authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-06-13 07:32:41 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-06-13 07:32:41 (UTC)
commit2be8214908c52298ba79c8058d340edca5a8b417 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentc4ebf56feb36302b61b9c5ca6af97626812427b8 (diff)
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
4 files changed, 36 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
index bb3a00d..acf17b2 100644
--- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
+++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt
@@ -961,129 +961,128 @@
{ "Insert device where\nphone is connected. E.g.:\n","F�ge Device ein, an dem\ndas Handy angeschlossen ist. Z.B.:\n" },
{ "KDE-Pim sync config","KDE-Pim sync Konfig" },
{ "Insert kind of connection,e.g.:\n","F�ge Art der Verbindung ein,z.B.:\n" },
{ "Recommended: Leave empty!\n(Such that model can\nbe auto detected)\nOr insert name of model:\n","Empfohlen: Leer lassen!\n(So dass das Model\nautomatisch erkannt\nwerden kann)\nOder f�ge Model Name ein:\n" },
{ "Port number (Default: %1)","Port Nummer (Default: %1)" },
{ "Password to enable\naccess from remote:","Passwort um entfernten\nZugriff zuzulassen:" },
{ "Automatically start\nat application startup","Starte automatisch\nbeim Programmstart" },
{ "Automatically sync\nwith KDE-Desktop","Automatischer Sync\nmit dem KDE-Desktop" },
{ "Enter port for Pi-Sync","Port Nummer f�r Pi-Sync" },
{ "Disable Pi-Sync","Schalte Pi-Sync aus" },
{ "Do you really want\nto multiple sync\nwith all checked profiles?\nSyncing takes some\ntime - all profiles\nare synced twice!","Wollen Sie wirklich\nmit allen selektierten\nProfilen \"Multi-Syncen\"?\nDas Syncen dauert einige Zeit -\nalle Profile werden zweimal gesynct!" },
{ "KDE-Pim Sync","KDE-Pim Sync" },
{ "Multiple profiles","Multi-Sync Profile" },
{ "Device: ","Ger�t: " },
{ "Multiple sync started.","Multi-Sync gestartet." },
{ "Nothing synced! No profiles defined for multisync!","Nichts gesynct! Keine Profile\nselektiert f�r Multi-Sync" },
{ "Turn filter on","Schalte Filter an" },
{ "Turn filter off","Schalte Filter aus" },
{ "Key bindings KOrganizer/Pi","Tastatur Belegung KOrganizer/Pi" },
{ "<p><b>White</b>: Item readonly</p>\n","<p><b>Weiss</b>: Eintrag schreibgesch�tzt</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Dark yellow</b>: Event/todo with attendees.</p>\n","<p><b>Dunkelgelb</b>: Termin/Todo mit Teilnehmern.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Black</b>: Event/todo with attendees. You are the organizer!</p>\n","<p><b>Schwarz</b>: Termin/Todo mit Teilnehmern. Sie sind der Organisator!</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Dark green</b>: Information(description) available.([i] in WN view)</p>\n","<p><b>Dunkelgr�n</b>: Information(Beschreibung) verf�gbar.([i] in WN Ansicht)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Blue</b>: Recurrent event.([r] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n","<p><b>Blau</b>: Wiederholender Termin.([r] in Whats'Next Ansicht)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Red</b>: Alarm set.([a] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n","<p><b>Rot</b>: Alarm gesetzt.([a] in Whats'Next Ansicht)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Cross</b>: Item cancelled.([c] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n","<p><b>Kreuz</b>: Eintrag gecancelt.([c] in Whats'Next Ansicht)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>(for square icons in agenda and month view)</b></p>\n","<p><b>(f�r quadratische Icons in Agenda und Monats Ansicht)</b></p>\n" },
{ "<p><h2>KO/Pi icon colors:</h2></p>\n","<p><h2>KO/Pi Icon Farben:</h2></p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>E</b>: Edit item</p>\n","<p><b>E</b>: Editiere Eintrag</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>A</b>: Show agenda view.</p>\n","<p><b>A</b>: Zeige Agenda Ansicht.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>I,C</b>: Close dialog.</p>\n","<p><b>I,C</b>: Schlie�e Dialog.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><h3>In event/todo viewer:</h3></p>\n","<p><h3>In Termin/Todo Detail-Anzeige:</h3></p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>shift+up/down</b>: Goto first/last item</p>\n","<p><b>shift+up/down</b>: Gehe zum ersten/letzten Eintrag</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Goto up/down by 20% of items</p>\n","<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Gehe hoch/runter 20% aller Eintr�ge</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>up/down</b>: Next/prev item</p>\n","<p><b>up/down</b>: N�chster/vorheriger Eintrag</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>return+shift</b>: Deselect item+one step down</p>\n","<p><b>return+shift</b>: Deselektiere Item+Cursor einen Eintrag runter</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>return</b>: Select item+one step down</p>\n","<p><b>return</b>: Selektiere Item+Cursor einen Eintrag runter</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n","<p><b>I</b>: Zeige Detail-Ansicht vom sel.Eintrag+Cursor einen Eintrag runter.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><h3>In list view:</h3></p>\n","<p><h3>In Listen Ansicht:</h3></p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>return+shift</b>: Mark item as not completed+one step down</p>\n","<p><b>return+shift</b>: Markiere Todo als nicht erledigt+Cursor einen Eintrag runter</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>return</b>: Mark item as completed+one step down.</p>\n","<p><b>return</b>: Markiere Todo als erledigt+Cursor einen Eintrag runter.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Q</b>: Toggle quick todo line edit.</p>\n","<p><b>Q</b>: Zeige/verstecke Quick Todo Eingabe Zeile.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>shift+P</b>: Make new <b>P</b>arent for todo selected with shift+S</p>\n","<p><b>shift+P</b>: Mache Todo zum neuen <b>P</b>arent Todo f�r das Todo, welches mit shift+Sselektiert wurde.</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>shift+S</b>: Make <b>S</b>ubtodo (reparent todo)</p>\n","<p><b>shift+S</b>: Mache Todo zum <b>S</b>ubtodo</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>shift+U</b>: <b>U</b>nparent todo (make root todo)</p>\n","<p><b>shift+U</b>: <b>U</b>nparent Todo (Mache Sub-Todo zum Toplevel Todo)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><h3>In todo view:</h3></p>\n","<p><h3>In Todo Anzige:</h3></p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Scroll small todo view</p>\n","<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Scrolle kleine Todo Ansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>up/down</b>: Scroll agenda view</p>\n","<p><b>up/down</b>: Scrolle Agenda Ansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><h3>In agenda view:</h3></p>\n","<p><h3>In Agenda Ansicht:</h3></p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>del,backspace</b>: Delete selected item</p>\n","<p><b>del,backspace</b>: L�sche selektiertes Item</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>left</b>: Prev. week | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Prev. month</p>\n","<p><b>left</b>: Vorh. Woche | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Vorh. Monat</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>right</b>: Next week | <b>right+ctrl</b>: Next month</p>\n","<p><b>right</b>: N�chste Woche | <b>right+ctrl</b>: N�chste Woche</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>B</b>: Edit description (details) of selected item</p>\n","<p><b>B</b>: Editiere Beschreibung (Details) des selektierten Items</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>C</b>: Show current time in agenda view</p>\n","<p><b>C</b>: Zeige aktuelle Zeit in Agenda Ansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom in/out agenda | <b>A</b>: Toggle allday agenda height</p>\n","<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom rein/raus Agenda | <b>A</b>: Wechsle Ganztag Agenda H�he</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: Add sub-todo | <b>X+ctrl</b>: Toggle datenavigator</p>\n","<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: F�ge Sub-Todo hinzu | <b>X+ctrl</b>: Zeige/verstecke Datumsnavigator</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>T</b>: Goto today | <b>T+ctrl</b>: New Todo</p>\n","<p><b>T</b>: Gehe zu Heute | <b>T+ctrl</b>: Neues Todo</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>E</b>: Edit selected item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: New Event</p>\n","<p><b>E</b>: Editiere selektiertes Item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: Neuer Termin</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>D</b>: One day view | <b>M</b>: Month view</p>\n","<p><b>D</b>: Ein-Tages Ansicht | <b>M</b>: Monatsansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Work week view | <b>U</b>: Week view</p>\n","<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Arbeitswochenansicht | <b>U</b>: Wochenansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>V</b>: Todo view | <b>L</b>: Event list view</p>\n","<p><b>V</b>: Todo Ansicht | <b>L</b>: Termin Listen Ansicht</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>X</b>: Next X days view| <b>W</b>: What's next view\n ","<p><b>X</b>: N�chste-X-Tage Ansicht | <b>W</b>: What's Next Ansicht\n " },
{ "<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Select filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n","<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Selektiere Filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>O</b>: Filter On/Off | <b>J</b>: Journal view</p>\n","<p><b>O</b>: Filter An/Aus | <b>J</b>: Journal Ansicht</p>\n" },
-{ "<p><b>F</b>: Toggle filterview |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Edit filter </p>\n","<p><b>F</b>: Zeige/verstecke Filter Ansicht |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Editiere Filter </p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>Space</b>: Toggle fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Date picker</p>\n","<p><b>Space</b>: Zeige fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Datums Picker</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>I</b>: Show info for selected event/todo</p>\n","<p><b>I</b>: Zeige Info (Details) f�r selektiertes Item</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>H</b>: This help dialog | <b>S</b>: Search dialog</p>\n","<p><b>H</b>: Dieser Hilfe Dialog | <b>S</b>: Such Dialog</p>\n" },
{ "<p><h2>KO/Pi key shortcuts:</h2></p>\n","<p><h2>KO/Pi Tastatur Kurzbefehle:</h2></p>\n" },
{ "After changing something, the data is\nautomatically saved to the file\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nafter (configurable) three minutes.\nFor safety reasons there is one autosaving\nafter 10 minutes (of idle time) again. The \ndata is saved automatically when closing KO/Pi\nYou can create a backup file \nwith: File - Save Calendar Backup\n","Nachdem etwas ge�ndert wurde, werden die\nDaten automatisch in die Datei abgespeichert\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nnach (konfigurierbar) drei Minuten.\nAus Sicherheitsgr�nden wird noch einmal\nnach 10 Min. abgespeichert, wenn keine\n�nderungen vorgenommen wurden. Die \nDaten werden automatisch gespeichert,\nwenn KO/Pi beendet wird.\nSie k�nnen eine Backup-Datei erstellen im\nMenu: Datei - Speichere Kalender Backup\n" },
{ "Auto Saving in KOrganizer/Pi","Auto Speichern in KOrganizer/Pi" },
{ "\n\n","\n\n" },
{ "\nor report them in the bugtracker on\n","\noder trage sie in dem Bugtracker ein auf\n" },
{ "\nPlease report unexpected behaviour to\\n","\nBitte melde fehlerhaftes Verhalten an\\n" },
{ "2) Audio alarm daemon\nfor Zaurus is available!\nas an additional small application\n","2) Ein Audio Alarm Daemon\nf�r den Zaurus ist verf�gbar\nals zus�tzliche Anwendung\n" },
{ "1) Importing *.vcs or *.ics files from\nother applications may not work properly,\nif there are events with properties\nKO/Pi does not support.\n","1) Importieren von *.vcs oder *.ics Dateien von\nanderen Anwendungen kann m�glicherweise\n nicht richtig funktionieren,\nwenn die Termine Eigenschaften haben,\ndie KO/Pi nicht unterst�tzt.\n" },
{ "Known Problems in KOrganizer/Pi","Bekannte Probleme in KOrganizer/Pi" },
{ "KO/Pi FAQ","KO/Pi FAQ" },
{ "PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00/7x0/860/3000/6000\n","PDA-Edition\nf�r: Zaurus 5x00/7x0/860/3000/6000\n" },
{ "KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n","KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n" },
{ "About KOrganizer/Pi","�ber KOrganizer/Pi" },
{ "From: ","Von: " },
{ "Remove sync info","Entferne Sync Info" },
{ "For all profiles","F�r alle Profile" },
{ "Hide not Running","Verstecke nicht Laufende" },
{ "ME","ME" },
{ "Toolbar","Toolbar" },
{ "Undo Delete...","L�schen r�ckg�ngig machen..." },
{ "Undo Delete","L�schen r�ckg�ngig machen" },
{ "KDE Sync HowTo...","KDE Sync HowTo..." },
{ "Multi Sync HowTo...","Multi Sync HowTo..." },
{ "Januar","Januar" },
{ "KO/Pi Keys + Colors","KO/Pi Tasten + Farben" },
{ "No Filter","Kein Filter" },
{ "Multiple Sync options","Multi Sync Optionen" },
{ "Sync algo options","Sync Ablauf Optionen" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to local:","Filter f�r das Hinzuf�gen von Daten zu Lokal:" },
{ "Incoming calendar filter:","Eingehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Incoming addressbook filter:","Eingehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back options","Optionen zum Zur�ckschreiben" },
{ "Write back (on remote) existing entries only","Schreibe nur existierende (auf Entfernt) Eintr�ge zur�ck" },
{ "Apply filter when adding data to remote:","Filter f�r das Hinzuf�gen von Daten zu Entfernt:" },
{ "Outgoing calendar filter:","Ausgehender Kalender Filter:" },
{ "Outgoing addressbook filter:","Ausgehender Adressbuch Filter:" },
{ "Write back (calendar) entries for time period only","Schreibe nur Kalender Eintr�ge f�r Zeitspanne zur�ck" },
{ "Time period","Zeitspanne" },
{ "From ","Von " },
{ " weeks in the past to "," Wochen in der Vergangenheit bis zu " },
{ " weeks in the future "," Wochen in der Zukunft " },
{ "Profile kind specific settings","Profil Art abh�ngige Einstellungen" },
{ "Local temp file:","Lokale temp Datei:" },
{ "Multiple profiles with same name!\nPlease use unique profile names!","Mehrere Profile mit demselben Namen!\nBitte verschiedene Namen benutzen!" },
{ "Aborted! Nothing synced!","Abgebrochen! Nichts wurde gesynct!" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Time Format","Zeit Format" },
{ "Time Zone","Zeit Zone" },
{ "%1 groups subscribed","%1 Guppen abboniert" },
{ "Your current storage dir is:\n%1\nYour mail is stored in:\n(storagedir)/apps/kopiemail/localmail","Aktuelles Speicherverzeichnis ist:\n%1\nIhre Mail wird gespeichert in:\n(speicherverz.)/apps/kopiemail/localmail" },
{ "<b>New data storage dir:</b>","<b>Neues Datenspeicherverzeichnis:</b>" },
{ "New dirs are created automatically","Neue Verzeichnisse werden aut. erstellt" },
{ "Save settings","Speichere Einstellungen" },
{ "Save standard","Speichere Standard" },
{ "<b>New settings are used\nafter a restart</b>","<b>Neue Einstellungen werden nach\neinem Neustart genutzt</b>" },
{ "Settings are stored in\n%1","Einstellungen werden gespeichert in:\n%1" },
{ "Data storage path","Daten Speicherpfad" },
{ "Language","Sprache" },
{ "Show time in agenda items","Zeige Zeit in Agenda Items" },
{ "Color for Sundays + category "Holiday"","Farbe f�r Sonntags + Kategorie "Feiertag"" },
{ "Show events that are done","Zeige abgelaufene Termine" },
@@ -1319,73 +1318,73 @@
{ "Printout Mode","Druck Modus" },
{ "Filter menu icon","Filtermenu Icon" },
{ "<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n","<p><b>A+(shift oder ctrl)</b>: Zeige Zeit bis zum n�chsten Alarm</p>\n" },
{ "<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n","<p><b>N</b>: Wechsle zur n�chsten Ansicht, die ein Icon in der Toolbar hat</p>\n" },
{ "%1d","%1t" },
{ "%1h","%1std" },
{ "%1min","%1min" },
{ "( %1 before )","( %1 vorher )" },
{ "The next alarm is in\nless than one minute!","Der n�chste Alarm kommt in\nweniger als einer Minute!" },
{ "\nThe internal alarm notification is disabled!\n","\nDie interne Alarmbenachrichtigung ist ausgeschaltet!\n" },
{ "Enable it in the settings menu, TAB alarm.","Schalten Sie sie an im Menu Einstellungen, TAB Alarm." },
{ "Show Sync Events","Zeige Sync-Ereignisse" },
{ "Use short date in WN+Event view","Zeige Kurzdatum in WN+Terminanzeige" },
{ "Number of max.displayed todo prios:","Anzahl max.angezeigter Todo-Prios:" },
{ " on "," am " },
{ "On: ","Am: " },
{ "<i>The recurrence is computed from the start datetime!</i>","<i>Die Wiederholung wird vom Startwert aus berechnet!</i>" },
{ "Start/Stop todo...","Starte/Stoppe Todo..." },
{ "Color for running todos:","Farbe f�r laufende Todos:" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis started.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to stopped?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestartet.\nWollen Sie es\nauf gestoppt setzen?" },
{ "Todo is started","Todo ist gestartet" },
{ "Stop todo","Stoppe Todo" },
{ "Todo is stopped","Todo ist gestoppt" },
{ "Start todo","Starte Todo" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nis stopped.\nDo you want to set\nthe state to started?","Das Todo\n%1\nist gestoppt.\nWollen Sie es auf\ngestartet setzen?" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nwill be cloned!\nIt has subtodos!\nDo you want to clone\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nwird geklont!\nEs hat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie alle\nUntertodos auch klonen?" },
{ "Todo has subtodos","Todo hat Untertodos" },
{ "Block popup until mouse button release","Sperre Popup bis Mausknopf losgelassen" },
{ "Colors","Farben" },
{ "Click on new parent item","Klicke auf neues �bertodo" },
{ "Reparenting aborted!","�bertodo setzen abgebrochen" },
{ "Cannot move Todo to itself\nor a child of itself","Kann nicht Todo auf\nsich selbst oder\nein Untertodo verschieben" },
{ "Recursive reparenting not possible!","Rekursives Verschieben nicht m�glich" },
{ "Delete all completed todos?\n(Completed recurring todos\nwill not be deleted!)","Entferne alle erledigten Todos?\n(Erledigte wiederholende Todos\nwerden nicht gel�scht!)" },
{ "Alternating background of list views","Abwechselnder Hintergrund f�r Listen" },
{ "times","Zeiten" },
{ "The todo\n%1\nhas subtodos!\nDo you want to set\nthe categories for\nall subtodos as well?","Das Todo\n%1\nhat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie die Kategorien\nauch f�r alle Untertodos setzen?" },
{ "Backup enabled","Backup angeschaltet" },
{ "Use standard backup dir","Standard Backupverzeichnis" },
{ "Number of Backups:","Anzahl der Backups" },
{ "Make backup every ","Mache ein Backup alle " },
{ " days"," Tage" },
{ "Creating backup ... please wait ...","Erzeuge Backup ... bitte warten ..." },
{ "Backup Failed!","Backup Problem!" },
{ "Try again now","Versuche jetzt nochmal" },
{ "Try again later","Versuche sp�ter nochmal" },
{ "Try again tomorrow","Versuche morgen nochmal" },
{ "Disable backup","Schalte Backup ab" },
{ "<b>Backup directory does not exist: </b>","<b>Backup Verzeichnis existiert nicht: </b>" },
{ "<b>The backup copy command failed!</b>","<b>Das Backup Kopierkommando is fehlgeschlagen!</b>" },
{ "Choose action","W�hle Aktion" },
{ "Comment for todo:","Kommentar zum Todo:" },
{ "Stop+note","Stop+Notiz" },
{ "Agenda view shows completed todos","Agenda Ansicht zeigt erledigte Todos" },
{ "KO/Pi: Missing alarms!","KO/Pi: Verpasste Alarme!" },
{ "You missed the alarms for the following events or todos:","Sie verpassten die Alarme f�r folgende Termine oder Todos:" },
{ "Print complete list","Drucke komplette Liste" },
{ "Hide all selected","Verstecke Selektierte" },
{ "Add items","hinzuf�gen" },
{ "One (or more) selected\ntodo has subtodos!\nDo you want to select\nall subtodos of all\nselected todos as well?","Ein (oder mehrere) ausgew�hltes\nTodo hat Untertodos!\nM�chten Sie der Auswahlliste\nalle Untertodos von allen\nausgew�hlten Todos hinzuf�gen?" },
{ "Print List View...","Drucke Listenansicht..." },
{ "You can make a printout of the <b>List View</b> and the list view in the <b>Search Dialog</b>! To do this, please go to the <b>List View/Search Dialog</b>. Right click on the list. Select in the popup menu the entry <b>Print complete list</b>. That prints the list as you see it. You can remove items from the list before printing without deleting the corresponding event/todo! Simply select all items you do not want to print out. Then right click on one of the items and choose <b>Hide selected items</b>. After that you can print the list without these items.","Sie k�nnen die <b>Listenansicht</b> und die Listenansicht im <b>Suchdialog</b> ausdrucken! Um das zu machen gehen Sie bitte zur <b>Listenansicht</b> oder zum <b>Suchdialog</b>. Rechtsklicken Sie auf die Liste. W�hlen Sie im Popupmenu den Eintrag <b>Drucke komplette Liste</b>. Das druckt die Liste so, wie man sie sieht. Sie k�nnen Listeneintr�ge entfernen ohne die korrespondierenden Ereignisse/Todos zu l�schen! Selektieren sie einfach alle Eintr�ge, die sie nicht ausdrucken m�chten. Dann Rechtsklicken Sie auf einen Eintrag und w�hlen <b>Verstecke Selektierte</b>. Danach k�nnen Sie die Liste ohne diese Eintr�ge ausdrucken." },
{ "Configure KO/Pi...","Konfiguriere KO/Pi..." },
{ "Global Settings...","Globale Einstellungen..." },
-{ "","" },
+{ "<p><b>R</b>: Toggle Resource View |<b>F</b>: Edit filter </p>\n","<p><b>R</b>: Zeige Resource Ansicht | <b>F</b>: Editiere Filter </p>\n" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" },
{ "","" }, \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
index 1024b4e..b3686aa 100644
--- a/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/calendarview.cpp
@@ -3866,147 +3866,168 @@ void CalendarView::checkClipboard()
void CalendarView::showDates(const DateList &selectedDates)
// kdDebug() << "CalendarView::selectDates()" << endl;
if ( !mBlockShowDates ) {
if ( mViewManager->currentView() ) {
updateView( selectedDates.first(), selectedDates.last() );
} else {
QDate date = selectedDates.first();
if ( ! date.isValid() ) {
QString selDates;
selDates = KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( date, true);
if (selectedDates.first() < selectedDates.last() )
selDates += " - " + KGlobal::locale()->formatDate( selectedDates.last(),true);
else {
QString addString;
if ( date == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date() )
addString = i18n("Today");
else if ( date == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(1) )
addString = i18n("Tomorrow");
else if ( date == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-1) )
addString = i18n("Yesterday");
else if ( date == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(-2) )
addString = i18n("Day before yesterday");
else if ( date == QDateTime::currentDateTime().date().addDays(2) )
addString = i18n("Day after tomorrow");
if ( !addString.isEmpty() ) {
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( addString+", " + selDates );
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Dates: ") + selDates );
QPtrList<CalFilter> CalendarView::filters()
return mFilters;
void CalendarView::editFilters()
// kdDebug() << "CalendarView::editFilters()" << endl;
CalFilter *filter = mFilters.first();
while(filter) {
kdDebug() << " Filter: " << filter->name() << endl;
filter =;
void CalendarView::toggleFilter()
- showFilter(! mFilterView->isVisible());
+ showFilter(! mCalEditView->isVisible());
KOFilterView *CalendarView::filterView()
return mFilterView;
void CalendarView::selectFilter( int fil )
mFilterView->setSelectedFilter( fil );
void CalendarView::showFilter(bool visible)
#if 1
if (visible) {
- mCalEditView->readConfig();
- mCalEditView->show();
+ mCalEditView->readConfig();
+ mCalEditView->show();
+ QValueList<int> sizes;
+ sizes = mLeftFrame->sizes();
+ if ( sizes.count() == 4 && sizes[3] < 20 ) {
+ sizes.clear();
+ sizes << 100;
+ sizes << 0;
+ sizes << 0;
+ sizes << 100;
+ mLeftFrame->setSizes(sizes);
+ }
+#if 0
+ sizes = mLeftFrame->sizes();
+ int ccc = 0;
+ while ( ccc < sizes.count()) {
+ qDebug("size %d %d ", ccc, sizes[ccc]);
+ ++ccc;
+ }
+ }
+ else {
+ mCalEditView->hide();
- else mCalEditView->hide();
if (visible) mFilterView->show();
else mFilterView->hide();
void CalendarView::toggleFilerEnabled( )
mFilterView->setFiltersEnabled ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() );
if ( !mFilterView->filtersEnabled() )
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("Filter disabled ") );
void CalendarView::updateFilter()
CalFilter *filter = mFilterView->selectedFilter();
if (filter) {
QString mess;
if (mFilterView->filtersEnabled()) {
mess = i18n("Filter selected: ")+filter->name();
else filter->setEnabled(false);
if ( !mess.isEmpty() )
topLevelWidget()->setCaption( mess );
void CalendarView::filterEdited()
void CalendarView::takeOverEvent()
Incidence *incidence = currentSelection();
if (!incidence) return;
void CalendarView::takeOverCalendar()
// TODO: Create Calendar::allIncidences() function and use it here
QPtrList<Event> events = mCalendar->events();
for(uint i=0; i<events.count(); ++i) {>setOrganizer(KOPrefs::instance()->email());>recreate();>setReadOnly(false);
QPtrList<Todo> todos = mCalendar->todos();
diff --git a/korganizer/koprefs.cpp b/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
index bc6aae4..9fe285c 100644
--- a/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/koprefs.cpp
@@ -385,206 +385,206 @@ QStringList KOPrefs::getLocationDefaultList()
<< i18n("Germany") << i18n("Sweden") << i18n("Forest") << i18n("Desert") << i18n("Kitchen") ;
// << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("") << i18n("")
return retval;
QStringList KOPrefs::getDefaultList()
QStringList retval ;
retval << i18n("Anniversary") << i18n("Appointment") << i18n("Birthday") << i18n("Business") << i18n("Business Travel") << i18n("Cinema") << i18n("Customer")
<< i18n("Break")<< i18n("Breakfast")<< i18n("Competition")<< i18n("Dinner")
<< i18n("Education")<< i18n("Family") << i18n("Favorites") << i18n("Festival")<< i18n("Fishing")<< i18n("Flight") << i18n("Gifts")
<< i18n("Holiday") << i18n("Holiday Cards")<< i18n("Hot Contacts") << i18n("Hiking") << i18n("Hunting") << i18n("Key Customer") << i18n("Kids")
<< i18n("Lunch") << i18n("Meeting") << i18n("Miscellaneous") << i18n("Partner")<< i18n("Party") << i18n("Personal") << i18n("Personal Travel")
<< i18n("PHB") << i18n("Phone Calls") << i18n("Projects") << i18n("Recurring") << i18n("School") << i18n("Shopping")
<< i18n("Speach") << i18n("Special Occasion") << i18n("Sports") << i18n("Talk") << i18n("Travel") << i18n("TV")<< i18n("University")
<< i18n("Vacation") << i18n("VIP") << i18n("SyncEvent") ;
//qDebug("cat %s ", retval.join("-").latin1());
return retval;
void KOPrefs::usrReadConfig()
//qDebug("KOPrefs::usrReadConfig() ");
mCustomCategories = config()->readListEntry("Custom Categories");
mOldLoadedLanguage = mOldLanguage ;
mOldLanguage = KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mPreferredLanguage;
if (mLocationDefaults.isEmpty()) {
mLocationDefaults = getLocationDefaultList();
if (mEventSummaryUser.isEmpty()) {
mEventSummaryUser = getDefaultList() ;
if (mTodoSummaryUser.isEmpty()) {
mTodoSummaryUser = getDefaultList() ;
if (mCustomCategories.isEmpty()) setCategoryDefaults();
config()->setGroup("Personal Settings");
mName = config()->readEntry("user_name","");
mEmail = config()->readEntry("user_email","");
config()->setGroup("Category Colors");
QStringList::Iterator it;
for (it = mCustomCategories.begin();it != mCustomCategories.end();++it ) {
int numCals = config()->readNumEntry("NumberCalendars",0 );
mNextAvailableCalendar = 1;
if ( numCals == 0 ) {
KopiCalendarFile *kkf = getNewCalendar();
kkf->isStandard = true;
kkf->mName = i18n("Standard");
kkf->mFileName = locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/mycalendar.ics" );
while ( mNextAvailableCalendar <= numCals ) {
- qDebug("Read cal #%d ", mNextAvailableCalendar );
+ //qDebug("Read cal #%d ", mNextAvailableCalendar );
QString prefix = "Cal_" +QString::number( mNextAvailableCalendar );
KopiCalendarFile *kkf = getNewCalendar();
kkf->isStandard = config()->readBoolEntry( prefix+"_isStandard", false );
kkf->isEnabled = config()->readBoolEntry( prefix+"_isEnabled", true);
kkf->isAlarmEnabled = config()->readBoolEntry( prefix+"_isAlarmEnabled", true);
kkf->isReadOnly = config()->readBoolEntry( prefix+"_isReadOnly", false);
kkf->mName = config()->readEntry( prefix+"_Name", "Calendar");
kkf->mFileName = config()->readEntry( prefix+"_FileName", kkf->mFileName);
kkf->mDefaultColor = config()->readColorEntry( prefix+"_Color",&mEventColor);
if ( kkf->mCalNumber == 1 ) {
kkf->mFileName = locateLocal( "data", "korganizer/mycalendar.ics" );
KopiCalendarFile * KOPrefs::getCalendar( int num )
return mDefCalColors[num-1];
KopiCalendarFile * KOPrefs::getNewCalendar()
KopiCalendarFile * kkf = new KopiCalendarFile();
kkf->mCalNumber = mNextAvailableCalendar;
mDefCalColors.resize( mNextAvailableCalendar );
mDefCalColors[mNextAvailableCalendar-1] = kkf;
kkf->mDefaultColor = mEventColor;
kkf->mName = i18n("New Calendar");
mCalendars.append( kkf );
return kkf;
void KOPrefs::deleteCalendar( int num )
KopiCalendarFile * kkf = mCalendars.first();
while ( kkf ) {
if ( kkf->mCalNumber == num ) {
qDebug("KOPrefs::deleteCalendar %d ", num );
mCalendars.remove( kkf );
delete kkf;
kkf =;
QColor KOPrefs::defaultColor( int calNum ) const
return (mDefCalColors[calNum-1])->mDefaultColor;
void KOPrefs::usrWriteConfig()
config()->writeEntry("Custom Categories",mCustomCategories);
config()->setGroup("Personal Settings");
config()->setGroup("Category Colors");
QDictIterator<QColor> it(mCategoryColors);
while (it.current()) {
int numCal = 1;
int writeCal = 0;
while ( numCal < mNextAvailableCalendar ) {
KopiCalendarFile * kkf = mCalendars.first();
while ( kkf ) {
- qDebug("cal num %d %d ", kkf->mCalNumber, numCal);
+ //qDebug("cal num %d %d ", kkf->mCalNumber, numCal);
if ( kkf->mCalNumber == numCal ) {
- qDebug("Write calendar %d %d ", numCal , writeCal);
+ //qDebug("Write calendar %d %d ", numCal , writeCal);
QString prefix = "Cal_" + QString::number( writeCal );
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_isStandard", kkf->isStandard );
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_isEnabled", kkf->isEnabled );
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_isAlarmEnabled", kkf->isAlarmEnabled );
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_isReadOnly", kkf->isReadOnly );
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_Name", kkf->mName);
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_FileName", kkf->mFileName);
config()->writeEntry( prefix+"_Color",kkf->mDefaultColor);
kkf =;
void KOPrefs::setCategoryColor(QString cat,const QColor & color)
mCategoryColors.replace(cat,new QColor(color));
QColor *KOPrefs::categoryColor(QString cat)
QColor *color = 0;
if (!cat.isEmpty()) color = mCategoryColors[cat];
if (color) return color;
else return &mDefaultCategoryColor;
void KOPrefs::setFullName(const QString &name)
mName = name;
void KOPrefs::setEmail(const QString &email)
//qDebug(" KOPrefs::setEmai*********** %s",email.latin1() );
mEmail = email;
QString KOPrefs::fullName()
if (mEmailControlCenter) {
KEMailSettings settings;
return settings.getSetting(KEMailSettings::RealName);
} else {
return mName;
QString KOPrefs::email()
if (mEmailControlCenter) {
KEMailSettings settings;
return settings.getSetting(KEMailSettings::EmailAddress);
} else {
return mEmail;
KConfig* KOPrefs::getConfig()
return config();
diff --git a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
index 0cb0bce..95e1607 100644
--- a/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/mainwindow.cpp
@@ -726,129 +726,130 @@ void MainWindow::initActions()
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "configure" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Configure"),icon, i18n("Configure KO/Pi..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( edit_options() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "configure" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Configure"),icon, i18n("Global Settings..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( edit_global_options() ) );
action = new QAction( i18n("Undo Delete"), i18n("Undo Delete..."), 0, this );
action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( undo_delete() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newevent" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Stretched TB"), 5 );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Only one toolbar"), 6 );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Filtermenu"), 7 );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(i18n("Week Number"), 400);
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Event..."), 10 );
QAction* ne_action = new QAction( i18n("New Event..."), icon, i18n("New Event..."), 0, this );
ne_action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( ne_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( newEvent() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "newtodo" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 20 );
QAction* nt_action = new QAction( i18n("New Todo..."), icon, i18n("New Todo..."), 0, this );
nt_action->addTo( actionMenu );
connect( nt_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( newTodo() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "today" );
QAction* today_action = new QAction( i18n("Go to Today"), icon, i18n("Go to Today"), 0, this );
today_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( today_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( goToday() ) );
// ***********************
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mVerticalScreen ) {
icon = SmallIcon( "1updownarrow" );
} else {
icon = SmallIcon("1leftrightarrow" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Toggle Fullscreen"), 28 );
QAction* FSaction = new QAction( i18n("Toggle Fullscreen"), icon, i18n("Toggle Fullscreen"), 0, this );
FSaction->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( FSaction, SIGNAL( activated() ), mView, SLOT( toggleExpand() ));
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "navi" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), 22 );
action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), icon, i18n("Toggle DateNavigator"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleDateNavigatorWidget() ) );
mToggleNav = action ;
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "filter" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Filter menu icon"), 26 );
- action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle FilterView"), icon, i18n("Toggle FilterView"), 0, this );
+ icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "configure" );
+ action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle Resource View"), icon, i18n("Toggle Resource View"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleFilter() ) );
mToggleFilter = action;
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "allday" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Toggle Allday"), 24 );
action = new QAction( i18n("Toggle Allday"), icon,i18n("Toggle Allday"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( toggleAllDaySize() ) );
mToggleAllday = action;
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalFullScreen( bool ) ),
mToggleNav, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalFullScreen( bool ) ),
mToggleFilter, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalAgendaView( bool ) ),
mToggleAllday, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
// connect( mView->viewManager(), SIGNAL( signalAgendaView( bool ) ),
// configureAgendaMenu, SLOT( setEnabled ( bool ) ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "picker" );
action = new QAction( i18n("Date Picker"), icon, i18n("Date Picker"), 0, this );
action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView, SLOT( showDatePicker() ) );
action->addTo( iconToolBar );
if ( p-> mShowIconToggleFull )
FSaction->addTo( iconToolBar );
if ( p->mShowIconNavigator ) mToggleNav ->addTo( iconToolBar );
if ( p->mShowIconAllday ) mToggleAllday->addTo( iconToolBar );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "whatsnext" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("What's Next"), 110 );
QAction* whatsnext_action = new QAction( i18n("What's Next"), icon, i18n("What's Next"), 0, this );
whatsnext_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( whatsnext_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showWhatsNextView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "xdays" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Next days"), 100 );
QAction* xdays_action = new QAction( i18n("Next days"), icon, i18n("Next days"), 0, this );
xdays_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( xdays_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showNextXView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "journal" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Journal"), 90 );
QAction* viewjournal_action = new QAction( i18n("Journal"), icon, i18n("Journal"), 0, this );
viewjournal_action->addTo( viewMenu );
connect( viewjournal_action, SIGNAL( activated() ),
mView->viewManager(), SLOT( showJournalView() ) );
icon = loadPixmap( pathString + "day" );
configureToolBarMenu->insertItem(icon, i18n("Day View"), 40 );
@@ -1427,129 +1428,129 @@ void MainWindow::usertrans()
KApplication::showFile( i18n("KO/Pi User translation HowTo"), "kdepim/korganizer/usertranslationHOWTO.txt" );
void MainWindow::storagehowto()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Storage HowTo", "kdepim/storagehowto.txt" );
void MainWindow::timetrackinghowto()
KApplication::showFile( "KO/Pi Timetracking HowTo", "kdepim/timetrackerhowto.txt" );
void MainWindow::kdesynchowto()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/Zaurus-KDE_syncHowTo.txt" );
void MainWindow::multisynchowto()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/MultiSyncHowTo.txt" );
void MainWindow::synchowto()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Synchronization HowTo", "kdepim/SyncHowto.txt" );
void MainWindow::faq()
KApplication::showFile( i18n("KO/Pi FAQ"), "kdepim/korganizer/kopiFAQ.txt" );
void MainWindow::whatsNew()
KApplication::showFile( "KDE-Pim/Pi Version Info", "kdepim/WhatsNew.txt" );
void MainWindow::licence()
void MainWindow::about()
QString version;
#include <../version>
QMessageBox::about( this, i18n("About KOrganizer/Pi"),
i18n("KOrganizer/Platform-independent\n") +
"(KO/Pi) " + version + " - " +
i18n("Desktop Edition\n") +
i18n("PDA-Edition\nfor: Zaurus 5x00/7x0/860/3000/6000\n") +
i18n("(c)2004 Lutz Rogowski (\nKO/Pi is based on KOrganizer\n(c)2002,2003 Cornelius Schumacher\n( and the KDE team.\nKOrganizer/Pi is licensed under the GPL.\nKO/Pi can be compiled for\nLinux, Zaurus-PDA and Windows\ ---\nSpecial thanks to Michael and Ben\nfor intensive testing!") );
void MainWindow::keyBindings()
QString cap = i18n("KO/Pi Keys + Colors");
QString text = i18n("<p><h2>KO/Pi key shortcuts:</h2></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>H</b>: This help dialog | <b>S</b>: Search dialog</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>N</b>: Switch to next view which has a toolbar icon</p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>A+(shift or ctrl)</b>: Show occurence of next alarm</p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info for selected event/todo</p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>Space</b>: Toggle fullscreen | <b>P</b>: Date picker</p>\n")+
- i18n("<p><b>F</b>: Toggle filterview |<b>F+ctrl</b>: Edit filter </p>\n")+
+ i18n("<p><b>R</b>: Toggle Resource View |<b>F</b>: Edit filter </p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>O</b>: Filter On/Off | <b>J</b>: Journal view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>1-0</b> (+<b>ctrl</b>): Select filter 1-10 (11-20)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>X</b>: Next X days view| <b>W</b>: What's next view\n ")+
i18n("<p><b>V</b>: Todo view | <b>L</b>: Event list view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Z,Y</b>: Work week view | <b>U</b>: Week view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>D</b>: One day view | <b>M</b>: Month view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>K</b>: Week view in Month view syle</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>E</b>: Edit selected item |<b> E+ctrl</b>: New Event</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>T</b>: Goto today | <b>T+ctrl</b>: New Todo</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>S+ctrl</b>: Add sub-todo | <b>X+ctrl</b>: Toggle datenavigator</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>+,-</b> : Zoom in/out agenda | <b>A</b>: Toggle allday agenda height</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>C</b>: Show current time in agenda view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>B</b>: Edit description (details) of selected item</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>right</b>: Next week | <b>right+ctrl</b>: Next month</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>left</b>: Prev. week | <b>left+ctrl</b>: Prev. month</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>del,backspace</b>: Delete selected item</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><h3>In agenda view:</h3></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>up/down</b>: Scroll agenda view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Scroll small todo view</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><h3>In todo view:</h3></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>shift+U</b>: <b>U</b>nparent todo (make root todo)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>shift+S</b>: Make <b>S</b>ubtodo (reparent todo)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>shift+P</b>: Make new <b>P</b>arent for todo selected with shift+S</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Q</b>: Toggle quick todo line edit.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>return</b>: Mark item as completed+one step down.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>return+shift</b>: Mark item as not completed+one step down</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><h3>In list view:</h3></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>I</b>: Show info of current item+one step down.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>return</b>: Select item+one step down</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>return+shift</b>: Deselect item+one step down</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>up/down</b>: Next/prev item</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>ctrl+up/down</b>: Goto up/down by 20% of items</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>shift+up/down</b>: Goto first/last item</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><h3>In event/todo viewer:</h3></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>I,C</b>: Close dialog.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>A</b>: Show agenda view.</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>E</b>: Edit item</p>\n") +
i18n("<p><h2>KO/Pi icon colors:</h2></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>(for square icons in agenda and month view)</b></p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>Cross</b>: Item cancelled.([c] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Red</b>: Alarm set.([a] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Blue</b>: Recurrent event.([r] in Whats'Next view)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Dark green</b>: Information(description) available.([i] in WN view)</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Black</b>: Event/todo with attendees. You are the organizer!</p>\n")+
i18n("<p><b>Dark yellow</b>: Event/todo with attendees.</p>\n") +
i18n("<p><b>White</b>: Item readonly</p>\n");
displayText( text, cap);
void MainWindow::aboutAutoSaving()
QString text = i18n("After changing something, the data is\nautomatically saved to the file\n~/kdepim/apps/korganizer/mycalendar.ics\nafter (configurable) three minutes.\nFor safety reasons there is one autosaving\nafter 10 minutes (of idle time) again. The \ndata is saved automatically when closing KO/Pi\nYou can create a backup file \nwith: File - Save Calendar Backup\n");
KApplication::showText( i18n("Auto Saving in KOrganizer/Pi"), text);
void MainWindow::aboutKnownBugs()
QMessageBox* msg;
msg = new QMessageBox( i18n("Known Problems in KOrganizer/Pi"),
i18n("1) Importing *.vcs or *.ics files from\nother applications may not work properly,\nif there are events with properties\nKO/Pi does not support.\n")+
i18n("2) Audio alarm daemon\nfor Zaurus is available!\nas an additional small application\n")+
i18n("\nPlease report unexpected behaviour to\\n") +
i18n("\nor report them in the bugtracker on\n") +
@@ -1926,132 +1927,132 @@ void MainWindow::keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * e )
case Qt::Key_O:
mView->toggleFilerEnabled( );
case Qt::Key_0:
case Qt::Key_1:
case Qt::Key_2:
case Qt::Key_3:
case Qt::Key_4:
case Qt::Key_5:
case Qt::Key_6:
case Qt::Key_7:
case Qt::Key_8:
case Qt::Key_9:
pro = e->key()-48;
if ( pro == 0 )
pro = 10;
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton)
pro += 10;
case Qt::Key_M:
showSelectedDates = true;
case Qt::Key_Insert:
case Qt::Key_S :
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton)
case Qt::Key_Y :
case Qt::Key_Z :
showSelectedDates = true;
case Qt::Key_U :
showSelectedDates = true;
case Qt::Key_H :
case Qt::Key_W:
case Qt::Key_L:
case Qt::Key_N:
case Qt::Key_V:
case Qt::Key_C:
mView->viewManager()->agendaView()->setStartHour( QTime::currentTime ().hour() );
case Qt::Key_P:
mView->showDatePicker( );
case Qt::Key_F:
- if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton )
- mView->editFilters();
- else
- mView->toggleFilter();
+ mView->editFilters();
+ break;
+ case Qt::Key_R:
+ mView->toggleFilter();
case Qt::Key_X:
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton )
else {
showSelectedDates = true;
case Qt::Key_Space:
case Qt::Key_A:
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton || e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton )
case Qt::Key_T:
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton )
else {
showSelectedDates = true;
case Qt::Key_J:
case Qt::Key_B:
// case Qt::Key_Return:
case Qt::Key_E:
if ( e->state() == Qt::ControlButton|| e->state() == Qt::ShiftButton )
case Qt::Key_Plus:
size = p->mHourSize +2;
if ( size <= 22 )
configureAgenda( size );
case Qt::Key_Minus:
size = p->mHourSize - 2;
if ( size >= 4 )
configureAgenda( size );
if ( pro > 0 ) {
mView->selectFilter( pro-1 );
if ( showSelectedDates ) {
;// setCaptionToDates();
void MainWindow::fillFilterMenuTB()