authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-02-22 01:14:35 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-02-22 01:14:35 (UTC)
commitdf40d77f7407326221ba2848163c4f61b7bb1d2f (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentce261d6197d319d67f7b275813449f36ce42a730 (diff)
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
-rw-r--r--bin/kdepim/korganizer/icons16/workweek2.pngbin579 -> 609 bytes
-rw-r--r--bin/kdepim/korganizer/workweek2.pngbin907 -> 929 bytes
9 files changed, 69 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
index 7c81b3a..d3a8bc1 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/WhatsNew.txt
@@ -1,66 +1,76 @@
Info about the changes in new versions of KDE-Pim/Pi
+********** VERSION 2.0.10 ************
+In the desktop versions the context menu in the search dialog was broken after introducing the What'sThis info for the list view.
+This is fixed.
+Changed the search dialog a bit to make it more user friendly.
+(E.g.: Removed message box about "no items found" and set key focus to search line edit after search).
+Added config option to hide the week number in KO/Pi toolbar.
********** VERSION 2.0.9 ************
Made month view icons for multiday events a bit nicer.
Some minor fixes in KO/Pi
(e.g. go to today did not work for new week view properly).
********** VERSION 2.0.8 ************
Fixed a problem in dependency info in the ipk files for the Zaurus.
Added icon for the stealth new week view and made navigation more user friendly in monthview by adding a prev/next week button to the navigator bar.
Added a "go today" button to the datepicker.
Added "created" and "last modified" to event/todo viewer (and What'sThis viewer)
and made it configureable to show these values.
Fixed a problem for events (from external iCal files) that do have a duration but no end date.
********** VERSION 2.0.7 ************
Added global application font settings
(for all KDE-Pim/Pi apps) to the general settings.
Fixed a problem in OM/Pi when trying to login to some IMAP servers
(like the IMAP server of Apple: )
Added recurring todos to KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.6 ************
Some bugfixes in the pi-sync mode.
Added German translation for pi-sync mode.
Made the todolist using alternate background.
Other minor fixes in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.5 ************
Bugfixes in KO/Pi.
********** VERSION 2.0.4 ************
Fixed problem loading translations for summary/location edit boxes in event/todo editor.
Added a general "select week number" to the toolbar.
Fixed some small problem of the new features introduced in version 2.0.3.
Made it possible to specify one specific category as category color,
if more than one categories are selected.
Fixed a bug in saving colors for categories with non-ascii characters.
(Like, e.g. German Umlauts).
Propably you have to set your colors again for those categories.
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index 1073fe7..b526df9 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -1231,76 +1231,76 @@
{ "Trying to connect to remote...","Versuche mit Gegenstelle zu verbinden..." },
{ "Connection to remote\nhost timed out!\nDid you forgot to enable\nsyncing on remote host?","Verbindungsversuch wegen\nZeit�berschreitung gescheitert!\nWurde vergessen Pi-Sync auf\nder Gegenstelle anzuschalten?" },
{ "ERROR: Receiving remote file failed.","FEHLER: Empfang der entfernten Daten fehlgeschlagen." },
{ "Error","Fehler" },
{ ""You entered an invalid date!\n Date changed to current date.","Ung�ltiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze heutiges Datum." },
{ "You entered an invalid date!\n Will use current date instead.","Ung�ltiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze stattdessen heutiges Datum." },
{ "Warning","Warnung" },
{ "Select week number","W�hle Wochen Nummer" },
{ "Februar","Februar" },
{ "Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed","Klicke auf die Wochennummer\num die Woche gro� zu zeigen" },
{ "W","W" },
{ "Click on this to\nselect week number","Klicke hierauf um\ndie Woche auszuw�hlen" },
{ "T: %1","T: %1" },
{ "Start: ","Start: " },
{ "Pi-Sync options for device: ","Pi-Sync Einstellungen f�r Ger�t: " },
{ "Password for remote access:","Passwort f�r fernen Zugriff:" },
{ "Remote IP address:","Ferne IP Adresse:" },
{ "Remote port number:","Ferne Port Nummer:" },
{ "Remote file saved to temp file.","Ferne Daten in temp Datei gespeichert." },
{ "Remote from: ","Fern von: " },
{ "Local from: ","Lokal von: " },
{ "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n","Synchronisations�bersicht:\n\n %d lokal hinzugef�gt\n %d fern hinzugef�gt\n %d lokal ge�ndert\n %d fern ge�ndert\n %d lokal gel�scht\n %d fern gel�scht\n %d eingehende ausgefiltert\n %d ausgehende ausgefiltert\n" },
{ "Local calendar changed!\n","Lokaler Kalender ge�ndert!\n" },
{ "Write back","Schreibe zur�ck" },
{ "KO/Pi Synchronization","KO/Pi Synchronisation" },
{ "Pi-Sync succesful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" },
{ "Received sync request","Sync Anfrage erhalten" },
{ "Synchronizing from remote ...\n\nDo not use this application!\n\nIf syncing fails\nyou can close this dialog.","Ferne Synchronisation ...\n\nBenutze diese Anwendung nicht!\n\nWenn das Syncen fehlschl�gt kann\ndieser Dialog geschlossen werden." },
{ "Saving Data to temp file ...","Speichere Daten in temp Datei..." },
{ "Data saved to temp file!","Daten in temp Datei gespeichert!" },
{ "Sending file...","Sende Datei..." },
{ "Waiting for synced file...","Warte auf gesyncte Daten..." },
{ "Receiving synced file...","Gesyncte Daten erhalten..." },
{ "Received %1 bytes","%1 Bytes erhalten" },
{ "Writing file to disk...","Speichere Datei..." },
{ "Pi-Sync successful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" },
{ "Clock skew of\nsyncing devices\nis %1 seconds!","Uhrzeitunterschied der\nsyncenden Ger�te\nist %1 Sekunden!" },
{ "Synchronize!","Synchronisiere!" },
{ "High clock skew!","Gro�er Uhrzeitunterschied!" },
{ "The clocks of the syncing\ndevices have a difference\nof more than 5 minutes.\nPlease adjust your clocks.\nYou may get wrong syncing results!\nPlease confirm synchronization!","Die Uhren der syncenden Ger�te\nhaben einen Unterschied von\nmehr als 5 Minuten. Bitte die\nUhrzeiten anpassen. Sie k�nnen\nfalsche Sync-Resultate erhalten!\nBitte das Syncen best�tigen!" },
{ "This is a %1 recurring todo.","Das ist eine %1 wiederholende Aufgabe." },
{ "<p><b>Start on:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Start am:</b> %1</p>" },
{ "List week view","Listenwochenansicht" },
{ "List week","Listenwochenansicht" },
{ "Next Week","N�chste Woche" },
{ "Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" },
{ "No items were found matching\nyour search expression.\nUse the wildcard characters\n'*' and '?' where needed.","Keine Eintr�ge gefunden die\ndem Suchausdruck entsprechen.\nBenutze Platzhalter Zeichen\n'*' und '?' wo ben�tigt." },
{ "Show in todo/event viewer:","Zeige in Termin/Todo Anzeige:" },
{ "Details","Details" },
{ "Created time","Erstellt Zeit" },
{ "Last modified time","Ge�ndert Zeit" },
{ "Show in What'sThis quick overview:","Zeige in What'sThis Schnell�bersicht:" },
{ "View Options","Anzeige Optionen" },
{ "<b>Created: ","<b>Erstellt am: " },
{ "<b>Last modified: ","<b>Zuletzt ge�ndert am: " },
{ "Journal: ","Journal: " },
{ "yearly","j�hrlich" },
{ "(%1) ","%1-" },
{ "<p><b>K</b>: Week view in Month view syle</p>\n","<p><b>K</b>: Wochenansicht in Art der Monatsansicht</p>\n" },
{ "Enable tooltips displaying summary of ev.","Titel-Tooltips anzeigen" },
{ "Enable scrollbars in month view cells","Scrollbar in Zellen anzeigen" },
{ "Summary/Loc.","Titel/Ort" },
{ "No items found. Use '*' and '?' where needed.","Nichts gefunden. Benutze '*' and '?' wo ben�tigt." },
-{ "","" },
+{ "Week Number","Wochennummer" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/icons16/workweek2.png b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/icons16/workweek2.png
index e0e1fde..d3033d4 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/icons16/workweek2.png
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/icons16/workweek2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/workweek2.png b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/workweek2.png
index 76cb86c..9538d53 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/workweek2.png
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/workweek2.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/korganizer/koprefs.cpp b/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
index a91074f..7e3deff 100644
--- a/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
@@ -24,128 +24,129 @@
#include <time.h>
#ifndef _WIN32_
#include <unistd.h>
#include <qdir.h>
#include <qtextstream.h>
#include <qtextcodec.h>
#include <qstring.h>
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <qfont.h>
#include <qcolor.h>
#include <qstringlist.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <kglobal.h>
#include <kglobalsettings.h>
#include <kconfig.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kdebug.h>
#include <kemailsettings.h>
#include <kstaticdeleter.h>
#include <libkdepim/kpimglobalprefs.h>
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "mainwindow.h"
KOPrefs *KOPrefs::mInstance = 0;
static KStaticDeleter<KOPrefs> insd;
KOPrefs::KOPrefs() :
mDefaultCategoryColor = QColor(175,210,255);//196,196,196);
QColor defaultHolidayColor = QColor(255,0,0);
QColor defaultHighlightColor = QColor(129,112,255);//64,64,255);
QColor defaultAgendaBgColor = QColor(239,241,169);//128,128,128);
QColor defaultWorkingHoursColor = QColor(170,223,150);//160,160,160);
QColor defaultTodoDueTodayColor = QColor(255,220,100);
QColor defaultTodoOverdueColor = QColor(255,153,125);
addItemBool("Enable Group Scheduling",&mEnableGroupScheduling,false);
+ addItemBool("ShowIconWeekNum",&mShowIconWeekNum,true);
addItemBool("ToolBarHor",&mToolBarHor, true );
addItemBool("ToolBarUp",&mToolBarUp, false );
addItemBool("ToolBarMiniIcons",&mToolBarMiniIcons, false );
addItemInt("Whats Next Days",&mWhatsNextDays,3);
addItemInt("Whats Next Prios",&mWhatsNextPrios,1);
addItemInt("AllDay Size",&mAllDaySize,28);
QString defAlarm = KGlobal::iconLoader()->iconPath()+"koalarm.wav";
addItemString("DefaultAlarmFile",&mDefaultAlarmFile,defAlarm );
addItemStringList("LocationDefaults",&mLocationDefaults );
addItemStringList("EventSummary User",&mEventSummaryUser);
addItemStringList("TodoSummary User",&mTodoSummaryUser);
addItemBool("Enable Group Scheduling",&mEnableGroupScheduling,false);
addItemBool("Enable Project View",&mEnableProjectView,false);
addItemBool("Auto Save",&mAutoSave,false);
addItemInt("Auto Save Interval",&mAutoSaveInterval,3);
addItemBool("Confirm Deletes",&mConfirm,true);
addItemString("Archive File",&mArchiveFile);
addItemString("Html Export File",&mHtmlExportFile,
QDir::homeDirPath() + "/" + i18n("Default export file", "calendar.html"));
addItemBool("Html With Save",&mHtmlWithSave,false);
KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Personal Settings");
addItemInt("Mail Client",&mMailClient,MailClientKMail);
addItemBool("Use Control Center Email",&mEmailControlCenter,false);
KPrefs::setCurrentGroup("Time & Date");
addItemInt("Default Start Time",&mStartTime,10);
addItemInt("Default Duration",&mDefaultDuration,2);
addItemInt("Default Alarm Time",&mAlarmTime,3);
addItemInt("Default Calendar Format",&mDefaultFormat,FormatICalendar);
diff --git a/korganizer/koprefs.h b/korganizer/koprefs.h
index e4e3dd7..09a0dce 100644
--- a/korganizer/koprefs.h
+++ b/korganizer/koprefs.h
@@ -120,128 +120,129 @@ class KOPrefs : public KPimPrefs
QFont mEventViewFont;
QColor mHolidayColor;
QColor mHighlightColor;
QColor mEventColor;
QColor mTodoDoneColor;
QColor mAgendaBgColor;
QColor mWorkingHoursColor;
QColor mTodoDueTodayColor;
QColor mTodoOverdueColor;
QColor mMonthViewEvenColor;
QColor mMonthViewOddColor;
QColor mMonthViewHolidayColor;
bool mMonthViewUsesDayColors;
bool mMonthViewSatSunTog;
bool mMonthViewWeek;
QColor mAppColor1;
QColor mAppColor2;
bool mUseAppColors;
int mDayBegins;
int mHourSize;
int mAllDaySize;
bool mShowFullMenu;
bool mDailyRecur;
bool mWeeklyRecur;
bool mMonthDailyRecur;
bool mMonthWeeklyRecur;
bool mMonthShowIcons;
bool mMonthShowShort;
bool mEnableToolTips;
bool mEnableMonthScroll;
bool mFullViewMonth;
bool mMonthViewUsesCategoryColor;
bool mFullViewTodo;
bool mShowCompletedTodo;
bool mMarcusBainsEnabled;
int mNextXDays;
int mWhatsNextDays;
int mWhatsNextPrios;
bool mEnableQuickTodo;
bool mCompactDialogs;
bool mVerticalScreen;
bool mShowIconNewTodo;
bool mShowIconNewEvent;
bool mShowIconSearch;
bool mShowIconList;
bool mShowIconDay1;
bool mShowIconDay5;
bool mShowIconDay6;
bool mShowIconDay7;
bool mShowIconMonth;
bool mShowIconTodoview;
bool mShowIconBackFast;
bool mShowIconBack;
bool mShowIconToday;
bool mShowIconForward;
bool mShowIconForwardFast;
bool mShowIconWhatsThis;
+ bool mShowIconWeekNum;
bool mShowIconNextDays;
bool mShowIconNext;
bool mShowIconJournal;
bool mShowIconStretch;
bool mToolBarHor;
bool mToolBarUp;
bool mToolBarMiniIcons;
bool mAskForQuit;
bool mUsePassWd;
bool mShowSyncEvents;
bool mShowTodoInAgenda;
bool mShowTimeInAgenda;
bool mHideNonStartedTodos;
int mLastSyncTime;
void setCategoryColor(QString cat,const QColor & color);
QColor *categoryColor(QString cat);
QString mArchiveFile;
QString mHtmlExportFile;
bool mHtmlWithSave;
QStringList mSelectedPlugins;
QString mLastImportFile;
QString mLastVcalFile;
QString mLastSaveFile;
QString mLastLoadFile;
QString mDefaultAlarmFile;
int mIMIPScheduler;
int mIMIPSend;
QStringList mAdditionalMails;
int mIMIPAutoRefresh;
int mIMIPAutoInsertReply;
int mIMIPAutoInsertRequest;
int mIMIPAutoFreeBusy;
int mIMIPAutoFreeBusyReply;
QStringList mTodoTemplates;
QStringList mEventTemplates;
int mDestination;
bool mEditOnDoubleClick;
bool mViewChangeHoldFullscreen;
bool mViewChangeHoldNonFullscreen;
bool mCenterOnCurrentTime;
bool mSetTimeToDayStartAt;
bool mHighlightCurrentDay;
bool mUseHighlightLightColor;
bool mListViewMonthTimespan;
bool mWNViewShowsParents;
bool mWNViewShowsPast;
bool mWNViewShowLocation;
bool mTodoViewShowsPercentage;
bool mTodoViewUsesCatColors;
bool mMonthViewUsesBigFont;
bool mTodoViewUsesSmallFont;
diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
index a164fa4..4f2cccf 100644
--- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -510,278 +510,280 @@ void MainWindow::initActions()
KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance();
//QPEMenuBar *menuBar1;// = new QPEMenuBar( iconToolBar );
QPopupMenu *viewMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *actionMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *importMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
selectFilterMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
selectFilterMenu->setCheckable( true );
syncMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
configureAgendaMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
configureToolBarMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
QPopupMenu *helpMenu = new QPopupMenu( this );
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mShowFullMenu ) {
QMenuBar *menuBar1;
menuBar1 = menuBar();
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("File"), importMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("View"), viewMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Actions"), actionMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("AgendaSize"),configureAgendaMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Sync"), syncMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Agenda"),configureAgendaMenu );
//menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Filter"),selectFilterMenu );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("Help"), helpMenu );
} else {
QPEMenuBar *menuBar1;
menuBar1 = new QPEMenuBar( iconToolBar );
QPopupMenu *menuBar = new QPopupMenu( this );
menuBar1->insertItem( i18n("ME"), menuBar);
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("File"), importMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("View"), viewMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Actions"), actionMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Synchronize"), syncMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("AgendaSize"),configureAgendaMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Toolbar"),configureToolBarMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Filter"),selectFilterMenu );
menuBar->insertItem( i18n("Help"), helpMenu );
//menuBar1->setMaximumWidth( menuBar1->sizeHint().width() );
menuBar1->setMaximumSize( menuBar1->sizeHint( ));
connect ( selectFilterMenu, SIGNAL( activated ( int ) ), this, SLOT (selectFilter( int ) ) );
connect ( selectFilterMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow() ), this, SLOT (fillFilterMenu() ) );
QIconSet icon;
int pixWid = 22, pixHei = 22;
QString pathString = "";
if ( !p->mToolBarMiniIcons ) {
if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() < 480 ) {
pathString += "icons16/";
pixWid = 18; pixHei = 16;
} else {
pathString += "iconsmini/";
pixWid = 18; pixHei = 16;
mWeekBgColor = iconToolBar->backgroundColor();
mWeekPixmap.resize( pixWid , pixHei );
mWeekPixmap.fill( mWeekBgColor );
icon = mWeekPixmap;
mWeekAction = new QAction( i18n("Select week number"),icon, i18n("Select week number"), 0, this );
- mWeekAction->addTo( iconToolBar );
+ if ( p-> mShowIconWeekNum )
+ mWeekAction->addTo( iconToolBar );
mWeekFont = font();
int fontPoint = mWeekFont.pointSize();
QFontMetrics f( mWeekFont );
int fontWid = f.width( "30" );
while ( fontWid > pixWid ) {
mWeekFont.setPointSize( fontPoint );
QFontMetrics f( mWeekFont );
fontWid = f.width( "30" );
qDebug("dec-- ");
connect( mWeekAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
this, SLOT( weekAction() ) );
connect( this, SIGNAL( selectWeek ( int ) ), mView->dateNavigator(), SLOT( selectWeek ( int ) ) );
// ******************
QAction *action;
// QPopupMenu *configureMenu= new QPopupMenu( menuBar );
configureToolBarMenu->setCheckable( true );
configureAgendaMenu->setCheckable( true );
int iii ;
for ( iii = 1;iii<= 10 ;++iii ){
configureAgendaMenu->insertItem(i18n("Size %1").arg(iii), (iii+1)*2 );
//configureMenu->insertItem( "AgendaSize",configureAgendaMenu );
connect( configureAgendaMenu, SIGNAL( aboutToShow()),
this, SLOT( showConfigureAgenda( ) ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "configure" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Configure"),icon, i18n("Configure..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( edit_options() ) );
action = new QAction( i18n("Undo Delete"), i18n("Undo Delete..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( undo_delete() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newevent" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Stretched TB"), 5 );
+ configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Week Number"), 400);
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Event..."), 10 );
QAction* ne_action = new QAction( i18n("New Event..."), icon, i18n("New Event..."), 0, this );
ne_action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( ne_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( newEvent() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newtodo" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 20 );
QAction* nt_action = new QAction( i18n("New Todo..."), icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 0, this );
nt_action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( nt_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( newTodo() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "today" );
QAction* today_action = new QAction( i18n("Go to Today"), icon, i18n("Go to Today"), 0, this );
today_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( today_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goToday() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "navi" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), icon, i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleDateNavigatorWidget() ) );
mToggleNav = action ;
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "filter" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle FilterView"), icon, i18n("Toggle FilterView"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleFilter() ) );
mToggleFilter = action;
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "allday" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle Allday"), icon,i18n("Toggle Allday"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleAllDaySize() ) );
mToggleAllday = action;
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalFullScreen( bool ) ),
mToggleNav, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalFullScreen( bool ) ),
mToggleFilter, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalAgendaView( bool ) ),
mToggleAllday, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "picker" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Date Picker"), icon, i18n("Date Picker"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( showDatePicker() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "list" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("List View"), 30 );
QAction* showlist_action = new QAction( i18n("List View"), icon, i18n("List View"), 0, this );
showlist_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( showlist_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showListView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "day" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Day View"), 40 );
QAction* day1_action = new QAction( i18n("Day View"), icon, i18n("Day View"), 0, this );
day1_action->addTo( viewMenu );
// action->addTo( toolBar );
connect( day1_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showDayView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "workweek" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Work Week"), 50 );
QAction* day5_action = new QAction( i18n("Work Week"), icon, i18n("Work Week"), 0, this );
day5_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( day5_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWorkWeekView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "week" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Week"), 60 );
QAction* day7_action = new QAction( i18n("Week"), icon, i18n("Week"), 0, this );
day7_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( day7_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWeekView() ) );
+ icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "workweek2" );
+ configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("List week view"), 75 );
+ QAction* day6_action = new QAction( i18n("List week"), icon, i18n("List week"), 0, this );
+ day6_action->addTo( viewMenu );
+ connect( day6_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
+ mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showMonthViewWeek() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "month" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Month"), 70 );
QAction* month_action = new QAction( i18n("Month"), icon, i18n("Month"), 0, this );
month_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( month_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showMonthView() ) );
- icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "workweek2" );
- configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("List week view"), 75 );
- QAction* day6_action = new QAction( i18n("List week"), icon, i18n("List week"), 0, this );
- day6_action->addTo( viewMenu );
- connect( day6_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
- mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showMonthViewWeek() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "todo" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Todo View"), 80 );
QAction* todoview_action = new QAction( i18n("Todo View"), icon, i18n("Todo View"), 0, this );
todoview_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( todoview_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showTodoView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "journal" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Journal"), 90 );
QAction* viewjournal_action = new QAction( i18n("Journal"), icon, i18n("Journal"), 0, this );
viewjournal_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( viewjournal_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showJournalView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "xdays" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next days"), 100,4 );
QAction* xdays_action = new QAction( i18n("Next days"), icon, i18n("Next days"), 0, this );
xdays_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( xdays_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showNextXView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "whatsnext" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("What's Next"), 110, 4 );
QAction* whatsnext_action = new QAction( i18n("What's Next"), icon, i18n("What's Next"), 0, this );
whatsnext_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( whatsnext_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWhatsNextView() ) );
#if 0
action = new QAction( "view_timespan", "Time Span", 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showTimeSpanView() ) );
mNewSubTodoAction = new QAction( "new_subtodo", i18n("New Sub-Todo..."), 0,
this );
mNewSubTodoAction->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( mNewSubTodoAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( newSubTodo() ) );
mShowAction = new QAction( "show_incidence", i18n("Show..."), 0, this );
mShowAction->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( mShowAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( showIncidence() ) );
mEditAction = new QAction( "edit_incidence", i18n("Edit..."), 0, this );
mEditAction->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( mEditAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( editIncidence() ) );
mDeleteAction = new QAction( "delete_incidence", i18n("Delete..."), 0, this );
mDeleteAction->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( mDeleteAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( deleteIncidence() ) );
mCloneAction = new QAction( "clone_incidence", i18n("Clone..."), 0, this );
mCloneAction->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( mCloneAction, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( cloneIncidence() ) );
mMoveAction = new QAction( "Move_incidence", i18n("Move..."), 0, this );
@@ -940,215 +942,216 @@ void MainWindow::initActions()
SLOT( keyBindings() ) );
action = new QAction( "Sync Howto", i18n("Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( synchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "KDE Sync Howto", i18n("KDE Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( kdesynchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Multi Sync Howto", i18n("Multi Sync HowTo..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( multisynchowto() ) );
action = new QAction( "Auto saving", i18n("Auto saving..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( aboutAutoSaving() ) );
action = new QAction( "Problemd", i18n("Known Problems..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( aboutKnownBugs() ) );
action = new QAction( "Translate Howto", i18n("User translation..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( usertrans() ) );
action = new QAction( "Frequently asked questions", i18n("FAQ..."), 0,this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( faq() ) );
action = new QAction( "licence", i18n("Licence..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( licence() ) );
action = new QAction( "about", i18n("About..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( helpMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
SLOT( about() ) );
// ******************************************************
// menubar icons
iconToolBar->setHorizontalStretchable (true );
//menuBar->insertItem( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent)
ne_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p->mShowIconNewTodo )
nt_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconSearch)
search_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconNext)
whatsnext_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconNextDays)
xdays_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconList)
showlist_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconDay1)
day1_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconDay5)
day5_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconDay7)
day7_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
- if (p-> mShowIconMonth)
- month_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconDay6)
day6_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
+ if (p-> mShowIconMonth)
+ month_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconTodoview)
todoview_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if (p-> mShowIconJournal)
viewjournal_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2leftarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Prev. month"), 200, 14);
if (p-> mShowIconBackFast) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Prev. month"), icon, i18n("Prev. month"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goPreviousMonth() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1leftarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go backward"), 210,15);
if (p-> mShowIconBack) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Go backward"), icon, i18n("Go backward"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goPrevious() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "today" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go to Today"), 130);
if (p-> mShowIconToday)
today_action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "1rightarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Go forward"), 220);
if (p-> mShowIconForward) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Go forward"), icon, i18n("Go forward"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goNext() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "2rightarrowB" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next month"), 230);
if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast) {
action = new QAction( i18n("Next month"), icon, i18n("Next month"),0 , this );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goNextMonth() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("What's This?"), 300);
if (p-> mShowIconNewEvent)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 10, true );
if (p->mShowIconNewTodo )
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 20, true );
if (p-> mShowIconSearch)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 120, true );
if (p-> mShowIconList)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 30, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay1)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 40, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay5)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 50, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay6)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 75, true );
if (p-> mShowIconDay7)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 60, true );
if (p-> mShowIconMonth)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 70, true );
if (p-> mShowIconTodoview)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 80, true );
if (p-> mShowIconBackFast)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 200, true );
if (p-> mShowIconBack)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 210, true );
if (p-> mShowIconToday)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 130, true );
if (p-> mShowIconForward)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 220, true );
if (p-> mShowIconForwardFast)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 230, true );
if (p-> mShowIconNextDays)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 100, true );
if (p-> mShowIconNext)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 110, true );
if (p-> mShowIconJournal)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 90, true );
if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis)
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 300, true );
+ if (p-> mShowIconWeekNum)
+ configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 400, true );
QLabel* dummy = new QLabel( iconToolBar );
dummy->setBackgroundColor( iconToolBar->backgroundColor() );
if (!p-> mShowIconStretch)
iconToolBar->setStretchableWidget ( dummy ) ;
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( 5, true );
if (p-> mShowIconWhatsThis)
QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( iconToolBar );
connect( configureToolBarMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureToolBar( int ) ) );
configureAgenda( p->mHourSize );
connect( configureAgendaMenu, SIGNAL( activated( int ) ),this, SLOT(configureAgenda( int ) ) );
void MainWindow::exportToPhone( int mode )
//ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Complete calendar..."), 1 );
//ex2phone->insertItem(i18n("Filtered calendar..."), 2 );
KOex2phonePrefs ex2phone;
ex2phone.mPhoneConnection->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneConnection );
ex2phone.mPhoneDevice->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneDevice );
ex2phone.mPhoneModel->setText( KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneModel );
if ( mode == 1 )
ex2phone.setCaption(i18n("Export complete calendar"));
if ( mode == 2 )
ex2phone.setCaption(i18n("Export filtered calendar"));
if ( !ex2phone.exec() ) {
KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneConnection = ex2phone.mPhoneConnection->text();
KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneDevice = ex2phone.mPhoneDevice->text();
KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mEx2PhoneModel = ex2phone.mPhoneModel->text();
int inFuture = 0;
if ( ex2phone.mWriteBackFuture->isChecked() )
inFuture = ex2phone.mWriteBackFutureWeeks->value();
QPtrList<Incidence> delSel;
if ( mode == 1 )
delSel = mCalendar->rawIncidences();
if ( mode == 2 )
delSel = mCalendar->incidences();
CalendarLocal* cal = new CalendarLocal();
Incidence *incidence = delSel.first();
QDateTime cur = QDateTime::currentDateTime().addDays( -7 );
QDateTime end = cur.addDays( ( inFuture +1 ) *7 );
while ( incidence ) {
if ( incidence->type() != "Journal" ) {
bool add = true;
if ( inFuture ) {
QDateTime dt;
if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) {
Todo * t = (Todo*)incidence;
if ( t->hasDueDate() )
dt = t->dtDue();
dt = cur.addSecs( 62 );
else {
bool ok;
dt = incidence->getNextOccurence( cur, &ok );
if ( !ok )
@@ -1767,128 +1770,129 @@ void MainWindow::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
void MainWindow::fillFilterMenu()
bool disable = false;
selectFilterMenu->insertItem(i18n ( "Edit Filters" ), 0 );
if ( mView->filterView()->filtersEnabled() ) {
selectFilterMenu->insertItem(i18n ( "Turn filter off" ), 1 );
else {
selectFilterMenu->insertItem(i18n ( "Turn filter on" ), 1 );
disable = true;
QPtrList<CalFilter> fili = mView->filters();
CalFilter *curfilter = mView->filterView()->selectedFilter();
CalFilter *filter = fili.first();
int iii = 2;
while(filter) {
selectFilterMenu->insertItem( filter->name(), iii );
if ( filter == curfilter)
selectFilterMenu->setItemChecked( iii, true );
if ( disable )
selectFilterMenu->setItemEnabled( iii, false );
filter =;
void MainWindow::selectFilter( int fil )
if ( fil == 0 ) {
mView->editFilters( );
} else if ( fil == 1 ){
mView->toggleFilerEnabled( );
} else {
mView->selectFilter( fil-2 );
void MainWindow::configureToolBar( int item )
configureToolBarMenu->setItemChecked( item, !configureToolBarMenu-> isItemChecked ( item ) );
KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance();
p-> mShowIconStretch= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 5 );
p-> mShowIconNewEvent= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 10 );
p->mShowIconNewTodo = configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 20 );
p-> mShowIconSearch= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 120 );
p-> mShowIconList= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 30 );
p-> mShowIconDay1= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 40 );
p-> mShowIconDay5= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 50 );
p-> mShowIconDay6= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 75 );
p-> mShowIconDay7= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 60 );
p-> mShowIconMonth= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 70 );
p-> mShowIconTodoview= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 80 );
p-> mShowIconBackFast= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 200 );
p-> mShowIconBack = configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 210 );
p-> mShowIconToday= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 130 );
p-> mShowIconForward= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 220 );
p-> mShowIconForwardFast= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 230 );
p-> mShowIconNextDays= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 100 );
p-> mShowIconNext= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 110 );
p-> mShowIconJournal= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 90 );
p-> mShowIconWhatsThis= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 300 );
+ p-> mShowIconWeekNum= configureToolBarMenu->isItemChecked( 400 );
// initActions();
void MainWindow::setCaptionToDates()
QString selDates;
selDates = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mView->startDate(), true);
if (mView->startDate() < mView->endDate() )
selDates += " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate(mView->endDate(), true);
else {
QString addString;
if ( mView->startDate() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date() )
addString = i18n("Today");
else if ( mView->startDate() == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(1) )
addString = i18n("Tomorrow");
if ( !addString.isEmpty() )
selDates = addString+", "+selDates ;
setCaption( i18n("Dates: ") + selDates );
void MainWindow::showConfigureAgenda( )
int iii;
for ( iii = 1;iii<= 10 ;++iii ){
configureAgendaMenu->setItemChecked( (iii+1)*2, false );
configureAgendaMenu->setItemChecked( (KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize/2)*2, true );
void MainWindow::configureAgenda( int item )
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize == item )
void MainWindow::saveCalendar()
QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile;
fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save backup filename"), this );
if ( fn == "" )
QFileInfo info;
info.setFile( fn );
QString mes;
bool createbup = true;
if ( info. exists() ) {
mes = i18n("Backup file\nalready exists!\nOld backup file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg(KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false )) ;
int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes,
i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0,
0, 1 );
if ( result != 0 ) {
createbup = false;
if ( createbup ) {
mView->saveCalendar( fn );
mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn);
KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn;
diff --git a/korganizer/searchdialog.cpp b/korganizer/searchdialog.cpp
index 3fd9740..aa1b244 100644
--- a/korganizer/searchdialog.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/searchdialog.cpp
@@ -1,225 +1,214 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qlayout.h>
#include <qcheckbox.h>
#include <qgroupbox.h>
#include <qlabel.h>
+#include <qwhatsthis.h>
#include <qlineedit.h>
#include <qpushbutton.h>
#include <klocale.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <libkdepim/kdateedit.h>
#include "koglobals.h"
#include "koprefs.h"
#include "calendarview.h"
#include "koviewmanager.h"
#include "searchdialog.h"
SearchDialog::SearchDialog(Calendar *calendar,CalendarView *parent)
- : KDialogBase(Plain,i18n("KO/Pi Find "),User1|Close,User1,parent,0,false,false,
- i18n("&Find"))
+ : QVBox( 0 )
mCalendar = calendar;
- QFrame *topFrame = plainPage();
- QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(topFrame,0,spacingHint());
+ QFrame *topFrame = new QFrame( this ) ;//plainPage();
+ QVBoxLayout *layout = new QVBoxLayout(topFrame,KDialog::marginHint(),KDialog::spacingHint());
// Search expression
QHBoxLayout *subLayout = new QHBoxLayout();
searchLabel = new QLabel(topFrame);
searchLabel->setText(i18n("Search for:"));
searchEdit = new QLineEdit(topFrame);
+ QPushButton *OkButton = new QPushButton( i18n("&Find"), topFrame );
+ //OkButton->setDefault( true );
+ connect(OkButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(doSearch()));
+ subLayout->addWidget(OkButton);
searchEdit->setText("*"); // Find all events by default
connect(searchEdit, SIGNAL(textChanged ( const QString & )),this,SLOT(searchTextChanged( const QString & )));
connect(searchEdit, SIGNAL( returnPressed () ),this,SLOT(doSearch()));
// Subjects to search
// QGroupBox *subjectGroup = new QGroupBox(1,Vertical,i18n("Search In"),
// topFrame);
QHBox *incidenceGroup = new QHBox( topFrame );
mSearchEvent = new QCheckBox(i18n("Events"),incidenceGroup);
mSearchTodo = new QCheckBox(i18n("Todos"),incidenceGroup);
mSearchJournal = new QCheckBox(i18n("Journals"),incidenceGroup);
QHBox *subjectGroup = new QHBox( topFrame );
mSummaryCheck = new QCheckBox(i18n("Summary/Loc."),subjectGroup);
mDescriptionCheck = new QCheckBox(i18n("Descriptions"),subjectGroup);
mCategoryCheck = new QCheckBox(i18n("Categories"),subjectGroup);
QHBox *attendeeGroup = new QHBox( topFrame );
layout->addWidget(attendeeGroup );
new QLabel( i18n("Attendee:"),attendeeGroup );
mSearchAName = new QCheckBox(i18n("Name"),attendeeGroup );
mSearchAEmail = new QCheckBox(i18n("Email"), attendeeGroup );
// Date range
// QGroupBox *rangeGroup = new QGroupBox(1,Horizontal,i18n("Date Range"),
// topFrame);
// layout->addWidget(rangeGroup);
QWidget *rangeWidget = new QWidget(topFrame);
- QHBoxLayout *rangeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(rangeWidget,0,spacingHint());
+ QHBoxLayout *rangeLayout = new QHBoxLayout(rangeWidget,0,KDialog::spacingHint());
rangeLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("From:"),rangeWidget));
mStartDate = new KDateEdit(rangeWidget);
rangeLayout->addWidget(new QLabel(i18n("To:"),rangeWidget));
mEndDate = new KDateEdit(rangeWidget);
- // mInclusiveCheck = new QCheckBox(i18n("Events have to be completely included"), topFrame);
- //mInclusiveCheck->setChecked(false);
+ QToolButton *wt = QWhatsThis::whatsThisButton ( rangeWidget );
+ rangeLayout->addWidget( (QWidget*)wt );
- //layout->addWidget(mInclusiveCheck);
- // Subjects to search
// Results list view
listView = new KOListView(mCalendar,topFrame);
- //listView->showDates();
- // if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mCompactDialogs ) {
- // KOGlobals::fitDialogToScreen( this, true );
- // }
listView->readSettings(KOGlobals::config(),"SearchListView Layout");
- connect(this,SIGNAL(user1Clicked()),SLOT(doSearch()));
- QPushButton *CloseButton = findButton( Close );
- //connect(CloseButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),listView, SLOT(clear()));
- setCaption(i18n("Click OK to search ->"));
- hideButtons();
+ setCaption( i18n("KO/Pi Find: "));
+ OkButton = new QPushButton( i18n("Close"), this );
+ connect(OkButton,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(hide()));
void SearchDialog::accept()
void SearchDialog::updateList()
if ( isVisible() ) {
//qDebug("SearchDialog::updated ");
else {
//qDebug("SearchDialog::cleared ");
void SearchDialog::searchTextChanged( const QString &_text )
+#if 0
enableButton( KDialogBase::User1, !_text.isEmpty() );
void SearchDialog::doSearch()
QRegExp re;
re.setWildcard(true); // most people understand these better.
if (!re.isValid() ) {
i18n("Invalid search expression,\ncannot perform "
"the search.\nPlease enter a search expression\n"
"using the wildcard characters\n '*' and '?'"
"where needed."));
listView->setStartDate( mStartDate->date() );
if (mMatchedEvents.count() + mMatchedJournals.count() + mMatchedTodos.count() == 0) {
setCaption(i18n("No items found. Use '*' and '?' where needed."));
} else {
QString mess;
mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("%d item(s) found."), mMatchedEvents.count()+ mMatchedJournals.count() + mMatchedTodos.count() );
setCaption( i18n("KO/Pi Find: ") + mess);
void SearchDialog::updateConfig()
void SearchDialog::updateView()
QRegExp re;
re.setWildcard(true); // most people understand these better.
if (re.isValid()) {
} else {
listView->setStartDate( mStartDate->date() );
void SearchDialog::search(const QRegExp &re)
QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->events( mStartDate->date(),
false /*mInclusiveCheck->isChecked()*/ );
@@ -329,73 +318,88 @@ void SearchDialog::search(const QRegExp &re)
if (mCategoryCheck->isChecked()) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
if (>categoriesStr()) != -1)
if (re.match(tod->categoriesStr()) != -1)
if ( mSearchAName->isChecked() || mSearchAEmail->isChecked() ) {
QPtrList<Attendee> tmpAList = tod->attendees();
Attendee *a;
for (a = tmpAList.first(); a; a = {
if (mSearchAName->isChecked()) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
if (>name()) != -1)
if (re.match(a->name()) != -1)
if (mSearchAEmail->isChecked()) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
if (>email()) != -1)
if (re.match(a->email()) != -1)
if (mSearchJournal->isChecked() ) {
QPtrList<Journal> journals = mCalendar->journals( );
Journal* journ;
for(journ=journals.first();journ; {
if ( journ->dtStart().date() <= mEndDate->date()
&&journ->dtStart().date() >= mStartDate->date()) {
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
if (>description()) != -1)
if (re.match(journ->description()) != -1)
void SearchDialog::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e)
- e->ignore();
+ switch ( e->key() ) {
+ case Qt::Key_Escape:
+ hide();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_F:
+ if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton ) {
+ qDebug("full ");
+ }
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_Return:
+ case Qt::Key_Enter:
+ doSearch();
+ break;
+ default:
+ e->ignore();
+ }
diff --git a/korganizer/searchdialog.h b/korganizer/searchdialog.h
index ebcff7a..f4aad9e 100644
--- a/korganizer/searchdialog.h
+++ b/korganizer/searchdialog.h
@@ -1,93 +1,92 @@
This file is part of KOrganizer.
Copyright (c) 1998 Preston Brown
Copyright (c) 2000,2001 Cornelius Schumacher <>
This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
As a special exception, permission is given to link this program
with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable,
without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution.
#include <qregexp.h>
#include <kdialogbase.h>
+#include <qvbox.h>
#include <libkcal/calendar.h>
#include "kolistview.h"
class KDateEdit;
class QCheckBox;
class QLineEdit;
class QLabel;
class CalendarView;
using namespace KCal;
-class SearchDialog : public KDialogBase
+class SearchDialog : public QVBox
SearchDialog(Calendar *calendar,CalendarView *parent=0);
virtual ~SearchDialog();
KOListView *listview(){ return listView;}
void updateView();
public slots:
void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int) { updateView(); }
void updateConfig();
void updateList();
protected slots:
void accept();
void doSearch();
void searchTextChanged( const QString &_text );
void showEventSignal(Event *);
void editEventSignal(Event *);
void deleteEventSignal(Event *);
void search(const QRegExp &);
Calendar *mCalendar;
QPtrList<Event> mMatchedEvents;
QPtrList<Todo> mMatchedTodos;
QPtrList<Journal> mMatchedJournals;
QLabel *searchLabel;
QLineEdit *searchEdit;
KOListView *listView;
KDateEdit *mStartDate;
KDateEdit *mEndDate;
- // QCheckBox *mInclusiveCheck;
QCheckBox *mSummaryCheck;
QCheckBox *mDescriptionCheck;
QCheckBox *mCategoryCheck;
QCheckBox *mSearchEvent;
QCheckBox *mSearchTodo;
QCheckBox *mSearchJournal;
QCheckBox *mSearchAName;
QCheckBox *mSearchAEmail;
- //void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) ;
+ void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent *e) ;