-rw-r--r-- | kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp | 6 |
1 files changed, 5 insertions, 1 deletions
diff --git a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp index c5a36e2..4098dda 100644 --- a/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp +++ b/kaddressbook/kabcore.cpp @@ -1948,407 +1948,411 @@ void KABCore::initActions() SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_undo" ); mActionRedo = new KAction( i18n( "Re&do" ), "redo", CTRL + SHIFT + Key_Z, this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_redo" ); } else { mActionCopy = KStdAction::copy( this, SLOT( copyContacts() ), actionCollection() ); mActionCut = KStdAction::cut( this, SLOT( cutContacts() ), actionCollection() ); mActionPaste = KStdAction::paste( this, SLOT( pasteContacts() ), actionCollection() ); mActionSelectAll = KStdAction::selectAll( this, SLOT( selectAllContacts() ), actionCollection() ); mActionUndo = KStdAction::undo( this, SLOT( undo() ), actionCollection() ); mActionRedo = KStdAction::redo( this, SLOT( redo() ), actionCollection() ); } mActionDelete = new KAction( i18n( "&Delete Contact" ), "editdelete", Key_Delete, this, SLOT( deleteContacts() ), actionCollection(), "edit_delete" ); mActionUndo->setEnabled( false ); mActionRedo->setEnabled( false ); // settings menu #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED //US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE // you do that through the control center !!! mActionConfigResources = new KAction( i18n( "Configure &Resources..." ), "configure_resources", 0, this, SLOT( configureResources() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_configure_resources" ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED if ( mIsPart ) { mActionConfigKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&Configure KAddressBook..." ), "configure", 0, this, SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_configure" ); //US not implemented yet //mActionConfigShortcuts = new KAction( i18n( "Configure S&hortcuts..." ), "configure_shortcuts", 0, // this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection(), // "kaddressbook_configure_shortcuts" ); #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED mActionConfigureToolbars = KStdAction::configureToolbars( this, SLOT( mMainWindow->configureToolbars() ), actionCollection() ); mActionConfigureToolbars->setEnabled( false ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED } else { mActionConfigKAddressbook = KStdAction::preferences( this, SLOT( openConfigDialog() ), actionCollection() ); //US not implemented yet //mActionKeyBindings = KStdAction::keyBindings( this, SLOT( configureKeyBindings() ), actionCollection() ); } mActionJumpBar = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Jump Bar" ), 0, 0, actionCollection(), "options_show_jump_bar" ); connect( mActionJumpBar, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setJumpButtonBarVisible( bool ) ) ); mActionDetails = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Show Details" ), "listview", 0, actionCollection(), "options_show_details" ); connect( mActionDetails, SIGNAL( toggled( bool ) ), SLOT( setDetailsVisible( bool ) ) ); mActionBR = new KToggleAction( i18n( "Beam receive enabled" ), "beam", 0, this, SLOT( toggleBeamReceive() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_beam_rec" ); // misc // only enable LDAP lookup if we can handle the protocol #ifndef KAB_EMBEDDED if ( KProtocolInfo::isKnownProtocol( KURL( "ldap://localhost" ) ) ) { new KAction( i18n( "&Lookup Addresses in Directory" ), "find", 0, this, SLOT( openLDAPDialog() ), actionCollection(), "ldap_lookup" ); } #else //KAB_EMBEDDED //qDebug("KABCore::initActions() LDAP has to be implemented"); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED mActionWhoAmI = new KAction( i18n( "Set Who Am I" ), "personal", 0, this, SLOT( setWhoAmI() ), actionCollection(), "set_personal" ); mActionCategories = new KAction( i18n( "Set Categories" ), 0, this, SLOT( setCategories() ), actionCollection(), "edit_set_categories" ); mActionEditCategories = new KAction( i18n( "Edit Categories" ), 0, this, SLOT( editCategories() ), actionCollection(), "edit__categories" ); mActionRemoveVoice = new KAction( i18n( "Remove \"voice\"..." ), 0, this, SLOT( removeVoice() ), actionCollection(), "remove_voice" ); mActionSetFormattedName = new KAction( i18n( "Set formatted name..." ), 0, this, SLOT( setFormattedName() ), actionCollection(), "set_formatted" ); mActionManageCategories= new KAction( i18n( "Manage new categories..." ), 0, this, SLOT( manageCategories() ), actionCollection(), "remove_voice" ); mActionImportOL = new KAction( i18n( "Import from Outlook..." ), 0, this, SLOT( importFromOL() ), actionCollection(), "import_OL" ); #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED mActionLicence = new KAction( i18n( "Licence" ), 0, this, SLOT( showLicence() ), actionCollection(), "licence_about_data" ); mActionFaq = new KAction( i18n( "Faq" ), 0, this, SLOT( faq() ), actionCollection(), "faq_about_data" ); mActionWN = new KAction( i18n( "What's New?" ), 0, this, SLOT( whatsnew() ), actionCollection(), "wn" ); mActionSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Sync HowTo" ), 0, this, SLOT( synchowto() ), actionCollection(), "sync" ); mActionKdeSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Kde Sync HowTo" ), 0, this, SLOT( kdesynchowto() ), actionCollection(), "kdesync" ); mActionMultiSyncHowto = new KAction( i18n( "Multi Sync HowTo" ), 0, this, SLOT( multisynchowto() ), actionCollection(), "multisync" ); mActionAboutKAddressbook = new KAction( i18n( "&About KAddressBook" ), "kaddressbook2", 0, this, SLOT( createAboutData() ), actionCollection(), "kaddressbook_about_data" ); #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED clipboardDataChanged(); connect( UndoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) ); connect( RedoStack::instance(), SIGNAL( changed() ), SLOT( updateActionMenu() ) ); } //US we need this function, to plug all actions into the correct menues. // KDE uses a XML format to plug the actions, but we work her without this overhead. void KABCore::addActionsManually() { //US qDebug("KABCore::initActions(): mIsPart %i", mIsPart); #ifdef KAB_EMBEDDED QPopupMenu *fileMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *editMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this ); KToolBar* tb = mMainWindow->toolBar(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( KABPrefs::instance()->mFullMenuBarVisible ) { #endif QMenuBar* mb = mMainWindow->menuBar(); //US setup menubar. //Disable the following block if you do not want to have a menubar. mb->insertItem( i18n("&File"), fileMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("&Edit"), editMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("&View"), viewMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("&Settings"), settingsMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); //mb->insertItem( i18n("&Change"), changeMenu ); mb->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), helpMenu ); mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); // tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION } else { //US setup toolbar QPEMenuBar *menuBarTB = new QPEMenuBar( tb ); QPopupMenu *popupBarTB = new QPopupMenu( this ); menuBarTB->insertItem( "ME", popupBarTB); tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, menuBarTB); mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); tb->enableMoving(false); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&File"), fileMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&Edit"), editMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&View"), viewMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&Settings"), settingsMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu ); mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( popupBarTB); //popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&Change selected"), changeMenu ); popupBarTB->insertItem( i18n("&Help"), helpMenu ); if (QApplication::desktop()->width() > 320 ) { // mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb); } } #endif // mActionQuit->plug ( mMainWindow->toolBar()); //US Now connect the actions with the menue entries. +#ifdef DESKTOP_VERSION mActionPrint->plug( fileMenu ); +#endif mActionMail->plug( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionNewContact->plug( fileMenu ); mActionNewContact->plug( tb ); mActionEditAddressee->plug( fileMenu ); // if ((KGlobal::getDesktopSize() > KGlobal::Small ) || // (!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce )) mActionEditAddressee->plug( tb ); fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionSave->plug( fileMenu ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Import", ImportMenu ); fileMenu->insertItem( "&Export", ExportMenu ); fileMenu->insertItem( i18n("&Change"), changeMenu ); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( Ir::supported() ) fileMenu->insertItem( i18n("&Beam"), beamMenu ); #endif - +#if 0 + // PENDING fix MailVCard fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionMailVCard->plug( fileMenu ); +#endif #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBR->plug( beamMenu ); if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeamVCard->plug( beamMenu ); if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBeam->plug( beamMenu ); #endif fileMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionQuit->plug( fileMenu ); #ifdef _WIN32_ mActionImportOL->plug( ImportMenu ); #endif // edit menu mActionUndo->plug( editMenu ); mActionRedo->plug( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionCut->plug( editMenu ); mActionCopy->plug( editMenu ); mActionPaste->plug( editMenu ); mActionDelete->plug( editMenu ); editMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionSelectAll->plug( editMenu ); mActionSetFormattedName->plug( changeMenu ); mActionRemoveVoice->plug( changeMenu ); // settings menu //US special menuentry to configure the addressbook resources. On KDE // you do that through the control center !!! mActionConfigResources->plug( settingsMenu ); settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionConfigKAddressbook->plug( settingsMenu ); if ( mIsPart ) { //US not implemented yet //mActionConfigShortcuts->plug( settingsMenu ); //mActionConfigureToolbars->plug( settingsMenu ); } else { //US not implemented yet //mActionKeyBindings->plug( settingsMenu ); } settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionJumpBar->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionDetails->plug( settingsMenu ); //if (!KABPrefs::instance()->mMultipleViewsAtOnce || KGlobal::getDesktopSize() == KGlobal::Desktop ) mActionDetails->plug( tb ); settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION if ( Ir::supported() ) mActionBR->plug(settingsMenu ); #endif settingsMenu->insertSeparator(); mActionWhoAmI->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionEditCategories->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionEditCategories->plug( changeMenu ); mActionCategories->plug( changeMenu ); mActionManageCategories->plug( changeMenu ); mActionCategories->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionManageCategories->plug( settingsMenu ); mActionWN->plug( helpMenu ); mActionSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); mActionKdeSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); mActionMultiSyncHowto->plug( helpMenu ); mActionFaq->plug( helpMenu ); mActionLicence->plug( helpMenu ); mActionAboutKAddressbook->plug( helpMenu ); if (KGlobal::getDesktopSize() > KGlobal::Small ) { mActionSave->plug( tb ); mViewManager->getFilterAction()->plug ( tb); //LR hide filteraction on started in 480x640 if (QApplication::desktop()->width() == 480 ) { mViewManager->getFilterAction()->setComboWidth( 0 ); } mActionUndo->plug( tb ); mActionDelete->plug( tb ); mActionRedo->plug( tb ); } else { mActionSave->plug( tb ); tb->enableMoving(false); } //mActionQuit->plug ( tb ); // tb->insertWidget(-1, 0, mIncSearchWidget, 6); //US link the searchwidget first to this. // The real linkage to the toolbar happens later. //US mIncSearchWidget->reparent(tb, 0, QPoint(50,0), TRUE); //US tb->insertItem( mIncSearchWidget ); /*US mIncSearchWidget = new IncSearchWidget( tb ); connect( mIncSearchWidget, SIGNAL( doSearch( const QString& ) ), SLOT( incrementalSearch( const QString& ) ) ); mJumpButtonBar = new JumpButtonBar( this, this ); //US topLayout->addWidget( mJumpButtonBar ); this->layout()->add( mJumpButtonBar ); */ #endif //KAB_EMBEDDED mActionExport2phone->plug( ExportMenu ); connect ( syncMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), syncManager, SLOT (slotSyncMenu( int ) ) ); syncManager->fillSyncMenu(); } void KABCore::showLicence() { KApplication::showLicence(); } void KABCore::manageCategories( ) { KABCatPrefs* cp = new KABCatPrefs(); cp->show(); int w =cp->sizeHint().width() ; int h = cp->sizeHint().height() ; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); cp->setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); if ( !cp->exec() ) { delete cp; return; } int count = 0; message( i18n("Please wait, processing categories...")); if ( cp->addCat() ) { KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it; QStringList catList = KABPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories; for( it = mAddressBook->begin(); it != mAddressBook->end(); ++it ) { QStringList catIncList = (*it).categories(); int i; for( i = 0; i< catIncList.count(); ++i ) { if ( !catList.contains (catIncList[i])) { catList.append( catIncList[i] ); //qDebug("add cat %s ", catIncList[i].latin1()); ++count; } } } catList.sort(); KABPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories = catList; KABPrefs::instance()->writeConfig(); message(QString::number( count )+ i18n(" categories added to list! ")); } else { QStringList catList = KABPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories; QStringList catIncList; QStringList newCatList; KABC::AddressBook::Iterator it; for( it = mAddressBook->begin(); it != mAddressBook->end(); ++it ) { QStringList catIncList = (*it).categories(); int i; if ( catIncList.count() ) { newCatList.clear(); for( i = 0; i< catIncList.count(); ++i ) { if ( catList.contains (catIncList[i])) { newCatList.append( catIncList[i] ); } } newCatList.sort(); (*it).setCategories( newCatList ); mAddressBook->insertAddressee( (*it) ); } } setModified( true ); mViewManager->refreshView(); message( i18n("Removing categories done!")); } delete cp; } void KABCore::removeVoice() { if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("After importing, phone numbers\nmay have two or more types.\n(E.g. work+voice)\nThese numbers are shown as \"other\".\nClick Yes to remove the voice type\nfrom numbers with more than one type.\n\nRemove voice type?") ) == KMessageBox::No ) return; KABC::Addressee::List list; XXPortSelectDialog dlg( this, false, this ); if ( dlg.exec() ) list = dlg.contacts(); else return; KABC::Addressee::List::Iterator it; for ( it = list.begin(); it != list.end(); ++it ) { if ( (*it).removeVoice() ) addrModified((*it), false ); } } |