author | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-07-02 05:23:23 (UTC) |
committer | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-07-02 05:23:23 (UTC) |
commit | b51bfb06293b34b77c46954253ab1b5220c8dd03 (patch) (side-by-side diff) | |
tree | 63caa6a4df764e14b49440800c8744b42ce94d82 | |
parent | 36a9df18a9789d0f44d0485b5f47c4f0329abb22 (diff) | |
download | kdepimpi-b51bfb06293b34b77c46954253ab1b5220c8dd03.tar.gz kdepimpi-b51bfb06293b34b77c46954253ab1b5220c8dd03.tar.bz2 |
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 8 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kofilterview.cpp | 95 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kofilterview.h | 14 |
3 files changed, 67 insertions, 50 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 350d6b1..9c22730 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -302,129 +302,129 @@ { "Previous Month","Vorheriger Monat" }, { "&Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" }, { "Previous year","Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Previous Year","Vorheriges Jahr" }, { "Printing","Drucken" }, { "Priority:","Priorität:" }, { "Private","Privat" }, { "Proceed","Weiter" }, { "Public","Öffentlich" }, { "Purge","Entferne" }, { "Purge Completed...","Entferne erledigte Todos..." }, { "Purge Todos","Todos bereinigen" }, { "read-only","schreibgeschützt" }, { "Recur every","Wiederh. alle" }, { "Recur in the month of","Wiederh. im Monat" }, { "Recur on the","Wiederh. am" }, { "Recur on this day","Wiederh. am diesen Tag" }, { "Recurrence Range...","Wiederholungs Zeitraum..." }, { "Recurrence Range","Wiederholungs Zeitraum" }, { "Recurrence Rule","Wiederholungs Regel" }, { "Recurrence","Wiederholung" }, { "Recurs","Wiederholung" }, {"&Reject","Abweisen"}, { "Reminder:","Alarm:" }, { "Rem.:","Alarm:" }, { "Rem.","Alarm:" }, { "Remote file:","Remote Datei:"}, { "Remote IP:","Remote (ferne) IP:" }, { "Remote syncing (via ssh/scp) network settings ","Remote Sync (via ssh/scp) Netzwerk Einstellungen " }, { "Remote user:","Remote Benutzer"}, { "&Remove","Entfe&rnen" }, { "Remove","Entfernen" }, { "Request response","Bemerkung anfordern" }, { "Role:","Rolle:" }, { "Role","Rolle" }, { "Sat","Sa" }, { "Saturday","Samstag" }, { "Search for:","Suche nach:" }, { "Search In","Suche in" }, { "Search...","Suche..." }, { "Search","Suche" }, { "Select Addresses","Wähle Adressen" }, { "Select all","Selektiere Alle" }, { "Select a month","Wähle Monat" }, { "Select a week","Wähle Woche" }, { "Select a year","Wähle Jahr" }, { "Send directly","Sende direkt" }, { "&Send Messages","&Sende Nachrichten", }, { "Sep","Sep" }, { "September","September" }, { "Shopping","Einkaufen" }, { "Show Dates","Zeige Daten" }, { "Show events that recur daily in date nav.","Zeige tä Datums Nav." }, { "Show Event...","Zeige Termin..." }, { "Show ev. that recur weekly in date nav.","Zeige wö Datums Nav." }, { "Show Marcus Bains line","Zeige Marcus Bains Linie" }, { "Show summary after syncing","Zeige Zusammenfassung nach Sync." }, { "Show time as:","Zeige Zeit als" }, { "Show Todo...","Zeige To-Do" }, { "Vertical screen layout(Needs restart)","Vertikaler Bildschirm-Layout (Neustart!)" }, { "&Show","Zeige" }, { "Show...","Zeige..." }, { "Show","Zeige" }, { "Small","Klein" }, -{ "Sorry","Entschuldigung" }, +{ "Sorry","Tut mir leid" }, {"Sorry, the copy command failed!\nCommand was:\n","Der Kopierbefehl schlug fehl!\nBefehl war:\n"}, { "Start:","Start:" }, { "Start Date","Start Datum" }, { "Start date: %1","Start Datum: %1" }, { "Start Time","Start Zeit" }, { "Status:","Status:" }, { "Status","Status:" }, { "Summaries","Titel" }, { "Summary:","Titel:" }, { "Summary","Titel" }, { "Sunday","Sonntag" }, { "Sun","So" }, { "Sync preferences:","Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Sync Prefs","Sync Einstellungen" }, { "Syncronize","Daten abgleich" }, { "Take local entry on conflict","Nimm lokalen Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Take newest entry on conflict","Nimm neuesten Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Take remote entry on conflict","Nimm fernen Eintrag beim Konflikt" }, { "Template '%1' does not contain a valid Todo.","Template '%1' enthält kein gültiges To-Do" }, { "Template does not contain a valid Event.","Template '%1' enthält keinen gültigen Termin" }, { "Template...","Vorlage..." }, { "This day","Dieser Tag" }, { "This is an experimental feature. ","Dieses Feature ist experimentel" }, { "This item will be\npermanently deleted.","Dieser Eintrag wird\nkomplett gelöscht." }, { "This item will be permanently deleted.", "Dieser Eintrag wird komplett gelöscht." }, { "Thu","Do" }, { "Thursday","Donnerstag" }, { "Time associated","Mit Zeit" }, { "Time bar:","Uhrzeit Zeile:" }, { "Time && Date","Zeit und Datum" }, { "Time Format","Zeit Format" }, { "Time Format(nr):","Zeit Format(Neustart!)" }, { "Date Labels:","Datumsleiste:" }, { "Time: ","Zeit: " }, { "Timezone:","Zeitzone:" }, { "To: ","Bis: " }, { "To:","Bis:" }, { "Today: ","Heute: " }, { "Todo due today color:","Heute fällige To-Do's" }, { "To-do items:","To-Do items:" }, { "Todo overdue color:","Überfällige To-Do's" }, { "Todo","Todo" }, { "To-do view shows completed Todos","To-do Ansicht zeigt erledigte To-dos" }, { "ToDoView:","Todo Ansicht:" }, { "Toggle Alarm","Wechsle Alarm" }, { "Toggle Allday","Umschalten Ganztag" }, { "Tomorrow: ","Morgen: " }, { "Tue","Di" }, { "Tuesday","Dienstag" }, { "Two entries are in conflict, if: ","Zwei Einträge haben einen Konflikt, wenn:" }, { "Unable to find template '%1'.","Kann Vorlage '%1' nicht finden." }, { "Unknown","Unbekannt" }, { "Up","Hinauf" }, { "Use password (if not, ask when syncing)","Passwort: (sonst jedesmal anfragen)" }, { "User defined","Benutzerdefiniert" }, { "User long date:","Format langes Datum:" }, { "User short date:","Forma kurzes Datum:" }, { "View","Ansicht" }, { "View Fonts","Schriftarten Ansichten" }, { "Views","Ansichten" }, { "Wed","Mi" }, { "Wednesday","Mittwoch" }, { "Week %1","Woche %1" }, { "Weekly","Wöchentlich" }, @@ -1424,74 +1424,74 @@ { "<center>%1</center> <center>is not running. Do you want to set\nthe state to running?</center>","<center>%1</center> <center>ist nicht am Laufen. Möchten Sie den Zustand auf "laufend" setzen?</center>" }, { "%1\nis running!","%1\nist am Laufen!" }, { "Additional Comment:","Zusätzlicher Kommentar:" }, { "Stop and save","Stopp und Speichern" }, { "Continue running","Weiter laufen lassen" }, { "Stop - do not save","Stopp - nicht Speichern" }, { "Do you really want to set\nthe state to stopped\nwithout saving the data?","Möchten sie den Zustand\nwirklich auf gestoppt setzen\nohne die Daten abzuspeichern?" }, { "Time mismatch!","Zeiten stimmen nicht!" }, { "The start time is\nafter the end time!","Die Startzeit ist\nhinter der Endzeit!" }, { "Yes, stop todo","Ja, stoppe Todo" }, { "Todo stopped - no data saved because runtime was < 15 sec!","Todo gestoppt - nichts gespeichert da Laufzeit < 15 sec!" }, { "Todo started! Double click again to stop!","Todo gestartet! Doppelklicke um es zu stoppen!" }, { "Please choose the <b>default calendar</b> in this column. Newly created or imported items are added to the default calendar.","Bitte wählen Sie den <b>Default-Kalender</b> in dieser Spalte. Neu angelegte oder importierte Einträge werden dem Default-Kalender hinzugefügt." }, { "Spouse","Ehegatte" }, { "Notes","Notizen" }, { "Messanger","Messanger" }, { "Assistant","Assistent" }, { "Manager","Manager" }, { "Secrecy","Sichtbar" }, { "male","männlich" }, { "female","weiblich" }, { "Hide!","Verbergen!" }, { "Show!","Anzeigen!" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Profession","Beruf" }, { "Children","Kinder" }, { "Department","Abteilung" }, { "Backup cancelled","Backup abgebrochen" }, { "Backup globally disabled","Backup global abgeschaltet" }, { "Backup succesfully finished","Backup erfolgreich beendet" }, { "(Hint: You can enable automatic backup in the global settings!)","(Hinweis: Sie können ein automatisches Backup in den globalen Einstellungen konfigurieren!)" }, { "This will <b>backup all calendar files</b> to the directory %1 %2","Das schreibt ein <b>Backup aller Kalenderdateien</b> in das Verzeichnis %1 %2" }, { "Birthdays","Geburtstage" }, { "KO/Pi import information!","KO/Pi Import Information!" }, { "Start this todo\nand stop all running","Starte dieses Todo\nund stoppe alle Laufenden" }, { "Cancel - do not start"," Abbrechen - Todo nicht starten" }, { "The timezone has changed!\nShould the calendar be reloaded\nto shift the time of the events?\nPlease read Menu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"\nas well!","Die Zeitzone wurde geändert!\nSollen die Kalender neu geladen\nwerden num die Zeiten\nder Termine zu ändern?\nBitte lesen Sie auch\nMenu: Help->FAQ:\n"How do I change the timezone?"" }, { "Reload","Neu laden" }, { "Timezone settings","Zeitzoneneinstellung" }, { "Title: ","Titel: " }, { "Journal from: ","Journal vom: " }, { "Journal: %1 from ","Journal: %1 vom " }, { "<b>Click here to edit categories: </b>","<b>Klicke hier um Kategorien zu ändern: </b>" }, { "Selected Item","Ausgewähltes Item" }, { "Select Date...","Wähle Datum..." }, { "After importing/loading/syncing there may be new categories in events or todos which are not added automatically to the category list. Please choose what to do <b>now</b>:","Nach dem Importieren/Laden/Syncen kann es neue Kategorien in den Terminen oder Todos geben, die nicht automatisch der Kategorieliste hinzugefügt werden. Bitte wählen Sie, was <b>jetzt</b> passieren soll:" }, { "Change category list now!","Ändere Kategorieliste jetzt!" }, { "Edit category list...","Ändere Kategorieliste..." }, { "Toolbar changes needs a restart!","Neustart benötigt für Toolbaränderungen!" }, { "Filepath: ","Dateipfad: " }, { "You can try to reload the calendar in the Resource View!","In der Resourcenansicht können Sie erneut versuchen den Kalender zu laden!" }, { "<b>WARNING:</b> There is a pending suspended alarm!","<b>WARNUNG:</b> Es gibt einen laufenden Suspendalarm!" }, { "Pending Suspend Alarm","Laufender Suspend Alarm" }, { "Error loading calendar %1","Fehler beim Laden von Kalender %1" }, { "Calendar(s) not loaded:","Nicht geladene(r) Kalender:" }, { "Loding of calendar(s) failed","Laden von Kalendern fehlgeschlagen" }, { "Alarm Options","Alarm Einstellungen" }, { "Delete selected...","Lösche Ausgewählte..." }, { "None","Nichts" }, { "Selection","Auswahl" }, { "Set categories","Setze Kategorien" }, { "This adds the selected\nitems to the calendar\n%1\nand removes them from\ntheir current calendar!","Das fügt die ausgewählten\nEinträge dem Kalender\n%1\nhinzu und entfernt sie von\nihrem aktuellen Kalender!" }, { "Reset","Neu setzen" }, { "Do you want to <b>add</b> categories to the selected items or <b>reset</b> the list (i.e. remove current categories)?","Möchten Sie Kategorien zu den ausgewählten Einträgen <b>hinzufügen</b> oder die Liste <b>neu setzen</b> (d.h. vorhandene Kategorien löschen)?" }, -{ "","" }, -{ "","" }, -{ "","" }, +{ "The file\n%1\ndoes not exist!\nShall I create it for you?","Die Datei\n%1\nexistiert nicht!\nSoll sie neu angelegt werden?" }, +{ "Sorry, cannot create the file\n%1!\nNo calendar added!","Kann leider die Datei\n%1\nnicht anlegen!\nKein Kalender hinzugefügt!" }, +{ "\nNO\n WRITEABLE\n CALENDAR\n FOUND!\n\nPlease fix your calendar settings!\n","\nKEIN\n SCHREIBBARER\n KALENDER\n GEFUNDEN!\n\nBitte korrigieren Sie\nihre Kalendereinstellungen!\n" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" },
\ No newline at end of file diff --git a/korganizer/kofilterview.cpp b/korganizer/kofilterview.cpp index 20118aa..1335d7e 100644 --- a/korganizer/kofilterview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kofilterview.cpp @@ -71,386 +71,399 @@ void KOFilterView::setFiltersEnabled(bool set) emit filterChanged(); } void KOFilterView::updateFilters() { mSelectionCombo->clear(); CalFilter *filter = mFilters->first(); while(filter) { mSelectionCombo->insertItem(filter->name()); filter = mFilters->next(); } } CalFilter *KOFilterView::selectedFilter() { CalFilter *f = mFilters->at(mSelectionCombo->currentItem()); return f; } void KOFilterView::setSelectedFilter(QString filterName) { int filter_num = mSelectionCombo->count(); int i; for (i=0;i<filter_num;i++) { if (mSelectionCombo->text(i)==filterName) mSelectionCombo->setCurrentItem(i); } emit filterChanged(); } void KOFilterView::setSelectedFilter( int fil ) { if ( fil >= mSelectionCombo->count() ) return; mSelectionCombo->setCurrentItem( fil ); emit filterChanged(); } KOCalEditView::KOCalEditView(QWidget* parent, const char* name ) : QScrollView(parent,name) { mw = 0; setResizePolicy( AutoOneFit ); setFrameStyle ( QFrame::Panel | QFrame::Plain ); setLineWidth ( 1 ); setMidLineWidth ( 1 ); setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); } KOCalEditView::~KOCalEditView() { // no need to delete child widgets, Qt does it all for us } void KOCalEditView::selectCal(int id ,bool b) { KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isEnabled = b; emit calendarEnabled ( id, b ); emit needsUpdate(); } -void KOCalEditView::selectStdCal( int id, bool b ) +void KOCalEditView::selectStdCal( int id ) { - - if ( !b ) { - KOCalCheckButton* it = (KOCalCheckButton*) sender(); - if ( it ) { - it->blockSignals( true ); - it->setChecked( true ); - it->blockSignals( false ); - return; - } - return; - } - KOCalRadioButton* sen = (KOCalRadioButton*) sender(); KOCalRadioButton* it = mStdandardB.first(); while ( it ) { - if ( it->isChecked() ) { - if ( it != sen ) { - it->blockSignals( true ); - it->setChecked( false ); - it->blockSignals( false ); - break; - } - } + it->blockSignals( true ); + it->setChecked( it->num() == id ); + it->blockSignals( false ); it =; } KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { - kkf->isStandard = false; + kkf->isStandard = (kkf->mCalNumber == id ); kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; } - KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isStandard = true; emit setCalendarDefault ( id ); } void KOCalEditView::selectCalAlarm(int id ,bool b ) { KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isAlarmEnabled = b; emit alarmEnabled ( id , b ); emit needsUpdate(); } void KOCalEditView::selectReadOnly(int id ,bool b ) { KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isReadOnly = b; emit calendarReadonly ( id , b ); - if ( KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isStandard && b && id > 1 ) { - KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isStandard = false; - KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( 1 )->isStandard = true; ->setChecked( true ); ->setChecked( false ); - emit setCalendarDefault ( 1 ); + if ( KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->isStandard && b ) { + findNewStandard(); + } else { + if ( !b ){ + KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); + while ( kkf ) { + if (kkf->isReadOnly && kkf->isStandard ) { + selectStdCal( id ); + break; + } + kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; + } + } }>setEnabled( !b ); emit needsUpdate(); } +void KOCalEditView::findNewStandard() +{ + bool found = false; + KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); + while ( kkf ) { + if (!kkf->isReadOnly && !kkf->mErrorOnLoad ) { + found = true; + selectStdCal( kkf->mCalNumber ); + break; + } + kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; + } + if ( !found ) { + KMessageBox::error( this,i18n("\nNO\n WRITEABLE\n CALENDAR\n FOUND!\n\nPlease fix your calendar settings!\n"), + i18n("Houston, we have a problem!") ); + + } +} + void KOCalEditView::setColor( const QColor& c, int id ) { KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->mDefaultColor = c; emit needsUpdate(); } void KOCalEditView::deleteCal( int id ) { KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id ); QString name = kkf->mName; QString file = KGlobal::formatMessage ( kkf->mFileName ,0 ); if ( KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel( this, i18n("The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>. Do you want to remove this calendar from KO/Pi? (The file is not removed!)").arg(name).arg(file) ) != KMessageBox::Continue ) return; - if ( kkf->isStandard ) - selectStdCal( 1, true ); + bool findnewstd = kkf->isStandard; emit removeCalendar ( id ); KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.remove ( kkf ); + if ( findnewstd ) findNewStandard(); emit needsUpdate(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( readConfig() ) ); } void KOCalEditView::infoCal( int id ) { QString name = KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->mName; QString file = KGlobal::formatMessage ( KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->mFileName, 0 ); if ( KOPrefs::instance()->getCalendar( id )->mErrorOnLoad ) { if ( KMessageBox::Yes == KMessageBox::questionYesNo( this, i18n("The calendar <b>%1</b> is not loaded! Loading of file <b>%2</b> failed! <b>Try again to load the calendar?</b>").arg(name).arg(file) ) ) { emit calendarAdded( id ); emit needsUpdate(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( readConfig() ) ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SIGNAL ( checkCalendar() ) ); } } else KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("The calendar <b>%1</b> is displaying file <b>%2</b>").arg(name).arg(file) ); } void KOCalEditView::readConfig() { mStdandardB.clear(); mEnabledB.clear(); mAlarmB.clear(); mROB.clear(); if ( mw ) delete mw; mw = new QWidget ( viewport() ); addChild(mw); int ii = 0; mainLayout = new QGridLayout ( mw , 2, 8 ); mainLayout->setMargin( 2 ); mainLayout->setSpacing( 2 ); QPushButton * addBut = new QPushButton ( mw ); addBut->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mainLayout->addWidget( addBut,0,0 ); addBut->setText( "D"); connect(addBut,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(defaultInfo())); //addBut->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("greenhook16")); addBut->setMaximumWidth( addBut->sizeHint().height() ); int max = addBut->sizeHint().height(); addBut = new QPushButton ( mw ); addBut->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mainLayout->addWidget( addBut,0,++ii ); addBut->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("eye")); connect(addBut,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(enableAll())); addBut->setMaximumWidth( addBut->sizeHint().height() ); QLabel* lab = new QLabel (i18n(" Calendar \n Resource "), mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( lab,0,++ii ); //lab = new QLabel ( i18n(" "), mw ); //mainLayout->addWidget( lab,0,++ii ); //lab->setFixedWidth( 1 ); addBut = new QPushButton ( mw ); addBut->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mainLayout->addWidget( addBut,0,++ii ); addBut->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("bell")); connect(addBut,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(enableAlarm())); addBut->setMaximumWidth( addBut->sizeHint().height() ); addBut = new QPushButton ( mw ); addBut->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mainLayout->addWidget( addBut,0,++ii ); addBut->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("pencil")); connect(addBut,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(disableRO())); addBut->setMaximumWidth( addBut->sizeHint().height() ); lab = new QLabel ( "", mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( lab,0,++ii ); addBut = new QPushButton ( mw ); addBut->setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); mainLayout->addWidget( addBut,0,++ii ); addBut->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("plus")); connect(addBut,SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(addCal())); lab = new QLabel ( " ", mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( lab,0,++ii ); KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); int row = 1; + bool errorLoadStandard = false; while ( kkf ) { int iii = 0; KOCalRadioButton* rb = new KOCalRadioButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( rb,row,0 );mStdandardB.append( rb ); rb->setChecked( kkf->isStandard ); + if ( kkf->isStandard && ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad || kkf->isReadOnly ) ) + errorLoadStandard = true; rb->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); - connect (rb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int,bool)), SLOT ( selectStdCal(int,bool) ) ); + connect (rb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int)), SLOT ( selectStdCal(int) ) ); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad || kkf->isReadOnly ) rb->setEnabled( false ); KOCalCheckButton* cb = new KOCalCheckButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( cb,row,++iii );mEnabledB.append( cb ); - cb->setChecked( kkf->isEnabled ); + cb->setChecked( kkf->isEnabled && !kkf->mErrorOnLoad ); cb->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad ) cb->setEnabled( false ); connect (cb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int,bool)), SLOT ( selectCal(int,bool) ) ); KOCalButton* name = new KOCalButton( mw ); name->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); name->setText( kkf->mName ); mainLayout->addWidget( name,row,++iii ); connect (name, SIGNAL (selectNum(int)), SLOT ( infoCal(int) ) ); //lab = new QLabel (" ", mw ); //mainLayout->addWidget( lab,row,++iii ); cb = new KOCalCheckButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( cb,row,++iii );mAlarmB.append( cb ); - cb->setChecked( kkf->isAlarmEnabled ); + cb->setChecked( kkf->isAlarmEnabled && !kkf->mErrorOnLoad); cb->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); connect (cb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int,bool)), SLOT ( selectCalAlarm(int,bool) ) ); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad ) cb->setEnabled( false ); cb = new KOCalCheckButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( cb,row,++iii );mROB.append( cb ); cb->setChecked( kkf->isReadOnly ); cb->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); connect (cb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int,bool)), SLOT ( selectReadOnly(int,bool) ) ); if ( kkf->mErrorOnLoad ) cb->setEnabled( false ); if ( row > 1) { KColorButton *colb = new KColorButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( colb,row,++iii ); colb->setID( kkf->mCalNumber ); colb->setColor( kkf->mDefaultColor ); connect (colb, SIGNAL (changedID(const QColor&, int )), SLOT ( setColor(const QColor&,int) ) ); KOCalButton* calb = new KOCalButton( mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( calb,row,++iii ); calb->setNum( kkf->mCalNumber ); calb->setPixmap ( SmallIcon("minus")); connect (calb, SIGNAL (selectNum(int)), SLOT ( deleteCal(int) ) ); int hei = calb->sizeHint().height(); //calb->setMaximumSize( hei*9/10, hei*9/10 ); } ++row; kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; } + if ( errorLoadStandard ) + findNewStandard(); lab = new QLabel ( "", mw ); mainLayout->addWidget( lab,row,0 ); mw->show(); } - void KOCalEditView::defaultInfo() { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Please choose the <b>default calendar</b> in this column. Newly created or imported items are added to the default calendar.") ); } void KOCalEditView::addCal() { bool tryagain = true; QString name, file; while ( tryagain ) { KONewCalPrefs prefs ( this ); prefs.nameE->setText( name ); prefs.url->setURL( file ); if ( ! prefs.exec() ) return; name = prefs.calName(); file = prefs.calFileName(); tryagain = false; KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { if ( kkf->mName == name ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the calendar name \n%1\nalready exists!\nPlease choose another name!").arg( name ) ); name = ""; tryagain = true; break; } if ( kkf->mFileName == file ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the file \n%1\nis already loaded!\nPlease choose another file!").arg( KGlobal::formatMessage (file, 0 )) ); tryagain = true; file = ""; break; } kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; } } addCalendar ( name, file ); QTimer::singleShot( 100, this, SIGNAL ( checkCalendar() ) ); } int KOCalEditView::addCalendar( QString name, QString file, bool ask ) { QFileInfo fi ( file ); if (!fi.exists() ) { if ( ask ) if ( KMessageBox::questionYesNo(this, i18n("The file\n%1\ndoes not exist!\nShall I create it for you?").arg( file ) )== KMessageBox::No ) return 0; QFile fileIn( file ); if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) { KMessageBox::sorry( this, i18n("Sorry, cannot create the file\n%1!\nNo calendar added!").arg( file ) ); return 0; } QTextStream tsIn( &fileIn ); tsIn.setCodec( QTextCodec::codecForName("utf8") ); tsIn << "BEGIN:VCALENDAR\nPRODID:-//KDE-Pim//Platform-independent 2.1.0\nVERSION:2.0\nEND:VCALENDAR\n"; fileIn.close(); } KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->getNewCalendar(); kkf->mName = name; kkf->mFileName = file; emit calendarAdded( kkf->mCalNumber ); if ( ask ) emit needsUpdate(); QTimer::singleShot( 0, this, SLOT ( readConfig() ) ); return kkf->mCalNumber; } int KOCalEditView::getBirtdayID() { KopiCalendarFile * kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->mCalendars.first(); while ( kkf ) { if ( kkf->mName == i18n("Birthdays") ) return kkf->mCalNumber; kkf = KOPrefs::instance()->; } QString file = locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/birthdays.ics" ); return addCalendar( i18n("Birthdays"), file, false ); } void KOCalEditView::enableAll() { toggleList( mEnabledB ); } void KOCalEditView::enableAlarm() { toggleList( mAlarmB ); } void KOCalEditView::disableRO() { - toggleList( mROB ); + toggleList( mROB, false ); } -void KOCalEditView::toggleList ( QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> list ) +void KOCalEditView::toggleList ( QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> list , bool enable ) { - bool dis = false; + bool dis = !enable; KOCalCheckButton* it = list.first(); while ( it ) { - if ( !it->isChecked() ) { - dis = true; + if ( !it->isChecked() == enable && it->isEnabled() ) { + dis = !dis; break; } it =; } it = list.first(); while ( it ) { - it->setChecked(dis); + if ( it->isEnabled() ) + it->setChecked(dis); it =; } } void KOCalEditView::deleteAll() { qDebug("delteAll"); } diff --git a/korganizer/kofilterview.h b/korganizer/kofilterview.h index 02107cf..874fc6a 100644 --- a/korganizer/kofilterview.h +++ b/korganizer/kofilterview.h @@ -9,242 +9,246 @@ This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. As a special exception, permission is given to link this program with any edition of Qt, and distribute the resulting executable, without including the source code for Qt in the source distribution. */ #ifndef KOFILTERVIEW_H #define KOFILTERVIEW_H #include <qstring.h> #include <qcheckbox.h> #include <qradiobutton.h> #include <qlayout.h> #include <qlabel.h> #include <qdialog.h> #include <qscrollview.h> #include <qpushbutton.h> #include <kconfig.h> #include "kofilterview_base.h" #include <libkcal/calfilter.h> #include <kurlrequester.h> #include <klineedit.h> #include <kglobal.h> #include <kmessagebox.h> class QGridLayout; using namespace KCal; class KONewCalPrefs : public QDialog { Q_OBJECT public: KONewCalPrefs( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QDialog( parent, name, true ) { setCaption( i18n("Add new Calendar") ); QVBoxLayout* lay = new QVBoxLayout( this ); lay->setSpacing( 3 ); lay->setMargin( 3 ); QLabel * lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>Name of new calendar:</b>"), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); nameE = new KLineEdit( this ); lay->addWidget( nameE ); lab = new QLabel( i18n("<b>Local ical (*.ics) file:</b>"), this ); lay->addWidget( lab ); url = new KURLRequester ( this ); lay->addWidget( url ); QPushButton * ok = new QPushButton( i18n("OK"), this ); lay->addWidget( ok ); QPushButton * cancel = new QPushButton( i18n("Cancel"), this ); lay->addWidget( cancel ); connect ( ok,SIGNAL(clicked() ),this , SLOT ( checkValid() ) ); connect (cancel, SIGNAL(clicked() ), this, SLOT ( reject()) ); - setMinimumWidth( 220 ); + int minwid = 220; + if ( QApplication::desktop()->width() >= 320 ) minwid = 300; + setMinimumWidth( minwid ); resize(sizeHint() ); } QString calName() { return nameE->text(); } QString calFileName() { return url->url(); } public slots: void checkValid() { if ( nameE->text().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the calendar name is empty!") ); nameE->setText( "LPQJ_"+ QString::number( QTime::currentTime().msec () )); return; } if ( url->url().isEmpty() ) { KMessageBox::information( this, i18n("Sorry, the file name is empty!") ); return; } accept(); } public: KLineEdit* nameE; KURLRequester *url; }; class KOCalButton : public QPushButton { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QPushButton( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( clicked() ), SLOT( bottonClicked() )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); } void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: void selectNum ( int ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked() { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber ); } }; class KOCalCheckButton : public QCheckBox { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalCheckButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QCheckBox( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), SLOT( bottonClicked( bool ) )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //setMaximumWidth( 10 ); } void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: void selectNum ( int, bool ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : void bottonClicked( bool b) { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber , b); } }; class KOCalRadioButton : public QRadioButton { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalRadioButton( QWidget *parent=0, const char *name=0 ) : QRadioButton( parent, name) { connect( this, SIGNAL( toggled ( bool ) ), SLOT( bottonClicked( bool ) )); mNumber = -1; setFocusPolicy(NoFocus); //setMaximumWidth( 10 ); } + int num() { return mNumber;} void setNum ( int num ) {mNumber = num; } signals: - void selectNum ( int, bool ); + void selectNum ( int ); private: int mNumber; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e ) { e->ignore(); } private slots : - void bottonClicked( bool b) { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber , b); } + void bottonClicked( bool b) { if ( mNumber > 0 ) emit selectNum ( mNumber); } }; class KOFilterView : public KOFilterView_base { Q_OBJECT public: KOFilterView(QPtrList<CalFilter> *filterList,QWidget* parent=0,const char* name=0, WFlags fl=0); ~KOFilterView(); void updateFilters(); bool filtersEnabled(); void setFiltersEnabled(bool); CalFilter *selectedFilter(); void setSelectedFilter(QString); void setSelectedFilter( int ); signals: void filterChanged(); void editFilters(); private: QPtrList<CalFilter> *mFilters; }; class KOCalEditView : public QScrollView { Q_OBJECT public: KOCalEditView( QWidget* parent=0,const char* name=0); ~KOCalEditView(); int addCalendar( QString calName, QString fileName, bool ask = true ); int getBirtdayID(); public slots: void addCal(); void enableAll(); void enableAlarm(); void disableRO(); void deleteAll(); - void selectStdCal(int,bool ); + void selectStdCal(int); void selectCal(int,bool ); void selectCalAlarm(int,bool ); void selectReadOnly(int,bool ); void setColor(const QColor &,int) ; void deleteCal(int) ; void infoCal(int) ; void readConfig(); void defaultInfo(); + void findNewStandard(); signals: void alarmEnabled ( int cal, bool enable ); void calendarEnabled ( int cal, bool enable ); void calendarReadonly ( int cal, bool readonly ); void setCalendarDefault ( int cal ); void removeCalendar ( int cal ); void calendarAdded( int ); void needsUpdate(); void checkCalendar(); private: QWidget *mw; - void toggleList ( QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> ); + void toggleList ( QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> , bool b = true ); QPtrList<KOCalRadioButton> mStdandardB; QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> mEnabledB; QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> mAlarmB; QPtrList<KOCalCheckButton> mROB; QGridLayout* mainLayout; }; #endif // KOFILTERVIEW_H |