authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-04-01 19:24:18 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-04-01 19:24:18 (UTC)
commitb1e3bf53b1c4cc46ef0a2ded04338bc38a640161 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parent1022d8763a5185c74d1fb1fba9857d6e3afd9ff5 (diff)
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
2 files changed, 16 insertions, 7 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp b/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp
index 99f547a..667ff2a 100644
--- a/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koagendaview.cpp
@@ -93,185 +93,193 @@ TimeLabels::TimeLabels(int rows,QWidget *parent,const char *name,WFlags f) :
resizeContents(50,mRows * mCellHeight);
viewport()->setBackgroundMode( PaletteBackground );
void TimeLabels::setCellHeight(int height)
mCellHeight = height;
Optimization so that only the "dirty" portion of the scroll view
is redrawn. Unfortunately, this is not called by default paintEvent() method.
void TimeLabels::drawContents(QPainter *p,int cx, int cy, int cw, int ch)
// if ( globalFlagBlockAgenda )
// return;
// bug: the parameters cx, cy, cw, ch are the areas that need to be
// redrawn, not the area of the widget. unfortunately, this
// code assumes the latter...
// now, for a workaround...
// these two assignments fix the weird redraw bug
mRedrawNeeded = true;
if ( mRedrawNeeded ) {
cx = contentsX() + frameWidth()*2;
cw = contentsWidth() ;
// end of workaround
int cell = ((int)(cy/mCellHeight));
int y = cell * mCellHeight;
QFontMetrics fm = fontMetrics();
QString hour;
QString suffix;
int timeHeight = fm.ascent();
QFont nFont = p->font();
if (!KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock())
suffix = "00";
if ( timeHeight > mCellHeight ) {
timeHeight = mCellHeight-1;
int pointS = nFont.pointSize();
while ( pointS > 4 ) {
nFont.setPointSize( pointS );
fm = QFontMetrics( nFont );
if ( fm.ascent() < mCellHeight )
-- pointS;
fm = QFontMetrics( nFont );
timeHeight = fm.ascent();
//timeHeight -= (timeHeight/4-2);
QFont sFont = nFont;
sFont.setPointSize( sFont.pointSize()/2 );
QFontMetrics fmS( sFont );
int sHei = fmS.ascent() ;
//sHei -= (sHei/4-2);
- int startW = this->width() - 2*frameWidth()-1;
+ int startW = this->width() - frameWidth()-2;
int tw2 = fmS.width(suffix);
while (y < cy + ch) {
// handle 24h and am/pm time formats
if (KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock()) {
if (cell > 11) suffix = "pm";
suffix = "am";
if (cell == 0) hour.setNum(12);
if (cell > 12) hour.setNum(cell - 12);
tw2 = fmS.width(suffix);
// center and draw the time label
int timeWidth = fm.width(hour);
int offset = startW - timeWidth - tw2 ;
p->setFont( nFont );
p->drawText( offset, y+ timeHeight, hour);
p->setFont( sFont );
offset = startW - tw2+1;
p->drawText( offset, y+ sHei, suffix);
// increment indices
y += mCellHeight;
} else {
//qDebug("NO redraw ");
// double buffer not yet implemented
//bitBlt (this, 0, 0, &myPix, 0 ,0,width(), height() ,CopyROP);
//mRedrawNeeded = false;
Calculates the minimum width.
int TimeLabels::minimumWidth() const
return mMiniWidth;
/** updates widget's internal state */
void TimeLabels::updateConfig()
mRedrawNeeded = true;
// set the font
// config->setGroup("Fonts");
// QFont font = config->readFontEntry("TimeBar Font");
- QString test = "20oo";
+ QString test = "20";
if (KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock())
- test = "12mi";
- mMiniWidth = fontMetrics().width(test) + frameWidth()*2 +1 ;
+ test = "12";
+ mMiniWidth = fontMetrics().width(test);
+ if (KGlobal::locale()->use12Clock())
+ test = "pm";
+ else
+ test = "00";
+ QFont sFont = font();
+ sFont.setPointSize( sFont.pointSize()/2 );
+ QFontMetrics fmS( sFont );
+ mMiniWidth += fmS.width( test ) + frameWidth()*2 +4 ;
// update geometry restrictions based on new settings
setFixedWidth( mMiniWidth );
// update HourSize
mCellHeight = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize*4;
resizeContents(50,mRows * mCellHeight);
/** update time label positions */
void TimeLabels::positionChanged()
int adjustment = mAgenda->contentsY();
setContentsPos(0, adjustment);
/** */
void TimeLabels::setAgenda(KOAgenda* agenda)
mAgenda = agenda;
void TimeLabels::contentsMousePressEvent ( QMouseEvent * e)
mMouseDownY = e->pos().y();
mOrgCap = topLevelWidget()->caption();
void TimeLabels::contentsMouseMoveEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )
int diff = mMouseDownY - e->pos().y();
if ( diff < 10 && diff > -10 )
int tSize = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize + (diff/10) ;
if ( tSize < 4 )
tSize = 4;
if ( tSize > 22 )
tSize = 22;
tSize = (tSize-2)/2;
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("New Agendasize: %1").arg(tSize));
void TimeLabels::contentsMouseReleaseEvent ( QMouseEvent * e )
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( mOrgCap );
int diff = mMouseDownY - e->pos().y();
if ( diff < 10 && diff > -10 )
int tSize = KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize + (diff/10);
if ( tSize < 4 )
tSize = 4;
if ( tSize > 22 )
tSize = 22;
tSize = (tSize/2)*2;
if ( tSize == KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize )
KOPrefs::instance()->mHourSize = tSize;
emit scaleChanged();
/** This is called in response to repaint() */
void TimeLabels::paintEvent(QPaintEvent*)
// kdDebug() << "paintevent..." << endl;
diff --git a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
index d675517..6cb1f31 100644
--- a/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
+++ b/microkde/KDGanttMinimizeSplitter.cpp
@@ -617,137 +617,138 @@ void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::childEvent( QChildEvent *c )
addWidget( (QWidget*)c->child() );
recalc( isVisible() );
} else if ( c->type() == QEvent::ChildRemoved ) {
QSplitterLayoutStruct *p = 0;
if ( data->list.count() > 1 )
p = data->; //remove handle _after_ first widget.
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->list.first();
while ( s ) {
if ( s->wid == c->child() ) {
data->list.removeRef( s );
delete s;
if ( p && p->isSplitter ) {
data->list.removeRef( p );
delete p->wid; //will call childEvent
delete p;
p = s;
s = data->;
Shows a rubber band at position \a p. If \a p is negative, the
rubber band is removed.
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::setRubberband( int p )
QPainter paint( this );
paint.setPen( gray );
paint.setBrush( gray );
paint.setRasterOp( XorROP );
QRect r = contentsRect();
const int rBord = 3; //Themable????
#if QT_VERSION >= 0x030000
int sw = style().pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_SplitterWidth, this);
int sw = style().splitterWidth();
if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( opaqueOldPos + sw/2 - rBord , r.y(),
2*rBord, r.height() );
if ( p >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( p + sw/2 - rBord, r.y(), 2*rBord, r.height() );
} else {
if ( opaqueOldPos >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( r.x(), opaqueOldPos + sw/2 - rBord,
r.width(), 2*rBord );
if ( p >= 0 )
paint.drawRect( r.x(), p + sw/2 - rBord, r.width(), 2*rBord );
opaqueOldPos = p;
if ( !mRubberBand ) {
mRubberBand = new QFrame( 0, "rubber", WStyle_NoBorder | WStyle_Customize | WStyle_StaysOnTop);
mRubberBand->setFrameStyle( Box | Raised );
- mRubberBand->setPalette( QPalette ( Qt::red.light(),Qt::red.dark() ) );
+ //mRubberBand->setPalette( QPalette ( Qt::red.light(),Qt::red.dark() ) );
+ mRubberBand->setPalette( QPalette ( QColor( 178,18,188), QColor( 242,27,255 ) ));
QRect r = contentsRect();
static int rBord = 0; //Themable????
if ( !rBord ) {
if (QApplication::desktop()->width() <= 320 )
- rBord = 4;
+ rBord = 3;
- rBord = 5;
+ rBord = 4;
int sw = style().splitterWidth();
if ( orient == Horizontal ) {
if ( p >= 0 ) {
QPoint geo = mapToGlobal (QPoint ( p + sw/2 - rBord, r.y()));
mRubberBand->setGeometry( geo.x(), geo.y(), 2*rBord, r.height() );
} else {
if ( p >= 0 ) {
QPoint geo = mapToGlobal (QPoint ( r.x(), p + sw/2 - rBord));
mRubberBand->setGeometry( geo.x(), geo.y(), r.width(), 2*rBord);
opaqueOldPos = p;
if ( ! mRubberBand->isVisible() ) {
/*! \reimp */
bool KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::event( QEvent *e )
if ( e->type() == QEvent::LayoutHint || ( e->type() == QEvent::Show && data->firstShow ) ) {
recalc( isVisible() );
if ( e->type() == QEvent::Show )
data->firstShow = FALSE;
return QWidget::event( e );
Draws the splitter handle in the rectangle described by \a x, \a y,
\a w, \a h using painter \a p.
\sa QStyle::drawPrimitive()
void KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::drawSplitter( QPainter *p,
#if 0
// LR
style().drawPrimitive(QStyle::PE_Splitter, p, QRect(x, y, w, h), colorGroup(),
(orientation() == Qt::Horizontal ?
QStyle::Style_Horizontal : 0));
Returns the id of the splitter to the right of or below the widget \a w,
or 0 if there is no such splitter
(i.e. it is either not in this KDGanttMinimizeSplitter or it is at the end).
int KDGanttMinimizeSplitter::idAfter( QWidget* w ) const
QSplitterLayoutStruct *s = data->list.first();
bool seen_w = FALSE;
while ( s ) {
if ( s->isSplitter && seen_w )
return data->;