Side-by-side diff
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4 files changed, 165 insertions, 158 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt
index 7a63eed..2f449ef 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/germantranslation.txt
@@ -448,263 +448,267 @@
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" },
{ "Locale","Locale" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" },
{ "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" },
{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" },
{ "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" },
{ "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." },
{ "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzer %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Keine Email Client installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Client" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Client" },
{ "Close KA/Pi?","Schließe KA/Pi?" },
{ "\nChanges will be saved!","\nÄnderungen werden gespeichert!" },
{ "Yes!","Ja!" },
{ "There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. ","#There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. " },
{ "Saving addressbook ... ","Speichere Adressbuch ... " },
{ "Addressbook saved!","Adressbuch gespeichert!" },
{ "Default Table View","Default Tabellenansicht" },
{ "Merge and Remove","Zusammenfügen/entfernen" },
{ "Merge","Zusammenfügen" },
{ "Merge Contacts Editor","Contact-Zusammenfüge-Editor" },
{ "New List...","Neue Liste..." },
{ "Rename List...","Ändere Namen..." },
{ "Remove List","Lösche Liste" },
{ "Add Contact","Kontakt hinzu" },
{ "Change Email...","Ändere Email..." },
{ "Remove Contact","Entferne Kontakt" },
{ "Use Preferred","Nutze Preferred" },
{ "Distribution List Editor","Distribution List Editor" },
{ "Choose which contacts to export","Wähle Kontakte zum Exportieren" },
{ "Which contacts do you want to export?","Welche Kontakte sollen exportiert werden?" },
{ "Contact Selection","Kontaktauswahl" },
{ "&All","&Alle" },
{ "Export the entire address book","Exportiere das komplette Addressbuch" },
{ "&Selected","Au&sgewählte" },
{ "Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","###Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected." },
{ "By matching &filter","Zutreffender &Filter" },
{ "Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","###Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters" },
{ "By Cate&gories","Kategorien" },
{ "Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","###Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to export.","Wähle Filter zum Export aus." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to export.","Wähle die Kategorien zum Export aus." },
{ "Sorting","Sortieren" },
{ "Criterion:","Merkmal:" },
{ "Order:","Reihenfolge:" },
{ "Ascending","Aufsteigend" },
{ "Descending","Absteigend" },
{ "Save file","Datei speichern" },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ "Unable to export contacts.","Exportieren der Kontakte geht nicht." },
{ "\nNo unsaved changes detected!\nNothing will be saved!","\nKeine ungespeicherten\nÄnderungen erkannt!\nNichts wird gespeichert!" },
{ "Manage new categories...","Verwalte neue Kategorien..." },
{ "&File","Datei" },
{ "&Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "&View","Ansichten" },
{ "&Settings","Konfiguration" },
{ "&Change selected","Ändere Selekt." },
{ "&Help","Hilfe" },
{ "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" },
{ "For all profiles","Für alle Profile" },
{ "&Change","Ändere" },
{ "Import xml (Qtopia)...","Importiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export xml (Qtopia)...","Exportiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export to phone","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Which contacts do you want to select?","Welche Kontakte möchten Sie wählen?" },
{ "&Modify","Ändere" },
{ "Choose which contacts to select","Bitte Kontakte auswählen!" },
{ "After importing/loading/syncing\nthere may be new categories in\naddressees\nwhich are not in the category list.\nPlease choose what to do:\n ","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen\nkann es neue Kategorien in den \nKontakten geben, die nicht\nin der Kategorieliste enthalten sind.\nBitte wählen Sie, was passieren soll:\n " },
{ "Manage new Categories","Verwalte neue Kategorien" },
{ "Add to category list","Füge zur Kategorieliste hinzu" },
{ "Remove from addressees","Entferne von den Kontakten" },
{ "New categories not in list:","Kategorien, die nicht in der Liste sind:" },
{ "A&dd","Hinzufügen" },
{ "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." },
{ "NOTE: This will remove all old\ncontact data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nKontakt Daten auf dem Handy!" },
{ "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" },
{ "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" },
{ "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." },
{ " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" },
{ "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" },
{ "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" },
{ "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Gerät!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" },
{ "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" },
{ "&Print View","Drucke Ansicht" },
{ "&Print Details","Drucke Details" },
{ "Beam v&Card(s)...","Beame v&Card(s)..." },
{ "Set formatted name...","Setze formatierten Namen..." },
{ "Kde Sync HowTo","Kde Sync HowTo" },
{ "Multi Sync HowTo","Multi Sync HowTo" },
{ "&Beam","&Beame" },
{ "Edit Email Addresses","Editiere Email Adressen" },
{ "Email address:","Email Adresse:" },
{ "Change","Ändere" },
{ "Set Standard","Setze Standard" },
{ "New Contact","Neuer Contact" },
{ "Undo %1","Rückgängig %1" },
{ "Redo","Wiederholen" },
{ "Saving ... please wait! ","Am Speichern ... bitte warten! " },
{ "CSV Import Dialog","CSV Import Dialog" },
{ "File to import:","Datei zum Import:" },
{ "Delimiter","Trennzeichen" },
{ "Comma","Komma" },
{ "Semicolon","Semikolon" },
{ "Tabulator","Tabulator" },
{ "Space","Leerzeichen" },
{ "1","1" },
{ """,""" },
{ "'","'" },
{ "Start at line:","Beginne mit Zeile:" },
{ "Textquote:","Textquote:" },
{ "Ignore duplicate delimiters","Ignoriere doppelte Trennzeichen" },
{ "Import KDE 2 Addressbook","Importiere KDE 2 Addressbook" },
{ "Override previously imported entries?","Überschreibe bereits importierte Einträge?" },
{ "Select vCard to Import","Selektiere zu importierende vCard" },
{ "Information","Information" },
{ "contacts successfully imported.","Kontakte erfolgreich importiert." },
{ "Import xml file","Importiere xml Datei" },
{ "Choose contact selection","Wähle Kontakt Auswahl" },
{ "Select the entire address book","Wähle das ganze Adressbuch" },
{ "Only contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","Nur in KA/Pi selektierte Kontate.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar\nwhen keine Kontakte selektiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","Nur Kontakte die auf den Filter zutreffen.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn keine Filter definiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","Nur Kontakte die Mitglieder der Kategirien sind,\die links selektiert sind.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn es keine Kategirien gibt." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to select.","Selektiere einen Filter um festzulegen welche Kontakte ausgewählt werden sollen." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to select.","Setzte die Kategorien, dessen Mitglieder Sie auswählen möchten." },
{ "I/O device: ","I/O device: " },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Exporting to phone...","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Error exporting to phone","Fehler beim Export aufs Handy" },
{ "contacts successfully exported.","Kontakte erfolgreich exportiert." },
{ "Do you want to remove<br>all existing entries from<br>%1<br>before exporting.?","Wollen Sie<br>alle existieren Einträge von<br>%1<br>vor dem Export entfernen?" },
{ "Set formatted name","Setze formatierten Namen" },
{ "You can set the formatted name\nfor a list of contacts in one go.","Sie können den formatierten Namen für\nein Liste von Kontakten auf einmal setzen." },
{ "Set formatted name to:","Setze formatierten Name auf:" },
{ "Simple: James Bond","Einfach: James Bond" },
{ "Full: Mr. James 007 Bond I","Voll: Mr. James 007 Bond I" },
{ "Reverse: Bond, James","Umgekehrt: Bond, James" },
{ "Organization: MI6","Organisation: MI6" },
{ "Set formatted name to\norganization, if name empty","Setze formatierten Namen auf\nOrganisation, wenn Name leer ist." },
{ "Select contact list","Selektiere Kontakt Liste" },
{ "Changing contact #%1","Ändere Kontakt #%1" },
{ "Refreshing view...","Lade Ansicht neu..." },
{ "Setting formatted name completed!","Setzen vom formatierten Namen beendet!" },
{ "Removing voice...","Entferne voice..." },
{ "Remove voice completed!","Entferne voice beendet!" },
{ "Merge with existing categories?","Zu bestehenden Kategorien hinzufügen?" },
{ "Setting categories ... please wait!","Setze Kategorien ... bitte warten!" },
{ "Setting categories completed!","Setzen der Kategorien beendet!" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "Please wait, processing categories...","Bitte warten, bearbeite Kategorien..." },
{ "Processing contact #%1","Bearbeite Kontakt #%1" },
{ " categories added to list! "," Kategorien zur Liste hinzugefügt! " },
{ "%1: %2","%1: %2" },
{ "Your personal contact is\nnot set! Please select it\nand set it with menu:\nSettings - Set Who Am I\n","Ihr persönlicher Kontakt ist\nnicht gesetzt! Bitte selektieren Sie\nihn und setzen ihn mit Menu:\nKonfiguration - Setze wer bin ich\n" },
{ "<qt>Do you really want to use <b>%1</b> as your new personal contact?</qt>","<qt>Wollen Sie wirklich<br><b>%1</b><br>als persönlichen Kontakt setzent?</qt>" },
{ "Cut","Ausschneiden" },
{ "Paste","Einfügen" },
{ "Delete","Löschen" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Add View","Ansicht hinzufügen" },
{ "View name:","Ansicht Name:" },
{ "View Type","Ainsicht Typ" },
{ "Icons represent contacts. Very simple view.","Icons repräsentieren Kontakte. Sehr einfache Ansicht." },
{ "A listing of contacts in a table. Each cell of the table holds a field of the contact.","Eine Kontaktliste in einer Tabelle." },
{ "Rolodex style cards represent contacts.","Rolodex Stil Karten repräsentieren Kontakte." },
{ "Draw &separators","Zeichne &Trennlinie" },
{ "Separator &width:","Trennlinien &Breite:" },
{ "&Padding:","Füllung:" },
{ "Cards","Karten" },
{ "&Margin:","&Rand:" },
{ "Draw &borders","Zeichne Ränder" },
{ "The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data.","The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data." },
{ "The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators.","The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators." },
{ "Sets the width of column separators","Sets the width of column separators" },
{ "&Layout","&Layout" },
{ "Show &empty fields","Zeige leere Felder" },
{ "Show field &labels","Zeige Feld Label" },
{ "Be&havior","Ver&halten" },
{ "Header, Border and Separator Color","Kopf, Rand und Trennlinien Farbe" },
{ "<qt>Are you sure that you want to delete the view <b>%1</b>?</qt>","<qt>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Ansicht <b>%1</b> löschen möchten?</qt>" },
{ "Confirm Delete","Bestätige Löschen" },
{ "Edit Address Book Filter","Editiere Adressbuch Filter" },
{ "Category rule","Kategorie Regel" },
{ "Include categories","Schließe Kategorien ein" },
{ "Exclude categories","Schließe Kategorien aus" },
{ "Include contacts, that are:","Schließe folgende Kontakte ein:" },
{ "public","Öffentlich" },
{ "private","Privat" },
{ "confidential","Vertraulich" },
{ "Configure Resources","Konfiguriere Resourcen" },
{ "Resource Configuration","Resource Konfiguration" },
{ "Resources","Resourcen" },
{ "Standard","Standard" },
{ "&Use as Standard","Setze als Standard" },
{ "Select type of the new resource:","Selektiere Typ der neuen Resource:" },
{ "General Settings","Allgemeine Einstellungen" },
{ "Read-only","Nur-Lesen" },
{ "Include in sync","Schließe in Sync mit ein" },
{ "%1 Resource Settings","%1 Resource Einstellungen" },
{ "Format:","Format:" },
{ "Location:","Ort:" },
{ "Full Menu bar (restart)","Volle Menu Leiste (Neustart!)" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Ihr gerade genutztes Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverzeichnis)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>Set new data storage dir:</b>","<b>Setze neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "Not existing dirs are created automatically","Nicht existierende Verzeichnisse werden erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "The settings of the storage\ndir is saved in the file\n%1","Die Einstellungen des Speicherverzeichnisses\nwerden in folgender Datei gespeichert:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" },
{ "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Lokal:" },
{ "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back options","Optionen zum Zurückschreiben" },
{ "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Einträge zurück" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Entfernt:" },
{ "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Einträge für Zeitspanne zurück" },
{ "Time period","Zeitspanne" },
{ "From ","Von " },
{ " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " },
{ " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " },
{ "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abhängige Einstellungen" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Aborted! Nothing synced!","Abgebrochen! Nichts wurde gesynct!" },
-{ "","" },
-{ "","" },
+{ "You cannot remove your standard resource!\n Please select a new standard resource first.","Standard Resource kann\nnicht entfernt werden!\nBitte eine andere Resource\nals Standard setzen." },
+{ "Sorry","Tut mir leid" },
+{ "You cannot use a read-only<br> resource as standard!","Man kann nicht eine read-only<br> Resource als Standard setzen!" },
+{ "Please restart to get the \nchanged resources (re)loaded!\n","Bitte starten Sie jetzt\ndas Programm neu, um die geänderten\nResourcen neu zu laden!\n" },
+{ "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n","Die gewählte Datei enthält\nkeine gültige vCard.\nBitte prüfen Sie die Datei\nund versuchen es erneut.\n" },
+{ "Unable to load resource '%1'","Resource kann nicht geladen werden: '%1'" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" }, \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/usertranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/usertranslation.txt
index 7a63eed..4c7a93c 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/usertranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/kaddressbook/usertranslation.txt
@@ -448,263 +448,267 @@
{ "24:00","24:00" },
{ "12:00am","12:00am" },
{ "Week starts on Sunday","Woche beginnt Sonntags" },
{ "Locale","Locale" },
{ "Date Format:","Datums Format:" },
{ "24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)","24.03.2004 (%d.%m.%Y|%A %d %B %Y)" },
{ "03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)","03.24.2004 (%m.%d.%Y|%A %B %d %Y)" },
{ "2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)","2004-03-24 (%Y-%m-%d|%A %Y %B %d)" },
{ "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" },
{ "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" },
{ "User short date:","Format kurzes Datum:" },
{ "Daylight start:","Sommerzeit Beginn:" },
{ "Daylight end:","Sommerzeit Ende:" },
{ "Actual start and end is the\nsunday before this date.","Tatsächlicher Beginn/Ende ist der\nSonntag vor diesem Datum!" },
{ "Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y","Monday 19 April 2004: %A %d %B %Y" },
{ "Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y","Mon 19.04.04: %a %d.%m.%y" },
{ "Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y","Mon, 19.Apr.04: %a, %d.%b.%y" },
{ "Date Format","Datums Format" },
{ "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" },
{ "The year in the date is ignored.","Das Jahr vom Datum wird ignoriert." },
{ "Timezone has daylight saving","Zeitzone hat Sommerzeit" },
{ "Add 30 min to selected Timezone","Addiere 30 min zur Zeitzone" },
{ "Used Mail Client","Benutzter Mail Client" },
{ "Channel:","Channel:" },
{ "Message:","Message:" },
{ "Parameters:","Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Delimiter=; Name=%1,Email=%2","Hinweis: Begrenzer=; Name=%1,Email=%2" },
{ "extra Message:","extra Message:" },
{ "extra Parameters:","extra Parameter:" },
{ "HINT: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2","Hinweis: Emails=%1,Attachments=%2" },
{ "External Apps.","Externe Appl." },
{ "Used %1 Client","Benutzer %1 Client" },
{ "No email client installed","Keine Email Client installiert" },
{ "Userdefined email client","Benutzerdef. Email Client" },
{ "OM/Pi email client","OM/Pi Email Client" },
{ "Close KA/Pi?","Schließe KA/Pi?" },
{ "\nChanges will be saved!","\nÄnderungen werden gespeichert!" },
{ "Yes!","Ja!" },
{ "There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. ","#There was an error while attempting to save\n the address book. Please check that some \nother application is not using it. " },
{ "Saving addressbook ... ","Speichere Adressbuch ... " },
{ "Addressbook saved!","Adressbuch gespeichert!" },
{ "Default Table View","Default Tabellenansicht" },
{ "Merge and Remove","Zusammenfügen/entfernen" },
{ "Merge","Zusammenfügen" },
{ "Merge Contacts Editor","Contact-Zusammenfüge-Editor" },
{ "New List...","Neue Liste..." },
{ "Rename List...","Ändere Namen..." },
{ "Remove List","Lösche Liste" },
{ "Add Contact","Kontakt hinzu" },
{ "Change Email...","Ändere Email..." },
{ "Remove Contact","Entferne Kontakt" },
{ "Use Preferred","Nutze Preferred" },
{ "Distribution List Editor","Distribution List Editor" },
{ "Choose which contacts to export","Wähle Kontakte zum Exportieren" },
{ "Which contacts do you want to export?","Welche Kontakte sollen exportiert werden?" },
{ "Contact Selection","Kontaktauswahl" },
{ "&All","&Alle" },
{ "Export the entire address book","Exportiere das komplette Addressbuch" },
{ "&Selected","Au&sgewählte" },
{ "Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","###Only export contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected." },
{ "By matching &filter","Zutreffender &Filter" },
{ "Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","###Only export contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters" },
{ "By Cate&gories","Kategorien" },
{ "Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","###Only export contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to export.","Wähle Filter zum Export aus." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to export.","Wähle die Kategorien zum Export aus." },
{ "Sorting","Sortieren" },
{ "Criterion:","Merkmal:" },
{ "Order:","Reihenfolge:" },
{ "Ascending","Aufsteigend" },
{ "Descending","Absteigend" },
{ "Save file","Datei speichern" },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ "Unable to export contacts.","Exportieren der Kontakte geht nicht." },
{ "\nNo unsaved changes detected!\nNothing will be saved!","\nKeine ungespeicherten\nÄnderungen erkannt!\nNichts wird gespeichert!" },
{ "Manage new categories...","Verwalte neue Kategorien..." },
{ "&File","Datei" },
{ "&Edit","Bearbeite" },
{ "&View","Ansichten" },
{ "&Settings","Konfiguration" },
{ "&Change selected","Ändere Selekt." },
{ "&Help","Hilfe" },
{ "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" },
{ "For all profiles","Für alle Profile" },
{ "&Change","Ändere" },
{ "Import xml (Qtopia)...","Importiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export xml (Qtopia)...","Exportiere xml (Qtopia)..." },
{ "Export to phone","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Which contacts do you want to select?","Welche Kontakte möchten Sie wählen?" },
{ "&Modify","Ändere" },
{ "Choose which contacts to select","Bitte Kontakte auswählen!" },
{ "After importing/loading/syncing\nthere may be new categories in\naddressees\nwhich are not in the category list.\nPlease choose what to do:\n ","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen\nkann es neue Kategorien in den \nKontakten geben, die nicht\nin der Kategorieliste enthalten sind.\nBitte wählen Sie, was passieren soll:\n " },
{ "Manage new Categories","Verwalte neue Kategorien" },
{ "Add to category list","Füge zur Kategorieliste hinzu" },
{ "Remove from addressees","Entferne von den Kontakten" },
{ "New categories not in list:","Kategorien, die nicht in der Liste sind:" },
{ "A&dd","Hinzufügen" },
{ "Please read Help-Sync Howto\nto know what settings to use.","Bitte lese Hilfe-Sync Howto\num zu erfahren welche Einstellungen\ndie richtigen sind." },
{ "NOTE: This will remove all old\ncontact data on phone!","ACHTUNG: Das löscht alle alten\nKontakt Daten auf dem Handy!" },
{ "Export to mobile phone!","Exportiere auf das Handy!" },
{ "Export to phone options","Export ans Handy Optionen" },
{ "Writing to phone...","Sende Daten ans Handy..." },
{ " This may take 1-3 minutes!"," Das kann 1-3 Minuten dauern!" },
{ "Retry","Nochmal versuchen" },
{ "KDE/Pim phone access","KDE/Pim Handy Zugriff" },
{ "Error accessing device!\nPlease turn on connection\nand retry!","Fehler beim Zugriff auf das Gerät!\nBitte die Verbindung aktivieren\nund nochmal versuchen!" },
{ "Error exporting to phone!","Fehler beim Export auf das Handy!" },
{ "&Print View","Drucke Ansicht" },
{ "&Print Details","Drucke Details" },
{ "Beam v&Card(s)...","Beame v&Card(s)..." },
{ "Set formatted name...","Setze formatierten Namen..." },
{ "Kde Sync HowTo","Kde Sync HowTo" },
{ "Multi Sync HowTo","Multi Sync HowTo" },
{ "&Beam","&Beame" },
{ "Edit Email Addresses","Editiere Email Adressen" },
{ "Email address:","Email Adresse:" },
{ "Change","Ändere" },
{ "Set Standard","Setze Standard" },
{ "New Contact","Neuer Contact" },
{ "Undo %1","Rückgängig %1" },
{ "Redo","Wiederholen" },
{ "Saving ... please wait! ","Am Speichern ... bitte warten! " },
{ "CSV Import Dialog","CSV Import Dialog" },
{ "File to import:","Datei zum Import:" },
{ "Delimiter","Trennzeichen" },
{ "Comma","Komma" },
{ "Semicolon","Semikolon" },
{ "Tabulator","Tabulator" },
{ "Space","Leerzeichen" },
{ "1","1" },
{ """,""" },
{ "'","'" },
{ "Start at line:","Beginne mit Zeile:" },
{ "Textquote:","Textquote:" },
{ "Ignore duplicate delimiters","Ignoriere doppelte Trennzeichen" },
{ "Import KDE 2 Addressbook","Importiere KDE 2 Addressbook" },
{ "Override previously imported entries?","Überschreibe bereits importierte Einträge?" },
{ "Select vCard to Import","Selektiere zu importierende vCard" },
{ "Information","Information" },
{ "contacts successfully imported.","Kontakte erfolgreich importiert." },
{ "Import xml file","Importiere xml Datei" },
{ "Choose contact selection","Wähle Kontakt Auswahl" },
{ "Select the entire address book","Wähle das ganze Adressbuch" },
{ "Only contacts selected in KAddressBook.\nThis option is disabled if no contacts are selected.","Nur in KA/Pi selektierte Kontate.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar\nwhen keine Kontakte selektiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts matching the selected filter.\nThis option is disabled if you haven't defined any filters","Nur Kontakte die auf den Filter zutreffen.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn keine Filter definiert sind." },
{ "Only contacts who are members of a category that is checked on the list to the left.\nThis option is disabled if you have no categories.","Nur Kontakte die Mitglieder der Kategirien sind,\die links selektiert sind.\nDiese Option ist nicht verfügbar, wenn es keine Kategirien gibt." },
{ "Select a filter to decide which contacts to select.","Selektiere einen Filter um festzulegen welche Kontakte ausgewählt werden sollen." },
{ "Check the categories whose members you want to select.","Setzte die Kategorien, dessen Mitglieder Sie auswählen möchten." },
{ "I/O device: ","I/O device: " },
{ "Connection: ","Connection: " },
{ "Model(opt.): ","Model(opt.): " },
{ "Exporting to phone...","Exportiere aufs Handy..." },
{ "Error exporting to phone","Fehler beim Export aufs Handy" },
{ "contacts successfully exported.","Kontakte erfolgreich exportiert." },
{ "Do you want to remove<br>all existing entries from<br>%1<br>before exporting.?","Wollen Sie<br>alle existieren Einträge von<br>%1<br>vor dem Export entfernen?" },
{ "Set formatted name","Setze formatierten Namen" },
{ "You can set the formatted name\nfor a list of contacts in one go.","Sie können den formatierten Namen für\nein Liste von Kontakten auf einmal setzen." },
{ "Set formatted name to:","Setze formatierten Name auf:" },
{ "Simple: James Bond","Einfach: James Bond" },
{ "Full: Mr. James 007 Bond I","Voll: Mr. James 007 Bond I" },
{ "Reverse: Bond, James","Umgekehrt: Bond, James" },
{ "Organization: MI6","Organisation: MI6" },
{ "Set formatted name to\norganization, if name empty","Setze formatierten Namen auf\nOrganisation, wenn Name leer ist." },
{ "Select contact list","Selektiere Kontakt Liste" },
{ "Changing contact #%1","Ändere Kontakt #%1" },
{ "Refreshing view...","Lade Ansicht neu..." },
{ "Setting formatted name completed!","Setzen vom formatierten Namen beendet!" },
{ "Removing voice...","Entferne voice..." },
{ "Remove voice completed!","Entferne voice beendet!" },
{ "Merge with existing categories?","Zu bestehenden Kategorien hinzufügen?" },
{ "Setting categories ... please wait!","Setze Kategorien ... bitte warten!" },
{ "Setting categories completed!","Setzen der Kategorien beendet!" },
{ "OK","OK" },
{ "Please wait, processing categories...","Bitte warten, bearbeite Kategorien..." },
{ "Processing contact #%1","Bearbeite Kontakt #%1" },
{ " categories added to list! "," Kategorien zur Liste hinzugefügt! " },
{ "%1: %2","%1: %2" },
{ "Your personal contact is\nnot set! Please select it\nand set it with menu:\nSettings - Set Who Am I\n","Ihr persönlicher Kontakt ist\nnicht gesetzt! Bitte selektieren Sie\nihn und setzen ihn mit Menu:\nKonfiguration - Setze wer bin ich\n" },
{ "<qt>Do you really want to use <b>%1</b> as your new personal contact?</qt>","<qt>Wollen Sie wirklich<br><b>%1</b><br>als persönlichen Kontakt setzent?</qt>" },
{ "Cut","Ausschneiden" },
{ "Paste","Einfügen" },
{ "Delete","Löschen" },
{ "Choose...","Wähle..." },
{ "Add View","Ansicht hinzufügen" },
{ "View name:","Ansicht Name:" },
{ "View Type","Ainsicht Typ" },
{ "Icons represent contacts. Very simple view.","Icons repräsentieren Kontakte. Sehr einfache Ansicht." },
{ "A listing of contacts in a table. Each cell of the table holds a field of the contact.","Eine Kontaktliste in einer Tabelle." },
{ "Rolodex style cards represent contacts.","Rolodex Stil Karten repräsentieren Kontakte." },
{ "Draw &separators","Zeichne &Trennlinie" },
{ "Separator &width:","Trennlinien &Breite:" },
{ "&Padding:","Füllung:" },
{ "Cards","Karten" },
{ "&Margin:","&Rand:" },
{ "Draw &borders","Zeichne Ränder" },
{ "The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data.","The item margin is the distance (in pixels) between the item edge and the item data. Most noticeably, incrementing the item margin will add space between the focus rectangle and the item data." },
{ "The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators.","The Item Spacing decides the distance (in pixels) between the items and anything else: the view borders, other items or column separators." },
{ "Sets the width of column separators","Sets the width of column separators" },
{ "&Layout","&Layout" },
{ "Show &empty fields","Zeige leere Felder" },
{ "Show field &labels","Zeige Feld Label" },
{ "Be&havior","Ver&halten" },
{ "Header, Border and Separator Color","Kopf, Rand und Trennlinien Farbe" },
{ "<qt>Are you sure that you want to delete the view <b>%1</b>?</qt>","<qt>Sind Sie sicher, dass Sie die Ansicht <b>%1</b> löschen möchten?</qt>" },
{ "Confirm Delete","Bestätige Löschen" },
{ "Edit Address Book Filter","Editiere Adressbuch Filter" },
{ "Category rule","Kategorie Regel" },
{ "Include categories","Schließe Kategorien ein" },
{ "Exclude categories","Schließe Kategorien aus" },
{ "Include contacts, that are:","Schließe folgende Kontakte ein:" },
{ "public","Öffentlich" },
{ "private","Privat" },
{ "confidential","Vertraulich" },
{ "Configure Resources","Konfiguriere Resourcen" },
{ "Resource Configuration","Resource Konfiguration" },
{ "Resources","Resourcen" },
{ "Standard","Standard" },
{ "&Use as Standard","Setze als Standard" },
{ "Select type of the new resource:","Selektiere Typ der neuen Resource:" },
{ "General Settings","Allgemeine Einstellungen" },
{ "Read-only","Nur-Lesen" },
{ "Include in sync","Schließe in Sync mit ein" },
{ "%1 Resource Settings","%1 Resource Einstellungen" },
{ "Format:","Format:" },
{ "Location:","Ort:" },
{ "Full Menu bar (restart)","Volle Menu Leiste (Neustart!)" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Ihr gerade genutztes Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverzeichnis)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>Set new data storage dir:</b>","<b>Setze neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "Not existing dirs are created automatically","Nicht existierende Verzeichnisse werden erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "The settings of the storage\ndir is saved in the file\n%1","Die Einstellungen des Speicherverzeichnisses\nwerden in folgender Datei gespeichert:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" },
{ "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Lokal:" },
{ "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back options","Optionen zum Zurückschreiben" },
{ "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Einträge zurück" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter für das Hinzufügen von Daten zu Entfernt:" },
{ "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Einträge für Zeitspanne zurück" },
{ "Time period","Zeitspanne" },
{ "From ","Von " },
{ " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " },
{ " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " },
{ "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abhängige Einstellungen" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Aborted! Nothing synced!","Abgebrochen! Nichts wurde gesynct!" },
-{ "","" },
-{ "","" },
+{ "You cannot remove your standard resource!\n Please select a new standard resource first.","Standard Resource kann\nnicht entfernt werden!\nBitte eine andere Resource\nals Standard setzen." },
+{ "Sorry","Tut mir leid" },
+{ "You cannot use a read-only<br> resource as standard!","Man kann nicht eine read-only<br> Resource als Standard setzen!" },
+{ "Please restart to get the \nchanged resources (re)loaded!\n","Bitte starten Sie jetzt\ndas Programm neu, um die geänderten\nResourcen neu zu laden!\n" },
+{ "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n","Die gewählte Datei enthält\n keine gültige vCard.\nBitte prüfen Sie die Datei\nund versuchen es erneut.\n" },
+{ "Unable to load resource '%1'","Resource kann nicht geladen werden: '%1'" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" }, \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp b/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
index acf6419..c56be8b 100644
--- a/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
+++ b/kaddressbook/xxport/vcard_xxport.cpp
@@ -1,256 +1,255 @@
- This file is part of KAddressbook.
- Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
- As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
- with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
- without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
+ This file is part of KAddressbook.
+ Copyright (c) 2003 Tobias Koenig <>
+ This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
+ it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+ the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
+ (at your option) any later version.
+ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+ but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+ GNU General Public License for more details.
+ You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+ along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
+ Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
+ As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
+ with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
+ without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
-Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
-Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
+ Enhanced Version of the file for platform independent KDE tools.
+ Copyright (c) 2004 Ulf Schenk
+ $Id$
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
+#include <qfileinfo.h>
#include <kabc/vcardconverter.h>
#include <kabc/vcardparser/vcardtool.h>
#include <kfiledialog.h>
#include <kio/netaccess.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <ktempfile.h>
#include <kurl.h>
#include "xxportmanager.h"
#include "vcard_xxport.h"
class VCardXXPortFactory : public XXPortFactory
- public:
XXPortObject *xxportObject( KABC::AddressBook *ab, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
- return new VCardXXPort( ab, parent, name );
+ return new VCardXXPort( ab, parent, name );
extern "C"
- void *init_libkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
+ void *init_libkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
- void *init_microkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
+ void *init_microkaddrbk_vcard_xxport()
- {
- return ( new VCardXXPortFactory() );
- }
+ {
+ return ( new VCardXXPortFactory() );
+ }
VCardXXPort::VCardXXPort( KABC::AddressBook *ab, QWidget *parent, const char *name )
- : XXPortObject( ab, parent, name )
+ : XXPortObject( ab, parent, name )
- createImportAction( i18n( "Import vCard..." ) );
-//US KABC::VCardConverter does not support the export of 2.1 addressbooks.
-//US createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 2.1..." ), "v21" );
- createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 3.0..." ), "v30" );
+ createImportAction( i18n( "Import vCard..." ) );
+ //US KABC::VCardConverter does not support the export of 2.1 addressbooks.
+ //US createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 2.1..." ), "v21" );
+ createExportAction( i18n( "Export vCard 3.0..." ), "v30" );
bool VCardXXPort::exportContacts( const KABC::AddresseeList &list, const QString &data )
- QString name;
+ QString name;
- if ( list.count() == 1 )
- name = list[ 0 ].givenName() + "_" + list[ 0 ].familyName() + ".vcf";
- else
- name = "addressbook.vcf";
+ if ( list.count() == 1 )
+ name = list[ 0 ].givenName() + "_" + list[ 0 ].familyName() + ".vcf";
+ else
+ name = "addressbook.vcf";
- QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name );
+ QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name );
- QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name, i18n("Save file"), parentWidget() );
+ QString fileName = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( name, i18n("Save file"), parentWidget() );
- if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
- return false;
+ if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
+ return false;
- QFile outFile( fileName );
- if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
- QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b> for export.</qt>" );
- KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( fileName ) );
- return false;
- }
+ QFile outFile( fileName );
+ if ( ! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
+ QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to open file <b>%1</b> for export.</qt>" );
+ KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( fileName ) );
+ return false;
+ }
- QTextStream t( &outFile );
- t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
+ QTextStream t( &outFile );
+ t.setEncoding( QTextStream::UnicodeUTF8 );
- KABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it;
- for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
- KABC::VCardConverter converter;
- QString vcard;
+ KABC::Addressee::List::ConstIterator it;
+ for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) {
+ KABC::VCardConverter converter;
+ QString vcard;
- KABC::VCardConverter::Version version;
- if ( data == "v21" )
- version = KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1;
- else
- version = KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0;
+ KABC::VCardConverter::Version version;
+ if ( data == "v21" )
+ version = KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1;
+ else
+ version = KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0;
- converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard, version );
- t << vcard << "\r\n\r\n";
- }
+ converter.addresseeToVCard( *it, vcard, version );
+ t << vcard << "\r\n\r\n";
+ }
- outFile.close();
+ outFile.close();
- return true;
+ return true;
KABC::AddresseeList VCardXXPort::importContacts( const QString& ) const
- QString fileName;
- KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
- KURL url;
+ QString fileName;
+ KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
+ KURL url;
- if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
- addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
- else {
- if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
- {
- url = KFileDialog::getLoadFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
- }
- else
- url = XXPortManager::importURL;
- if ( url.isEmpty() )
- return addrList;
- QString caption( i18n( "vCard Import Failed" ) );
- if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, fileName ) ) {
- QFile file( fileName );
- IO_ReadOnly );
- QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
- addrList = parseVCard( data );
- if ( !url.isLocalFile() )
- KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( fileName );
+ if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
+ addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
+ else {
+ if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ url = KFileDialog::getLoadFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
+ }
+ else
+ url = XXPortManager::importURL;
+ if ( url.isEmpty() )
+ return addrList;
+ QString caption( i18n( "vCard Import Failed" ) );
+ if ( KIO::NetAccess::download( url, fileName ) ) {
+ QFile file( fileName );
+ IO_ReadOnly );
+ QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
+ addrList = parseVCard( data );
+ if ( !url.isLocalFile() )
+ KIO::NetAccess::removeTempFile( fileName );
+ } else {
+ QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to access <b>%1</b>.</qt>" );
+ KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( url.url() ), caption );
+ }
- } else {
- QString text = i18n( "<qt>Unable to access <b>%1</b>.</qt>" );
- KMessageBox::error( parentWidget(), text.arg( url.url() ), caption );
- }
- if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
- addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
- else {
- if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
- {
- fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
- if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
- return addrList;
- }
- else
- {
-//US url = XXPortManager::importURL;
- qDebug("VCardXXPort::importContacts Urls at the moment not supported");
- if ( url.isEmpty() )
- return addrList;
+ if ( !XXPortManager::importData.isEmpty() )
+ addrList = parseVCard( XXPortManager::importData );
+ else {
+ if ( XXPortManager::importURL.isEmpty() )
+ {
+ fileName = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( QString::null, i18n("Select vCard to Import"), parentWidget() );
+ if ( fileName.isEmpty() )
+ return addrList;
+ QFileInfo fi ( fileName );
+ if ( !fi.isFile() )
+ return addrList;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ //US url = XXPortManager::importURL;
+ qDebug("VCardXXPort::importContacts Urls at the moment not supported");
+ if ( url.isEmpty() )
+ return addrList;
+ }
+ QFile file( fileName );
+ if ( IO_ReadOnly ) ) {
+ QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
+ file.close();
+ QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
+ addrList = parseVCard( data );
+ }
- QFile file( fileName );
- IO_ReadOnly );
- QByteArray rawData = file.readAll();
- file.close();
- QString data = QString::fromUtf8(, rawData.size() + 1 );
- addrList = parseVCard( data );
- }
- return addrList;
+ return addrList;
KABC::AddresseeList VCardXXPort::parseVCard( const QString &data ) const
- KABC::VCardTool tool;
- KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
- addrList = tool.parseVCards( data );
- // LR : I switched to the code, which is in current cvs HEAD
- /*
- uint numVCards = data.contains( "BEGIN:VCARD", false );
- QStringList dataList = QStringList::split( "\r\n\r\n", data );
+ KABC::VCardTool tool;
+ KABC::AddresseeList addrList;
+ addrList = tool.parseVCards( data );
+ // LR : I switched to the code, which is in current cvs HEAD
+ /*
+ uint numVCards = data.contains( "BEGIN:VCARD", false );
+ QStringList dataList = QStringList::split( "\r\n\r\n", data );
- for ( uint i = 0; i < numVCards && i < dataList.count(); ++i ) {
- KABC::Addressee addr;
- bool ok = false;
+ for ( uint i = 0; i < numVCards && i < dataList.count(); ++i ) {
+ KABC::Addressee addr;
+ bool ok = false;
- if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:3.0" ) )
+ if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:3.0" ) )
ok = converter.vCardToAddressee( dataList[ i ], addr, KABC::VCardConverter::v3_0 );
- else if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:2.1" ) )
+ else if ( dataList[ i ].contains( "VERSION:2.1" ) )
ok = converter.vCardToAddressee( dataList[ i ], addr, KABC::VCardConverter::v2_1 );
- else {
+ else {
KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), i18n( "Not supported vCard version." ) );
- }
+ }
- if ( !addr.isEmpty() && ok )
+ if ( !addr.isEmpty() && ok )
addrList.append( addr );
- else {
+ else {
QString text = i18n( "The selected file does not include a valid vCard. "
- "Please check the file and try again." );
+ "Please check the file and try again." );
KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), text );
+ }
+ }
+ */
+ if ( addrList.isEmpty() ) {
+ QString text = i18n( "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n" );
+ KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), text );
- }
- */
- if ( addrList.isEmpty() ) {
- QString text = i18n( "The selected file does not\ninclude a valid vCard.\nPlease check the file and try again.\n" );
- KMessageBox::sorry( parentWidget(), text );
- }
- return addrList;
+ return addrList;
#include "vcard_xxport.moc"
diff --git a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
index 7f31ab1..aec74fa 100644
--- a/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
+++ b/microkde/kdecore/klocale.cpp
@@ -1,267 +1,267 @@
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qapplication.h>
#include "kdebug.h"
#include "kcalendarsystemgregorian.h"
#include "klocale.h"
#include <qstringlist.h>
QDict<QString> *mLocaleDict = 0;
void setLocaleDict( QDict<QString> * dict )
mLocaleDict = dict;
QStringList missingTrans;
QStringList existingTrans1;
QStringList existingTrans2;
void addMissing(const char *text)
QString mis ( text );
if ( !missingTrans.contains( mis ) )
void addExist(const char *text,QString trans )
QString mis ( text );
if ( !existingTrans1.contains( mis ) ) {
#include <qfile.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
void dumpMissing()
QString fileName = "/tmp/usernewtrans.txt";
QFile file( fileName );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
return ;
QTextStream ts( &file );
ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i< missingTrans.count(); ++i ) {
QString text = missingTrans[i].replace( QRegExp("\n"),"\\n" );
ts << "{ \""<<text<< "\",\""<< text <<"\" },\n";
QString fileName = "/tmp/usertrans.txt";
QFile file( fileName );
if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) {
return ;
QTextStream ts( &file );
ts.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") );
int i;
for ( i = 0; i< existingTrans1.count(); ++i ) {
QString text = existingTrans1[i].replace( QRegExp("\n"),"\\n" );
QString text2 = existingTrans2[i].replace( QRegExp("\n"),"\\n" );
ts << "{ \""<<text<< "\",\""<< text2 <<"\" },\n";
QString i18n(const char *text)
if ( ! mLocaleDict ) {
addMissing( text );
return QString( text );
else {
QString* ret = mLocaleDict->find(QString(text)) ;
if ( ret == 0 ) {
addMissing( text );
return QString( text );
else {
if ( (*ret).isEmpty() ) {
addMissing( text );
return QString( text );
else {
addExist( text, *ret );
return (*ret);
QString i18n(const char *,const char *text)
return i18n( text );
QString i18n(const char *text1, const char *textn, int num)
if ( num == 1 ) return i18n( text1 );
else {
QString text = i18n( textn );
int pos = text.find( "%n" );
if ( pos >= 0 ) text.replace( pos, 2, QString::number( num ) );
return text;
inline void put_it_in( QChar *buffer, uint& index, const QString &s )
for ( uint l = 0; l < s.length(); l++ )
buffer[index++] = l );
inline void put_it_in( QChar *buffer, uint& index, int number )
buffer[index++] = number / 10 + '0';
buffer[index++] = number % 10 + '0';
static int readInt(const QString &str, uint &pos)
if (! return -1;
int result = 0;
for (; str.length() > pos &&; pos++)
result *= 10;
result +=;
return result;
KLocale::KLocale() : mCalendarSystem( 0 )
m_decimalSymbol = ".";
m_positiveSign = "";
m_negativeSign = "-";
m_thousandsSeparator = ",";
mWeekStartsMonday = true;
mHourF24Format = true;
mIntDateFormat = Default;
mIntTimeFormat = Default;
mLanguage = 0;
mDateFormat = "%a %Y %b %d";
mDateFormatShort = "%Y-%m-%d";
mTimeZoneList << ("-11:00 US/Samoa")
<< ("-10:00 US/Hawaii")
<< ("-09:00 US/Alaska")
<< ("-08:00 US/Pacific")
<< ("-07:00 US/Mountain")
<< ("-06:00 US/Central")
<< ("-05:00 US/Eastern")
<< ("-04:00 Brazil/West")
<< ("-03:00 Brazil/East")
<< ("-02:00 Brazil/DeNoronha")
<< ("-01:00 Atlantic/Azores")
<< (" 00:00 Europe/London(UTC)")
<< ("+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)")
<< ("+02:00 Europe/Helsinki")
<< ("+03:00 Europe/Moscow")
<< ("+04:00 Indian/Mauritius")
<< ("+05:00 Indian/Maldives")
<< ("+06:00 Indian/Chagos")
<< ("+07:00 Asia/Bangkok")
<< ("+08:00 Asia/Hongkong")
<< ("+09:00 Asia/Tokyo")
<< ("+10:00 Asia/Vladivostok")
<< ("+11:00 Asia/Magadan")
<< ("+12:00 Asia/Kamchatka")
// << (" xx:xx User defined offset")
<< i18n (" Local Time");
mSouthDaylight = false;
mTimeZoneOffset = 0;
daylightEnabled = false;
void KLocale::setDateFormat( QString s )
mDateFormat = s;
void KLocale::setDateFormatShort( QString s )
mDateFormatShort = s;
void KLocale::setHore24Format ( bool b )
mHourF24Format = b;
void KLocale::setWeekStartMonday( bool b )
mWeekStartsMonday = b;
KLocale::IntDateFormat KLocale::getIntDateFormat( )
return mIntDateFormat;
void KLocale::setIntDateFormat( KLocale::IntDateFormat i )
mIntDateFormat = i;
KLocale::IntDateFormat KLocale::getIntTimeFormat( )
return mIntTimeFormat;
void KLocale::setIntTimeFormat( KLocale::IntDateFormat i )
mIntTimeFormat = i;
void KLocale::setLanguage( int i )
mLanguage = i;
int KLocale::language( )
return mLanguage;
QString KLocale::translate( const char *index ) const
return i18n( index );
QString KLocale::translate( const char *, const char *fallback) const