Side-by-side diff
Diffstat (more/less context) (show whitespace changes)
7 files changed, 87 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.cpp b/kabc/addressbook.cpp
index 5fb49eb..295cf03 100644
--- a/kabc/addressbook.cpp
+++ b/kabc/addressbook.cpp
@@ -1,740 +1,798 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kinstance.h>
#include <kstandarddirs.h>
#include "errorhandler.h"
#include <qptrlist.h>
+#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qfile.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
-#include <klocale.h>
+#include <klocale.h>>
+#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <libkcal/syncdefines.h>
#include "addressbook.h"
#include "resource.h"
+#include "vcardconverter.h"
+#include "vcardparser/vcardtool.h"
//US #include "addressbook.moc"
using namespace KABC;
struct AddressBook::AddressBookData
Addressee::List mAddressees;
Addressee::List mRemovedAddressees;
Field::List mAllFields;
KConfig *mConfig;
KRES::Manager<Resource> *mManager;
//US ErrorHandler *mErrorHandler;
struct AddressBook::Iterator::IteratorData
Addressee::List::Iterator mIt;
struct AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIteratorData
Addressee::List::ConstIterator mIt;
d = new IteratorData;
AddressBook::Iterator::Iterator( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
d = new IteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator=( const AddressBook::Iterator &i )
if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard against self assignment
delete d; // delete the old data the Iterator was completely constructed before
d = new IteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
return *this;
delete d;
const Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*() const
return *(d->mIt);
Addressee &AddressBook::Iterator::operator*()
return *(d->mIt);
Addressee *AddressBook::Iterator::operator->()
return &(*(d->mIt));
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++()
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator++(int)
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--()
return *this;
AddressBook::Iterator &AddressBook::Iterator::operator--(int)
return *this;
bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator==( const Iterator &it )
return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );
bool AddressBook::Iterator::operator!=( const Iterator &it )
return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );
d = new ConstIteratorData;
AddressBook::ConstIterator::ConstIterator( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
d = new ConstIteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator=( const AddressBook::ConstIterator &i )
if( this == &i ) return *this; // guard for self assignment
delete d; // delete the old data because the Iterator was really constructed before
d = new ConstIteratorData;
d->mIt = i.d->mIt;
return *this;
delete d;
const Addressee &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator*() const
return *(d->mIt);
const Addressee* AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator->() const
return &(*(d->mIt));
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++()
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator++(int)
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--()
return *this;
AddressBook::ConstIterator &AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator--(int)
return *this;
bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator==( const ConstIterator &it )
return ( d->mIt == it.d->mIt );
bool AddressBook::ConstIterator::operator!=( const ConstIterator &it )
return ( d->mIt != it.d->mIt );
init(0, "contact");
AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config )
init(config, "contact");
AddressBook::AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family )
init(config, family);
// the default family is "contact"
void AddressBook::init(const QString &config, const QString &family )
blockLSEchange = false;
d = new AddressBookData;
QString fami = family;
if (config != 0) {
if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
qDebug("creating sync config ");
fami = "contact";
KConfig* con = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", "syncContactrc") );
con->setGroup( "General" );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceKeys", QString("sync") );
con->writeEntry( "Standard", QString("sync") );
con->setGroup( "Resource_sync" );
con->writeEntry( "FileName", config );
con->writeEntry( "FileFormat", QString("vcard") );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceIdentifier", QString("sync") );
con->writeEntry( "ResourceName", QString("sync_res") );
if ( config.right(4) == ".xml" )
con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("qtopia") );
else if ( config == "sharp" ) {
con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("sharp") );
} else {
con->writeEntry( "ResourceType", QString("file") );
d->mConfig = con;
d->mConfig = new KConfig( locateLocal("config", config) );
// qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=%s",config.latin1() );
else {
d->mConfig = 0;
// qDebug("AddressBook::init 1 config=0");
//US d->mErrorHandler = 0;
d->mManager = new KRES::Manager<Resource>( fami, false );
d->mManager->readConfig( d->mConfig );
if ( family == "syncContact" ) {
KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
(*it)->setAddressBook( this );
if ( !(*it)->open() )
error( QString( "Unable to open resource '%1'!" ).arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
Resource *res = standardResource();
if ( !res ) {
qDebug("ERROR: no standard resource");
res = manager->createResource( "file" );
if ( res )
addResource( res );
qDebug(" No resource available!!!");
setStandardResource( res );
addCustomField( i18n( "Department" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Department", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Profession" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-Profession", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Assistant's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-AssistantsName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Manager's Name" ), KABC::Field::Organization,
"X-ManagersName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Spouse's Name" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-SpousesName", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Office" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Office", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "IM Address" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-IMAddress", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Anniversary" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Anniversary", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
//US added this field to become compatible with Opie/qtopia addressbook
// values can be "female" or "male" or "". An empty field represents undefined.
addCustomField( i18n( "Gender" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Gender", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "Children" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-Children", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "FreeBusyUrl" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-FreeBusyUrl", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
addCustomField( i18n( "ExternalID" ), KABC::Field::Personal,
"X-ExternalID", "KADDRESSBOOK" );
delete d->mConfig; d->mConfig = 0;
delete d->mManager; d->mManager = 0;
//US delete d->mErrorHandler; d->mErrorHandler = 0;
delete d; d = 0;
bool AddressBook::load()
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
bool ok = true;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it )
if ( !(*it)->load() ) {
error( i18n("Unable to load resource '%1'").arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
ok = false;
// mark all addressees as unchanged
Addressee::List::Iterator addrIt;
for ( addrIt = d->mAddressees.begin(); addrIt != d->mAddressees.end(); ++addrIt ) {
(*addrIt).setChanged( false );
QString id = (*addrIt).custom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" );
if ( !id.isEmpty() ) {
//qDebug("setId aa %s ", id.latin1());
(*addrIt).setIDStr(id );
blockLSEchange = true;
return ok;
bool AddressBook::save( Ticket *ticket )
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::save()"<< endl;
if ( ticket->resource() ) {
return ticket->resource()->save( ticket );
return false;
+void AddressBook::export2File( QString fileName )
+ QFile outFile( fileName );
+ if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
+ QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b> for export.</qt>" );
+ KMessageBox::error( 0, text.arg( fileName ) );
+ return ;
+ }
+ QTextStream t( &outFile );
+ t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
+ Iterator it;
+ KABC::VCardConverter::Version version;
+ version = KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0;
+ for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
+ if ( !(*it).IDStr().isEmpty() ) {
+ (*it).insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID", (*it).IDStr() );
+ }
+ KABC::VCardConverter converter;
+ QString vcard;
+ //Resource *resource() const;
+ converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard, version );
+ t << vcard << "\r\n";
+ }
+ outFile.close();
+void AddressBook::importFromFile( QString fileName )
+ KABC::Addressee::List list;
+ QFile file( fileName );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
+ KABC::VCardTool tool;
+ list = tool.parseVCards( data );
+ KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it;
+ for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ (*it).setResource( 0 );
+ insertAddressee( (*it), false, true );
+ }
bool AddressBook::saveAB()
bool ok = true;
Iterator ait;
for ( ait = begin(); ait != end(); ++ait ) {
if ( !(*ait).IDStr().isEmpty() ) {
(*ait).insertCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID", (*ait).IDStr() );
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
KRES::Manager<Resource> *manager = d->mManager;
for ( it = manager->activeBegin(); it != manager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( !(*it)->readOnly() && (*it)->isOpen() ) {
Ticket *ticket = requestSaveTicket( *it );
// qDebug("StdAddressBook::save '%s'", (*it)->resourceName().latin1() );
if ( !ticket ) {
error( i18n( "Unable to save to resource '%1'. It is locked." )
.arg( (*it)->resourceName() ) );
return false;
//if ( !save( ticket ) )
if ( ticket->resource() ) {
if ( ! ticket->resource()->save( ticket ) )
ok = false;
} else
ok = false;
return ok;
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::begin()
Iterator it = Iterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
return it;
AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::begin() const
ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.begin();
return it;
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::end()
Iterator it = Iterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
return it;
AddressBook::ConstIterator AddressBook::end() const
ConstIterator it = ConstIterator();
it.d->mIt = d->mAddressees.end();
return it;
void AddressBook::clear()
Ticket *AddressBook::requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource )
kdDebug(5700) << "AddressBook::requestSaveTicket()" << endl;
if ( !resource )
qDebug("AddressBook::requestSaveTicket no resource" );
resource = standardResource();
KRES::Manager<Resource>::ActiveIterator it;
for ( it = d->mManager->activeBegin(); it != d->mManager->activeEnd(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it) == resource ) {
if ( (*it)->readOnly() || !(*it)->isOpen() )
return 0;
return (*it)->requestSaveTicket();
return 0;
-void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a, bool setRev )
+void AddressBook::insertAddressee( const Addressee &a, bool setRev, bool takeResource )
if ( blockLSEchange && setRev && a.uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
//qDebug("block insert ");
//qDebug("inserting.... %s ",a.uid().latin1() );
bool found = false;
Addressee::List::Iterator it;
for ( it = d->mAddressees.begin(); it != d->mAddressees.end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
bool changed = false;
Addressee addr = a;
if ( addr != (*it) )
changed = true;
+ if ( takeResource ) {
+ Resource * res = (*it).resource();
+ (*it) = a;
+ (*it).setResource( res );
+ } else {
(*it) = a;
if ( (*it).resource() == 0 )
(*it).setResource( standardResource() );
+ }
if ( changed ) {
if ( setRev ) {
// get rid of micro seconds
QDateTime dt = QDateTime::currentDateTime();
QTime t = dt.time();
dt.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
(*it).setRevision( dt );
(*it).setChanged( true );
found = true;
} else {
if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 );
Addressee b = a;
QString id = b.getID( name );
if ( ! id.isEmpty() ) {
QString des = (*it).note();
int startN;
if( (startN = des.find( id ) ) >= 0 ) {
int endN = des.find( ",", startN+1 );
des = des.left( startN ) + des.mid( endN+1 );
(*it).setNote( des );
if ( found )
d->mAddressees.append( a );
Addressee& addr = d->mAddressees.last();
if ( addr.resource() == 0 )
addr.setResource( standardResource() );
addr.setChanged( true );
void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Addressee &a )
Iterator it;
Iterator it2;
bool found = false;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
found = true;
it2 = it;
} else {
if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") ) {
QString name = (*it).uid().mid( 19 );
Addressee b = a;
QString id = b.getID( name );
if ( ! id.isEmpty() ) {
QString des = (*it).note();
if( des.find( id ) < 0 ) {
des += id + ",";
(*it).setNote( des );
if ( found )
removeAddressee( it2 );
void AddressBook::removeSyncAddressees( bool removeDeleted )
Iterator it = begin();
Iterator it2 ;
QDateTime dt ( QDate( 2004,1,1) );
while ( it != end() ) {
(*it).setRevision( dt );
(*it).removeCustom( "KADDRESSBOOK", "X-ExternalID" );
if ( ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_DELETE && removeDeleted )|| (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == QString("last-syncAddressee-")) {
it2 = it;
//qDebug("removing %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() );
removeAddressee( it2 );
} else {
//qDebug("skipping %s ",(*it).uid().latin1() );
void AddressBook::removeAddressee( const Iterator &it )
d->mRemovedAddressees.append( (*it) );
d->mAddressees.remove( it.d->mIt );
AddressBook::Iterator AddressBook::find( const Addressee &a )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( a.uid() == (*it).uid() ) {
return it;
return end();
Addressee AddressBook::findByUid( const QString &uid )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( uid == (*it).uid() ) {
return *it;
return Addressee();
void AddressBook::preExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd )
//qDebug("AddressBook::preExternSync ");
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
(*it).setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() );
(*it).computeCsum( csd );
mergeAB( aBook ,csd );
void AddressBook::postExternSync( AddressBook* aBook , const QString& csd)
//qDebug("AddressBook::postExternSync ");
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
// qDebug("check uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1() );
if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID ||
(*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_CSUM ) {
Addressee ad = aBook->findByUid( ( (*it).uid() ));
if ( ad.isEmpty() ) {
qDebug("postExternSync:ERROR addressee is empty: %s ", (*it).uid().latin1());
} else {
(*it).computeCsum( csd );
if ( (*it).tempSyncStat() == SYNC_TEMPSTATE_NEW_ID )
ad.setID( csd, (*it).externalUID() );
ad.setCsum( csd, (*it).getCsum( csd ) );
aBook->insertAddressee( ad );
bool AddressBook::containsExternalUid( const QString& uid )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( uid == (*it).externalUID( ) )
return true;
return false;
Addressee AddressBook::findByExternUid( const QString& uid , const QString& profile )
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( uid == (*it).getID( profile ) )
return (*it);
return Addressee();
void AddressBook::mergeAB( AddressBook *aBook, const QString& profile )
Iterator it;
Addressee ad;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
ad = aBook->findByExternUid( (*it).externalUID(), profile );
if ( !ad.isEmpty() ) {
(*it).mergeContact( ad );
#if 0
// test only
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
qDebug("uid %s ", (*it).uid().latin1());
#if 0
Addressee::List AddressBook::getExternLastSyncAddressees()
Addressee::List results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).uid().left( 19 ) == "last-syncAddressee-" ) {
if ( (*it).familyName().left(4) == "!E: " )
results.append( *it );
return results;
void AddressBook::resetTempSyncStat()
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
(*it).setTempSyncStat ( SYNC_TEMPSTATE_INITIAL );
QStringList AddressBook:: uidList()
QStringList results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
results.append( (*it).uid() );
return results;
Addressee::List AddressBook::allAddressees()
return d->mAddressees;
Addressee::List AddressBook::findByName( const QString &name )
Addressee::List results;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
if ( name == (*it).realName() ) {
results.append( *it );
return results;
Addressee::List AddressBook::findByEmail( const QString &email )
Addressee::List results;
QStringList mailList;
Iterator it;
for ( it = begin(); it != end(); ++it ) {
mailList = (*it).emails();
for ( QStringList::Iterator ite = mailList.begin(); ite != mailList.end(); ++ite ) {
if ( email == (*ite) ) {
results.append( *it );
diff --git a/kabc/addressbook.h b/kabc/addressbook.h
index 8f62f0d..3603ec1 100644
--- a/kabc/addressbook.h
+++ b/kabc/addressbook.h
@@ -1,340 +1,341 @@
This file is part of libkabc.
Copyright (c) 2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <qobject.h>
#include <kresources/manager.h>
#include <qptrlist.h>
#include "addressee.h"
#include "field.h"
namespace KABC {
class ErrorHandler;
class Resource;
class Ticket;
@short Address Book
This class provides access to a collection of address book entries.
class AddressBook : public QObject
friend QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & );
friend QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & );
friend class StdAddressBook;
@short Address Book Iterator
This class provides an iterator for address book entries.
class Iterator
Iterator( const Iterator & );
Iterator &operator=( const Iterator & );
const Addressee &operator*() const;
Addressee &operator*();
Addressee* operator->();
Iterator &operator++();
Iterator &operator++(int);
Iterator &operator--();
Iterator &operator--(int);
bool operator==( const Iterator &it );
bool operator!=( const Iterator &it );
struct IteratorData;
IteratorData *d;
@short Address Book Const Iterator
This class provides a const iterator for address book entries.
class ConstIterator
ConstIterator( const ConstIterator & );
ConstIterator &operator=( const ConstIterator & );
const Addressee &operator*() const;
const Addressee* operator->() const;
ConstIterator &operator++();
ConstIterator &operator++(int);
ConstIterator &operator--();
ConstIterator &operator--(int);
bool operator==( const ConstIterator &it );
bool operator!=( const ConstIterator &it );
struct ConstIteratorData;
ConstIteratorData *d;
Constructs a address book object.
@param format File format class.
AddressBook( const QString &config );
AddressBook( const QString &config, const QString &family );
virtual ~AddressBook();
Requests a ticket for saving the addressbook. Calling this function locks
the addressbook for all other processes. If the address book is already
locked the function returns 0. You need the returned @ref Ticket object
for calling the @ref save() function.
@see save()
Ticket *requestSaveTicket( Resource *resource=0 );
Load address book from file.
bool load();
Save address book. The address book is saved to the file, the Ticket
object has been requested for by @ref requestSaveTicket().
@param ticket a ticket object returned by @ref requestSaveTicket()
bool save( Ticket *ticket );
bool saveAB( );
+ void export2File( QString fileName );
+ void importFromFile( QString fileName );
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator begin();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator begin() const;
Returns a iterator for first entry of address book.
Iterator end();
Returns a const iterator for first entry of address book.
ConstIterator end() const;
Removes all entries from address book.
void clear();
Insert an Addressee object into address book. If an object with the same
unique id already exists in the address book it it replaced by the new
one. If not the new object is appended to the address book.
- void insertAddressee( const Addressee &, bool setRev = true );
+ void insertAddressee( const Addressee &, bool setRev = true, bool takeResource = false);
Removes entry from the address book.
void removeAddressee( const Addressee & );
This is like @ref removeAddressee() just above, with the difference that
the first element is a iterator, returned by @ref begin().
void removeAddressee( const Iterator & );
Find the specified entry in address book. Returns end(), if the entry
couldn't be found.
Iterator find( const Addressee & );
Find the entry specified by an unique id. Returns an empty Addressee
object, if the address book does not contain an entry with this id.
Addressee findByUid( const QString & );
Returns a list of all addressees in the address book. This list can
be sorted with @ref KABC::AddresseeList for example.
Addressee::List allAddressees();
Find all entries with the specified name in the address book. Returns
an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByName( const QString & );
Find all entries with the specified email address in the address book.
Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByEmail( const QString & );
Find all entries wich have the specified category in the address book.
Returns an empty list, if no entries could be found.
Addressee::List findByCategory( const QString & );
Return a string identifying this addressbook.
virtual QString identifier();
Used for debug output.
void dump() const;
void emitAddressBookLocked() { emit addressBookLocked( this ); }
void emitAddressBookUnlocked() { emit addressBookUnlocked( this ); }
void emitAddressBookChanged() { emit addressBookChanged( this ); }
Return list of all Fields known to the address book which are associated
with the given field category.
Field::List fields( int category = Field::All );
Add custom field to address book.
@param label User visible label of the field.
@param category Ored list of field categories.
@param key Identifier used as key for reading and writing the field.
@param app String used as application key for reading and writing
the field.
bool addCustomField( const QString &label, int category = Field::All,
const QString &key = QString::null,
const QString &app = QString::null );
Add address book resource.
bool addResource( Resource * );
Remove address book resource.
bool removeResource( Resource * );
Return pointer list of all resources.
QPtrList<Resource> resources();
Set the @p ErrorHandler, that is used by @ref error() to
provide gui-independend error messages.
void setErrorHandler( ErrorHandler * );
Shows gui independend error messages.
void error( const QString& );
Query all resources to clean up their lock files
void cleanUp();
// sync stuff
//Addressee::List getExternLastSyncAddressees();
void resetTempSyncStat();
QStringList uidList();
void removeSyncAddressees( bool removeDeleted = false );
void mergeAB( AddressBook *aBook, const QString& profile );
Addressee findByExternUid( const QString& uid , const QString& profile );
bool containsExternalUid( const QString& uid );
void preExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd );
void postExternSync( AddressBook* aBook, const QString& csd );
Emitted, when the address book has changed on disk.
void addressBookChanged( AddressBook * );
Emitted, when the address book has been locked for writing.
void addressBookLocked( AddressBook * );
Emitted, when the address book has been unlocked.
void addressBookUnlocked( AddressBook * );
void deleteRemovedAddressees();
void setStandardResource( Resource * );
Resource *standardResource();
KRES::Manager<Resource> *resourceManager();
void init(const QString &config, const QString &family);
//US QPtrList<Resource> mDummy; // Remove in KDE 4
struct AddressBookData;
AddressBookData *d;
bool blockLSEchange;
QDataStream &operator<<( QDataStream &, const AddressBook & );
QDataStream &operator>>( QDataStream &, AddressBook & );
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
index 83fede4..6404410 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp
@@ -1430,515 +1430,515 @@ void KABCore::openConfigDialog()
KCMultiDialog* ConfigureDialog = new KCMultiDialog( "PIM", this ,"kabconfigdialog", true );
KCMKabConfig* kabcfg = new KCMKabConfig( ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "Addressbook")) , "KCMKabConfig" );
ConfigureDialog->addModule(kabcfg );
KCMKdePimConfig* kdelibcfg = new KCMKdePimConfig( ConfigureDialog->getNewVBoxPage(i18n( "Global")) , "KCMKdeLibConfig" );
ConfigureDialog->addModule(kdelibcfg );
connect( ConfigureDialog, SIGNAL( applyClicked() ),
this, SLOT( configurationChanged() ) );
connect( ConfigureDialog, SIGNAL( okClicked() ),
this, SLOT( configurationChanged() ) );
if ( ConfigureDialog->exec() )
KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Some changes are only\neffective after a restart!\n") );
delete ConfigureDialog;
void KABCore::openLDAPDialog()
if ( !mLdapSearchDialog ) {
mLdapSearchDialog = new LDAPSearchDialog( mAddressBook, this );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ), mViewManager,
SLOT( refreshView() ) );
connect( mLdapSearchDialog, SIGNAL( addresseesAdded() ), this,
SLOT( setModified() ) );
} else
if ( mLdapSearchDialog->isOK() )
qDebug("KABCore::openLDAPDialog() finsih method");
void KABCore::print()
KPrinter printer;
if ( !printer.setup( this ) )
KABPrinting::PrintingWizard wizard( &printer, mAddressBook,
mViewManager->selectedUids(), this );
qDebug("KABCore::print() finsih method");
void KABCore::addGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client )
if ( mGUIClient )
mGUIClient->insertChildClient( client );
KMessageBox::error( this, "no KXMLGUICLient");
void KABCore::configurationChanged()
void KABCore::addressBookChanged()
QDictIterator<AddresseeEditorDialog> it( mEditorDict );
while ( it.current() ) {
if ( it.current()->dirty() ) {
QString text = i18n( "Data has been changed externally. Unsaved "
"changes will be lost." );
KMessageBox::information( this, text );
it.current()->setAddressee( mAddressBook->findByUid( it.currentKey() ) );
if (mEditorDialog)
if (mEditorDialog->dirty())
QString text = i18n( "Data has been changed externally. Unsaved "
"changes will be lost." );
KMessageBox::information( this, text );
QString currentuid = mEditorDialog->addressee().uid();
mEditorDialog->setAddressee( mAddressBook->findByUid( currentuid ) );
// mDetails->refreshView();
AddresseeEditorDialog *KABCore::createAddresseeEditorDialog( QWidget *parent,
const char *name )
if ( mEditorDialog == 0 ) {
mEditorDialog = new AddresseeEditorDialog( this, parent,
name ? name : "editorDialog" );
connect( mEditorDialog, SIGNAL( contactModified( const KABC::Addressee& ) ),
SLOT( contactModified( const KABC::Addressee& ) ) );
//connect( mEditorDialog, SIGNAL( editorDestroyed( const QString& ) ),
// SLOT( slotEditorDestroyed( const QString& ) ) ;
return mEditorDialog;
void KABCore::slotEditorDestroyed( const QString &uid )
//mEditorDict.remove( uid );
void KABCore::initGUI()
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
mExtensionBarSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
mExtensionBarSplitter->setOrientation( Qt::Vertical );
mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( mExtensionBarSplitter );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( mDetailsSplitter );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( viewSpace );
connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mDetailsSplitter );
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
topLayout->addWidget( mExtensionBarSplitter );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mExtensionBarSplitter, 100 );
topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mJumpButtonBar, 1 );
mXXPortManager = new XXPortManager( this, this );
//US initialize viewMenu before settingup viewmanager.
// Viewmanager needs this menu to plugin submenues.
viewMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
settingsMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
//filterMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
ImportMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
ExportMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
syncMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
changeMenu= new QPopupMenu( this );
//US since we have no splitter for the embedded system, setup
// a layout with two frames. One left and one right.
QBoxLayout *topLayout;
// = new QHBoxLayout( this );
// QBoxLayout *topLayout = (QBoxLayout*)layout();
// QWidget *mainBox = new QWidget( this );
// QBoxLayout * mainBoxLayout = new QHBoxLayout(mainBox);
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right );
topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionBarSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical,mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionBarSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mExtensionBarSplitter );
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 480 ) {
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Horizontal, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Right );
} else {
topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
mMiniSplitter = new KDGanttMinimizeSplitter( Qt::Vertical, this);
mMiniSplitter->setMinimizeDirection ( KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::Down );
topLayout->addWidget(mMiniSplitter );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, mMiniSplitter );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mMiniSplitter );
mExtensionManager = new ExtensionManager( this, mMiniSplitter );
// topLayout->addWidget(mExtensionManager );
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
//US topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setSpacing( 10 );
mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( mDetailsSplitter );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( mDetailsSplitter );
topLayout->addWidget( mDetailsSplitter );
topLayout->setStretchFactor( mDetailsSplitter, 100 );
QHBoxLayout *topLayout = new QHBoxLayout( this );
//US topLayout->setSpacing( KDialogBase::spacingHint() );
topLayout->setSpacing( 10 );
// mDetailsSplitter = new QSplitter( this );
QVBox *viewSpace = new QVBox( this );
mViewManager = new ViewManager( this, viewSpace );
viewSpace->setStretchFactor( mViewManager, 1 );
mDetails = new ViewContainer( this );
topLayout->addWidget( viewSpace );
// topLayout->setStretchFactor( mDetailsSplitter, 100 );
topLayout->addWidget( mDetails );
syncManager = new KSyncManager((QWidget*)this, (KSyncInterface*)this, KSyncManager::KAPI, KABPrefs::instance(), syncMenu);
- connect(syncManager , SIGNAL( save() ), this, SLOT( save() ) );
+ connect(syncManager , SIGNAL( request_file() ), this, SLOT( syncFileRequest() ) );
connect(syncManager , SIGNAL( getFile( bool )), this, SLOT(getFile( bool ) ) );
- syncManager->setDefaultFileName(locateLocal( "apps","kabc/std.vcf") );
+ syncManager->setDefaultFileName( sentSyncFile());
//connect(syncManager , SIGNAL( ), this, SLOT( ) );
//US make sure the export and import menues are initialized before creating the xxPortManager.
mXXPortManager = new XXPortManager( this, this );
// LR mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( mMainWindow->getIconToolBar() );
//mMainWindow->toolBar()->insertWidget(-1, 4, mIncSearchWidget);
// mActionQuit->plug ( mMainWindow->toolBar());
//mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( mMainWindow->toolBar() );
//mMainWindow->toolBar()->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget);
// mIncSearchWidget->hide();
connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ),
SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) );
mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this );
topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar );
//US topLayout->setStretchFactor( mJumpButtonBar, 10 );
// mMainWindow->getIconToolBar()->raise();
void KABCore::initActions()
//US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart);
connect( QApplication::clipboard(), SIGNAL( dataChanged() ),
SLOT( clipboardDataChanged() ) );
// file menu
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionMail = new KAction( i18n( "&Mail" ), "mail_generic", 0, this,
SLOT( sendMail() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_mail" );
mActionPrint = new KAction( i18n( "&Print" ), "fileprint", CTRL + Key_P, this,
SLOT( print() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_print" );
} else {
mActionMail = KStdAction::mail( this, SLOT( sendMail() ), actionCollection() );
mActionPrint = KStdAction::print( this, SLOT( print() ), actionCollection() );
mActionSave = new KAction( i18n( "&Save" ), "filesave", CTRL+Key_S, this,
SLOT( save() ), actionCollection(), "file_sync" );
mActionNewContact = new KAction( i18n( "&New Contact..." ), "filenew", CTRL+Key_N, this,
SLOT( newContact() ), actionCollection(), "file_new_contact" );
mActionMailVCard = new KAction(i18n("Mail &vCard..."), "mail_post_to", 0,
this, SLOT( mailVCard() ),
actionCollection(), "file_mail_vcard");
mActionExport2phone = new KAction( i18n( "Selected to phone" ), "ex2phone", 0, this,
SLOT( export2phone() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_ex2phone" );
mActionBeamVCard = 0;
mActionBeam = 0;
if ( Ir::supported() ) {
mActionBeamVCard = new KAction( i18n( "Beam selected v&Card(s)" ), "beam", 0, this,
SLOT( beamVCard() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_beam_vcard" );
mActionBeam = new KAction( i18n( "&Beam personal vCard" ), "beam", 0, this,
SLOT( beamMySelf() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_beam_myself" );
mActionEditAddressee = new KAction( i18n( "&Edit Contact..." ), "edit", 0,
this, SLOT( editContact2() ),
actionCollection(), "file_properties" );
// mActionQuit = KStdAction::quit( mMainWindow, SLOT( exit() ), actionCollection() );
mActionQuit = new KAction( i18n( "&Exit" ), "exit", 0,
mMainWindow, SLOT( exit() ),
actionCollection(), "quit" );
// edit menu
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionCopy = new KAction( i18n( "&Copy" ), "editcopy", CTRL + Key_C, this,
SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_copy" );
mActionCut = new KAction( i18n( "Cu&t" ), "editcut", CTRL + Key_X, this,
SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_cut" );
mActionPaste = new KAction( i18n( "&Paste" ), "editpaste", CTRL + Key_V, this,
SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_paste" );
mActionSelectAll = new KAction( i18n( "Select &All" ), CTRL + Key_A, this,
SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_select_all" );
mActionUndo = new KAction( i18n( "&Undo" ), "undo", CTRL + Key_Z, this,
SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_undo" );
mActionRedo = new KAction( i18n( "Re&do" ), "redo", CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Z,
this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_redo" );
} else {
mActionCopy = KStdAction::copy( this, SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionCut = KStdAction::cut( this, SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionPaste = KStdAction::paste( this, SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll( this, SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection() );
mActionUndo = KStdAction::undo( this, SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection() );
mActionRedo = KStdAction::redo( this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection() );
mActionDelete = new KAction( i18n( "&Delete Contact" ), "editdelete",
Key_Delete, this, SLOT( deleteContacts() ),
actionCollection(), "edit_delete" );
mActionUndo->setEnabled( false );
mActionRedo->setEnabled( false );
// settings menu
//US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE
// you do that through the control center !!!
mActionConfigResources = new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Resources..." ), "configure_resources", 0, this,
SLOT( configureResources() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure_resources" );
if ( mIsPart ) {
mActionConfigKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&Configure KAddressBook..." ), "configure", 0, this,
SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure" );
mActionConfigShortcuts = new KAction( i18n( "Configure S&hortcuts..." ), "configure_shortcuts", 0,
this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_configure_shortcuts" );
mActionConfigureToolbars = KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT( mMainWindow->configureToolbars() ), actionCollection() );
mActionConfigureToolbars->setEnabled( false );
} else {
mActionConfigKAddressbook = KStdAction::preferences( this, SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection() );
mActionKeyBindings = KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() );
mActionJumpBar = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Jump Bar" ), 0, 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_jump_bar" );
connect( mActionJumpBar, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool ) ) );
mActionDetails = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Details" ), "listview", 0,
actionCollection(), "options_show_details" );
connect( mActionDetails, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setDetailsVisible( bool ) ) );
// misc
// only enable LDAP lookup if we can handle the protocol
if ( KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( KURL( "ldap://localhost" ) ) ) {
new KAction( i18n( "&Lookup Addresses in Directory" ), "find", 0,
this, SLOT( openLDAPDialog() ), actionCollection(),
"ldap_lookup" );
//qDebug("KABCore::initActions() LDAP has to be implemented");
mActionWhoAmI = new KAction( i18n( "Set Who Am I" ), "personal", 0, this,
SLOT( setWhoAmI() ), actionCollection(),
"set_personal" );
mActionCategories = new KAction( i18n( "Set Categories" ), 0, this,
SLOT( setCategories() ), actionCollection(),
"edit_set_categories" );
mActionRemoveVoice = new KAction( i18n( "Remove \"voice\"..." ), 0, this,
SLOT( removeVoice() ), actionCollection(),
"remove_voice" );
mActionImportOL = new KAction( i18n( "Import from Outlook..." ), 0, this,
SLOT( importFromOL() ), actionCollection(),
"import_OL" );
mActionLicence = new KAction( i18n( "Licence" ), 0,
this, SLOT( showLicence() ), actionCollection(),
"licence_about_data" );
mActionFaq = new KAction( i18n( "Faq" ), 0,
this, SLOT( faq() ), actionCollection(),
"faq_about_data" );
mActionAboutKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&About KAddressBook" ), "kaddressbook2", 0,
this, SLOT( createAboutData() ), actionCollection(),
"kaddressbook_about_data" );
connect( UndoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) );
connect( RedoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) );
//US we need this function, to plug all actions into the correct menues.
// KDE uses a XML format to plug the actions, but we work her without this overhead.
void KABCore::addActionsManually()
//US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart);
QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *editMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
KToolBar* tb = mMainWindow->toolBar();
QMenuBar* mb = mMainWindow->menuBar();
//US setup menubar.
//Disable the following block if you do not want to have a menubar.
mb->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu );
mb->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Change selected", changeMenu );
mb->insertItem( "&Help", helpMenu );
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb );
// tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget);
//US setup toolbar
QPEMenuBar *menuBarTB = new QPEMenuBar( tb );
QPopupMenu *popupBarTB = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBarTB->insertItem( "ME", popupBarTB);
tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, menuBarTB);
mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&File", fileMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Edit", editMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&View", viewMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( "&Settings", settingsMenu );
popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( popupBarTB);
@@ -2609,263 +2609,273 @@ bool KABCore::synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBo
idS = inL.IDStr();
local->removeAddressee( inL );
inL = inR;
inL.setIDStr( idS );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
inL.setCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getCsum(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL.setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) );
inL.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inL , false );
} else { // no conflict
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
QString des = addresseeLSync.note();
if ( des.find( inR.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice) +"," ) >= 0 && mode != 5) { // delete it
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inL = inR;
inL.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inL , false);
} else {
if ( inR.revision() > mLastAddressbookSync || mode == 5 ) {
inR.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
inR.setResource( 0 );
local->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeRSyncSharp, inR);
remote->removeAddressee( inR );
QStringList el = local->uidList();
modulo = (el.count()/10)+1;
syncManager->showProgressBar(0, i18n("Add / remove addressees"), el.count());
incCounter = 0;
while ( incCounter < el.count()) {
if (syncManager->isProgressBarCanceled())
return false;
if ( incCounter % modulo == 0 )
uid = el[ incCounter ];
bool skipIncidence = false;
if ( uid.left(19) == QString("last-syncAddressee-") )
skipIncidence = true;
if ( !skipIncidence ) {
inL = local->findByUid( uid );
inR = remote->findByUid( uid );
if ( inR.isEmpty() ) {
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_EXTERNAL ) {
if ( !inL.getID(mCurrentSyncDevice).isEmpty() && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.removeID(mCurrentSyncDevice );
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
} else {
if ( inL.revision() < mLastAddressbookSync && mode != 4 ) {
// pending checkExternSyncAddressee(addresseeLSyncSharp, inL);
local->removeAddressee( inL );
} else {
if ( ! syncManager->mWriteBackExistingOnly ) {
inL.setRevision( modifiedCalendar );
local->insertAddressee( inL, false );
inR = inL;
inR.setResource( 0 );
remote->insertAddressee( inR, false );
mLastAddressbookSync = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( 1 );
// get rid of micro seconds
QTime t = mLastAddressbookSync.time();
mLastAddressbookSync.setTime( QTime (t.hour (), t.minute (), t.second () ) );
addresseeLSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setRevision( mLastAddressbookSync );
addresseeRSync.setRole( i18n("!Remote from: ")+mCurrentSyncName ) ;
addresseeLSync.setRole(i18n("!Local from: ") + mCurrentSyncName );
addresseeRSync.setGivenName( i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") ) ;
addresseeLSync.setGivenName(i18n("!DO NOT EDIT!") );
addresseeRSync.setOrganization( "!"+mLastAddressbookSync.toString() ) ;
addresseeLSync.setOrganization("!"+ mLastAddressbookSync.toString() );
addresseeRSync.setNote( "" ) ;
addresseeLSync.setNote( "" );
if ( mGlobalSyncMode == SYNC_MODE_NORMAL)
remote->insertAddressee( addresseeRSync, false );
local->insertAddressee( addresseeLSync, false );
QString mes;
mes .sprintf( i18n("Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n"),addedAddressee, addedAddresseeR, changedLocal, changedRemote, deletedAddresseeL, deletedAddresseeR );
if ( syncManager->mShowSyncSummary ) {
KMessageBox::information(this, mes, i18n("KA/Pi Synchronization") );
qDebug( mes );
return syncOK;
//this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool KABCore::sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode)
//pending prepare addresseeview for output
//pending detect, if remote file has REV field. if not switch to external sync
mGlobalSyncMode = SYNC_MODE_NORMAL;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
AddressBook abLocal(filename,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
if ( abLocal.load() ) {
qDebug("AB loaded %s,sync mode %d",filename.latin1(), mode );
bool external = false;
bool isXML = false;
if ( filename.right(4) == ".xml") {
isXML = true;
abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice );
} else {
Addressee lse = mAddressBook->findByUid( "last-syncAddressee-"+mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( ! lse.isEmpty() ) {
if ( lse.familyName().left(4) == "!E: " )
external = true;
} else {
bool found = false;
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
if ( (*it).revision().date().year() > 2003 ) {
found = true;
external = ! found;
if ( external ) {
qDebug("Setting vcf mode to external ");
AddressBook::Iterator it;
for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
(*it).setID( mCurrentSyncDevice, (*it).uid() );
(*it).computeCsum( mCurrentSyncDevice );
//AddressBook::Iterator it;
//QStringList vcards;
//for ( it = abLocal.begin(); it != abLocal.end(); ++it ) {
// qDebug("Name %s ", (*it).familyName().latin1());
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, mode );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile )
if ( external )
abLocal.removeSyncAddressees( !isXML);
qDebug("Saving remote AB ");
if ( isXML ) {
// afterwrite processing
abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
#if 0
if ( storage->load(KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) ) {
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( true );
syncOK = synchronizeCalendar( mCalendar, calendar, mode );
getEventViewerDialog()->setSyncMode( false );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mWriteBackFile )
storage->setSaveFormat( new ICalFormat( KOPrefs::instance()->mUseQuicksave) );
//this is a overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
bool KABCore::syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
QString mCurrentSyncDevice = manager->getCurrentSyncDevice();
AddressBook abLocal( resource,"syncContact");
bool syncOK = false;
if ( abLocal.load() ) {
qDebug("AB sharp loaded ,sync device %s",mCurrentSyncDevice.latin1());
abLocal.preExternSync( mAddressBook ,mCurrentSyncDevice );
syncOK = synchronizeAddressbooks( mAddressBook, &abLocal, syncManager->mSyncAlgoPrefs );
if ( syncOK ) {
if ( syncManager->mWriteBackFile ) {
abLocal.postExternSync( mAddressBook,mCurrentSyncDevice );
if ( syncOK )
return syncOK;
void KABCore::getFile( bool success )
if ( ! success ) {
setCaption( i18n("Error receiving file. Nothing changed!") );
- //mView->watchSavedFile();
- //mView->openCalendar( defaultFileName() );
- // pending: reload received file!
+ mAddressBook->importFromFile( sentSyncFile() );
setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync successful!") );
+void KABCore::syncFileRequest()
+ mAddressBook->export2File( sentSyncFile() );
+QString KABCore::sentSyncFile()
+#ifdef _WIN32_
+ return locateLocal( "tmp", "syncab.ics" );
+ return QString( "/tmp/kapitempfile.vcf" );
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
index 355e828..987369d 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
+++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.h
@@ -90,390 +90,392 @@ class KABCore : public QWidget, public KSyncInterface
Restores the global settings.
void restoreSettings();
Saves the global settings.
void saveSettings();
Returns a pointer to the StdAddressBook of the application.
KABC::AddressBook *addressBook() const;
Returns a pointer to the KConfig object of the application.
static KConfig *config();
Returns a pointer to the global KActionCollection object. So
other classes can register their actions easily.
KActionCollection *actionCollection() const;
Returns the current search field of the Incremental Search Widget.
KABC::Field *currentSearchField() const;
Returns the uid list of the currently selected contacts.
QStringList selectedUIDs() const;
Displays the ResourceSelectDialog and returns the selected
resource or a null pointer if no resource was selected by
the user.
KABC::Resource *requestResource( QWidget *parent );
static KAboutData *createAboutData();
inline QPopupMenu* getImportMenu() { return ImportMenu;}
inline QPopupMenu* getExportMenu() { return ExportMenu;}
public slots:
void createAboutData();
void statusMessage(QString, int time = 0 );
void showLicence();
void faq();
Is called whenever a contact is selected in the view.
void setContactSelected( const QString &uid );
Opens the preferred mail composer with all selected contacts as
void sendMail();
Opens the preferred mail composer with the given contacts as
void sendMail( const QString& email );
void mailVCard();
void mailVCard(const QStringList& uids);
Beams the "WhoAmI contact.
void beamMySelf();
void beamVCard();
void export2phone();
void beamVCard(const QStringList& uids);
void beamDone( Ir *ir );
Starts the preferred web browser with the given URL as argument.
void browse( const QString& url );
Select all contacts in the view.
void selectAllContacts();
Deletes all selected contacts from the address book.
void deleteContacts();
Deletes given contacts from the address book.
@param uids The uids of the contacts, which shall be deleted.
void deleteContacts( const QStringList &uids );
Copys the selected contacts into clipboard for later pasting.
void copyContacts();
Cuts the selected contacts and stores them for later pasting.
void cutContacts();
Paste contacts from clipboard into the address book.
void pasteContacts();
Paste given contacts into the address book.
@param list The list of addressee, which shall be pasted.
void pasteContacts( KABC::Addressee::List &list );
Sets the whoAmI contact, that is used by many other programs to
get personal information about the current user.
void setWhoAmI();
Displays the category dialog and applies the result to all
selected contacts.
void setCategories();
Sets the field list of the Incremental Search Widget.
void setSearchFields( const KABC::Field::List &fields );
Search with the current search field for a contact, that matches
the given text, and selects it in the view.
void incrementalSearch( const QString& text );
Marks the address book as modified.
void setModified();
Marks the address book as modified without refreshing the view.
void setModifiedWOrefresh();
Marks the address book as modified concerning the argument.
void setModified( bool modified );
Returns whether the address book is modified.
bool modified() const;
Called whenever an contact is modified in the contact editor
dialog or the quick edit.
void contactModified( const KABC::Addressee &addr );
void addEmail( QString addr );
void importVCard( const KURL& url, bool showPreview );
void importVCard( const QString& vCard, bool showPreview );
void newContact();
QString getNameByPhone( const QString& phone );
Saves the contents of the AddressBook back to disk.
void save();
Undos the last command using the undo stack.
void undo();
Redos the last command that was undone, using the redo stack.
void redo();
Shows the edit dialog for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void editContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
//US added a second method without defaultparameter
void editContact2();
Shows or edits the detail view for the given uid. If the uid is QString::null,
the method will try to find a selected addressee in the view.
void executeContact( const QString &uid /*US = QString::null*/ );
Launches the configuration dialog.
void openConfigDialog();
Launches the ldap search dialog.
void openLDAPDialog();
Creates a KAddressBookPrinter, which will display the print
dialog and do the printing.
void print();
Registers a new GUI client, so plugins can register its actions.
void addGUIClient( KXMLGUIClient *client );
void requestForNameEmailUidList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
void requestForDetails(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid, const QString& name, const QString& email, const QString& uid);
void requestForBirthdayList(const QString& sourceChannel, const QString& sessionuid);
void contactSelected( const QString &name );
void contactSelected( const QPixmap &pixmap );
public slots:
void getFile( bool success );
+ void syncFileRequest();
void setDetailsVisible( bool visible );
void setDetailsToState();
// void slotSyncMenu( int );
private slots:
void setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool visible );
void importFromOL();
void extensionModified( const KABC::Addressee::List &list );
void extensionChanged( int id );
void clipboardDataChanged();
void updateActionMenu();
void configureKeyBindings();
void removeVoice();
void configureResources();
void slotEditorDestroyed( const QString &uid );
void configurationChanged();
void addressBookChanged();
void initGUI();
void initActions();
AddresseeEditorDialog *createAddresseeEditorDialog( QWidget *parent,
const char *name = 0 );
KXMLGUIClient *mGUIClient;
KABC::AddressBook *mAddressBook;
ViewManager *mViewManager;
// QSplitter *mDetailsSplitter;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter *mExtensionBarSplitter;
ViewContainer *mDetails;
KDGanttMinimizeSplitter* mMiniSplitter;
XXPortManager *mXXPortManager;
JumpButtonBar *mJumpButtonBar;
IncSearchWidget *mIncSearchWidget;
ExtensionManager *mExtensionManager;
KCMultiDialog *mConfigureDialog;
LDAPSearchDialog *mLdapSearchDialog;
// QDict<AddresseeEditorDialog> mEditorDict;
AddresseeEditorDialog *mEditorDialog;
bool mReadWrite;
bool mModified;
bool mIsPart;
bool mMultipleViewsAtOnce;
//US file menu
KAction *mActionMail;
KAction *mActionBeam;
KAction *mActionExport2phone;
KAction* mActionPrint;
KAction* mActionNewContact;
KAction *mActionSave;
KAction *mActionEditAddressee;
KAction *mActionMailVCard;
KAction *mActionBeamVCard;
KAction *mActionQuit;
//US edit menu
KAction *mActionCopy;
KAction *mActionCut;
KAction *mActionPaste;
KAction *mActionSelectAll;
KAction *mActionUndo;
KAction *mActionRedo;
KAction *mActionDelete;
//US settings menu
KAction *mActionConfigResources;
KAction *mActionConfigKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionConfigShortcuts;
KAction *mActionConfigureToolbars;
KAction *mActionKeyBindings;
KToggleAction *mActionJumpBar;
KToggleAction *mActionDetails;
KAction *mActionWhoAmI;
KAction *mActionCategories;
KAction *mActionAboutKAddressbook;
KAction *mActionLicence;
KAction *mActionFaq;
KAction *mActionDeleteView;
QPopupMenu *viewMenu;
QPopupMenu *filterMenu;
QPopupMenu *settingsMenu;
QPopupMenu *changeMenu;
//US QAction *mActionSave;
QPopupMenu *ImportMenu;
QPopupMenu *ExportMenu;
//LR additional methods
KAction *mActionRemoveVoice;
KAction * mActionImportOL;
KAddressBookService *mAddressBookService;
class KABCorePrivate;
KABCorePrivate *d;
//US bool mBlockSaveFlag;
KAddressBookMain *mMainWindow; // should be the same like mGUIClient
//this are the overwritten callbackmethods from the syncinterface
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode);
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource);
// LR *******************************
// sync stuff!
+ QString sentSyncFile();
QPopupMenu *syncMenu;
KSyncManager* syncManager;
int mGlobalSyncMode;
bool synchronizeAddressbooks( KABC::AddressBook* local, KABC::AddressBook* remote,int mode);
KABC::Addressee getLastSyncAddressee();
QDateTime mLastAddressbookSync;
int takeAddressee( KABC::Addressee* local, KABC::Addressee* remote, int mode , bool full );
// *********************
diff --git a/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp b/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
index acf6419..3079d42 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
@@ -1,256 +1,257 @@
This file is part of KAddressbook.
Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <kabc/vcardconverter.h>
#include <kabc/vcardparser/vcardtool.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include "xxportmanager.h"
#include "vcard_xxport.h"
class VCardXXPortFactory : public XXPortFactory
XXPortObject *xxportObject( KABC::AddressBook *ab, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
return new VCardXXPort( ab, parent, name );
extern "C"
void *init_libkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
void *init_microkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
return ( new VCardXXPortFactory() );
VCardXXPort::VCardXXPort( KABC::AddressBook *ab, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
: XXPortObject( ab, parent, name )
createImportAction( i18n( "Import vCard..." ) );
//US KABC::VCardConverter does not support the export of 2.1 addressbooks.
//US createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 2.1..." ), "v21" );
createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 3.0..." ), "v30" );
bool VCardXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &list, const QString &data )
QString name;
if ( list.count() == 1 )
name = list[ 0 ].givenName() + "_" + list[ 0 ].familyName() + ".vcf";
name = "addressbook.vcf";
QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name );
QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name, i18n("Save file"), parentWidget() );
if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
return false;
QFile outFile( fileName );
if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b> for export.</qt>" );
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( fileName ) );
return false;
QTextStream t( &outFile );
t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
KABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it;
for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
KABC::VCardConverter converter;
QString vcard;
KABC::VCardConverter::Version version;
if ( data == "v21" )
version = KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1;
version = KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0;
+ version = KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1;
converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard, version );
t << vcard << "\r\n\r\n";
return true;
KABC::AddresseeList VCardXXPort::importContacts( const QString& ) const
QString fileName;
KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
KURL url;
if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
else {
if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
url = KFileDialog::getLoadFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
url = XXPortManager::importURL;
if ( url.isEmpty() )
return addrList;
QString caption( i18n( "vCard Import Failed" ) );
if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, fileName ) ) {
QFile file( fileName ); IO_ReadOnly );
QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
addrList = parseVCard( data );
if ( !url.isLocalFile() )
KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( fileName );
} else {
QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to access <b>%1</b>.</qt>" );
KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( url.url() ), caption );
if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
else {
if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
return addrList;
//US url = XXPortManager::importURL;
qDebug("VCardXXPort::importContacts Urls at the moment not supported");
if ( url.isEmpty() )
return addrList;
QFile file( fileName ); IO_ReadOnly );
QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
addrList = parseVCard( data );
return addrList;
KABC::AddresseeList VCardXXPort::parseVCard( const QString &data ) const
KABC::VCardTool tool;
KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
addrList = tool.parseVCards( data );
// LR : I switched to the code, which is in current cvs HEAD
uint numVCards = data.contains( "BEGIN:VCARD", false );
QStringList dataList = QStringList::split( "\r\n\r\n", data );
for ( uint i = 0; i < numVCards && i < dataList.count(); ++i ) {
KABC::Addressee addr;
bool ok = false;
if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:3.0" ) )
ok = converter.vCardToAddressee( dataList[ i ], addr, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 );
else if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:2.1" ) )
ok = converter.vCardToAddressee( dataList[ i ], addr, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 );
else {
KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), i18n( "Not supported vCard version." ) );
if ( !addr.isEmpty() && ok )
addrList.append( addr );
else {
QString text = i18n( "The selected file does not include a valid vCard. "
"Please check the file and try again." );
KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), text );
if ( addrList.isEmpty() ) {
QString text = i18n( "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n" );
KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), text );
return addrList;
#include "vcard_xxport.moc"
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
index 5d48884..ea543dd 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.cpp
@@ -22,513 +22,514 @@
#include "ksyncmanager.h"
#include <stdlib.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_
#include <unistd.h>
#include "ksyncprofile.h"
#include "ksyncprefsdialog.h"
#include "kpimprefs.h"
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qprogressbar.h>
#include <qpopupmenu.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <qradiobutton.h>
#include <qbuttongroup.h>
#include <qtimer.h>
#include <qmessagebox.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qdialog.h>
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
KSyncManager::KSyncManager(QWidget* parent, KSyncInterface* implementation, TargetApp ta, KPimPrefs* prefs, QPopupMenu* syncmenu)
: QObject(), mParent(parent), mImplementation(implementation), mTargetApp(ta), mPrefs(prefs ),mSyncMenu(syncmenu)
mServerSocket = 0;
bar = new QProgressBar ( 1, 0 );
bar->setCaption ("");
int w = 300;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 320 )
w = 220;
int h = bar->sizeHint().height() ;
int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width();
int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height();
bar->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h );
delete bar;
//LR ok
void KSyncManager::fillSyncMenu()
if ( mSyncMenu->count() )
mSyncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Configure..."), 0 );
if ( mServerSocket == 0 ) {
mSyncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Enable Pi-Sync"), 2 );
} else {
mSyncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Disable Pi-Sync"), 3 );
mSyncMenu->insertItem( i18n("Multiple sync"), 1 );
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
QStringList prof = config.readListEntry("SyncProfileNames");
mLocalMachineName = config.readEntry("LocalMachineName","undefined");
if ( prof.count() < 2 ) {
prof << i18n("Sharp_DTM");
prof << i18n("Local_file");
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
temp->setName( prof[0] );
temp->setName( prof[1] );
delete temp;
mExternSyncProfiles = config.readListEntry("ExternSyncProfiles");
mSyncProfileNames = prof;
unsigned int i;
for ( i = 0; i < prof.count(); ++i ) {
mSyncMenu->insertItem( prof[i], 1000+i );
if ( i == 2 )
QDir app_dir;
//US do not display SharpDTM if app is pwmpi, or no sharpfiles available
if ( mTargetApp == PWMPI) {
mSyncMenu->removeItem( 1000 );
else if (!app_dir.exists(QDir::homeDirPath()+"/Applications/dtm" ) ) {
mSyncMenu->setItemEnabled( 1000, false );
void KSyncManager::slotSyncMenu( int action )
//qDebug("syncaction %d ", action);
if ( action == 0 ) {
// seems to be a Qt2 event handling bug
// syncmenu.clear causes a segfault at first time
// when we call it after the main event loop, it is ok
// same behaviour when calling OM/Pi via QCOP for the first time
QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( confSync() ) );
if ( action == 1 ) {
multiSync( true );
if ( action == 2 ) {
QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( fillSyncMenu() ) );
if ( action == 3 ) {
delete mServerSocket;
mServerSocket = 0;
QTimer::singleShot ( 1, this, SLOT ( fillSyncMenu() ) );
if (blockSave())
mCurrentSyncProfile = action - 1000 ;
mCurrentSyncDevice = mSyncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile] ;
mCurrentSyncName = mLocalMachineName ;
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences();
mSyncAlgoPrefs = temp->getSyncPrefs();
mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile();
mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting();
mWriteBackInFuture = 0;
if ( temp->getWriteBackFuture() )
mWriteBackInFuture = temp->getWriteBackFutureWeeks( );
mShowSyncSummary = temp->getShowSummaryAfterSync();
if ( action == 1000 ) {
} else if ( action == 1001 ) {
} else if ( action == 1002 ) {
} else if ( action >= 1003 ) {
if ( temp->getIsLocalFileSync() ) {
case (KAPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNameAB( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNameAB();
case (KOPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileName( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileName();
case (PWMPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNamePWM( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNamePWM();
qDebug("KSyncManager::slotSyncMenu: invalid apptype selected");
} else {
if ( temp->getIsPhoneSync() ) {
mPhoneDevice = temp->getPhoneDevice( ) ;
mPhoneConnection = temp->getPhoneConnection( );
mPhoneModel = temp->getPhoneModel( );
} else if ( temp->getIsPiSync() ) {
mPassWordPiSync = temp->getRemotePw();
mActiveSyncPort = temp->getRemotePort();
mActiveSyncIP = temp->getRemoteIP();
syncRemote( temp );
delete temp;
void KSyncManager::enableQuick()
QDialog dia ( 0, "input-dialog", true );
QLineEdit lab ( &dia );
QVBoxLayout lay( &dia );
lab.setText( mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPort );
int po = 9197+mTargetApp;
QLabel label ( i18n("Port number (Default: %1)").arg(po), &dia );
lay.addWidget( &label);
lay.addWidget( &lab);
QLineEdit lepw ( &dia );
lepw.setText( mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPw );
QLabel label2 ( i18n("Password to enable\naccess from remote:"), &dia );
lay.addWidget( &label2);
lay.addWidget( &lepw);
dia.setFixedSize( 230,80 );
dia.setCaption( i18n("Enter port for Pi-Sync") );
QPushButton pb ( "OK", &dia);
lay.addWidget( &pb );
connect(&pb, SIGNAL( clicked() ), &dia, SLOT ( accept() ) );;
if ( ! dia.exec() )
mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPw = lepw.text();
mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPort = lab.text();
bool ok;
Q_UINT16 port = mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPort.toUInt(&ok);
if ( ! ok ) {
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("No valid port"));
//qDebug("port %d ", port);
mServerSocket = new KServerSocket ( mPrefs->mPassiveSyncPw, port ,1 );
mServerSocket->setFileName( defaultFileName() );
//qDebug("connected ");
if ( !mServerSocket->ok() ) {
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("Failed to bind or\nlisten to the port!"));
delete mServerSocket;
mServerSocket = 0;
- connect( mServerSocket, SIGNAL ( saveFile() ),this, SIGNAL ( save() ) );
+ //connect( mServerSocket, SIGNAL ( saveFile() ),this, SIGNAL ( save() ) );
+ connect( mServerSocket, SIGNAL ( request_file() ),this, SIGNAL ( request_file() ) );
connect( mServerSocket, SIGNAL ( file_received( bool ) ), this, SIGNAL ( getFile( bool ) ) );
void KSyncManager::syncLocalFile()
QString fn =mLastSyncedLocalFile;
QString ext;
case (KAPI):
ext = "(*.vcf)";
case (KOPI):
ext = "(*.ics/*.vcs)";
case (PWMPI):
ext = "(*.pwm)";
qDebug("KSyncManager::syncLocalFile: invalid apptype selected");
fn =KFileDialog:: getOpenFileName( fn, i18n("Sync filename"+ext), mParent );
if ( fn == "" )
if ( syncWithFile( fn, false ) ) {
qDebug("syncLocalFile() successful ");
bool KSyncManager::syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick )
bool ret = false;
QFileInfo info;
info.setFile( fn );
QString mess;
bool loadbup = true;
if ( !info. exists() ) {
mess = i18n( "Sync file \n...%1\ndoes not exist!\nNothing synced!\n").arg(fn.right( 30) );
int result = QMessageBox::warning( mParent, i18n("Warning!"),
mess );
return ret;
int result = 0;
if ( !quick ) {
mess = i18n("Sync with file \n...%1\nfrom:\n%2\n").arg(fn.right( 25)).arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ));
result = QMessageBox::warning( mParent, i18n("Warning!"),
i18n("Sync"), i18n("Cancel"), 0,
0, 1 );
if ( result )
return false;
if ( mAskForPreferences )
if ( result == 0 ) {
//qDebug("Now sycing ... ");
if ( ret = mImplementation->sync( this, fn, mSyncAlgoPrefs ) )
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Synchronization successful") );
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Sync cancelled or failed. Nothing synced.") );
if ( ! quick )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = fn;
return ret;
void KSyncManager::quickSyncLocalFile()
if ( syncWithFile( mLastSyncedLocalFile, false ) ) {
qDebug("quick syncLocalFile() successful ");
void KSyncManager::multiSync( bool askforPrefs )
if (blockSave())
QString question = i18n("Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!");
if ( QMessageBox::information( mParent, i18n("Sync"),
i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"),
0, 0 ) != 0 ) {
mParent->setCaption(i18n("Aborted! Nothing synced!"));
mCurrentSyncDevice = i18n("Multiple profiles") ;
mSyncAlgoPrefs = mRingSyncAlgoPrefs;
if ( askforPrefs ) {
mRingSyncAlgoPrefs = mSyncAlgoPrefs;
mParent->setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync started.") );
int num = ringSync() ;
if ( num > 1 )
if ( num )
emit save();
if ( num )
mParent->setCaption(i18n("%1 profiles synced. Multiple sync completed!").arg(num) );
mParent->setCaption(i18n("Nothing synced! No profiles defined for multisync!"));
int KSyncManager::ringSync()
int syncedProfiles = 0;
unsigned int i;
QTime timer;
KConfig config ( locateLocal( "config","ksyncprofilesrc" ) );
QStringList syncProfileNames = mSyncProfileNames;
KSyncProfile* temp = new KSyncProfile ();
mAskForPreferences = false;
for ( i = 0; i < syncProfileNames.count(); ++i ) {
mCurrentSyncProfile = i;
QString includeInRingSync;
case (KAPI):
includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSyncAB();
case (KOPI):
includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSync();
case (PWMPI):
includeInRingSync = temp->getIncludeInRingSyncPWM();
qDebug("KSyncManager::ringSync: invalid apptype selected");
if ( includeInRingSync && ( i < 1 || i > 2 )) {
mParent->setCaption(i18n("Profile ")+syncProfileNames[mCurrentSyncProfile]+ i18n(" is synced ... "));
// mAskForPreferences = temp->getAskForPreferences();
mWriteBackFile = temp->getWriteBackFile();
mWriteBackExistingOnly = temp->getWriteBackExisting();
mWriteBackInFuture = 0;
if ( temp->getWriteBackFuture() )
mWriteBackInFuture = temp->getWriteBackFutureWeeks( );
mShowSyncSummary = false;
mCurrentSyncDevice = syncProfileNames[i] ;
mCurrentSyncName = mLocalMachineName;
if ( i == 0 ) {
} else {
if ( temp->getIsLocalFileSync() ) {
case (KAPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNameAB( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNameAB();
case (KOPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileName( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileName();
case (PWMPI):
if ( syncWithFile( temp->getRemoteFileNamePWM( ), false ) )
mLastSyncedLocalFile = temp->getRemoteFileNamePWM();
qDebug("KSyncManager::slotSyncMenu: invalid apptype selected");
} else {
if ( temp->getIsPhoneSync() ) {
mPhoneDevice = temp->getPhoneDevice( ) ;
mPhoneConnection = temp->getPhoneConnection( );
mPhoneModel = temp->getPhoneModel( );
} else
syncRemote( temp, false );
mParent->setCaption(i18n("Multiple sync in progress ... please wait!") );
while ( timer.elapsed () < 2000 ) {
#ifndef _WIN32_
sleep (1);
delete temp;
return syncedProfiles;
void KSyncManager::syncRemote( KSyncProfile* prof, bool ask)
QString question;
if ( ask ) {
question = i18n("Do you really want\nto remote sync\nwith profile \n")+ prof->getName()+" ?\n";
if ( QMessageBox::information( mParent, i18n("Sync"),
i18n("Yes"), i18n("No"),
0, 0 ) != 0 )
QString preCommand;
QString localTempFile;
QString postCommand;
case (KAPI):
preCommand = prof->getPreSyncCommandAB();
postCommand = prof->getPostSyncCommandAB();
localTempFile = prof->getLocalTempFileAB();
case (KOPI):
preCommand = prof->getPreSyncCommand();
postCommand = prof->getPostSyncCommand();
localTempFile = prof->getLocalTempFile();
case (PWMPI):
preCommand = prof->getPreSyncCommandPWM();
postCommand = prof->getPostSyncCommandPWM();
localTempFile = prof->getLocalTempFilePWM();
qDebug("KSyncManager::syncRemote: invalid apptype selected");
int fi;
if ( (fi = preCommand.find("$PWD$")) > 0 ) {
QString pwd = getPassword();
preCommand = preCommand.left( fi )+ pwd + preCommand.mid( fi+5 );
int maxlen = 30;
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 )
maxlen += 25;
mParent->setCaption ( i18n( "Copy remote file to local machine..." ) );
int fileSize = 0;
@@ -675,484 +676,484 @@ void KSyncManager::confSync()
mSyncProfileNames = sp->getSyncProfileNames();
mLocalMachineName = sp->getLocalMachineName ();
void KSyncManager::syncSharp()
if ( ! syncExternalApplication("sharp") )
qDebug("ERROR sync sharp ");;
bool KSyncManager::syncExternalApplication(QString resource)
emit save();
if ( mAskForPreferences )
qDebug("sync %s", resource.latin1());
bool syncOK = mImplementation->syncExternal(this, resource);
return syncOK;
void KSyncManager::syncPhone()
emit save();
qDebug("pending syncPhone(); ");
void KSyncManager::showProgressBar(int percentage, QString caption, int total)
if (!bar->isVisible())
bar->setCaption (caption);
bar->setTotalSteps ( total ) ;
bar->setProgress( percentage );
void KSyncManager::hideProgressBar()
bool KSyncManager::isProgressBarCanceled()
return !bar->isVisible();
QString KSyncManager::syncFileName()
QString fn = "tempfile";
case (KAPI):
fn = "addressbook.vcf";
case (KOPI):
fn = "synccalendar.ics";
case (PWMPI):
fn = "manager.pwm";
#ifdef _WIN32_
return locateLocal( "tmp", fn );
return (QString( "/tmp/" )+ fn );
void KSyncManager::syncPi()
bool ok;
Q_UINT16 port = mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(&ok);
if ( ! ok ) {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Sorry, no valid port.Syncing cancelled.") );
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( mPassWordPiSync, port, mActiveSyncIP, this );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int )), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int)) );
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Sending request for remote file ...") );
commandSocket->readFile( syncFileName() );
void KSyncManager::deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*s, int state)
qDebug("MainWindow::deleteCommandSocket %d", state);
//enum { success, errorW, errorR, quiet };
if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorR ) {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("ERROR: Receiving remote file failed.") );
delete s;
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( mPassWordPiSync, mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(), mActiveSyncIP, this );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int)), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int )) );
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::errorW ) {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("ERROR:Writing back file failed.") );
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::successR ) {
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT ( readFileFromSocket()));
} else if ( state == KCommandSocket::successW ) {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync succesful!") );
delete s;
void KSyncManager::readFileFromSocket()
QString fileName = syncFileName();
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Remote file saved to temp file.") );
if ( ! syncWithFile( fileName , true ) ) {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Syncing failed.") );
qDebug("Syncing failed ");
KCommandSocket* commandSocket = new KCommandSocket( mPassWordPiSync, mActiveSyncPort.toUInt(), mActiveSyncIP, this );
connect( commandSocket, SIGNAL(commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int)), this, SLOT(deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*, int )) );
if ( mWriteBackFile )
commandSocket->writeFile( fileName );
else {
mParent->setCaption( i18n("Pi-Sync succesful!") );
KServerSocket:: KServerSocket ( QString pw, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog, QObject * parent, const char * name ) : QServerSocket( port, backlog, parent, name )
mPassWord = pw;
mSocket = 0;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
blockRC = false;
void KServerSocket::newConnection ( int socket )
// qDebug("KServerSocket:New connection %d ", socket);
if ( mSocket ) {
qDebug("KServerSocket::newConnection Socket deleted! ");
delete mSocket;
mSocket = 0;
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(readClient()) );
connect( mSocket , SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished()), this, SLOT(discardClient()) );
mSocket->setSocket( socket );
void KServerSocket::discardClient()
//qDebug(" KServerSocket::discardClient()");
if ( mSocket ) {
delete mSocket;
mSocket = 0;
//emit endConnect();
void KServerSocket::readClient()
if ( blockRC )
if ( mSocket == 0 ) {
qDebug("ERROR::KServerSocket::readClient(): mSocket == 0 ");
qDebug("KServerSocket readClient()");
if ( mSocket->canReadLine() ) {
QString line = mSocket->readLine();
qDebug("KServerSocket readline: %s ", line.latin1());
QStringList tokens = QStringList::split( QRegExp("[ \r\n][ \r\n]*"), line );
if ( tokens[0] == "GET" ) {
if ( tokens[1] == mPassWord )
//emit sendFile( mSocket );
else {
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("ERROR:\nGot send file request\nwith invalid password"));
qDebug("password %s, invalid password %s ",mPassWord.latin1(), tokens[1].latin1() );
if ( tokens[0] == "PUT" ) {
if ( tokens[1] == mPassWord ) {
//emit getFile( mSocket );
blockRC = true;
else {
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("ERROR:\nGot receive file request\nwith invalid password"));
qDebug("password %s, invalid password %s ",mPassWord.latin1(), tokens[1].latin1() );
if ( tokens[0] == "STOP" ) {
//emit endConnect();
void KServerSocket::end_connect()
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
void KServerSocket::send_file()
//qDebug("MainWindow::sendFile(QSocket* s) ");
if ( mSyncActionDialog )
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = new QDialog ( 0, "input-dialog", true );
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption(i18n("Received sync request"));
QLabel* label = new QLabel( i18n("Synchronizing from remote ...\n\nDo not use this application!\n\nIf syncing fails\nyou can close this dialog."), mSyncActionDialog );
QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( mSyncActionDialog );
lay->addWidget( label);
mSyncActionDialog->setFixedSize( 230, 120);
qDebug("KSS::saving ... ");
- emit saveFile();
+ emit request_file();
QString fileName = mFileName;
QFile file( fileName );
if (! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
qDebug("KSS::error open file ");
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
return ;
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Sending file...") );
QTextStream ts( &file );
ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
QTextStream os( mSocket );
os.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
//os.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
while ( ! ts.atEnd() ) {
os << ts.readLine() << "\n";
//os <<;
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Waiting for synced file...") );
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
void KServerSocket::get_file()
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Receiving synced file...") );
piFileString = "";
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT (readBackFileFromSocket( ) ));
void KServerSocket::readBackFileFromSocket()
//qDebug("readBackFileFromSocket() %d ", piTime.elapsed ());
while ( mSocket->canReadLine () ) {
QString line = mSocket->readLine ();
piFileString += line;
//qDebug("readline: %s ", line.latin1());
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Received %1 bytes").arg( piFileString.length() ) );
if ( piTime.elapsed () < 3000 ) {
// wait for more
//qDebug("waitformore ");
QTimer::singleShot( 100, this , SLOT (readBackFileFromSocket( ) ));
QString fileName = mFileName;
QFile file ( fileName );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
qDebug("error open cal file ");
piFileString = "";
emit file_received( false );
blockRC = false;
return ;
// mView->setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( -1));
QTextStream ts ( &file );
ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
mSyncActionDialog->setCaption( i18n("Writing file to disk...") );
ts << piFileString;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( discardClient()));
delete mSyncActionDialog;
mSyncActionDialog = 0;
piFileString = "";
blockRC = false;
emit file_received( true );
KCommandSocket::KCommandSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, QString host, QObject * parent, const char * name ): QObject( parent, name )
mPassWord = password;
mSocket = 0;
mPort = port;
mHost = host;
mRetVal = quiet;
mTimerSocket = new QTimer ( this );
connect( mTimerSocket, SIGNAL ( timeout () ), this, SLOT ( deleteSocket() ) );
void KCommandSocket::readFile( QString fn )
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(readyRead()), this, SLOT(startReadFileFromSocket()) );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
mFileString = "";
mFileName = fn;
mFirst = true;
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
QTextStream os( mSocket );
os.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
os << "GET " << mPassWord << "\r\n";
mTimerSocket->start( 10000 );
void KCommandSocket::writeFile( QString fileName )
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(connected ()), this, SLOT(writeFileToSocket()) );
mFileName = fileName ;
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
void KCommandSocket::writeFileToSocket()
QFile file2( mFileName );
if (! IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
mRetVal= errorW;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
return ;
QTextStream ts2( &file2 );
ts2.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
QTextStream os2( mSocket );
os2.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
os2 << "PUT " << mPassWord << "\r\n";;
while ( ! ts2.atEnd() ) {
os2 << ts2.readLine() << "\n";
mRetVal= successW;
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
void KCommandSocket::sendStop()
if ( !mSocket ) {
mSocket = new QSocket( this );
connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
mSocket->connectToHost( mHost, mPort );
QTextStream os2( mSocket );
os2.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
os2 << "STOP\r\n";
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
QTimer::singleShot( 10, this , SLOT ( deleteSocket()));
void KCommandSocket::startReadFileFromSocket()
if ( ! mFirst )
mFirst = false;
mFileString = "";
QTimer::singleShot( 1, this , SLOT (readFileFromSocket( ) ));
void KCommandSocket::readFileFromSocket()
//qDebug("readBackFileFromSocket() %d ", mTime.elapsed ());
while ( mSocket->canReadLine () ) {
QString line = mSocket->readLine ();
mFileString += line;
//qDebug("readline: %s ", line.latin1());
if ( mTime.elapsed () < 3000 ) {
// wait for more
//qDebug("waitformore ");
QTimer::singleShot( 100, this , SLOT (readFileFromSocket( ) ));
QString fileName = mFileName;
QFile file ( fileName );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
mFileString = "";
mRetVal = errorR;
qDebug("Error open temp calender file for writing: %s",fileName.latin1() );
return ;
// mView->setLoadedFileVersion(QDateTime::currentDateTime().addSecs( -1));
QTextStream ts ( &file );
ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
ts << mFileString;
mFileString = "";
mRetVal = successR;
// if state is not idle, deleteSocket(); is called via
// connect( mSocket, SIGNAL(delayedCloseFinished ()), this, SLOT(deleteSocket()) );
if ( mSocket->state() == QSocket::Idle )
void KCommandSocket::deleteSocket()
if ( mTimerSocket->isActive () ) {
KMessageBox::information( 0, i18n("ERROR:\nConnection to remote host timed out!\nDid you forgot to enable\nsyncing on remote host? "));
mRetVal = errorR;
//qDebug("KCommandSocket::deleteSocket() %d", mRetVal );
if ( mSocket)
delete mSocket;
mSocket = 0;
emit commandFinished( this, mRetVal );
diff --git a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
index 52e2772..0eb3323 100644
--- a/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
+++ b/libkdepim/ksyncmanager.h
@@ -1,228 +1,227 @@
This file is part of KDE-Pim/Pi.
Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Library General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
Library General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU Library General Public License
along with this library; see the file COPYING.LIB. If not, write to
the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330,
Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
#include <qobject.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qsocket.h>
#include <qdatetime.h>
#include <qserversocket.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
class QPopupMenu;
class KSyncProfile;
class KPimPrefs;
class QWidget;
class KSyncManager;
class KSyncInterface;
class QProgressBar;
class KServerSocket : public QServerSocket
KServerSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, int backlog = 0, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
void newConnection ( int socket ) ;
void setFileName( QString fn ) {mFileName = fn;};
- //void sendFile(QSocket*);
- //void getFile(QSocket*);
void file_received( bool );
- //void file_sent();
+ void request_file();
void saveFile();
void endConnect();
private slots:
void discardClient();
void readClient();
void readBackFileFromSocket();
private :
bool blockRC;
void send_file();
void get_file();
void end_connect();
QDialog* mSyncActionDialog;
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
QString mFileName;
QTime piTime;
QString piFileString;
class KCommandSocket : public QObject
enum state { successR, errorR, successW, errorW, quiet };
KCommandSocket ( QString password, Q_UINT16 port, QString host, QObject * parent=0, const char * name=0 );
void readFile( QString );
void writeFile( QString );
void sendStop();
void commandFinished( KCommandSocket*, int );
private slots:
void startReadFileFromSocket();
void readFileFromSocket();
void deleteSocket();
void writeFileToSocket();
private :
QSocket* mSocket;
QString mPassWord;
Q_UINT16 mPort;
QString mHost;
QString mFileName;
QTimer* mTimerSocket;
int mRetVal;
QTime mTime;
QString mFileString;
bool mFirst;
class KSyncManager : public QObject
enum TargetApp {
KOPI = 0,
KAPI = 1,
PWMPI = 2 };
KSyncManager(QWidget* parent, KSyncInterface* implementation, TargetApp ta, KPimPrefs* prefs, QPopupMenu* syncmenu);
~KSyncManager() ;
bool blockSave() { return mBlockSaveFlag; }
void setBlockSave(bool sa) { mBlockSaveFlag = sa; }
void setDefaultFileName( QString s) { mDefFileName = s ;}
QString defaultFileName() { return mDefFileName ;}
QString syncFileName();
void fillSyncMenu();
QString getCurrentSyncDevice() { return mCurrentSyncDevice; }
QString getCurrentSyncName() { return mCurrentSyncName; }
void showProgressBar(int percentage, QString caption = QString::null, int total=100);
void hideProgressBar();
bool isProgressBarCanceled();
// sync stuff
QString mLocalMachineName;
QStringList mExternSyncProfiles;
QStringList mSyncProfileNames;
bool mAskForPreferences;
bool mShowSyncSummary;
bool mShowSyncEvents;
bool mShowTodoInAgenda;
bool mWriteBackExistingOnly;
int mSyncAlgoPrefs;
int mRingSyncAlgoPrefs;
bool mWriteBackFile;
int mWriteBackInFuture;
QString mPhoneDevice;
QString mPhoneConnection;
QString mPhoneModel;
QString mLastSyncedLocalFile; // save!
QString mPassWordPiSync;
QString mActiveSyncPort;
QString mActiveSyncIP ;
void save();
+ void request_file();
void getFile( bool );
public slots:
void slotSyncMenu( int );
// LR *******************************
// sync stuff!
void syncPi();
void deleteCommandSocket(KCommandSocket*s, int state);
void readFileFromSocket();
KServerSocket * mServerSocket;
void enableQuick();
KPimPrefs* mPrefs;
QString mDefFileName;
QString mCurrentSyncDevice;
QString mCurrentSyncName;
void quickSyncLocalFile();
bool syncWithFile( QString fn , bool quick );
void syncLocalFile();
void syncPhone();
void syncSharp();
bool syncExternalApplication(QString);
void multiSync( bool askforPrefs );
int mCurrentSyncProfile ;
void syncRemote( KSyncProfile* prof, bool ask = true);
void edit_sync_options();
int ringSync();
QString getPassword( );
private slots:
void confSync();
// *********************
bool mBlockSaveFlag;
QWidget* mParent;
KSyncInterface* mImplementation;
TargetApp mTargetApp;
QPopupMenu* mSyncMenu;
QProgressBar* bar;
class KSyncInterface
public :
virtual bool sync(KSyncManager* manager, QString filename, int mode) = 0;
virtual bool syncExternal(KSyncManager* manager, QString resource)
// empty implementation, because some syncable applications do not have an external(sharpdtm) syncmode, like pwmanager.
return false;