author | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-03-11 19:26:02 (UTC) |
committer | zautrix <zautrix> | 2005-03-11 19:26:02 (UTC) |
commit | 1166a4797a91cedd5002a3513d5028c5e86016f0 (patch) (side-by-side diff) | |
tree | 8e7443bc887a15dcf3852abd36e6e61f2e6bddad | |
parent | 71462ba8ef1803787bba6793f1adb85987eb57df (diff) | |
download | kdepimpi-1166a4797a91cedd5002a3513d5028c5e86016f0.tar.gz kdepimpi-1166a4797a91cedd5002a3513d5028c5e86016f0.tar.bz2 |
better kopi export
-rw-r--r-- | bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt | 5 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/editaccounts.cpp | 12 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp | 21 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.cpp | 41 | ||||
-rw-r--r-- | korganizer/kolistview.h | 2 |
5 files changed, 66 insertions, 15 deletions
diff --git a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt index 246ab3d..2084d0d 100644 --- a/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt +++ b/bin/kdepim/korganizer/germantranslation.txt @@ -1235,72 +1235,75 @@ { ""You entered an invalid date!\n Date changed to current date.","Ung�ltiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze heutiges Datum." }, { "You entered an invalid date!\n Will use current date instead.","Ung�ltiges Datum eingegeben.\nSetze stattdessen heutiges Datum." }, { "Warning","Warnung" }, { "Select week number","W�hle Wochen Nummer" }, { "Februar","Februar" }, { "Click on the week number to\nshow week zoomed","Klicke auf die Wochennummer\num die Woche gro� zu zeigen" }, { "W","W" }, { "Click on this to\nselect week number","Klicke hierauf um\ndie Woche auszuw�hlen" }, { "T: %1","T: %1" }, { "Start: ","Start: " }, { "Pi-Sync options for device: ","Pi-Sync Einstellungen f�r Ger�t: " }, { "Password for remote access:","Passwort f�r fernen Zugriff:" }, { "Remote IP address:","Ferne IP Adresse:" }, { "Remote port number:","Ferne Port Nummer:" }, { "Remote file saved to temp file.","Ferne Daten in temp Datei gespeichert." }, { "Remote from: ","Fern von: " }, { "Local from: ","Lokal von: " }, { "Synchronization summary:\n\n %d items added to local\n %d items added to remote\n %d items updated on local\n %d items updated on remote\n %d items deleted on local\n %d items deleted on remote\n %d incoming filtered out\n %d outgoing filtered out\n","Synchronisations�bersicht:\n\n %d lokal hinzugef�gt\n %d fern hinzugef�gt\n %d lokal ge�ndert\n %d fern ge�ndert\n %d lokal gel�scht\n %d fern gel�scht\n %d eingehende ausgefiltert\n %d ausgehende ausgefiltert\n" }, { "Local calendar changed!\n","Lokaler Kalender ge�ndert!\n" }, { "Write back","Schreibe zur�ck" }, { "KO/Pi Synchronization","KO/Pi Synchronisation" }, { "Pi-Sync succesful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" }, { "Received sync request","Sync Anfrage erhalten" }, { "Synchronizing from remote ...\n\nDo not use this application!\n\nIf syncing fails\nyou can close this dialog.","Ferne Synchronisation ...\n\nBenutze diese Anwendung nicht!\n\nWenn das Syncen fehlschl�gt kann\ndieser Dialog geschlossen werden." }, { "Saving Data to temp file ...","Speichere Daten in temp Datei..." }, { "Data saved to temp file!","Daten in temp Datei gespeichert!" }, { "Sending file...","Sende Datei..." }, { "Waiting for synced file...","Warte auf gesyncte Daten..." }, { "Receiving synced file...","Gesyncte Daten erhalten..." }, { "Received %1 bytes","%1 Bytes erhalten" }, { "Writing file to disk...","Speichere Datei..." }, { "Pi-Sync successful!","Pi-Sync erfolgreich!" }, { "Clock skew of\nsyncing devices\nis %1 seconds!","Uhrzeitunterschied der\nsyncenden Ger�te\nist %1 Sekunden!" }, { "Synchronize!","Synchronisiere!" }, { "High clock skew!","Gro�er Uhrzeitunterschied!" }, { "ADJUST\nYOUR\nCLOCKS!","JUSTIERE\nDIE\nUHREN!" }, { "The clocks of the syncing\ndevices have a difference\nof more than 5 minutes.\nPlease adjust your clocks.\nYou may get wrong syncing results!\nPlease confirm synchronization!","Die Uhren der syncenden Ger�te\nhaben einen Unterschied von\nmehr als 5 Minuten. Bitte die\nUhrzeiten anpassen. Sie k�nnen\nfalsche Sync-Resultate erhalten!\nBitte das Syncen best�tigen!" }, { "This is a %1 recurring todo.","Das ist eine %1 wiederholende Aufgabe." }, { "<p><b>Start on:</b> %1</p>","<p><b>Start am:</b> %1</p>" }, { "List week view","Listenwochenansicht" }, { "List week","Listenwochenansicht" }, { "Next Week","N�chste Woche" }, { "Previous Week","Vorherige Woche" }, { "No items were found matching\nyour search expression.\nUse the wildcard characters\n'*' and '?' where needed.","Keine Eintr�ge gefunden die\ndem Suchausdruck entsprechen.\nBenutze Platzhalter Zeichen\n'*' und '?' wo ben�tigt." }, { "Show in todo/event viewer:","Zeige in Termin/Todo Anzeige:" }, { "Details","Details" }, { "Created time","Erstellt Zeit" }, { "Last modified time","Ge�ndert Zeit" }, { "Show in What'sThis quick overview:","Zeige in What'sThis Schnell�bersicht:" }, { "View Options","Anzeige Optionen" }, { "<b>Created: ","<b>Erstellt am: " }, { "<b>Last modified: ","<b>Zuletzt ge�ndert am: " }, { "Journal: ","Journal: " }, { "yearly","j�hrlich" }, { "(%1) ","%1-" }, { "<p><b>K</b>: Week view in Month view syle</p>\n","<p><b>K</b>: Wochenansicht in Art der Monatsansicht</p>\n" }, { "Enable tooltips displaying summary of ev.","Titel-Tooltips anzeigen" }, { "Enable scrollbars in month view cells","Scrollbar in Zellen anzeigen" }, { "Summary/Loc.","Titel/Ort" }, { "No items found. Use '*' and '?' where needed.","Nichts gefunden. Benutze '*' and '?' wo ben�tigt." }, { "Week Number","Wochennummer" }, { "Import","Importiere" }, { "Export","Exportiere" }, { "Beam","Beame" }, +{ "Export selected","Exportiere Selektierte" }, +{ "As iCal (ics) file...","Als iCal (ics) Datei..." }, +{ "As vCal (vcs) file...","Als vCal (vcs) Datei..." }, +{ "Journal/Details...","Journale/Details..." }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, { "","" }, - diff --git a/kmicromail/editaccounts.cpp b/kmicromail/editaccounts.cpp index 49049f6..2c0f2d8 100644 --- a/kmicromail/editaccounts.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/editaccounts.cpp @@ -286,314 +286,320 @@ void EditAccounts::slotDeleteNews() void EditAccounts::slotAdjustColumns() { int currPage = configTab->currentPageIndex(); configTab->showPage( mailTab ); mailList->setColumnWidth( 0, mailList->visibleWidth() - 50 ); mailList->setColumnWidth( 1, 50 ); configTab->showPage( newsTab ); newsList->setColumnWidth( 0, newsList->visibleWidth() ); configTab->setCurrentPage( currPage ); } void EditAccounts::accept() { settings->saveAccounts(); QDialog::accept(); } /** * SelectMailType */ SelectMailType::SelectMailType( QString *selection, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : SelectMailTypeUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { selected = selection; selected->replace( 0, selected->length(), typeBox->currentText() ); connect( typeBox, SIGNAL( activated(const QString&) ), SLOT( slotSelection(const QString&) ) ); } void SelectMailType::slotSelection( const QString &sel ) { selected->replace( 0, selected->length(), sel ); } /** * IMAPconfig */ IMAPconfig::IMAPconfig( IMAPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : IMAPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; //fillValues(); connect( ComboBox1, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotConnectionToggle(int) ) ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Only if available", 0 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Always, Negotiated", 1 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Connect on secure port", 2 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Run command instead", 3 ); CommandEdit->hide(); fillValues(); // ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); } void IMAPconfig::slotConnectionToggle( int index ) { if ( index == 2 ) { portLine->setText( IMAP_SSL_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } else if ( index == 3 ) { portLine->setText( IMAP_PORT ); CommandEdit->show(); } else { portLine->setText( IMAP_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } } void IMAPconfig::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); prefixLine->setText(data->getPrefix()); localFolder->setText( data->getLocalFolder() ); int max = data->getMaxMailSize() ; if ( max ) { CheckBoxDown->setChecked( true ); SpinBoxDown->setValue ( max ); } else { CheckBoxDown->setChecked( false ); SpinBoxDown->setValue ( 5 ); } CheckBoxLeaveOn->setChecked( data->getLeaveOnServer() ); } void IMAPconfig::accept() { if ( localFolder->text().contains("/") ||localFolder->text().contains("\\") ) { QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n( "No paths allowed in\nlocal folder settings.\nPlease specify a folder\nname or leave empty\nto create local folder\nwith account name\nautomatically." ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); return; } data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setConnectionType( ComboBox1->currentItem() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); data->setPrefix(prefixLine->text()); data->setLocalFolder( localFolder->text() ); data->setMaxMailSize( CheckBoxDown->isChecked()?SpinBoxDown->value():0 ) ; data->setLeaveOnServer( CheckBoxLeaveOn->isChecked() ); QDialog::accept(); } /** * POP3config */ POP3config::POP3config( POP3account *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : POP3configUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; //fillValues(); connect( ComboBox1, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotConnectionToggle(int) ) ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Only if available", 0 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Always, Negotiated", 1 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Connect on secure port", 2 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Run command instead", 3 ); CommandEdit->hide(); fillValues(); //ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); } void POP3config::slotConnectionToggle( int index ) { // 2 is ssl connection if ( index == 2 ) { portLine->setText( POP3_SSL_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } else if ( index == 3 ) { portLine->setText( POP3_PORT ); CommandEdit->show(); } else { portLine->setText( POP3_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } } void POP3config::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); localFolder->setText( data->getLocalFolder() ); int max = data->getMaxMailSize() ; if ( max ) { CheckBoxDown->setChecked( true ); SpinBoxDown->setValue ( max ); } else { CheckBoxDown->setChecked( false ); SpinBoxDown->setValue ( 5 ); } CheckBoxLeaveOn->setChecked( data->getLeaveOnServer() ); } void POP3config::accept() { if ( localFolder->text().contains("/") ||localFolder->text().contains("\\") ) { QMessageBox::information( this, i18n( "Error" ), i18n( "No paths allowed in\nlocal folder settings.\nPlease specify a folder\nname or leave empty\nto create local folder\nwith account name\nautomatically." ), i18n( "Ok" ) ); return; } data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setConnectionType( ComboBox1->currentItem() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); data->setLocalFolder( localFolder->text() ); data->setMaxMailSize( CheckBoxDown->isChecked()?SpinBoxDown->value():0 ) ; data->setLeaveOnServer( CheckBoxLeaveOn->isChecked() ); QDialog::accept(); } /** * SMTPconfig */ SMTPconfig::SMTPconfig( SMTPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : SMTPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), userLine, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), passLine, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); // fillValues(); QIconSet icon; //icon = SmallIcon("fileexport"); icon = SmallIcon("fileopen"); SignaturButton->setText(""); SignaturButton->setIconSet (icon ) ; SignaturButton->setMaximumSize ( SignaturButton->sizeHint().height()+4,SignaturButton->sizeHint().height()) ; connect( SignaturButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( chooseSig() ) ); connect( ComboBox1, SIGNAL( activated(int) ), SLOT( slotConnectionToggle(int) ) ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "No secure connection, no TLS", 0 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Only if available, try TLS", 1 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Always, use TLS", 2 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Connect on secure port (SSL)", 3 ); ComboBox1->insertItem( "Run command instead", 4 ); CommandEdit->hide(); fillValues(); //ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); } void SMTPconfig::chooseSig() { QString lnk = KFileDialog::getOpenFileName( "", "Choose Signatur File", this ); if ( !lnk.isEmpty() ) { SignaturEdit->setText( lnk ); } } void SMTPconfig::slotConnectionToggle( int index ) { - // 2 is ssl connection - if ( index == 2 ) + // 3 is ssl connection + if ( index == 3 ) { portLine->setText( SMTP_SSL_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } - else if ( index == 3 ) + else if ( index == 4 ) { portLine->setText( SMTP_PORT ); CommandEdit->show(); } else { portLine->setText( SMTP_PORT ); + CommandEdit->hide(); } } void SMTPconfig::fillValues() { accountLine->setText( data->getAccountName() ); serverLine->setText( data->getServer() ); portLine->setText( data->getPort() ); ComboBox1->setCurrentItem( data->ConnectionType() ); loginBox->setChecked( data->getLogin() ); userLine->setText( data->getUser() ); passLine->setText( data->getPassword() ); SignaturEdit->setText( data->getSigFile() ); } void SMTPconfig::accept() { data->setAccountName( accountLine->text() ); data->setServer( serverLine->text() ); data->setPort( portLine->text() ); data->setConnectionType( ComboBox1->currentItem() ); data->setLogin( loginBox->isChecked() ); data->setUser( userLine->text() ); data->setPassword( passLine->text() ); data->setSigFile( SignaturEdit->text() ); QDialog::accept(); } /** * NNTPconfig */ NNTPconfig::NNTPconfig( NNTPaccount *account, QWidget *parent, const char *name, bool modal, WFlags flags ) : NNTPconfigUI( parent, name, modal, flags ) { data = account; connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), userLine, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect( loginBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), passLine, SLOT( setEnabled(bool) ) ); connect( GetNGButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotGetNG() ) ); connect( ShowSubcribed, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotShowSub() ) ); connect( FilterButton, SIGNAL( clicked() ), this, SLOT( slotShowFilter() ) ); fillValues(); connect( sslBox, SIGNAL( toggled(bool) ), SLOT( slotSSL(bool) ) ); } void NNTPconfig::slotShowSub() { save(); data->save(); ListViewGroups->clear(); for ( QStringList::Iterator it = subscribedGroups.begin(); it != subscribedGroups.end(); ++it ) { QCheckListItem *item; item = new QCheckListItem( ListViewGroups, (*it), QCheckListItem::CheckBox ); item->setOn( true ); } topLevelWidget()->setCaption( i18n("%1 groups subscribed").arg( subscribedGroups.count())); } void NNTPconfig::slotShowFilter() { save(); data->save(); diff --git a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp index 872a460..845c71c 100644 --- a/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp +++ b/kmicromail/libmailwrapper/smtpwrapper.cpp @@ -183,290 +183,305 @@ int SMTPwrapper::start_smtp_tls() mailstream_set_low(m_smtp->stream, new_low); } else { return MAILSMTP_ERROR_IN_PROCESSING; } return err; } void SMTPwrapper::connect_server() { QString server, user, pass; bool ssl; uint16_t port; ssl = false; bool try_tls = false; bool force_tls=false; QString failuretext = ""; if (m_smtp || !m_SmtpAccount) { return; } server = m_SmtpAccount->getServer(); if ( m_SmtpAccount->ConnectionType() == 3 ) { ssl = true; try_tls = false; } else if (m_SmtpAccount->ConnectionType() == 2) { force_tls = true; } else if (m_SmtpAccount->ConnectionType() == 1) { try_tls = true; } int result = 1; port = m_SmtpAccount->getPort().toUInt(); m_smtp = mailsmtp_new( 20, &progress ); if ( m_smtp == NULL ) { /* no failure message cause this happens when problems with memory - than we we can not display any messagebox */ return; } int err = MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR; ; // odebug << "Servername " << server << " at port " << port << "" << oendl; if ( ssl ) { qDebug("smtp: ssl_connect "); err = mailsmtp_ssl_connect( m_smtp, server.latin1(), port ); } else { ; // odebug << "No SSL session" << oendl; err = mailsmtp_socket_connect( m_smtp, server.latin1(), port ); } if ( err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { qDebug("Error init SMTP connection" ); failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP connection:\n%1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); result = 0; } qDebug("SMTP connection inited "); /* switch to tls after init 'cause there it will send the ehlo */ if (result) { err = mailsmtp_init( m_smtp ); if (err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR) { result = 0; qDebug("Error init SMTP connection "); failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP connection:\n%1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); } } - if (try_tls) { + if (result && try_tls) { qDebug("Smpt: Try tls "); err = start_smtp_tls(); if (err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR) { try_tls = false; qDebug("no tls "); } else { err = mailesmtp_ehlo(m_smtp); + if ( err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) + result = 0; } } //qDebug("mailesmtp_ehlo %d ",err ); if (!try_tls && force_tls) { result = 0; failuretext = i18n("Error init SMTP tls:%1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); } if (result==1 && m_SmtpAccount->getLogin() ) { ; // odebug << "smtp with auth" << oendl; if ( m_SmtpAccount->getUser().isEmpty() || m_SmtpAccount->getPassword().isEmpty() ) { // get'em LoginDialog login( m_SmtpAccount->getUser(), m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true );; if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser(); pass = login.getPassword(); } else { result = 0; failuretext=i18n("Login aborted - \nstoring mail to localfolder"); } } else { user = m_SmtpAccount->getUser(); pass = m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(); } ; // odebug << "session->auth: " << m_smtp->auth << "" << oendl; if (result) { err = mailsmtp_auth( m_smtp, (char*)user.latin1(), (char*)pass.latin1() ); if ( err == MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { qDebug("Smtp authentification ok "); } else { failuretext = i18n("Authentification failed"); result = 0; } } } + if ( result == 0 ) { + mailsmtp_free(m_smtp); + m_smtp = 0; + } } void SMTPwrapper::disc_server() { if (m_smtp) { mailsmtp_quit( m_smtp ); mailsmtp_free( m_smtp ); m_smtp = 0; } } int SMTPwrapper::smtpSend(char*from,clist*rcpts,const char*data,size_t size ) { int err,result; QString failuretext = ""; connect_server(); result = 1; if (m_smtp) { err = mailsmtp_send( m_smtp, from, rcpts, data, size ); if ( err != MAILSMTP_NO_ERROR ) { qDebug("Error sending mail"); failuretext=i18n("Error sending mail:\n%1").arg(mailsmtpError(err)); result = 0; } } else { result = 0; } if (!result) { storeFailedMail(data,size,failuretext); } else { ; // odebug << "Mail sent." << oendl; storeMail(data,size,"Sent"); } return result; } bool SMTPwrapper::sendMail(const Opie::Core::OSmartPointer<Mail>&mail,bool later ) { mailmime * mimeMail; bool result = true; mimeMail = createMimeMail(mail ); if ( mimeMail == 0 ) { qDebug("SMTP wrapper:Error creating mail! "); return false; } else { sendProgress = new progressMailSend(); sendProgress->show(); sendProgress->setMaxMails(1); result = smtpSend( mimeMail,later); ; // odebug << "Clean up done" << oendl; sendProgress->hide(); delete sendProgress; sendProgress = 0; - mailmime_free( mimeMail ); + mailmime_free( mimeMail ); + if ( m_smtp ) { + mailsmtp_free(m_smtp); + m_smtp = 0; + } } return result; } int SMTPwrapper::sendQueuedMail(AbstractMail*wrap,const RecMailP&which) { size_t curTok = 0; mailimf_fields *fields = 0; mailimf_field*ffrom = 0; clist *rcpts = 0; char*from = 0; int res = 0; encodedString * data = wrap->fetchRawBody(which); if (!data) return 0; int err = mailimf_fields_parse( data->Content(), data->Length(), &curTok, &fields ); if (err != MAILIMF_NO_ERROR) { delete data; delete wrap; return 0; } rcpts = createRcptList( fields ); ffrom = getField(fields, MAILIMF_FIELD_FROM ); from = getFrom(ffrom); if (rcpts && from) { res = smtpSend(from,rcpts,data->Content(),data->Length()); } if (fields) { mailimf_fields_free(fields); fields = 0; } if (data) { delete data; } if (from) { free(from); } if (rcpts) { smtp_address_list_free( rcpts ); } return res; } /* this is a special fun */ bool SMTPwrapper::flushOutbox() { bool returnValue = true; ; // odebug << "Sending the queue" << oendl; if (!m_SmtpAccount) { ; // odebug << "No smtp account given" << oendl; return false; } bool reset_user_value = false; QString localfolders = AbstractMail::defaultLocalfolder(); AbstractMail*wrap = AbstractMail::getWrapper(localfolders); if (!wrap) { ; // odebug << "memory error" << oendl; return false; } QString oldPw, oldUser; QValueList<RecMailP> mailsToSend; QValueList<RecMailP> mailsToRemove; QString mbox("Outgoing"); wrap->listMessages(mbox,mailsToSend); if (mailsToSend.count()==0) { delete wrap; ; // odebug << "No mails to send" << oendl; return false; } oldPw = m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(); oldUser = m_SmtpAccount->getUser(); if (m_SmtpAccount->getLogin() && (m_SmtpAccount->getUser().isEmpty() || m_SmtpAccount->getPassword().isEmpty()) ) { // get'em QString user,pass; LoginDialog login( m_SmtpAccount->getUser(), m_SmtpAccount->getPassword(), NULL, 0, true );; if ( QDialog::Accepted == login.exec() ) { // ok user = login.getUser().latin1(); pass = login.getPassword().latin1(); reset_user_value = true; m_SmtpAccount->setUser(user); m_SmtpAccount->setPassword(pass); } else { return true; } } sendProgress = new progressMailSend(); sendProgress->show(); sendProgress->setMaxMails(mailsToSend.count()); while (returnValue && mailsToSend.count()>0) { if (sendQueuedMail(wrap, (*mailsToSend.begin()))==0) { QMessageBox::critical(0,i18n("Error sending mail"), i18n("Error sending queued mail.\nBreaking.")); returnValue = false; } mailsToRemove.append((*mailsToSend.begin())); mailsToSend.remove(mailsToSend.begin()); sendProgress->setCurrentMails(mailsToRemove.count()); } if (reset_user_value) { m_SmtpAccount->setUser(oldUser); m_SmtpAccount->setPassword(oldPw); } + KConfig cfg( locateLocal("config", "kopiemailrc" ) ); cfg.setGroup( "Status" ); m_queuedMail = mailsToSend.count(); cfg.writeEntry( "outgoing", m_queuedMail ); emit queuedMails( m_queuedMail ); sendProgress->hide(); delete sendProgress; sendProgress = 0; wrap->deleteMails(mbox,mailsToRemove); - delete wrap; + delete wrap; + if ( m_smtp ) { + mailsmtp_free(m_smtp); + m_smtp = 0; + } return returnValue; } diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp index 710a9f9..f235705 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.cpp +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.cpp @@ -204,134 +204,136 @@ bool ListItemVisitor::visit(Journal * j) mItem->setText(7,j->dtStartDateStr()); mItem->setText(8,"---"); mItem->setText(9,"---"); mItem->setText(10,i18n("Last Modified: ")+ KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime( j->lastModified() , true) ); QString key; QDate d = j->dtStart().date(); key.sprintf("%04d%02d%02d",d.year(),d.month(),; mItem->setSortKey(1,key); mItem->setSortKey(7,key); return true; } KOListView::KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent, const char *name) : KOEventView(calendar, parent, name) { mActiveItem = 0; mListView = new KOListViewListView(this); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Summary")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Start Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("End Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Alarm")); // alarm set? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Recurs")); // recurs? mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Date")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Due Time")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Cancelled")); mListView->addColumn(i18n("Categories")); mListView->setColumnAlignment(0,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(1,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(2,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(3,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(4,AlignHCenter); mListView->setColumnAlignment(5,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(6,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(7,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(8,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(9,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnAlignment(10,AlignLeft); mListView->setColumnWidthMode(10, QListView::Manual); new KOListViewWhatsThis(mListView->viewport(),this); int iii = 0; for ( iii = 0; iii< 10 ; ++iii ) mListView->setColumnWidthMode( iii, QListView::Manual ); QBoxLayout *layoutTop = new QVBoxLayout(this); layoutTop->addWidget(mListView); mListView->setFont ( KOPrefs::instance()->mListViewFont ); mPopupMenu = eventPopup(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Select all"),this, SLOT(allSelection()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Deselect all"),this, SLOT(clearSelection()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Delete all selected"),this, SLOT(deleteAll()),true); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); - mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), - i18n("Save selected to file..."),this, - SLOT(saveToFile()),true); - mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), - i18n("Save Journal/Description..."),this, - SLOT(saveDescriptionToFile()),true); + QPopupMenu * exportPO = new QPopupMenu ( this ); + mPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Export selected"), exportPO ); + exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As iCal (ics) file..."),this, + SLOT(saveToFile())); + exportPO->insertItem( i18n("As vCal (vcs) file..."),this, + SLOT(saveToFileVCS())); + exportPO->insertItem( i18n("Journal/Details..."),this, + SLOT(saveDescriptionToFile())); // mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Add Categ. to selected..."),this, SLOT(addCat()),true); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set Categ. for selected..."),this, SLOT(setCat()),true); //mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Set alarm for selected..."),this, SLOT(setAlarm()),true); #ifndef DESKTOP_VERSION mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->addAdditionalItem(QIconSet(QPixmap()), i18n("Beam selected via IR"),this, SLOT(beamSelected()),true); #endif /* mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu; mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Edit Event"), this, SLOT (editEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIcon("delete"), i18n("Delete Event"), this, SLOT (deleteEvent())); mPopupMenu->insertSeparator(); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Dates"), this, SLOT(showDates())); mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Hide Dates"), this, SLOT(hideDates())); */ QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL( newEvent()), this,SIGNAL(signalNewEvent())); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(doubleClicked(QListViewItem *)), this,SLOT(defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(rightButtonClicked ( QListViewItem *, const QPoint &, int )), this,SLOT(popupMenu(QListViewItem *,const QPoint &,int))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(currentChanged(QListViewItem *)), SLOT(processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *))); QObject::connect(mListView,SIGNAL(showIncidence(Incidence *)), SIGNAL(showIncidenceSignal(Incidence *)) ); readSettings(KOGlobals::config(),"KOListView Layout"); } KOListView::~KOListView() { delete mPopupMenu; } QString KOListView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p) { KOListViewItem* item = ( KOListViewItem* ) mListView->itemAt( p ); if ( item ) return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->data(), KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowDetails, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowCreated, KOPrefs::instance()->mWTshowChanged); return i18n("That is the list view" ); } void KOListView::updateList() { @@ -545,171 +547,194 @@ void KOListView::saveDescriptionToFile() QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { QString text = i18n("KO/Pi Description/Journal save file.\nSave date: ") + KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(QDateTime::currentDateTime(), false); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); icount = 0; while ( incidence ) { if ( incidence->type() == "Journal" ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; text += i18n("Journal from: ") +incidence->dtStartDateStr( false ); text +="\n" + i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); text +="\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n"+ incidence->description(); ++icount; } else { if ( !incidence->description().isEmpty() ) { text += "\n************************************\n"; if ( incidence->type() == "Todo" ) text += i18n("To-Do: "); text += incidence->summary(); if ( incidence->hasStartDate() ) text +="\n"+ i18n("Start Date: ") + incidence->dtStartStr( false ); text +="\n"+ i18n("Last modified: ") +KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(incidence->lastModified(), false); if ( !incidence->location().isEmpty() ) text += "\n" +i18n("Location: ") + incidence->location(); text += "\n" + i18n("Description: ") + "\n" + incidence->description(); ++icount; } } incidence =; } QFile file( fn ); if (! IO_WriteOnly ) ) { topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("File open error - nothing saved!") ); return; } QTextStream ts( &file ); ts << text; file.close(); //qDebug("%s ", text.latin1()); mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1 descriptions/journals").arg(icount ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } } +void KOListView::saveToFileVCS() +{ + writeToFile( false ); +} void KOListView::saveToFile() { + writeToFile( true ); +} +void KOListView::writeToFile( bool iCal ) +{ int icount = 0; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); ++icount; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( icount ) { QString fn = KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile; + QString extension; + if ( iCal ) { + if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".vcs" ) { + fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "ics"; + } + } else { + if ( fn.right( 4 ).lower() == ".ics" ) { + fn = fn.left( fn.length() -3) + "vcs"; + } + } fn = KFileDialog::getSaveFileName( fn, i18n("Save filename"), this ); if ( fn == "" ) return; QFileInfo info; info.setFile( fn ); QString mes; bool createbup = true; if ( info. exists() ) { mes = i18n("File already exists!\nOld file from:\n%1\nOverwrite?\n").arg (KGlobal::locale()->formatDateTime(info.lastModified (), true, false ) ); int result = QMessageBox::warning( this, i18n("KO/Pi: Warning!"),mes, i18n("Overwrite!"), i18n("Cancel"), 0, 0, 1 ); if ( result != 0 ) { createbup = false; } } if ( createbup ) { CalendarLocal cal; cal.setTimeZoneId(KPimGlobalPrefs::instance()->mTimeZoneId); Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); while ( incidence ) { cal.addIncidence( incidence->clone() ); incidence =; } - ICalFormat format; - &cal, fn ); + if ( iCal ) { + ICalFormat format; + &cal, fn ); + } else { + VCalFormat format; + &cal, fn ); + } mes = i18n("KO/Pi:Saved %1").arg(fn ); KOPrefs::instance()->mLastSaveFile = fn; topLevelWidget()->setCaption(mes); } } } void KOListView::deleteAll() { int icount = 0; QPtrList<Incidence> delSel ; QListViewItem *item = mListView->firstChild (); while ( item ) { if ( item->isSelected() ) { delSel.append(((KOListViewItem *)item)->data()); ++icount; } item = item->nextSibling(); } if ( icount ) { Incidence *incidence = delSel.first(); Incidence *toDelete; KOPrefs *p = KOPrefs::instance(); bool confirm = p->mConfirm; QString mess; mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("You have %d item(s) selected.\n"), icount ); if ( KMessageBox::Continue == KMessageBox::warningContinueCancel(this, mess + i18n("All selected items will be\npermanently deleted.\n(Deleting items will take\nsome time on a PDA)\n"), i18n("KO/Pi Confirmation"),i18n("Delete")) ) { p->mConfirm = false; int delCounter = 0; QDialog dia ( this, "p-dialog", true ); QLabel lab (i18n("Close dialog to abort deletion!"), &dia ); QVBoxLayout lay( &dia ); lay.setMargin(7); lay.setSpacing(7); lay.addWidget( &lab); QProgressBar bar( icount, &dia ); lay.addWidget( &bar); int w = 220; int h = 50; int dw = QApplication::desktop()->width(); int dh = QApplication::desktop()->height(); dia.setGeometry( (dw-w)/2, (dh - h )/2 ,w,h ); //dia.resize( 240,50 );; while ( incidence ) { bar.setProgress( delCounter ); mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("Deleting item %d ..."), ++delCounter ); dia.setCaption( mess ); qApp->processEvents(); toDelete = (incidence); incidence =; emit deleteIncidenceSignal(toDelete ); if ( dia.result() != 0 ) break; } mess = mess.sprintf( i18n("%d items remaining in list."), count() ); topLevelWidget ()->setCaption( mess ); p->mConfirm = confirm; } } diff --git a/korganizer/kolistview.h b/korganizer/kolistview.h index c86449d..0d9c525 100644 --- a/korganizer/kolistview.h +++ b/korganizer/kolistview.h @@ -211,94 +211,96 @@ class KOListView; class KOListViewListView : public KListView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListViewListView(KOListView * lv ); signals: void newEvent(); void showIncidence( Incidence* ); private: void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; void contentsMouseDoubleClickEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMousePressEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseReleaseEvent(QMouseEvent *e); void contentsMouseMoveEvent(QMouseEvent *e); bool mAllowPopupMenu; bool mMouseDown; int mYMousePos; }; class KOListView : public KOEventView { Q_OBJECT public: KOListView(Calendar *calendar, QWidget *parent = 0, const char *name = 0); ~KOListView(); virtual int maxDatesHint(); virtual int currentDateCount(); virtual QPtrList<Incidence> selectedIncidences(); virtual DateList selectedDates(); void showDates(bool show); Incidence* currentItem(); void addTodos(QPtrList<Todo> eventList); void addJournals(QPtrList<Journal> eventList); virtual void printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &, const QDate &); void readSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void writeSettings(KConfig *config, QString setting = "KOListView Layout"); void updateList(); void setStartDate(const QDate &start); int count(); QString getWhatsThisText(QPoint p); void resetFocus(); signals: void signalNewEvent(); void beamIncidenceList(QPtrList<Incidence>); public slots: virtual void updateView(); virtual void showDates(const QDate &start, const QDate &end); virtual void showEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void clearSelection(); void allSelection(); void clear(); void beamDone( Ir *ir ); void showDates(); void hideDates(); void deleteAll(); void saveToFile(); + void saveToFileVCS(); void saveDescriptionToFile(); void beamSelected(); void updateConfig(); void addCat(); void setCat(); void setAlarm(); void setCategories( bool removeOld ); void changeEventDisplay(Event *, int); void defaultItemAction(QListViewItem *item); void popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int); protected slots: void processSelectionChange(QListViewItem *); protected: + void writeToFile( bool iCal ); void addEvents(QPtrList<Event> eventList); void addIncidence(Incidence *); KOListViewItem *getItemForEvent(Event *event); private: KOListViewListView *mListView; KOEventPopupMenu *mPopupMenu; KOListViewItem *mActiveItem; QDict<Incidence> mUidDict; QDate mStartDate; void keyPressEvent ( QKeyEvent * ) ; }; #endif |