authorzautrix <zautrix>2005-02-03 00:58:41 (UTC)
committer zautrix <zautrix>2005-02-03 00:58:41 (UTC)
commit7e3c508b7ee613c534c2bf0cacf38f96efaef613 (patch) (side-by-side diff)
parentca3c58c09b1b7d2733eeacc9e8ca568134926e93 (diff)
todo fix
Diffstat (more/less context) (ignore whitespace changes)
1 files changed, 4 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
index c5b9a21..03a8f1c 100644
--- a/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
+++ b/korganizer/kotodoview.cpp
@@ -438,512 +438,516 @@ KOTodoView::KOTodoView(Calendar *calendar,QWidget* parent,const char* name) :
SLOT (editTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Delete"), this,
SLOT (deleteTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Clone..."), this,
SLOT (cloneTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Move..."), this,
SLOT (moveTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Beam..."), this,
SLOT (beamTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("Toggle Cancel"), this,
SLOT (cancelTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem( i18n("New Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("New Sub-Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newSubTodo()));
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Unparent Todo"), this,
SLOT (unparentTodo()),0,21);
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Reparent Todo"), this,
SLOT (reparentTodo()),0,22);
#if 0
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed"),
this, SLOT( purgeCompleted() ) );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle completed To-Dos","Show Completed"),
this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0, 33 );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"),
this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0, 34 );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"),
this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0, 35 );
mPopupMenu = new QPopupMenu(this);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(SmallIconSet("todo"), i18n("New Todo..."), this,
SLOT (newTodo()),0,1);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("delete completed To-Dos","Purge Completed"),
this, SLOT(purgeCompleted()),0,2);
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Show Completed"),
this, SLOT( toggleCompleted() ),0,3 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle quick todo","Show Quick Todo"),
this, SLOT( toggleQuickTodo() ),0,4 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("toggle running todo","Hide not Running"),
this, SLOT( toggleRunning() ),0,5 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all open","Display all opened"),
this, SLOT( setAllOpen() ),0,6 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all close","Display all closed"),
this, SLOT( setAllClose() ),0,7 );
mPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n(" set all flat","Display all flat"),
this, SLOT( setAllFlat() ),0,8 );
mDocPrefs = new DocPrefs( name );
mItemPopupMenu->insertItem(i18n("Todo View"),mPopupMenu );
mPopupMenu->setCheckable( true );
mItemPopupMenu->setCheckable( true );
mPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 3,KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 33 , KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 34 , KOPrefs::instance()->mEnableQuickTodo );
mItemPopupMenu->setItemChecked( 35 , KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos );
// Double clicking conflicts with opening/closing the subtree
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( doubleClicked( QListViewItem *) ),
SLOT( editItem( QListViewItem *) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( rightButtonClicked ( QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &,int ) ),
SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( contextRequest ( QListViewItem *,
const QPoint &,int ) ),
SLOT( popupMenu( QListViewItem *, const QPoint & ,int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( double_Clicked( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemDoubleClicked( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ),
SLOT( updateView() ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( todoDropped( Todo *, int ) ),
SLOT( todoModified(Todo *, int) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( expanded( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( collapsed( QListViewItem * ) ),
SLOT( itemStateChanged( QListViewItem * ) ) );
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( paintNeeded() ),
SLOT( paintNeeded()) );
#if 0
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(clicked(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect(mTodoListView,SIGNAL(pressed(QListViewItem *)),
SLOT(selectionChanged(QListViewItem *)));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ), SIGNAL(reparentTodoSignal( Todo *,Todo * ) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(unparentTodoSignal(Todo *) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL( deleteTodo(Todo *) ), SIGNAL(deleteTodoSignal(Todo *) ));
connect( mTodoListView, SIGNAL(selectionChanged() ),
SLOT( processSelectionChange() ) );
connect( mQuickAdd, SIGNAL( returnPressed () ),
SLOT( addQuickTodo() ) );
delete mDocPrefs;
QString KOTodoView::getWhatsThisText(QPoint p)
KOTodoViewItem* item = ( KOTodoViewItem* ) mTodoListView->itemAt( p );
if ( item )
return KIncidenceFormatter::instance()->getFormattedText( item->todo() );
return i18n("That is the todo view" );
void KOTodoView::jumpToDate ()
// if (mActiveItem) {
// mActiveItem->todo());
// if ( mActiveItem->todo()->hasDueDate() )
// emit mActiveItem->todo()jumpToTime( mTodo->dtDue().date() );
void KOTodoView::paintNeeded()
if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
void KOTodoView::paintEvent(QPaintEvent * pevent)
if ( mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = false;
KOrg::BaseView::paintEvent( pevent);
void KOTodoView::updateView()
pendingSubtodo = 0;
if ( mBlockUpdate ) {
if ( !isVisible() ) {
mPendingUpdateBeforeRepaint = true;
//qDebug("KOTodoView::updateView() %x", this);
if ( isFlatDisplay ) {
//qDebug("update ");
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView()" << endl;
QFont fo = KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont;
if ( mName == "todolistsmall" ) {
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewUsesSmallFont ) {
int ps = fo.pointSize() -2;
if ( ps > 12 )
ps -= 2;
fo.setPointSize( ps );
mTodoListView->setFont( fo );
// QFontMetrics fm ( KOPrefs::instance()->mTodoViewFont );
QPtrList<Todo> todoList = calendar()->todos();
kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::updateView(): Todo List:" << endl;
Event *t;
for(t = todoList.first(); t; t = {
kdDebug() << " " << t->getSummary() << endl;
if (t->getRelatedTo()) {
kdDebug() << " (related to " << t->getRelatedTo()->getSummary() << ")" << endl;
QPtrList<Event> l = t->getRelations();
Event *c;
for(c=l.first();c; {
kdDebug() << " - relation: " << c->getSummary() << endl;
// Put for each Event a KOTodoViewItem in the list view. Don't rely on a
// specific order of events. That means that we have to generate parent items
// recursively for proper hierarchical display of Todos.
Todo *todo;
todo = todoList.first();// todo; todo = {
while ( todo ) {
bool next = true;
// qDebug("todo %s ", todo->summary().latin1());
Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo();
while ( incidence ) {
if ( incidence->type() == "Todo") {
//qDebug("related %s ",incidence->summary().latin1() );
if ( !(todoList.contains ( ((Todo* )incidence ) ) )) {
//qDebug("related not found ");
todoList.remove( );
todo = todoList.current();
next = false;
incidence = 0;
} else {
//qDebug("related found ");
incidence = incidence->relatedTo();
} else
incidence = 0;
if ( next )
todo =;
// qDebug("again .... ");
// for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = {
// qDebug("yytodo %s ", todo->summary().latin1());
// }
//qDebug("for ");
for(todo = todoList.first(); todo; todo = {
if (!mTodoMap.contains(todo) && checkTodo( todo ) )
//qDebug("for end ");
// Restore opened/closed state
mTodoListView->blockSignals( true );
if( mDocPrefs ) restoreItemState( mTodoListView->firstChild() );
mTodoListView->blockSignals( false );
bool KOTodoView::checkTodo( Todo * todo )
if ( !KOPrefs::instance()->mShowCompletedTodo && todo->isCompleted() )
return false;
+ if ( !todo->isCompleted() ) {
+ if ( todo->hasDueDate() && todo->dtDue().date() <= QDate::currentDate() )
+ return true;
+ }
if ( KOPrefs::instance()->mHideNonStartedTodos && mNavigator ) {
if ( todo->hasStartDate() )
if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().last() < todo->dtStart().date() )
return false;
if ( todo->hasDueDate() )
if ( mNavigator->selectedDates().first() > todo->dtDue().date() )
return false;
return true;
void KOTodoView::restoreItemState( QListViewItem *item )
pendingSubtodo = 0;
while( item ) {
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
todoItem->setOpen( mDocPrefs->readBoolEntry( todoItem->todo()->uid() ) );
if( item->childCount() > 0 ) restoreItemState( item->firstChild() );
item = item->nextSibling();
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator
KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(Todo *todo)
// kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::insertTodoItem(): " << todo->getSummary() << endl;
// TODO: Check, if dynmaic cast is necessary
pendingSubtodo = 0;
Incidence *incidence = todo->relatedTo();
if (incidence && incidence->type() == "Todo") {
Todo *relatedTodo = static_cast<Todo *>(incidence);
// kdDebug() << " has Related" << endl;
QMap<Todo *,KOTodoViewItem *>::ConstIterator itemIterator;
itemIterator = mTodoMap.find(relatedTodo);
if (itemIterator == mTodoMap.end()) {
// kdDebug() << " related not yet in list" << endl;
itemIterator = insertTodoItem (relatedTodo);
// isn't this pretty stupid? We give one Todo to the KOTodoViewItem
// and one into the map. Sure finding is more easy but why? -zecke
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(*itemIterator,todo,this);
return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem);
} else {
// kdDebug() << " no Related" << endl;
// see above -zecke
KOTodoViewItem *todoItem = new KOTodoViewItem(mTodoListView,todo,this);
return mTodoMap.insert(todo,todoItem);
void KOTodoView::updateConfig()
QPtrList<Incidence> KOTodoView::selectedIncidences()
QPtrList<Incidence> selected;
KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem());
// if (!item) item = mActiveItem;
if (item) selected.append(item->todo());
return selected;
QPtrList<Todo> KOTodoView::selectedTodos()
QPtrList<Todo> selected;
KOTodoViewItem *item = (KOTodoViewItem *)(mTodoListView->selectedItem());
// if (!item) item = mActiveItem;
if (item) selected.append(item->todo());
return selected;
void KOTodoView::changeEventDisplay(Event *, int)
void KOTodoView::showDates(const QDate &, const QDate &)
void KOTodoView::showEvents(QPtrList<Event>)
kdDebug() << "KOTodoView::selectEvents(): not yet implemented" << endl;
void KOTodoView::printPreview(CalPrinter *calPrinter, const QDate &fd,
const QDate &td)
calPrinter->preview(CalPrinter::Todolist, fd, td);
void KOTodoView::editItem(QListViewItem *item )
// qDebug("editItem(QListViewItem *item ) ");
emit editTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo());
void KOTodoView::showItem(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &,int)
emit showTodoSignal(((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->todo());
void KOTodoView::popupMenu(QListViewItem *item,const QPoint &p,int column)
pendingSubtodo = 0;
mActiveItem = (KOTodoViewItem *)item;
if (item) {
switch (column){
case 1:
mPriorityPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
case 2:
mPercentageCompletedPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
case 3:
case 8:
getCategoryPopupMenu((KOTodoViewItem *)item)->popup(QCursor::pos ()); break;
} else mPopupMenu->popup(QCursor::pos());
void KOTodoView::newTodo()
emit newTodoSignal();
void KOTodoView::newSubTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit newSubTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::unparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit unparentTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::reparentTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
qDebug("KOTodoView::reparentTodo() ");
topLevelWidget()->setCaption(i18n("Click on new parent item"));
pendingSubtodo = mActiveItem;
void KOTodoView::editTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit editTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cloneTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cloneTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::cancelTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit cancelTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::moveTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit moveTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::beamTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit beamTodoSignal((Incidence*)mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::showTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit showTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::deleteTodo()
if (mActiveItem) {
emit deleteTodoSignal(mActiveItem->todo());
void KOTodoView::setNewPriority(int index)
if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) {
todoModified (mActiveItem->todo(), KOGlobals::PRIORITY_MODIFIED);
mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 );
void KOTodoView::setNewPercentage(int index)
if (mActiveItem && !mActiveItem->todo()->isReadOnly ()) {
if ( mPercentage[index] == 100 && !mActiveItem->isOn() ) {
mActiveItem->setOn( true );
} else if ( mPercentage[index] != 100 && mActiveItem->isOn() ) {
KOTodoViewItem* par = (static_cast<KOTodoViewItem*>(mActiveItem->parent()));
if ( par && par->isOn() )
par->setOn( false );
if (mPercentage[index] == 100) {
} else {
todoModified (mActiveItem->todo (), KOGlobals::COMPLETION_MODIFIED);
mActiveItem->todo()->setRevision( mActiveItem->todo()->revision()+1 );
QPopupMenu * KOTodoView::getCategoryPopupMenu (KOTodoViewItem *todoItem)
QPopupMenu* tempMenu = new QPopupMenu (this);
QStringList checkedCategories = todoItem->todo()->categories ();
tempMenu->setCheckable (true);
for (QStringList::Iterator it = KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.begin ();
it != KOPrefs::instance()->mCustomCategories.end ();
++it) {
int index = tempMenu->insertItem (*it);
mCategory[index] = *it;
if (checkedCategories.find (*it) != checkedCategories.end ()) tempMenu->setItemChecked (index, true);