From ef68436ac04da078ffdcacd7e1f785473a303d45 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Giulio Cesare Solaroli Date: Sun, 02 Oct 2011 23:56:18 +0000 Subject: First version of the newly restructured repository --- (limited to 'frontend/beta/js/YUI-extensions/grid/GridView.js') diff --git a/frontend/beta/js/YUI-extensions/grid/GridView.js b/frontend/beta/js/YUI-extensions/grid/GridView.js new file mode 100644 index 0000000..dbd47e3 --- a/dev/null +++ b/frontend/beta/js/YUI-extensions/grid/GridView.js @@ -0,0 +1,790 @@ +/** + * @class YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView + * Default UI code used internally by the Grid. This is the object returned by {@link YAHOO.ext.grid.Grid#getView}. + * @constructor + */ +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView = function(){ + this.grid = null; + this.lastFocusedRow = null; + this.onScroll = new YAHOO.util.CustomEvent('onscroll'); + this.adjustScrollTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(this._adjustForScroll, this); + this.ensureVisibleTask = new YAHOO.ext.util.DelayedTask(); +}; + +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype = { + init: function(grid){ + this.grid = grid; + }, + + fireScroll: function(scrollLeft, scrollTop){ + this.onScroll.fireDirect(this.grid, scrollLeft, scrollTop); + }, + + /** + * @private + * Utility method that gets an array of the cell renderers + */ + getColumnRenderers : function(){ + var renderers = []; + var cm = this.grid.colModel; + var colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + renderers.push(cm.getRenderer(i)); + } + return renderers; + }, + + buildIndexMap : function(){ + var colToData = {}; + var dataToCol = {}; + var cm = this.grid.colModel; + for(var i = 0, len = cm.getColumnCount(); i < len; i++){ + var di = cm.getDataIndex(i); + colToData[i] = di; + dataToCol[di] = i; + } + return {'colToData': colToData, 'dataToCol': dataToCol}; + }, + + getDataIndexes : function(){ + if(!this.indexMap){ + this.indexMap = this.buildIndexMap(); + } + return this.indexMap.colToData; + }, + + getColumnIndexByDataIndex : function(dataIndex){ + if(!this.indexMap){ + this.indexMap = this.buildIndexMap(); + } + return this.indexMap.dataToCol[dataIndex]; + }, + + updateHeaders : function(){ + var colModel = this.grid.colModel; + var hcells = this.headers; + var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + hcells[i].textNode.innerHTML = colModel.getColumnHeader(i); + } + }, + + adjustForScroll : function(disableDelay){ + if(!disableDelay){ + this.adjustScrollTask.delay(50); + }else{ + this._adjustForScroll(); + } + }, + + /** + * Returns the rowIndex/columnIndex of the cell found at the passed page coordinates + * @param {Number} x + * @param {Number} y + * @return {Array} [rowIndex, columnIndex] + */ + getCellAtPoint : function(x, y){ + var colIndex = null; + var rowIndex = null; + + // translate page coordinates to local coordinates + var xy = YAHOO.util.Dom.getXY(this.wrap); + x = (x - xy[0]) + this.wrap.scrollLeft; + y = (y - xy[1]) + this.wrap.scrollTop; + + var colModel = this.grid.colModel; + var pos = 0; + var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + if(colModel.isHidden(i)) continue; + var width = colModel.getColumnWidth(i); + if(x >= pos && x < pos+width){ + colIndex = i; + break; + } + pos += width; + } + if(colIndex != null){ + rowIndex = (y == 0 ? 0 : Math.floor(y / this.getRowHeight())); + if(rowIndex >= this.grid.dataModel.getRowCount()){ + return null; + } + return [colIndex, rowIndex]; + } + return null; + }, + + /** @private */ + _adjustForScroll : function(){ + this.forceScrollUpdate(); + if(this.scrollbarMode == YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_OVERLAP){ + var adjustment = 0; + if(this.wrap.clientWidth && this.wrap.clientWidth !== 0){ + adjustment = this.wrap.offsetWidth - this.wrap.clientWidth; + } + this.hwrap.setWidth(this.wrap.offsetWidth-adjustment); + }else{ + this.hwrap.setWidth(this.wrap.offsetWidth); + } + this.bwrap.setWidth(Math.max(this.grid.colModel.getTotalWidth(), this.wrap.clientWidth)); + }, + + /** + * Focuses the specified row. The preferred way to scroll to a row is {@link #ensureVisible}. + * @param {Number/HTMLElement} row The index of a row or the row itself + */ + focusRow : function(row){ + if(typeof row == 'number'){ + row = this.getBodyTable().childNodes[row]; + } + if(!row) return; + var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft; + try{ // try catch for IE occasional focus bug + row.childNodes.item(0).hideFocus = true; + row.childNodes.item(0).focus(); + }catch(e){} + this.ensureVisible(row); + this.wrap.scrollLeft = left; + this.handleScroll(); + this.lastFocusedRow = row; + }, + + /** + * Scrolls the specified row into view. This call is automatically buffered (delayed), to disable + * the delay, pass true for disableDelay. + * @param {Number/HTMLElement} row The index of a row or the row itself + * @param {Boolean} disableDelay + */ + ensureVisible : function(row, disableDelay){ + if(!disableDelay){ + this.ensureVisibleTask.delay(50, this._ensureVisible, this, [row]); + }else{ + this._ensureVisible(row); + } + }, + + /** @ignore */ + _ensureVisible : function(row){ + if(typeof row == 'number'){ + row = this.getBodyTable().childNodes[row]; + } + if(!row) return; + var left = this.wrap.scrollLeft; + var rowTop = parseInt(row.offsetTop, 10); // parseInt for safari bug + var rowBottom = rowTop + row.offsetHeight; + var clientTop = parseInt(this.wrap.scrollTop, 10); // parseInt for safari bug + var clientBottom = clientTop + this.wrap.clientHeight; + if(rowTop < clientTop){ + this.wrap.scrollTop = rowTop; + }else if(rowBottom > clientBottom){ + this.wrap.scrollTop = rowBottom-this.wrap.clientHeight; + } + this.wrap.scrollLeft = left; + this.handleScroll(); + }, + + updateColumns : function(){ + this.grid.stopEditing(); + var colModel = this.grid.colModel; + var hcols = this.headers; + var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); + var pos = 0; + var totalWidth = colModel.getTotalWidth(); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + if(colModel.isHidden(i)) continue; + var width = colModel.getColumnWidth(i); + hcols[i].style.width = width + 'px'; + hcols[i].style.left = pos + 'px'; + hcols[i] = (pos+width-3) + 'px'; + this.setCSSWidth(i, width, pos); + pos += width; + } + this.lastWidth = totalWidth; + if(this.grid.autoWidth){ + this.grid.container.setWidth(totalWidth+this.grid.container.getBorderWidth('lr')); + this.grid.autoSize(); + } + this.bwrap.setWidth(Math.max(totalWidth, this.wrap.clientWidth)); + if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isIE){ // fix scrolling prob in gecko and opera + this.wrap.scrollLeft = this.hwrap.dom.scrollLeft; + } + this.syncScroll(); + this.forceScrollUpdate(); + if(this.grid.autoHeight){ + this.autoHeight(); + this.updateWrapHeight(); + } + }, + + setCSSWidth : function(colIndex, width, pos){ + var selector = ["#" + + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'width', width + 'px'); + if(typeof pos == 'number'){ + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'left', pos + 'px'); + } + }, + + /** + * Set a css style for a column dynamically. + * @param {Number} colIndex The index of the column + * @param {String} name The css property name + * @param {String} value The css value + */ + setCSSStyle : function(colIndex, name, value){ + var selector = ["#" + + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, name, value); + }, + + handleHiddenChange : function(colModel, colIndex, hidden){ + if(hidden){ + this.hideColumn(colIndex); + }else{ + this.unhideColumn(colIndex); + } + this.updateColumns(); + }, + + hideColumn : function(colIndex){ + var selector = ["#" + + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'position', 'absolute'); + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'visibility', 'hidden'); + + this.headers[colIndex].style.display = 'none'; + this.headers[colIndex] = 'none'; + }, + + unhideColumn : function(colIndex){ + var selector = ["#" + + " .ygrid-col-" + colIndex, ".ygrid-col-" + colIndex]; + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'position', ''); + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.updateRule(selector, 'visibility', 'visible'); + + this.headers[colIndex].style.display = ''; + this.headers[colIndex] = ''; + }, + + getBodyTable : function(){ + return this.bwrap.dom; + }, + + updateRowIndexes : function(firstRow, lastRow){ + var stripeRows = this.grid.stripeRows; + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + var nodes = bt.childNodes; + firstRow = firstRow || 0; + lastRow = lastRow || nodes.length-1; + var re = /^(?:ygrid-row ygrid-row-alt|ygrid-row)/; + for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ + var node = nodes[rowIndex]; + if(stripeRows && (rowIndex+1) % 2 == 0){ + node.className = node.className.replace(re, 'ygrid-row ygrid-row-alt'); + }else{ + node.className = node.className.replace(re, 'ygrid-row'); + } + node.rowIndex = rowIndex; + nodes[rowIndex] = (rowIndex * this.rowHeight) + 'px'; + } + }, + + insertRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ + this.updateBodyHeight(); + this.adjustForScroll(true); + var renderers = this.getColumnRenderers(); + var dindexes = this.getDataIndexes(); + var colCount = this.grid.colModel.getColumnCount(); + var beforeRow = null; + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + if(firstRow < bt.childNodes.length){ + beforeRow = bt.childNodes[firstRow]; + } + for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ + var row = document.createElement('span'); + row.className = 'ygrid-row'; + = (rowIndex * this.rowHeight) + 'px'; + this.renderRow(dataModel, row, rowIndex, colCount, renderers, dindexes); + if(beforeRow){ + bt.insertBefore(row, beforeRow); + }else{ + bt.appendChild(row); + } + } + this.updateRowIndexes(firstRow); + this.adjustForScroll(true); + }, + + renderRow : function(dataModel, row, rowIndex, colCount, renderers, dindexes){ + for(var colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++){ + var td = document.createElement('span'); + td.className = 'ygrid-col ygrid-col-' + colIndex + (colIndex == colCount-1 ? ' ygrid-col-last' : ''); + td.columnIndex = colIndex; + td.tabIndex = 0; + var span = document.createElement('span'); + span.className = 'ygrid-cell-text'; + td.appendChild(span); + var val = renderers[colIndex](dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dindexes[colIndex]), rowIndex, colIndex, td, dataModel); + if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; + span.innerHTML = val; + row.appendChild(td); + } + }, + + deleteRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ + this.updateBodyHeight(); + // first make sure they are deselected + this.grid.selModel.deselectRange(firstRow, lastRow); + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + var rows = []; // get references because the rowIndex will change + for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ + rows.push(bt.childNodes[rowIndex]); + } + for(var i = 0; i < rows.length; i++){ + bt.removeChild(rows[i]); + rows[i] = null; + } + rows = null; + this.updateRowIndexes(firstRow); + this.adjustForScroll(); + }, + + updateRows : function(dataModel, firstRow, lastRow){ + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + var dindexes = this.getDataIndexes(); + var renderers = this.getColumnRenderers(); + var colCount = this.grid.colModel.getColumnCount(); + for(var rowIndex = firstRow; rowIndex <= lastRow; rowIndex++){ + var row = bt.rows[rowIndex]; + var cells = row.childNodes; + for(var colIndex = 0; colIndex < colCount; colIndex++){ + var td = cells[colIndex]; + var val = renderers[colIndex](dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dindexes[colIndex]), rowIndex, colIndex, td, dataModel); + if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; + td.firstChild.innerHTML = val; + } + } + }, + + handleSort : function(dataModel, sortColumnIndex, sortDir, noRefresh){ + var selectedRows; + this.grid.selModel.syncSelectionsToIds(); + if(!noRefresh){ + this.updateRows(dataModel, 0, dataModel.getRowCount()-1); + } + this.updateHeaderSortState(); + selectedRows = this.grid.selModel.getSelectedRows(); + if (selectedRows.length > 0) { + this.focusRow(selectedRows[0]); + } + }, + + syncScroll : function(){ + this.hwrap.dom.scrollLeft = this.wrap.scrollLeft; + }, + + handleScroll : function(){ + this.syncScroll(); + this.fireScroll(this.wrap.scrollLeft, this.wrap.scrollTop); + this.grid.fireEvent('bodyscroll', this.wrap.scrollLeft, this.wrap.scrollTop); + }, + + getRowHeight : function(){ + if(!this.rowHeight){ + var rule = YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.getRule(["#" + + " .ygrid-row", ".ygrid-row"]); + if(rule &&{ + this.rowHeight = parseInt(, 10); + }else{ + this.rowHeight = 21; + } + } + return this.rowHeight; + }, + + renderRows : function(dataModel){ + this.grid.stopEditing(); + if(this.grid.selModel){ + this.grid.selModel.clearSelections(); + } + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + bt.innerHTML = ''; + this.rowHeight = this.getRowHeight(); + this.insertRows(dataModel, 0, dataModel.getRowCount()-1); + }, + + updateCell : function(dataModel, rowIndex, dataIndex){ + var colIndex = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(dataIndex); + if(typeof colIndex == 'undefined'){ // not present in grid + return; + } + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + var row = bt.childNodes[rowIndex]; + var cell = row.childNodes[colIndex]; + var renderer = this.grid.colModel.getRenderer(colIndex); + var val = renderer(dataModel.getValueAt(rowIndex, dataIndex), rowIndex, colIndex, cell, dataModel); + if(typeof val == 'undefined' || val === '') val = ' '; + cell.firstChild.innerHTML = val; + }, + + calcColumnWidth : function(colIndex, maxRowsToMeasure){ + var maxWidth = 0; + var bt = this.getBodyTable(); + var rows = bt.childNodes; + var stopIndex = Math.min(maxRowsToMeasure || rows.length, rows.length); + if(this.grid.autoSizeHeaders){ + var h = this.headers[colIndex]; + var curWidth =; + = this.grid.minColumnWidth+'px'; + maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, h.scrollWidth); + = curWidth; + } + for(var i = 0; i < stopIndex; i++){ + var cell = rows[i].childNodes[colIndex].firstChild; + maxWidth = Math.max(maxWidth, cell.scrollWidth); + } + return maxWidth + /*margin for error in IE*/ 5; + }, + + /** + * Autofit a column to it's content. + * @param {Number} colIndex + * @param {Boolean} forceMinSize true to force the column to go smaller if possible + */ + autoSizeColumn : function(colIndex, forceMinSize){ + if(forceMinSize){ + this.setCSSWidth(colIndex, this.grid.minColumnWidth); + } + var newWidth = this.calcColumnWidth(colIndex); + this.grid.colModel.setColumnWidth(colIndex, + Math.max(this.grid.minColumnWidth, newWidth)); + this.grid.fireEvent('columnresize', colIndex, newWidth); + }, + + /** + * Autofits all columns to their content and then expands to fit any extra space in the grid + */ + autoSizeColumns : function(){ + var colModel = this.grid.colModel; + var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); + var wrap = this.wrap; + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + this.setCSSWidth(i, this.grid.minColumnWidth); + colModel.setColumnWidth(i, this.calcColumnWidth(i, this.grid.maxRowsToMeasure), true); + } + if(colModel.getTotalWidth() < wrap.clientWidth){ + var diff = Math.floor((wrap.clientWidth - colModel.getTotalWidth()) / colCount); + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + colModel.setColumnWidth(i, colModel.getColumnWidth(i) + diff, true); + } + } + this.updateColumns(); + }, + + /** + * Autofits all columns to the grid's width proportionate with their current size + */ + fitColumns : function(){ + var cm = this.grid.colModel; + var colCount = cm.getColumnCount(); + var cols = []; + var width = 0; + var i, w; + for (i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + if(!cm.isHidden(i) && !cm.isFixed(i)){ + w = cm.getColumnWidth(i); + cols.push(i); + cols.push(w); + width += w; + } + } + var frac = (this.wrap.clientWidth - cm.getTotalWidth())/width; + while (cols.length){ + w = cols.pop(); + i = cols.pop(); + cm.setColumnWidth(i, Math.floor(w + w*frac), true); + } + this.updateColumns(); + }, + + onWindowResize : function(){ + if(this.grid.monitorWindowResize){ + this.adjustForScroll(); + this.updateWrapHeight(); + this.adjustForScroll(); + } + }, + + updateWrapHeight : function(){ + this.grid.container.beginMeasure(); + this.autoHeight(); + var box = this.grid.container.getSize(true); + this.wrapEl.setHeight(box.height-this.footerHeight-parseInt(this.wrap.offsetTop, 10)); + this.pwrap.setSize(box.width, box.height); + this.grid.container.endMeasure(); + }, + + forceScrollUpdate : function(){ + var wrap = this.wrapEl; + wrap.setWidth(wrap.getWidth(true)); + setTimeout(function(){ // set timeout so FireFox works + wrap.setWidth(''); + }, 1); + }, + + updateHeaderSortState : function(){ + var state = this.grid.dataModel.getSortState(); + if(!state || typeof state.column == 'undefined') return; + var sortColumn = this.getColumnIndexByDataIndex(state.column); + var sortDir = state.direction; + for(var i = 0, len = this.headers.length; i < len; i++){ + var h = this.headers[i]; + if(i != sortColumn){ + = 'none'; + = 'none'; + YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(h, 'ygrid-sort-col'); + }else{ + = sortDir == 'DESC' ? 'block' : 'none'; + = sortDir == 'ASC' ? 'block' : 'none'; + YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(h, 'ygrid-sort-col'); + } + } + }, + + unplugDataModel : function(dm){ + dm.removeListener('cellupdated', this.updateCell, this); + dm.removeListener('datachanged', this.renderRows, this); + dm.removeListener('rowsdeleted', this.deleteRows, this); + dm.removeListener('rowsinserted', this.insertRows, this); + dm.removeListener('rowsupdated', this.updateRows, this); + dm.removeListener('rowssorted', this.handleSort, this); + }, + + plugDataModel : function(dm){ + dm.on('cellupdated', this.updateCell, this, true); + dm.on('datachanged', this.renderRows, this, true); + dm.on('rowsdeleted', this.deleteRows, this, true); + dm.on('rowsinserted', this.insertRows, this, true); + dm.on('rowsupdated', this.updateRows, this, true); + dm.on('rowssorted', this.handleSort, this, true); + }, + + destroy : function(){ + this.unplugDataModel(this.grid.dataModel); + var sp = this.splitters; + if(sp){ + for(var i in sp){ + if(sp[i] && typeof sp[i] != 'function'){ + sp[i].destroy(true); + } + } + } + }, + + render : function(){ + var grid = this.grid; + var container = grid.container.dom; + var dataModel = grid.dataModel; + this.plugDataModel(dataModel); + + var colModel = grid.colModel; + colModel.onWidthChange.subscribe(this.updateColumns, this, true); + colModel.onHeaderChange.subscribe(this.updateHeaders, this, true); + colModel.onHiddenChange.subscribe(this.handleHiddenChange, this, true); + + if(grid.monitorWindowResize === true){ + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.onWindowResize(this.onWindowResize, this, true); + } + var autoSizeDelegate = this.autoSizeColumn.createDelegate(this); + + var colCount = colModel.getColumnCount(); + + var dh = YAHOO.ext.DomHelper; + this.pwrap = dh.append(container, + {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-positioner', + style: 'position:relative;width:100%;height:100%;left:0;top:0;overflow:hidden;'}, true); + var pos = this.pwrap.dom; + + //create wrapper elements that handle offsets and scrolling + var wrap = dh.append(pos, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap'}); + this.wrap = wrap; + this.wrapEl = getEl(wrap, true); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(wrap, 'scroll', this.handleScroll, this, true); + + var hwrap = dh.append(pos, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap-headers'}); + this.hwrap = getEl(hwrap, true); + + var bwrap = dh.append(wrap, {tag: 'div', cls: 'ygrid-wrap-body', id: + '-body'}); + this.bwrap = getEl(bwrap, true); + this.bwrap.setWidth(colModel.getTotalWidth()); + bwrap.rows = bwrap.childNodes; + + this.footerHeight = 0; + var foot = this.appendFooter(this.pwrap.dom); + if(foot){ + this.footer = getEl(foot, true); + this.footerHeight = this.footer.getHeight(); + } + this.updateWrapHeight(); + + var hrow = dh.append(hwrap, {tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hrow'}); + this.hrow = hrow; + + if(!YAHOO.ext.util.Browser.isGecko){ + // IE doesn't like iframes, we will leave this alone + var iframe = document.createElement('iframe'); + iframe.className = 'ygrid-hrow-frame'; + iframe.frameBorder = 0; + iframe.src = YAHOO.ext.SSL_SECURE_URL; + hwrap.appendChild(iframe); + } + this.headerCtrl = new YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController(this.grid); + this.headers = []; + this.cols = []; + this.splitters = []; + + var htemplate = dh.createTemplate({ + tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hd ygrid-header-{0}', children: [{ + tag: 'span', + cls: 'ygrid-hd-body', + html: '' + + '' + + '' + + '
' + }] + }); + htemplate.compile(); + + var ruleBuf = []; + + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + var hd = htemplate.append(hrow, [i, colModel.getColumnHeader(i), colModel.getColumnTooltip(i) || '']); + var spans = hd.getElementsByTagName('span'); + hd.textNode = spans[1]; + hd.sortDesc = spans[2]; + hd.sortAsc = spans[3]; + hd.columnIndex = i; + this.headers.push(hd); + if(colModel.isSortable(i)){ + this.headerCtrl.register(hd); + } + var split = dh.append(hrow, {tag: 'span', cls: 'ygrid-hd-split'}); + hd.split = split; + + if(colModel.isResizable(i) && !colModel.isFixed(i)){ + YAHOO.util.Event.on(split, 'dblclick', autoSizeDelegate.createCallback(i+0, true)); + var sb = new YAHOO.ext.SplitBar(split, hd, null, YAHOO.ext.SplitBar.LEFT); + sb.columnIndex = i; + sb.minSize = grid.minColumnWidth; + sb.onMoved.subscribe(this.onColumnSplitterMoved, this, true); + YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(sb.proxy, 'ygrid-column-sizer'); + YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(sb.proxy, 'background-color', ''); + sb.dd._resizeProxy = function(){ + var el = this.getDragEl(); + YAHOO.util.Dom.setStyle(el, 'height', (hwrap.clientHeight+wrap.clientHeight-2) +'px'); + }; + this.splitters[i] = sb; + }else{ + = 'default'; + } + ruleBuf.push('#',, ' .ygrid-col-', i, ' {\n}\n'); + } + + YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.createStyleSheet(ruleBuf.join('')); + + if(grid.autoSizeColumns){ + this.renderRows(dataModel); + this.autoSizeColumns(); + }else{ + this.updateColumns(); + this.renderRows(dataModel); + } + + for(var i = 0; i < colCount; i++){ + if(colModel.isHidden(i)){ + this.hideColumn(i); + } + } + this.updateHeaderSortState(); + return this.bwrap; + }, + + onColumnSplitterMoved : function(splitter, newSize){ + this.grid.colModel.setColumnWidth(splitter.columnIndex, newSize); + this.grid.fireEvent('columnresize', splitter.columnIndex, newSize); + }, + + appendFooter : function(parentEl){ + return null; + }, + + autoHeight : function(){ + if(this.grid.autoHeight){ + var h = this.getBodyHeight(); + var c = this.grid.container; + var total = h + (parseInt(this.wrap.offsetTop, 10)||0) + + this.footerHeight + c.getBorderWidth('tb') + c.getPadding('tb') + + (this.wrap.offsetHeight - this.wrap.clientHeight); + c.setHeight(total); + + } + }, + + getBodyHeight : function(){ + return this.grid.dataModel.getRowCount() * this.getRowHeight();; + }, + + updateBodyHeight : function(){ + this.getBodyTable().style.height = this.getBodyHeight() + 'px'; + if(this.grid.autoHeight){ + this.autoHeight(); + this.updateWrapHeight(); + } + } +}; +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_UNDER = 0; +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_OVERLAP = 1; +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.scrollbarMode = YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.SCROLLBARS_UNDER; + +YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.fitColumnsToContainer = YAHOO.ext.grid.GridView.prototype.fitColumns; + +YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController = function(grid){ + this.grid = grid; + this.headers = []; +}; + +YAHOO.ext.grid.HeaderController.prototype = { + register : function(header){ + this.headers.push(header); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'selectstart', this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mousedown', this.cancelTextSelection, this, true); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mouseover', this.headerOver, this, true); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'mouseout', this.headerOut, this, true); + YAHOO.ext.EventManager.on(header, 'click', this.headerClick, this, true); + }, + + headerClick : function(e){ + var grid = this.grid, cm = grid.colModel, dm = grid.dataModel; + grid.stopEditing(); + var header = grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); + var state = dm.getSortState(); + var direction = header.sortDir || 'ASC'; + if(typeof state.column != 'undefined' && + grid.getView().getColumnIndexByDataIndex(state.column) == header.columnIndex){ + direction = (state.direction == 'ASC' ? 'DESC' : 'ASC'); + } + header.sortDir = direction; + dm.sort(cm, cm.getDataIndex(header.columnIndex), direction); + }, + + headerOver : function(e){ + var header = this.grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); + YAHOO.util.Dom.addClass(header, 'ygrid-hd-over'); + //YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.applyFirst(header,, '.ygrid-hd-over'); + }, + + headerOut : function(e){ + var header = this.grid.getHeaderFromChild(e.getTarget()); + YAHOO.util.Dom.removeClass(header, 'ygrid-hd-over'); + //YAHOO.ext.util.CSS.revertFirst(header,, '.ygrid-hd-over'); + }, + + cancelTextSelection : function(e){ + e.preventDefault(); + } +}; \ No newline at end of file -- cgit v0.9.0.2