/*** MochiKit.Logging 1.5 See <http://mochikit.com/> for documentation, downloads, license, etc. (c) 2005 Bob Ippolito. All rights Reserved. ***/ MochiKit.Base._module('Logging', '1.5', ['Base']); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage */ MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage = function (num, level, info) { this.num = num; this.level = level; this.info = info; this.timestamp = new Date(); }; MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage.prototype = { /** @id MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage.prototype.repr */ repr: function () { var m = MochiKit.Base; return 'LogMessage(' + m.map( m.repr, [this.num, this.level, this.info] ).join(', ') + ')'; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage.prototype.toString */ toString: MochiKit.Base.forwardCall("repr") }; MochiKit.Base.update(MochiKit.Logging, { /** @id MochiKit.Logging.logLevelAtLeast */ logLevelAtLeast: function (minLevel) { var self = MochiKit.Logging; if (typeof(minLevel) == 'string') { minLevel = self.LogLevel[minLevel]; } return function (msg) { var msgLevel = msg.level; if (typeof(msgLevel) == 'string') { msgLevel = self.LogLevel[msgLevel]; } return msgLevel >= minLevel; }; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.isLogMessage */ isLogMessage: function (/* ... */) { var LogMessage = MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage; for (var i = 0; i < arguments.length; i++) { if (!(arguments[i] instanceof LogMessage)) { return false; } } return true; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.compareLogMessage */ compareLogMessage: function (a, b) { return MochiKit.Base.compare([a.level, a.info], [b.level, b.info]); }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.alertListener */ alertListener: function (msg) { alert( "num: " + msg.num + "\nlevel: " + msg.level + "\ninfo: " + msg.info.join(" ") ); } }); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger */ MochiKit.Logging.Logger = function (/* optional */maxSize) { this.counter = 0; if (typeof(maxSize) == 'undefined' || maxSize === null) { maxSize = -1; } this.maxSize = maxSize; this._messages = []; this.listeners = {}; this.useNativeConsole = false; }; MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype = { /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.clear */ clear: function () { this._messages.splice(0, this._messages.length); }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.logToConsole */ logToConsole: function (msg) { if (typeof(window) != "undefined" && window.console && window.console.log) { // Safari and FireBug 0.4 // Percent replacement is a workaround for cute Safari crashing bug window.console.log(msg.replace(/%/g, '\uFF05')); } else if (typeof(opera) != "undefined" && opera.postError) { // Opera opera.postError(msg); } else if (typeof(Debug) != "undefined" && Debug.writeln) { // IE Web Development Helper (?) // http://www.nikhilk.net/Entry.aspx?id=93 Debug.writeln(msg); } else if (typeof(debug) != "undefined" && debug.trace) { // Atlas framework (?) // http://www.nikhilk.net/Entry.aspx?id=93 debug.trace(msg); } }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.dispatchListeners */ dispatchListeners: function (msg) { for (var k in this.listeners) { var pair = this.listeners[k]; if (pair.ident != k || (pair[0] && !pair[0](msg))) { continue; } pair[1](msg); } }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.addListener */ addListener: function (ident, filter, listener) { if (typeof(filter) == 'string') { filter = MochiKit.Logging.logLevelAtLeast(filter); } var entry = [filter, listener]; entry.ident = ident; this.listeners[ident] = entry; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.removeListener */ removeListener: function (ident) { delete this.listeners[ident]; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.baseLog */ baseLog: function (level, message/*, ...*/) { if (typeof(level) == "number") { if (level >= MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel.FATAL) { level = 'FATAL'; } else if (level >= MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel.ERROR) { level = 'ERROR'; } else if (level >= MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel.WARNING) { level = 'WARNING'; } else if (level >= MochiKit.Logging.LogLevel.INFO) { level = 'INFO'; } else { level = 'DEBUG'; } } var msg = new MochiKit.Logging.LogMessage( this.counter, level, MochiKit.Base.extend(null, arguments, 1) ); this._messages.push(msg); this.dispatchListeners(msg); if (this.useNativeConsole) { this.logToConsole(msg.level + ": " + msg.info.join(" ")); } this.counter += 1; while (this.maxSize >= 0 && this._messages.length > this.maxSize) { this._messages.shift(); } }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.getMessages */ getMessages: function (howMany) { var firstMsg = 0; if (!(typeof(howMany) == 'undefined' || howMany === null)) { firstMsg = Math.max(0, this._messages.length - howMany); } return this._messages.slice(firstMsg); }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.getMessageText */ getMessageText: function (howMany) { if (typeof(howMany) == 'undefined' || howMany === null) { howMany = 30; } var messages = this.getMessages(howMany); if (messages.length) { var lst = map(function (m) { return '\n [' + m.num + '] ' + m.level + ': ' + m.info.join(' '); }, messages); lst.unshift('LAST ' + messages.length + ' MESSAGES:'); return lst.join(''); } return ''; }, /** @id MochiKit.Logging.Logger.prototype.debuggingBookmarklet */ debuggingBookmarklet: function (inline) { if (typeof(MochiKit.LoggingPane) == "undefined") { alert(this.getMessageText()); } else { MochiKit.LoggingPane.createLoggingPane(inline || false); } } }; MochiKit.Logging.__new__ = function () { this.LogLevel = { ERROR: 40, FATAL: 50, WARNING: 30, INFO: 20, DEBUG: 10 }; var m = MochiKit.Base; m.registerComparator("LogMessage", this.isLogMessage, this.compareLogMessage ); var partial = m.partial; var Logger = this.Logger; var baseLog = Logger.prototype.baseLog; m.update(this.Logger.prototype, { debug: partial(baseLog, 'DEBUG'), log: partial(baseLog, 'INFO'), error: partial(baseLog, 'ERROR'), fatal: partial(baseLog, 'FATAL'), warning: partial(baseLog, 'WARNING') }); // indirectly find logger so it can be replaced var self = this; var connectLog = function (name) { return function () { self.logger[name].apply(self.logger, arguments); }; }; /** @id MochiKit.Logging.log */ this.log = connectLog('log'); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.logError */ this.logError = connectLog('error'); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.logDebug */ this.logDebug = connectLog('debug'); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.logFatal */ this.logFatal = connectLog('fatal'); /** @id MochiKit.Logging.logWarning */ this.logWarning = connectLog('warning'); this.logger = new Logger(); this.logger.useNativeConsole = true; m.nameFunctions(this); }; MochiKit.Logging.__new__(); MochiKit.Base._exportSymbols(this, MochiKit.Logging);