing
if ( - 1) != '/')
target += '/';
QString base("");
uint i = 1;
while( i < len )
//US struct stat st;
#ifndef _WIN32_
int pos = target.find('/', i);
int pos = target.find('\\', i);
if ( pos < 0 )
return true;
base += target.mid(i - 1, pos - i + 1);
//QMessageBox::information( 0,"cap111", base, 1 );
QCString baseEncoded = QFile::encodeName(base);
// bail out if we encountered a problem
if (stat(baseEncoded, &st) != 0)
// Directory does not exist....
// Or maybe a dangling symlink ?
if (lstat(baseEncoded, &st) == 0)
(void)unlink(baseEncoded); // try removing
if ( mkdir(baseEncoded, (mode_t) mode) != 0) {
perror("trying to create local folder");
return false; // Couldn't create it :-(
if (dirObj.exists(base) == false)
//qDebug("KStandardDirs::makeDir try to create : %s" , base.latin1());
if (dirObj.mkdir(base) != true)
qDebug("KStandardDirs::makeDir could not create: %s" , base.latin1());
return false;
i = pos + 1;
return true;
static QString readEnvPath(const char *env)
//#ifdef _WIN32_
// return "";
QCString c_path;
if ( getenv(env) != NULL )
c_path = QString ( getenv(env) );
if (c_path.isEmpty())
return QString::null;
return QFile::decodeName(c_path);
void KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults()
//qDebug("ERROR: KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults() called ");
QStringList kdedirList;
// begin KDEDIRS
QString kdedirs = readEnvPath("MICROKDEDIRS");
if (!kdedirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(kdedirList, kdedirs, ":");
QString kdedir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEDIR");
if (!kdedir.isEmpty())
kdedir = KShell::tildeExpand(kdedir);
//US kdedirList.append(KDEDIR);
//US for embedded, add qtopia dir as kdedir
QString tmp = readEnvPath("QPEDIR");
if (!tmp.isEmpty())
tmp = readEnvPath("QTDIR");
if (!tmp.isEmpty())
tmp = readEnvPath("OPIEDIR");
if (!tmp.isEmpty())
QString execPrefix(__KDE_EXECPREFIX);
if (execPrefix!="NONE")
QString localKdeDir;
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localKdeDir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEHOME");
if (!localKdeDir.isEmpty())
#ifdef _WIN32_
if ( != '\\')
localKdeDir += '\\';
if ( != '/')
localKdeDir += '/';
//QMessageBox::information( 0,"localKdeDir",localKdeDir, 1 );
- KConfig cfg ( QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.microkdehome" );
+ QString confFile;
+ confFile = qApp->applicationDirPath ()+ "/.microkdehome" ;
+ QFileInfo fi ( confFile );
+ if ( !fi.exists() )
+ confFile = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.microkdehome";
+ else
+ qDebug("Loading path info from " + confFile );
+ confFile = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.microkdehome";
+ KConfig cfg ( confFile );
localKdeDir = cfg.readEntry( "MICROKDEHOME", QDir::homeDirPath() + "/kdepim/" );
// We treat root different to prevent root messing up the
// file permissions in the users home directory.
localKdeDir = readEnvPath("MICROKDEROOTHOME");
if (!localKdeDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localKdeDir += '/';
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localKdeDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.microkde/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 1 has to be fixed");
//US localKdeDir = appDir();
// qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: localKdeDir=%s", localKdeDir.latin1());
if (localKdeDir != "-/")
localKdeDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localKdeDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin();
it != kdedirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
// end KDEDIRS
QStringList xdgdirList;
QString xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_DIRS");
if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, ":");
QString localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_CONFIG_HOME");
if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localXdgDir += '/';
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.config/";
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localXdgDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.config/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 2 has to be fixed");
localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin();
it != xdgdirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
// begin XDG_DATA_XXX
xdgdirs = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_DIRS");
if (!xdgdirs.isEmpty())
tokenize(xdgdirList, xdgdirs, ":");
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = kdedirList.begin();
it != kdedirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = *it;
if ( != '/')
dir += '/';
localXdgDir = readEnvPath("XDG_DATA_HOME");
if (!localXdgDir.isEmpty())
if ( != '/')
localXdgDir += '/';
//US if (getuid())
if (true)
localXdgDir = QDir::homeDirPath() + "/.local/share/";
//US struct passwd *pw = getpwuid(0);
//US localXdgDir = QFile::decodeName((pw && pw->pw_dir) ? pw->pw_dir : "/root") + "/.local/share/";
qDebug("KStandardDirs::addKDEDefaults: 3 has to be fixed");
localXdgDir = KShell::tildeExpand(localXdgDir);
for (QStringList::ConstIterator it = xdgdirList.begin();
it != xdgdirList.end(); it++)
QString dir = KShell::tildeExpand(*it);
uint index = 0;
while (types[index] != 0) {
addResourceType(types[index], kde_default(types[index]));
addResourceDir("home", QDir::homeDirPath());
void KStandardDirs::checkConfig() const
if (!addedCustoms && KGlobal::_instance && KGlobal::_instance->_config)
if (!addedCustoms && KGlobal::config())
bool KStandardDirs::addCustomized(KConfig *config)
if (addedCustoms) // there are already customized entries
return false; // we just quite and hope they are the right ones
// save the numbers of config directories. If this changes,
// we will return true to give KConfig a chance to reparse
uint configdirs = resourceDirs("config").count();
// reading the prefixes in
QString oldGroup = config->group();
QStringList list;
QStringList::ConstIterator it;
list = config->readListEntry("prefixes");
for (it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); it++)
// iterating over all entries in the group Directories
// to find entries that start with dir_$type
QMap<QString, QString> entries = config->entryMap("Directories");
QMap<QString, QString>::ConstIterator it2;
for (it2 = entries.begin(); it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
QString key = it2.key();
if (key.left(4) == "dir_") {
// generate directory list, there may be more than 1.
QStringList dirs = QStringList::split(',', *it2);
QStringList::Iterator sIt(dirs.begin());
QString resType = key.mid(4, key.length());
for (; sIt != dirs.end(); ++sIt) {
addResourceDir(resType.latin1(), *sIt);
// Process KIOSK restrictions.
config->setGroup("KDE Resource Restrictions");
entries = config->entryMap("KDE Resource Restrictions");
for (it2 = entries.begin(); it2 != entries.end(); it2++)
QString key = it2.key();
if (!config->readBoolEntry(key, true))
d->restrictionsActive = true;
d->restrictions.insert(key.latin1(), &d->restrictionsActive); // Anything will do
// save it for future calls - that will return
addedCustoms = true;
// return true if the number of config dirs changed
return (resourceDirs("config").count() != configdirs);
QString KStandardDirs::localkdedir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return prefixes.first();
QString KStandardDirs::localxdgdatadir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return d->xdgdata_prefixes.first();
QString KStandardDirs::localxdgconfdir() const
// Return the prefix to use for saving
return d->xdgconf_prefixes.first();
void KStandardDirs::setAppDir( const QString &appDir )
mAppDir = appDir;
if ( mAppDir.right( 1 ) != "/" )
mAppDir += "/";
QString KStandardDirs::appDir()
return mAppDir;
// just to make code more readable without macros
QString locate( const char *type,
const QString& filename/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
//US return inst->dirs()->findResource(type, filename);
return KGlobal::dirs()->findResource(type, filename);
QString locateLocal( const char *type,
const QString& filename/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
QString path = locateLocal(type, filename, true /*US, inst*/);
static int ccc = 0;
if ( ccc > 13 )
//qDebug("locatelocal: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
/*US why do we put all files into one directory. It is quit complicated.
why not staying with the original directorystructure ?
QString escapedFilename = filename;
escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "_" + escapedFilename;
kdDebug() << "locate: '" << path << "'" << endl;
qDebug("locate: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
//US so my proposal is this:
// QString escapedFilename = filename;
// escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
#if 0
#ifdef _WIN32_
QString path = QDir::convertSeparators(KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename);
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename;
//US Create the containing dir if needed
QFileInfo fi ( path );
// QString;
// QMessageBox::information( 0,"path", path, 1 );
#ifdef _WIN32_
KStandardDirs::makeDir(fi.dirPath( true ));
qDebug("locate22: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
QString locateLocal( const char *type,
const QString& filename, bool createDir/*US , const KInstance* inst*/ )
// try to find slashes. If there are some, we have to
// create the subdir first
int slash = filename.findRev('/')+1;
if (!slash) // only one filename
//US return inst->dirs()->saveLocation(type, QString::null, createDir) + filename;
return KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation(type, QString::null, createDir) + filename;
// split path from filename
QString dir = filename.left(slash);
QString file = filename.mid(slash);
//US return inst->dirs()->saveLocation(type, dir, createDir) + file;
return KGlobal::dirs()->saveLocation(type, dir, createDir) + file;
// ***************************************************************
#if 0
/*US why do we put all files into one directory. It is quit complicated.
why not staying with the original directorystructure ?
QString escapedFilename = filename;
escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "_" + escapedFilename;
kdDebug() << "locate: '" << path << "'" << endl;
qDebug("locate: %s" , path.latin1());
return path;
//US so my proposal is this:
// QString escapedFilename = filename;
// escapedFilename.replace( QRegExp( "/" ), "_" );
#ifdef _WIN32_
QString path = QDir::convertSeparators(KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename);
QString path = KStandardDirs::appDir() + type + "/" + filename;
//US Create the containing dir if needed
KURL pathurl;
// QMessageBox::information( 0,"path", path, 1 );
#ifdef _WIN32_
return path;