/* Copyright 2008-2013 Clipperz Srl This file is part of Clipperz, the online password manager. For further information about its features and functionalities please refer to http://www.clipperz.com. * Clipperz is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. * Clipperz is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public License for more details. * You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License along with Clipperz. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/. */ Clipperz.YUI.MessageBox = function(){ var dlg, opt, mask; var bodyEl, msgEl, textboxEl, textareaEl, progressEl, pp; var buttons, activeTextEl, bwidth; var handleButton = function(button){ if(typeof opt.fn == 'function'){ if(opt.fn.call(opt.scope||window, button, activeTextEl.dom.value) !== false){ dlg.hide(); } }else{ dlg.hide(); } }; return { updateButtons: function(b){ var width = 0; if(!b){ buttons['ok'].hide(); buttons['cancel'].hide(); buttons['yes'].hide(); buttons['no'].hide(); return width; } for(var k in buttons){ if(typeof buttons[k] != 'function'){ if(b[k]){ buttons[k].show(); buttons[k].setText(typeof b[k] == 'string' ? b[k] : YAHOO.ext.MessageBox.buttonText[k]); width += buttons[k].el.getWidth()+15; }else{ buttons[k].hide(); } } } return width; }, getDialog : function(){ if(!dlg){ dlg = new YAHOO.ext.BasicDialog('mb-dlg', { autoCreate:true, shadow:true, draggable:true, resizable:false, constraintoviewport:true, fixedcenter:true, shim:true, modal:true, width:400, height:100, buttonAlign:'center', closeClick : function(){ if(opt && opt.buttons && opt.buttons.no && !opt.buttons.cancel){ handleButton('no'); }else{ handleButton('cancel'); } } }); dlg.closeClick = function(){ alert('wtf'); }; mask = dlg.mask; dlg.addKeyListener(27, dlg.hide, dlg); buttons = {}; buttons['ok'] = dlg.addButton(this.buttonText['ok'], handleButton.createCallback('ok')); buttons['yes'] = dlg.addButton(this.buttonText['yes'], handleButton.createCallback('yes')); buttons['no'] = dlg.addButton(this.buttonText['no'], handleButton.createCallback('no')); buttons['cancel'] = dlg.addButton(this.buttonText['cancel'], handleButton.createCallback('cancel')); bodyEl = dlg.body.createChild({ tag:'div', html:'<span class="ext-mb-text"></span><br /><input type="text" class="ext-mb-input"><textarea class="ext-mb-textarea"></textarea><div class="ext-mb-progress-wrap"><div class="ext-mb-progress"><div class="ext-mb-progress-bar"> </div></div></div>' }); msgEl = bodyEl.dom.firstChild; textboxEl = getEl(bodyEl.dom.childNodes[2]); textboxEl.enableDisplayMode(); textboxEl.addKeyListener([10,13], function(){ if(dlg.isVisible() && opt && opt.buttons){ if(opt.buttons.ok){ handleButton('ok'); }else if(opt.buttons.yes){ handleButton('yes'); } } }); textareaEl = getEl(bodyEl.dom.childNodes[3]); textareaEl.enableDisplayMode(); progressEl = getEl(bodyEl.dom.childNodes[4]); progressEl.enableDisplayMode(); pp = getEl(progressEl.dom.firstChild.firstChild); } return dlg; }, updateText : function(text){ if(!dlg.isVisible() && !opt.width){ dlg.resizeTo(this.maxWidth, 100); // resize first so content is never clipped from previous shows } msgEl.innerHTML = text; var w = Math.max(Math.min(opt.width || msgEl.offsetWidth, this.maxWidth), Math.max(opt.minWidth || this.minWidth, bwidth)); if(opt.prompt){ activeTextEl.setWidth(w); } dlg.setContentSize(w, bodyEl.getHeight()); }, updateProgress : function(value, text){ if(text){ this.updateText(text); } pp.setWidth(value*progressEl.dom.firstChild.offsetWidth); }, isVisible : function(){ return dlg && dlg.isVisible(); }, hide : function(){ if(this.isVisible()){ dlg.hide(); } }, show : function(options){ var d = this.getDialog(); opt = options; d.setTitle(opt.title || ' '); d.close.setDisplayed(opt.closable !== false); activeTextEl = textboxEl; opt.prompt = opt.prompt || (opt.multiline ? true : false) if(opt.prompt){ if(opt.multiline){ textboxEl.hide(); textareaEl.show(); textareaEl.setHeight(typeof opt.multiline == 'number' ? opt.multiline : this.defaultTextHeight); activeTextEl = textareaEl; }else{ textboxEl.show(); textareaEl.hide(); } }else{ textboxEl.hide(); textareaEl.hide(); } progressEl.setDisplayed(opt.progress === true); this.updateProgress(0); activeTextEl.dom.value = opt.value || ''; if(opt.prompt){ dlg.setDefaultButton(activeTextEl); }else{ var bs = opt.buttons; var db = null; if(bs && bs.ok){ db = buttons['ok']; }else if(bs && bs.yes){ db = buttons['yes']; } dlg.setDefaultButton(db); } bwidth = this.updateButtons(opt.buttons); this.updateText(opt.msg); d.modal = opt.modal !== false; d.mask = opt.modal !== false ? mask : false; d.animateTarget = null; d.show(options.animEl); }, progress : function(title, msg){ this.show({ title : title, msg : msg, buttons: false, progress:true, closable:false }); }, progressElement : function() { return progressEl; }, opt: function() { return opt; }, alert : function(title, msg, fn, scope){ this.show({ title : title, msg : msg, buttons: this.OK, fn: fn, scope : scope }); }, confirm : function(title, msg, fn, scope){ this.show({ title : title, msg : msg, buttons: this.YESNO, fn: fn, scope : scope }); }, prompt : function(title, msg, fn, scope, multiline){ this.show({ title : title, msg : msg, buttons: this.OKCANCEL, fn: fn, minWidth:250, scope : scope, prompt:true, multiline: multiline }); }, OK : {ok:true}, YESNO : {yes:true, no:true}, OKCANCEL : {ok:true, cancel:true}, YESNOCANCEL : {yes:true, no:true, cancel:true}, defaultTextHeight:75, maxWidth : 500, minWidth : 100, buttonText : { ok : 'OK', cancel : 'Cancel', yes : 'Yes', no : 'No' } }; }();