<?php class POG_Base { /** * Overloading */ function __call($method, $argv) { include_once($GLOBALS['configuration']['plugins_path']."/IPlugin.php"); include_once($GLOBALS['configuration']['plugins_path']."/plugin.".strtolower($method).".php"); eval('$plugin = new $method($this,$argv);'); return $plugin->Execute(); } /** * constructor * * @return POG_Base */ private function POG_Base() { } function SetFieldAttribute($fieldName, $attributeName, $attributeValue) { if (isset($this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName]) && isset($this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName][$attributeName])) { $this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName][$attributeName] = $attributeValue; } } function GetFieldAttribute($fieldName, $attributeName) { if (isset($this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName]) && isset($this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName][$attributeName])) { return $this->pog_attribute_type[$fieldName][$attributeName]; } return null; } /////////////////////////// // Data manipulation /////////////////////////// /** * This function will try to encode $text to base64, except when $text is a number. This allows us to Escape all data before they're inserted in the database, regardless of attribute type. * @param string $text * @return string encoded to base64 */ public function Escape($text) { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['db_encoding'] && !is_numeric($text)) { return base64_encode($text); } return addslashes($text); } /** * Enter description here... * * @param unknown_type $text * @return unknown */ public function Unescape($text) { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['db_encoding'] && !is_numeric($text)) { return base64_decode($text); } return stripcslashes($text); } //////////////////////////////// // Table -> Object Mapping //////////////////////////////// /** * Executes $query against database and returns the result set as an array of POG objects * * @param string $query. SQL query to execute against database * @param string $objectClass. POG Object type to return * @param bool $lazy. If true, will also load all children/sibling */ public function FetchObjects($query, $objectClass, $lazy = true) { $databaseConnection = Database::Connect(); $result = Database::Query($query, $databaseConnection); $objectList = $this->CreateObjects($result, $objectClass, $lazy); return $objectList; } private function CreateObjects($mysql_result, $objectClass, $lazyLoad = true) { $objectList = array(); while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($mysql_result)) { $pog_object = new $objectClass(); $this->PopulateObjectAttributes($row, $pog_object); $objectList[] = $pog_object; } return $objectList; } private function PopulateObjectAttributes($fetched_row, $pog_object) { foreach ($this->GetAttributes($pog_object) as $column) { $pog_object->{$column} = $this->Unescape($fetched_row[strtolower($column)]); } return $pog_object; } private function GetAttributes($object) { $columns = array(); foreach ($object->pog_attribute_type as $att => $properties) { if ($properties['db_attributes'][0] != 'OBJECT') { $columns[] = $att; } } return $columns; } //misc public static function IsColumn($value) { if (strlen($value) > 2) { if (substr($value, 0, 1) == '`' && substr($value, strlen($value) - 1, 1) == '`') { return true; } return false; } return false; } } ?>