-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 3 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.cpp | 9 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.h | 2 |
3 files changed, 9 insertions, 5 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 5a5b73e..8f63d1c 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -1019,207 +1019,206 @@ { "<p><b>left</b>: Prev. week | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Prev. month</p>\n","<p><b>left</b>: Vorh. Woche | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Vorh. Monat</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>right</b>: Next week | <b>right+ctrl</b>: Next month</p>\n","<p><b>right</b>: N�chste Woche | <b>right+ctrl</b>: N�chste Woche</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>B</b>: Edit description (details) of selected item</p>\n","<p><b>B</b>: Editiere Beschreibung (Details) des selektierten Items</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>C</b>: Show current time in agenda view</p>\n","<p><b>C</b>: Zeige aktuelle Zeit in Agenda Ansicht</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom in/out agenda | <b>A</b>: Toggle allday agenda height</p>\n","<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom rein/raus Agenda | <b>A</b>: Wechsle Ganztag Agenda H�he</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: Add sub-todo | <b>X</b>: Toggle datenavigator</p>\n","<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: F�ge Sub-Todo hinzu | <b>X</b>: Zeige/verstecke Datenavigator</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>T</b>: Goto today | <b>T+ctrl</b>: New Todo</p>\n","<p><b>T</b>: Gehe zu Heute | <b>T+ctrl</b>: Neues Todo</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>E</b>: Edit selected item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: New Event</p>\n","<p><b>E</b>: Editiere selektiertes Item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: Neuer Termin</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>D</b>: One day view | <b>M</b>: Month view</p>\n","<p><b>D</b>: Ein-Tages Ansicht | <b>M</b>: Monats Ansicht</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Work week view | <b>U</b>: Week view</p>\n","<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Arbeitswochen Ansicht | <b>U</b>: Wochen Ansicht</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>V</b>: Todo view | <b>L</b>: Event list view</p>\n","<p><b>V</b>: Todo Ansicht | <b>L</b>: Termin Listen Ansicht</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>N</b>: Next days view| <b>W</b>: What's next view\n ","<p><b>N</b>: N�chste-Tage Ansicht days view| <b>W</b>: What's next Ansicht\n " }, { "<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Select filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n","<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Selektiere Filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>O</b>: Filter On/Off | <b>J</b>: Journal view</p>\n","<p><b>O</b>: Filter An/Aus | <b>J</b>: Journal Ansicht</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>F</b>: Toggle filterview |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Edit filter </p>\n","<p><b>F</b>: Zeige/verstecke Filter Ansicht |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Editiere Filter </p>\n" }, { "<p><b>Space</b>: Toggle fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Date picker</p>\n","<p><b>Space</b>: Zeige fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Datums Picker</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>I</b>: Show info for selected event/todo</p>\n","<p><b>I</b>: Zeige Info (Details) f�r selektiertes Item</p>\n" }, { "<p><b>H</b>: This help dialog | <b>S</b>: Search dialog</p>\n","<p><b>H</b>: Dieser Hilfe Dialog | <b>S</b>: Such Dialog</p>\n" }, { "<p><h2>KO/Pi key shortcuts:</h2></p>\n","<p><h2>KO/Pi Tastatur Kurzbefehle:</h2></p>\n" }, { "After changing something, the data is\nautomatically saved to the file\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nafter (configurable) three minutes.\nFor safety reasons there is one autosaving\nafter 10 minutes (of idle time) again. The \ndata is saved automatically when closing KO/Pi\nYou can create a backup file \nwith: File - Save Calendar Backup\n","Nachdem etwas ge�ndert wurde, werden die\nDaten automatisch in die Datei abgespeichert\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nnach (konfigurierbar) drei Minuten.\nAus Sicherheitsgr�nden wird noch einmal\nnach 10 Min. abgespeichert, wenn keine\n�nderungen vorgenommen wurden. Die \nDaten werden automatisch gespeichert,\nwenn KO/Pi beendet wird.\nSie k�nnen eine Backup-Datei erstellen im\nMenu: Datei - Speichere Kalender Backup\n" }, { "Auto Saving in KOrganizer/Pi","Auto Speichern in KOrganizer/Pi" }, { "\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/kdepimpi\n","\nhttp://sourceforge.net/projects/kdepimpi\n" }, { "\nor report them in the bugtracker on\n","\noder trage sie in dem Bugtracker ein auf\n" }, { "\nPlease report unexpected behaviour to\nlutz@pi-sync.net\n","\nBitte melde fehlerhaftes Verhalten an\nlutz@pi-sync.net\n" }, { "2) Audio alarm daemon\nfor Zaurus is available!\nas an additional small application\n","2) Ein Audio Alarm Daemon\nf�r den Zaurus ist verf�gbar\nals zus�tzliche Anwendung\n" }, { "1) Importing *.vcs or *.ics files from\nother applications may not work properly,\nif there are events with properties\nKO/Pi does not support.\n","1) Importieren von *.vcs oder *.ics Dateien von\nanderen Anwendungen kann m�glicherweise\n nicht richtig funktionieren,\nwenn die Termine Eigenschaften haben,\ndie KO/Pi nicht unterst�tzt.\n" }, { "Known Problems in KOrganizer/Pi","Bekannte Probleme in KOrganizer/Pi" }, { "KO/Pi FAQ","KO/Pi FAQ" }, { "(c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski\nEmail:lutz@pi-sync.net\nKO/Pi is based on KOrganizer\n(c) 2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\nEmail: schumacher@kde.org\nKOrganizer/Pi is licensed\nunder the GPL.\nKO/Pi can be compiled for\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA and Windows\nwww.korganizer.org\nwww.pi-sync.net\n","(c) 2004 Lutz Rogowski\nEmail:lutz@pi-sync.net\nKO/Pi basiert auf KOrganizer\n(c) 2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\nEmail: schumacher@kde.org\nKOrganizer/Pi ist lizensiert unter der GPL.\nKO/Pi kann kompiliert werden f�r\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA und Windows\nwww.korganizer.org\nwww.pi-sync.net\n" }, { "PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n","PDA-Edition\nf�r: Zaurus 5x00 / 7x0 / 8x0\n" }, { "KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n","KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n" }, { "About KOrganizer/Pi","�ber KOrganizer/Pi" }, { "From: ","Von: " }, { "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" }, { "For all profiles","F�r alle Profile" }, { "Hide not Running","Verstecke nicht Laufende" }, { "ME","ME" }, { "Toolbar","Toolbar" }, { "Undo Delete...","L�schen r�ckg�ngig machen..." }, { "Undo Delete","L�schen r�ckg�ngig machen" }, { "KDE Sync HowTo...","KDE Sync HowTo..." }, { "Multi Sync HowTo...","Multi Sync HowTo..." }, { "Januar","Januar" }, { "KO/Pi Keys + Colors","KO/Pi Tasten + Farben" }, { "No Filter","Kein Filter" }, { "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" }, { "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" }, { "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter f�r das Hinzuf�gen von Daten zu Lokal:" }, { "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" }, { "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" }, { "Write back options","Optionen zum Zur�ckschreiben" }, { "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Eintr�ge zur�ck" }, { "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter f�r das Hinzuf�gen von Daten zu Entfernt:" }, { "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" }, { "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" }, { "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Eintr�ge f�r Zeitspanne zur�ck" }, { "Time period","Zeitspanne" }, { "From ","Von " }, { " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " }, { " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " }, { "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abh�ngige Einstellungen" }, { "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" }, { "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" }, { "Aborted! Nothing synced!","Abgebrochen! Nichts wurde gesynct!" }, { "Language","Sprache" }, { "Time Format","Zeit Format" }, { "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" }, { "%1 groups subscribed","%1 Guppen abboniert" }, { "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" }, { "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" }, { "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" }, { "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" }, { "Save standard","Speichere Standard" }, { "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" }, { "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" }, { "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" }, { "Language","Sprache" }, { "Show time in agenda items","Zeige Zeit in Agenda Items" }, { "Color for Sundays + category "Holiday"","Farbe f�r Sonntags + Kategorie "Feiertag"" }, { "Show events, that are done in \nWhat's Next view","Zeige abgelaufene Termine in\nWhat's Next Ansicht" }, { "Hide not running Todos in To-do view","Verstecke nicht laufende Todos" }, { "+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)","+01:00 Europe/Oslo(CET)" }, { "KO/Pi","KO/Pi" }, { "There is nothing to undo!","Es gibt nichts zum\nR�ckg�ngigmachen!" }, { "Recreating edit dialog. Please wait...","Recreating edit dialog. Please wait..." }, { "Sound.Al.: ","Sound.Al.: " }, { "From: %1 To: %2 %3","Von: %1 Bis: %2 %3" }, { "Restore","Wiederherstellen" }, { "\nAre you sure you want\nto restore this?","\nM�chten Sie das wirklicht\nwiederherstellen?" }, { "% completed","% komplett" }, { "%d item(s) found.","%d Item(s) gefunden." }, { "Set complete","Setze auf erledigt" }, { "(cancelled)","(gecancelt)" }, { "Click on the week number to\nshow week in agenda view","Klicke auf die Wochennummer\num die Woche in der Agenda anzuzeigen" }, { " Local time "," Locale Zeit " }, { "Form2","Form2" }, { "Filter enabled","Filter angeschaltet" }, { "Edit Filters","�ndere Filter" }, { "Print What's Next View...","Drucke What's Next Ansicht..." }, { "Agenda","Agenda" }, { " ("," (" }, { "<p><b>Due on:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>F�llig am:</b> %1</p>" }, { "Print","Print" }, { "&Setup Printer...","Drucker &Setup..." }, { "View Type","Zeige Typ" }, { "Page &orientation:","Seiten Ausrichtung:" }, { "Use Default of Selected Style","Default des selektierten Stils" }, { "Use Default Setting of Printer","Default Einstellung des Druckers" }, { "Portrait","Portrait" }, { "Landscape","Landschaft" }, { "Print day","Drucke Tag" }, { "CalPrintDay_Base","CalPrintDay_Base" }, { "Date && Time Range","Datum && Zeitspanne" }, { "&End date:","&Enddatum:" }, { "&Start date:","&Startdatum:" }, { "Start &time:","Startzeit:" }, { "End ti&me:","Endzeit:" }, { "E&xtend time range to include all events","Erweitere Zeitspanne um alle Termine einzuschliessen" }, { "Include to&dos that are due on the printed day(s)","Inclusive To&dos, die an den selektierten Tagen f�llig sind" }, { "Alt+D","Alt+D" }, { "&Use colors","Nutze Farben" }, { "Alt+U","Alt+U" }, { "Print week","Drucke Woche" }, { "CalPrintWeek_Base","CalPrintWeek_Base" }, { "Use &colors","Nutze Farben" }, { "Type of View","Typ der Ansicht" }, { "Print as &Filofax page","Drucke als &Filofax Seite" }, { "Alt+F","Alt+F" }, { "Print as &timetable view:","Drucke als Zeittabelle:" }, { "Alt+T","Alt+T" }, { "Print as split week view","Drucke als gesplittete Wochenansicht" }, { "Print month","Drucke Monat" }, { "CalPrintMonth_Base","CalPrintMonth_Base" }, { "&Start month:","&Startmonat:" }, { "&End month:","&Endmonat:" }, { "Print week &numbers","Drucke Wochen Nummer(n)" }, { "Print todos","Drucke Todos" }, { "CalPrintTodoConfig_Base","CalPrintTodoConfig_Base" }, { "Include &description of the item","Inclusive Itembeschreibung" }, { "Include d&ue date of the item","Inclusive F�lligkeitsdatum des Items" }, { "Include &priority of the item","Inclusive Priorit�t des Items" }, { "Items to Print","Zu druckende Items" }, { "&From:","Von:" }, { "&To:","Bis:" }, { "Print &all todo items","Drucke alle Todo Items" }, { "Print only &uncompleted items","Drucke nur nicht erledigte Todos" }, { "Only items due in the &range:","Nur Items in dem Zeitraum:" }, { "Todo List","Todo Liste" }, { "&Title:","&Titel:" }, { "Co&nnect subtodos with its parent","Verbinde Unter-Todos mit ihren Ober-Todos" }, { "Todo list","Todo Liste" }, { "&Print...","Drucke..." }, { "<qt>Printing on printer <b>%1</b></qt>","<qt>Drucke auf Drucker <b>%1</b></qt>" }, { "[Unconfigured]","[Unkonfiguriert]" }, { "OK","OK" }, { "FilterEditor","FilterEditor" }, { "Include","Inclusive" }, { "Exclude","Exclusive" }, { "Edit Selection...","Editiere Auswahl" }, { "recurring events","wiederholende Termine" }, { "recurr. events","wiederh.Termine" }, { "completed to-dos","erledigte Todos" }, { "events","Termine" }, { "todos","Todos" }, { "journals","Journale" }, { "public","�ffentl." }, { "private","privat" }, { "confidential","vertraul." }, { "\nhas sub-todos.\nAll completed sub-todos\nwill be deleted as well!","\nhat Unter-Todos.\nAlle erledigten Unter-Todos\nwerden auch gel�scht!" }, { "Yesterday","Gestern" }, { "Day after tomorrow","�bermorgen" }, { "Tomorrow","Morgen" }, { "Day before yesterday","Vorgestern" }, { "Size %1","Gr��e %1" }, { "New Agendasize: %1","Neue Agendagr��e: %1" }, { " (%1 y.)"," (%1 J.)" }, { "Allday:","Ganzt�gig:" }, { "compl.todos","erled.Todos" }, { "Day view","Tagesansicht" }, { "Next days","N�chste Tage" }, { "Next week","N�chste Woche" }, { "Next two weeks","N�chste zwei Wochen" }, { "Next month","N�chster Monat" }, { "Journal view","Journal" }, { "Display all opened","Zeige alle ge�ffnet" }, { "Display all closed","Zeige alle geschlossen" }, { "Display all flat","Zeige alle flach" }, { "<p><i>Completed on %1</i></p>","<p><i>Erledigt am %1</i></p>" }, { "Default todo done color:","Standard Todo erledigt Farbe" }, { "Select week %1-%2","Selektiere Woche %1-%2" }, { "Select Week","Selektiere Woche" }, { "Set alarm for selected...","Setze Alarm f�r Selekt..." }, -{ "Set reminder offset to:","Setze Alarm Offset auf:" }, { "Set Alarm!","Setze Alarm!" }, { "Canged alarm for %1 items","Alarm f�r %1 Items ge�ndert" }, { " and "," und " }, { "<IMG src="%1"> only )","nur <IMG src="%1"> )" }, { "Mail to selected","Mail an Ausgew�hlte" }, { "Mail to all","Mail an Alle" }, { "Week view mode uses bigger font","Wochenansicht Modus nutzt gr��eren Font" }, -{ "","" }, +{ "Set reminder ON with offset to:","Alarm AN mit Offset auf:" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp index d4d9c0f..d0dbb47 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp @@ -167,429 +167,434 @@ bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Todo *t) } else { mItem->setText(7,"---"); mItem->setText(8,"---"); } mItem->setText(9, t->cancelled() ? i18n("Yes") : i18n("No")); mItem->setText(10,t->categoriesStr()); QString key; QDate d; if (t->hasDueDate()) { d = t->dtDue().date(); QTime tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtDue().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(7,key); } if ( t->hasStartDate() ) { d = t->dtStart().date(); QTime tm = t->doesFloat() ? QTime(0,0) : t->dtStart().time(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day(),tm.hour(),tm.minute()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); } return true; } bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Journal * j) { QString des = j->description().left(50); des = des.simplifyWhiteSpace (); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\n"),"" ); des.replace (QRegExp ("\\r"),"" ); mItem->setText(0,i18n("Journal")+": "+des.left(25)); mItem->setText(1,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(2,"---"); mItem->setText(3,"---"); mItem->setText(4,"---"); mItem->setText(5,"---"); mItem->setText(6,"---"); mItem->setText(7,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(8,"---"); mItem->setText(9,"---"); mItem->setText(10,i18n("Last Modified: ")+ KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( j->lastModified() , true) ); QString key; QDate d = j->dtStart().date(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),d.day()); mItem->setSortKey(1,key); mItem->setSortKey(7,key); return true; } KOListView::KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView(calendar, parent, name) { mActiveItem = 0; mListView = new KOListViewListView(this); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Summary")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Alarm")); // alarm set? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Recurs")); // recurs? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Cancelled")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Categories")); mListView->setColumnAlignment(0,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(1,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(2,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(3,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(5,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(6,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(7,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(8,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(9,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(10,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnWidthMode(10, QListView::Manual); new KOListViewWhatsThis(mListView->viewport(),this); int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii< 10 ; ++iii ) mListView->setColumnWidthMode( iii, QListView::Manual ); QBoxLayout *layoutTop = new QVBoxLayout(this); layoutTop->addWidget(mListView); mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); mPopupMenu = eventPopup(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Select all"),this, SLOT(allSelection()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Deselect all"),this, SLOT(clearSelection()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Delete all selected"),this, SLOT(deleteAll()),true); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Save selected to file..."),this, SLOT(saveToFile()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Save Journal/Description..."),this, SLOT(saveDescriptionToFile()),true); // mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Add Categ. to selected..."),this, SLOT(addCat()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set Categ. for selected..."),this, SLOT(setCat()),true); //mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set alarm for selected..."),this, SLOT(setAlarm()),true); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Beam selected via IR"),this, SLOT(beamSelected()),true); #endif /* mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu; mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit Event"), this, SLOT (editEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("delete"), i18n("Delete Event"), this, SLOT (deleteEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Dates"), this, SLOT(showDates())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Hide Dates"), this, SLOT(hideDates())); */ QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL( newEvent()), this,SIGNAL(signalNewEvent())); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this,SLOT(defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )), this,SLOT(popupMenu(QListViewItem *,const QPoint &,int))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(showIncidence(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)) ); readSettings(KOGlobals::config(),"KOListView Layout"); } KOListView::~KOListView() { delete mPopupMenu; } QString KOListView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { KOListViewItem* item = ( KOListViewItem* ) mListView->itemAt( p ); if ( item ) return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->data() ); return i18n("That is the list view" ); } void KOListView::updateList() { // qDebug(" KOListView::updateList() "); } void KOListView::addCat( ) { setCategories( false ); } void KOListView::setCat() { setCategories( true ); } void KOListView::setAlarm() { KOAlarmPrefs kap( this); if ( !kap.exec() ) return; QStringList itemList; QPtrList<KOListViewItem> sel ; QListViewItem *qitem = mListView->firstChild (); while ( qitem ) { if ( qitem->isSelected() ) { + Incidence* inc = ((KOListViewItem *) qitem)->data(); + if ( inc->type() != "Journal" ) { + if ( inc->type() == "Todo" ) { + if ( ((Todo*)inc)->hasDueDate() ) + sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); + } else sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); } + } qitem = qitem->nextSibling(); } int count = 0; KOListViewItem * item, *temp; item = sel.first(); Incidence* inc; while ( item ) { inc = item->data(); - if ( inc->type() != "Journal" ) { ++count; if (kap.mAlarmButton->isChecked()) { if (inc->alarms().count() == 0) inc->newAlarm(); QPtrList<Alarm> alarms = inc->alarms(); Alarm *alarm; for (alarm = alarms.first(); alarm; alarm = alarms.next() ) { alarm->setEnabled(true); int j = kap.mAlarmTimeEdit->value()* -60; if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 1) j = j * 60; else if (kap.mAlarmIncrCombo->currentItem() == 2) j = j * (60 * 24); alarm->setStartOffset( j ); if (!kap.mAlarmProgram.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { alarm->setProcedureAlarm(kap.mAlarmProgram); } else if (!kap.mAlarmSound.isEmpty() && kap.mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) alarm->setAudioAlarm(kap.mAlarmSound); else alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); //alarm->setAudioAlarm("default"); // TODO: Deal with multiple alarms break; // For now, stop after the first alarm } } else { Alarm* alarm = inc->alarms().first(); if ( alarm ) { alarm->setEnabled(false); alarm->setType(Alarm::Invalid); } } - } temp = item; item = sel.next(); mUidDict.remove( inc->uid() ); delete temp;; addIncidence( inc ); } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Canged alarm for %1 items").arg( count ) ); qDebug("KO: Set alarm for %d items", count); calendar()->reInitAlarmSettings(); } void KOListView::setCategories( bool removeOld ) { KPIM::CategorySelectDialog* csd = new KPIM::CategorySelectDialog( KOPrefs::instance(), 0 ); if (! csd->exec()) { delete csd; return; } QStringList catList = csd->selectedCategories(); delete csd; // if ( catList.count() == 0 ) // return; catList.sort(); QString categoriesStr = catList.join(","); int i; QStringList itemList; QPtrList<KOListViewItem> sel ; QListViewItem *qitem = mListView->firstChild (); while ( qitem ) { if ( qitem->isSelected() ) { sel.append(((KOListViewItem *)qitem)); } qitem = qitem->nextSibling(); } KOListViewItem * item, *temp; item = sel.first(); Incidence* inc; while ( item ) { inc = item->data(); if ( removeOld ) { inc->setCategories( categoriesStr ); } else { itemList = QStringList::split (",", inc->categoriesStr() ); for( i = 0; i< catList.count(); ++i ) { if ( !itemList.contains (catList[i])) itemList.append( catList[i] ); } itemList.sort(); inc->setCategories( itemList.join(",") ); } temp = item; item = sel.next(); mUidDict.remove( inc->uid() ); delete temp;; addIncidence( inc ); } } void KOListView::beamSelected() { int icount = 0; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); ++icount; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( icount ) { emit beamIncidenceList( delSel ); return; QString fn ; fn = QDir::homeDirPath()+"/kopitempbeamfile.vcs"; QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( createbup ) { QString description = "\n"; CalendarLocal* cal = new CalendarLocal(); cal->setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { Incidence *in = incidence->clone(); description += in->summary() + "\n"; cal->addIncidence( in ); incidence = delSel.next(); } FileStorage storage( cal, fn, new VCalFormat ); storage.save(); delete cal; mes = i18n("KO/Pi: Ready for beaming"); topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION Ir *ir = new Ir( this ); connect( ir, SIGNAL( done( Ir * ) ), this, SLOT( beamDone( Ir * ) ) ); ir->send( fn, description, "text/x-vCalendar" ); #endif } } } void KOListView::beamDone( Ir *ir ) { #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION delete ir; #endif topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("KO/Pi:Beaming done")); } void KOListView::saveDescriptionToFile() { int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"), i18n("This saves the text/details of selected\nJournals and Events/Todos\nto a text file."), i18n("Continue"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { return; } int icount = 0; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); ++icount; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( icount ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { QString text = i18n("KO/Pi Description/Journal save file.\nSave date: ") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); icount = 0; while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->type() == "Journal" ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); text +="\n" + i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text +="\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n"+ incidence->description(); ++icount; } else { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) text += i18n("To-Do: "); text += incidence->summary(); if ( incidence->hasStartDate() ) text +="\n"+ i18n("Start Date: ") + incidence->dtStartStr( false ); text +="\n"+ i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text += "\n" +i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location(); text += "\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n" + incidence->description(); ++icount; } } incidence = delSel.next(); } QFile file( fn ); if (!file.open( IO_WriteOnly ) ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("File open error - nothing saved!") ); return; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("%s ", text.latin1()); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1 descriptions/journals").arg(icount ); diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.h b/korganizer/kolistview.h index 78004fe..bd5bd12 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.h +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.h @@ -1,263 +1,263 @@ /* This file is part of KOrganizer. Copyright (c) 1999 Preston Brown Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <schumacher@kde.org> This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef _KOLISTVIEW_H #define _KOLISTVIEW_H #include <qlistview.h> #include <qmap.h> #include <qdict.h> #include <klistview.h> #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION #include <qtopia/ir.h> #else #define Ir char #endif #include <libkcal/incidence.h> #include "koeventview.h" #include "customlistviewitem.h" using namespace KCal; #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qcombobox.h> #include <qspinbox.h> #include <qtooltip.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qhbox.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <kiconloader.h> #include "kfiledialog.h" #include "koprefs.h" class KOAlarmPrefs : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: KOAlarmPrefs( QWidget *par=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( par, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Alarm Options") ); QVBoxLayout* alarmLayout = new QVBoxLayout( this ); alarmLayout->setSpacing( 3 ); alarmLayout->setMargin( 3 ); QWidget *parent = this; - mAlarmButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Set reminder offset to:"),parent); + mAlarmButton = new QCheckBox(i18n("Set reminder ON with offset to:"),parent); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmButton); mAlarmTimeEdit = new QSpinBox ( 0, 9999, 1, parent, "mAlarmTimeEdit " ) ; mAlarmTimeEdit->setValue( 15 ); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmTimeEdit); mAlarmIncrCombo = new QComboBox(false, parent); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("minute(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("hour(s)")); mAlarmIncrCombo->insertItem(i18n("day(s)")); alarmLayout->addWidget(mAlarmIncrCombo); QHBox * hb = new QHBox ( parent ); alarmLayout->addWidget(hb); mAlarmSoundButton = new QPushButton(hb); mAlarmSoundButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("playsound")); mAlarmSoundButton->setToggleButton(true); connect(mAlarmSoundButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmSound())); mAlarmProgramButton = new QPushButton(hb); mAlarmProgramButton->setPixmap(SmallIcon("run")); mAlarmProgramButton->setToggleButton(true); connect(mAlarmProgramButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), SLOT(pickAlarmProgram())); mAlarmSoundButton->setMaximumWidth( mAlarmSoundButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); mAlarmProgramButton->setMaximumWidth(mAlarmProgramButton->sizeHint().width() + 4 ); mAlarmLabel = new QLabel( this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( mAlarmLabel ); mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile.right( 30 ) ); mAlarmSound = KOPrefs::instance()->mDefaultAlarmFile; mAlarmSoundButton->setOn( true ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("Set Alarm!"), this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); alarmLayout->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( accept() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); resize( 200, 200 ); } QString mAlarmSound, mAlarmProgram ; QCheckBox* mAlarmButton; QSpinBox* mAlarmTimeEdit; QLabel* mAlarmLabel; QComboBox* mAlarmIncrCombo ; QPushButton* mAlarmSoundButton ,*mAlarmProgramButton; private slots: void pickAlarmSound() { //QString prefix = mAlarmSound; if (!mAlarmSoundButton->isOn()) { //mAlarmSound = ""; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmSoundButton); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, i18n("No sound set")); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); } else { QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmSound, i18n("*.wav|Wav Files"), 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmSound = fileName; mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+fileName.right( 30 ) ); QToolTip::remove(mAlarmSoundButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Playing '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmSoundButton, dispStr); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); } } }; void pickAlarmProgram() { if (!mAlarmProgramButton->isOn()) { //mAlarmProgram = ""; QToolTip::remove(mAlarmProgramButton); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, i18n("No program set")); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } else { QString fileName(KFileDialog::getOpenFileName(mAlarmProgram,i18n("Procedure Alarm.: ") , 0)); if (!fileName.isEmpty()) { mAlarmProgram = fileName; mAlarmLabel->setText( "..."+fileName.right( 30 ) ); QToolTip::remove(mAlarmProgramButton); QString dispStr = i18n("Running '%1'").arg(fileName); QToolTip::add(mAlarmProgramButton, dispStr); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(false); mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(true); } else { mAlarmProgramButton->setOn(false); mAlarmSoundButton->setOn(true); } } }; }; typedef CustomListViewItem<Incidence *> KOListViewItem; /** This class provides the initialisation of a KOListViewItem for calendar components using the Incidence::Visitor. */ class ListItemVisitor : public Incidence::Visitor { public: ListItemVisitor(KOListViewItem *, QDate d); ~ListItemVisitor(); bool visit(Event *); bool visit(Todo *); bool visit(Journal *); private: KOListViewItem *mItem; QDate mDate; }; /** This class provides a multi-column list view of events. It can display events from one particular day or several days, it doesn't matter. To use a view that only handles one day at a time, use KODayListView. @short multi-column list view of various events. @author Preston Brown <pbrown@kde.org> @see KOBaseView, KODayListView */ class KOListView; class KOListViewListView : public KListView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListViewListView(KOListView * lv ); signals: void newEvent(); void showIncidence( Incidence* ); private: void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); bool mAllowPopupMenu; bool mMouseDown; int mYMousePos; }; class KOListView : public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); ~KOListView(); virtual int maxDatesHint(); virtual int currentDateCount(); virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); virtual DateList selectedDates(); void showDates(bool show); Incidence* currentItem(); void addTodos(QPtrList<Todo> eventList); void addJournals(QPtrList<Journal> eventList); virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); void readSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void writeSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void updateList(); void setStartDate(const QDate &start); int count(); QString getWhatsThisText(QPoint p); signals: void signalNewEvent(); void beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence>); public slots: virtual void updateView(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); |